Lily's PoV

Somewhere in Europe---

Lily has been staying in Europe with 'her' children, although, ever since Santiago left, she felt a void in her heart she couldn't handle, thankfully her children were there.

Along the way four more kids had been added to her 'children' Nora, Mary, Beau and Malcom.

She loves them very much, yes... but she wishes to be with Santiago more than anything, be there for him, clean him when he takes showers, feed him, change his clothes... mostly his underwears, she wants to be with him and every since they separated, her hunger has returned.

Her' kids can only do so much to calm her raging heart demanding Santiago, the only thing keeping her sane is the shirt Santiago had left, even after a year they've met, the smell of Santiago still lingers in the piece of fabric.

One day she almost killed Julian for throwing away the shirt. She threw him around the house yelling at him, a stake in her hands as she tried to kill him however, 'her' kids stopped her because even though Julian is no longer Lilian's lover, the heretics still care somewhat for him except Valerie.

For some reason, Valerie kept distance from Julian and glared hatefully at him.

Lily searched and searched everywhere to no vail. The piece of fabric was gone, since that day she glare murderously at Julian, who only tried to calm her down by giving her a new shirt, this only enraged Lily and threw him out of the house, she saw how pathetically Julian begged her to reconsider but in Lily's eyes she only saw a wuss.

Julian was not like Santiago, Santiago was a man Julian was a coward.

That day she threw Julian away, Julian tried to gain favor with 'her' kids and only Malcom went along with him.

The other five stayed, Julian left with a grudge that day and never came back home whilst Lily has been killing people, hundreds if not thousands already, her humanity slowly phasing away. until today.

Today, she had received good news, Guissepue was dead.

She was happy, she also found out her sons had disappeared but she had an inkling idea that they have been turned, but a picture on the newspaper caught her attention.

It was something, no, someone. She rapidly brought the paper nearer to her eyes and then went wide eye.

"SANTIAGO!!!" She beamed from her seat, she started squaling and laughing happily.

"What's wrong, Lily?" came her children rushing hearing her scream.

"Nothing, kids. It's just" she started shaking in excitement "I found Santiago, I finally found him" she finished starting to tear up.

"I-I've missed him so much" she broke hugging the news paper picture.

Her kids smiled seeing their mother figure finally happy.

"I have to send him a letter" she said hurriedly as she looked for a pen and a piece of paper.

She wrote her letter fast and the heretics left her with a smile seeing her so happy for once.

"Hehehe, Santiago. I missed sucki- no... no... I shouldn't start with that" Lily berated herself for thinking dirty but then again, she became Santiago dirty woman when she spent a week with him, if it was someone else it would have taken a long time before they did the deed but with Santiago everything around her was colorful and she was happy around him, she is so happy that she turned him that day.

After writing the letter she went to her bathroom with the piece of paper with only Santiago frame, once inside, she started to work herself, outside the door moans could be heard along with "Santigo" "Santiago" "Mark Me" "Yes".

Coincidentilly Nora and Mary Louis happened to enter her room to see how she was doing only to hear Lily moaning and chanting santiago's name.

Both girls cheeks went red "Oh my god!" whispered Nora surprised.

Mary Louis had a little smirk on her face as she looked at Nora "She moans more then you Nora" she said.

"Maybe because she is having more fun then me"Nora shots back only to make Mary Louis annoyed and left the room.

Nora stayed until Lily came out as she wanted to speak with her but she ended uo waiting for a couple hours before Emily came out with her hair wet since she had just taken a shower.

"Lily... I was wondering, what were your plans now?" asked Nora seeing Lily coming out.

Lily stopped, surprised seeing Nora inside and the opened her eyes in shock "H-how long were youin here for?" asked Lily flushing nervously.

"Me and Mary Louis didn't hear anything... but who is Santiago" started Nora to Lily's relief only to blush fiercely at the last part.

"He.. uhm he is my..." Lily paused for a second wondering how they are going to react if she mentions Santiago as her lover but she steeled herself and said "Santiago is my lover"

Nora was surprised, she as well as the rest came with the conclusion that Lily had someone she loved and this conclusion was made clear when they saw Lily today happy about this Santiago.

Nora nodded acepting Lily's answer and Lily said "Let's gather everyone together, I have news for you all"

Nora stood up and went outside and gathered everybody while Lily gets ready.

Once they were all together, Lily aproached them, they all wearing different expression, cofused and concern.

Lily smiled at them reassuring them everything is okay "I know this is sudden and that some of you have been with me for only a year or so but I want you to know that I see you all as my children... however... About a year ago, I met this man, he was younger than me but I fell in love with him" Lily lowered her head in sadness "I fell in love while I was still with Julian, I betrayed him but I c-couldn't stop this feeling inside me wanting me to stay by his side"

She stopped for a second, only Mary louise having a small frowned as she didn't like that Lily cheated on Julian but it didn't affect her much, the others just smiled kindly at her since they understood, when love happens, you can't stop, they had all experience love so they knew how Lily felt for this man who made her fall deep for him.

"Was it when we were in Mystic Falls?" asked Oscar, one of the heretics, he was short and on the chubby side with asian features.

"Yes" answered Lily truthfully with a dreamy face as she remembers her time with Santiago.

"If you love this man, you ca 't let him go. You must follow your heart" Said Beau with a very smooth, encouragative voice. Beau is a tall dark skin man, who loves to sing.

"Yes, you have to follow you heart and be happy" Agreed Valerie with an emotional voice. Valerie is an attractive young woman with blue eyes and long, blonde brown hair.

"I-I still can't believe you did that while being with Julian" said Mary Louise with a dejected expression, she wants to be with Lily but now she feels uncertain but she will follow Nora wherever. Mary Louise is also an attractive young woman who has medium length, blonde hair. She also has green eyes and a pale complexion.

"I don't care whether you cheated on Julian or not, I'll be honest, that man made feel nerveous sometimes but I will follow you wherever you go Lily, you saved us and cared for us, something nobody did until you came around... we have a big happy family here so whatever you choose, we support you" confessed Nora, Nora Hildegard is a gorgeous young woman with dark, medium length wavy brown hair and hazel eyes.

The rest just nodded understanding and agreeing with Nora.

"Thank you!" said Lily a bit emotional, truth be told she was ready to leave even if her kids hated her, it wouldn't have been the first time anyways, she thought, but she is glad that they understood, she is happy.

"I want to go and see him!" said Lily excited "I want to be with him... forever" she admited with a small blush.

"I also want to see the world... now you have given me the gift of Inmortality I have a lot of time" Said Oscar.

"I would like to be a muscian and learn many languages to sing in other languages~" sang Beau.

"I- want to look for someone" said Valerie with a small smile.

" I want to be wherever Nora goes" Said Mary Louise happily

Nora rolled her eyes "I want to go with you Lily, U want to see this love that made you like this!" said Nora excited.

Lily covered her mouth and tears ran down "Girls, boys... I understand! Go! follow your dreams but if you go down the bad path, you better be ready to be hunted down by me and be taught a lesson" Said Lily.

The ones leaving gave her a hug and left with happy smiles, they will meet one day, she hoped. Somehow she has no problems of letting her children go, if it was her before she met Santiago, she wouldn't bat an eye to die for them but now... now she doubted she would have the strength as long as Santiago is there for her, she will never be unhappy.

"Well then. Let's get ready girls!" Lily clapped her hands and gathered their things.

"Where are we going?" asked Mary Louise

"Mystic Falls" answered Lily with a smile that touched Mary Louise's heart, Mary is also curious as to what love would make Lily act this way, soon she'll find out.


(Thanks for reading bros!!)