chapter one

My emerald green eyes came wide open, I saw

myself asI rose up from my bed to face the mirror

directly opposie it. I turned to my alarm clock

which read exactly 6:30 AM. I had woken up before

it rang again.

This was becoming a daily habit as I woke up

before the alarm which was scheduled to go off at

7:00. 1 jolted off the bed and shivered a little as the

cold tiles came in contact with my bare feet. I then

immediately walked over to my slippers and put

them on before heading out of my room.

"Mum, dad?", I called out after peeping into my

parent's room and realizing they weren't there,

"dad?" I called again a little louder this time but

there was still no response.

"Donald?", I called after coming out of my twin

1:05 P O

brother's room and noticing he was also not there.

"This is strange, where did everybody go by six in

the morning", I thought loudly as I quickly

descended the stairs and headed towards my elder

siblings room.

I decided to check my elder brother; Richard's

room first. I opened the door slowly as it made a

slight creaking noise and I peeked inside only to

find nothing but scattered clothes, untidied bed

and other messy things all around the place. It was

a typical teenage boy room.

"Richard!!?", I yelled twice as I came out of the

room butI still received no reply. I now headed to

my eldest sister's; Elizabeth's room, I opened the

door slowly like I did to my eighteen years old


Panick and fear were beginning to touch my

feautures as I came out of my empty sister's room.

This was just to seven and nobody was in the


Where could everybody have gone by this time

kept thinking until was snapped out of my trance

by a loud clatter which seemed to have come from

the kitchen.

Iheaded towards the kitchen hoping to find my

family in it but on reaching my destination, my

eyes widened in shock as I saw the view in front of

me, my mum was lying lifefelessly on the kitchen

floor near a large growing puddle of a red liquid;


"Mum?" Iforced out as my voice quivered in fear,

"dad?" I whimpered with tears rolling down my

cheecks when I saw him laying next to my mum

with three people which seemed to be Donald,

Richard and Elizabeth kneeling over him.

At first I thought they were moaning over my

parent's body not until I got closer and got the

shock of my life; my siblings were literally eating

my parents and the moans were not moan of

sadness but sounded more like moans of hunger.

They had long claws in which they all used to tear

my parents flesh and sharp teeth in which they

used to chew the raw human flesh.

"What the hell is wrong with you guys!?" I yelled as

tears flowed freely down my cheecks then the

three of them's head snapped towards my

direction. With a sickning look in their eyes they all

stood up in total uniform including my dead

parents and they all started walking towards me.

"Uhm guys?" I whimpered in fear as they all

stargard towards my body which was now

instinctively moving backward until I hit the wall. A

quiet shriek escaped my mouth as I had nowhere

to go and they were gaining on me.

"Alright guys, if this is a joke or something you can

stop it now cause l'm really freaking out"T

screamed as they were getting closer and seemed

not to bejoking.

They were now directly in front of me and they

were all opening their mouth in an attempt to bite

through my flesh and as my dad did, I screamed

very loudly and my alarm clock rang.

limmediatly sat up on my bed and checked my

hand in which my dad had bitten me, there was

nothing there.


"It was alla dream" I said gladly, heaving a sigh of

relieve.I stretched my hand to switch off my alarm

clock which was still buzzing loudly. After doing

that I face my mirror and realized my long brown

hair which I knotted into a bun was a total mess. I

must have been rolling in my bed.

I swiftly turned to my right hand side and got off

the bed and as my feet came down on the tiles,

shivered a little due to it's coldness.

Deja reve.

As the thought of that came to my mind, I quickly

dashed out of my room not even bothering to put

on my slippers and ran to my parent's room.

I started breathing heavily as I was panicking and

freaking out, 'what if my dream was coming to

pass, what if my whole family had turned into

monsters that were going to eat me' these

thoughts ran through my mind asI realized my

parent's room was empty.

Iquickly closed the door and dashed towards

Donald's room but unlike my dream, he was in his

room and Elizabeth wasn't living with us, she was

already in college in another town.

"Can't you knock" Donald demanded

"Where is mum and dad" I asked totally ignoring

the request of my twin brother who quickly used

his bed sheet to cover his body, he was wearing

just a pair of boxers.

"They are out of the country" he replied like it was

the most obviuos thing in the world, "what


"I totally forgot they were travelling today and

had this weird dream where --" I was about to

narrate my whole dream to my twin brother when

got interrupted by the door of his room coming

wide open with a loud bang following it as it the


A head poked inside which was Richard's but he

couldn't see me as his whole body was not inside

the room.

"Hey donny, have you seen Ella?,I checked her

room and she was not ther--" he was saying before

Donald cut him off.

"Why dosen't anyone respect my privacy in this

house,I could have been naked for christ sake"

Donald blurted out because his elder brother

didn't knock.

"Over here" I said calling Richard's attention by

waving my left hand in the air.

"Oh, there you are Richard who was still standing

at the door said before coming in fully as we both

ignored my twin brother.

"Uuhgguh" Donald mouthed.

"Well then, breakfast is ready" he informed us.

"You made breakfast?. Yuck." Donald said sticking

out his tongue in disgust at the thought of Richard

making breakfast. Richard was actually very

terrible in cooking. "You better go and wake that

sleepyhead friend of your--" Donald was saying

before getting interrupted by his door swinging8

open and a loud bang following it as it hit the wall

once again.

"l'm already awake dumbass" my blond, blunt

best friend Lisa came into view as she entered the

room. She slept in our guest room because her

parents had also travelled with mine. We've been

friends since we were three years old and we knew

each other very wel.

She was very blunt to the extent that she would

abuse anyone that messed with me or her and I

mean anyone, she might even get physical


Our parents were very close so she had come to

sleep over countless times and since her elder

brother and sister were also in the same college

with Elizabeth [in another town], she would have

been alone at home so she decided to come and

sleep over.

"Seems like the words 'privacy and respect'

dosen't exist anymore" Donald complained,

sarcasm dripping in his voice.

"Oh, they do but you just don't deserve any of the

two. Idiot." Lisa mocked, seeming to know the

reasons why he said that.

Lisa and Donald never got along since I have

known both of them. They always acted like Tom

And jerry with Lisa being the mouse and Donald

Being the cat.

All of us exited Donald's room except Donlad who

stayed behind supposedly to get prepared.

"Did Richard prepare breakfast?"" Lisa asked as the

dining table which was full of burnt food came into


"yup" I answered simply

"Seems like l'm skipping breakfast then'" Lisa

replied walking pass the dining and heading to the

living room. She also knew how terrible Richard

was at cooking.

"Oc'mon, Ella, am I that bad in cooking?" Richard

asked me giving me the puppy dog eyes which

were so cute on him because of the sparkling

green eyes he shared with me.

"No, no. You are not-" I was about to lie to him

when I got cut off by Lisa who was now in the living


"Yes, yes you are'" she blurted, "no offence but

infact you are not bad, you are terrible, very very

terrible'" she spoke again.

"You are the worst, man" Donald, my seventeen

year old twin brother said while walking down the


He was now wearing a blue top and black jean

trousers with a black leather jacket in his left hand.

He walked over to the table to join Richard and I,

on getting to the table, he took a sit in his favourite

spot and joind us in eating

"I'm going up to take my bath" Lisa informed us,

"unlike some people" she added directing her

voice to Donald as she walked up the stairs.

"Yuck!" Donald exclaimed spitting out the food in

his mouth, "what is this?" he asked with disgust

touching his feautures.

"Spagetti and meat balls" Richard who seemed to

be enjoying his food answered simply.

I was actually shocked by his reply, I was thinking

the meatballs were burnt plantain and the

spaggeti was burnt scrambleld eggs and with the

expression on Donald's face it simply said the food

was no good.

"I thinkI will also skip breakfast" I told Richard as I

dropped my spoon and headed upstairs to take my


"Yeah, me too" I heard Donald say as I climbed the

stars, "I can't eat over salted burnt food" he

muttered, heading to the living room since he was

already dressed and wasn't taking a bath today.

"Whatever. Suit yourselfs" Richard who now the

only one left at the table muttered as he continued


lentered my room and locked the door as I took

off my night gown and walked into the bathroom.

"Yuck!" Donald exclaimed spitting out the food in

his mouth, "what is this?" he asked with disgust

touching his feautures.

"Spagetti and meat balls" Richard who seemed to

be enjoying his food answered simply.

I was actually shocked by his reply, I was thinking

the meatballs were burnt plantain and the

spaggeti was burnt scrambleld eggs and with theexpression on Donald's face it simply said the food

was no good.

"I thinkI will also skip breakfast" I told Richard as I

dropped my spoon and headed upstairs to take my


"Yeah, me too" I heard Donald say as I climbed the

stars, "I can't eat over salted burnt food" he

muttered, heading to the living room since he was

already dressed and wasn't taking a bath today.

"Whatever. Suit yourselfs" Richard who now the

only one left at the table muttered as he continued


"Whatever. Suit yourselfs" Richard who now the

only one left at the table muttered as he continued


l entered my room and locked the door as I took

off my night gown and walked into the bathroom.

In my house, every room had its own bathroom so

their was enough bathrooms for everybody and

even two general ones to spare.

I spent ten minutes in the bathroom having a good

bath before I came out and wore a black tank top

on a pair of blue jeans then slid on a blue jean

jacket, carried my bag and headed out of my room.

On reaching the living room, I saw Lisa and Donald

watching the only thing they both liked; Wrestling.

T branched the kitchen and opened the fridge,

grapped an energy bar and a box juice then closed

the fridge back and headed to the living room to

join Lisa and Donald.

The three of us watched Wrestling for about

fifeteen minutes before Richard who we were

waiting for came downstairs.

"l'm ready" Richard informed us and we all stood

up and carried our backpacks after Donald

switched off the tv.

The four of us exited the house and headed to the

garage and when we reached there, we all entered

the car. As Richard entered the driver's seat, he

started the car and we headed out of the house.

After he drived out he parked the car in front of the

house and got down to lock the gate and once he

was done with that, he ran back to the car, entered

it, started it and drove off as the four of us headed

to school with no idea of what was awaiting us

Hello everyone,

So this is the end of chapter one, I know it was a bit

dull and there was no violence and actual zombie

scene yet but I want you to be rest assured that it

would be introduced soon.

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thoughts on this chapter!