chapter two

Chapter Two

It was a twenty minutes drive from my house to my

school and the journey was a silent one till we

reached the school.

On reaching the school, Richard drove into the

parking lot and we all got down immediatly the car

came to a total halt.

We were already twenty minutes late so we all ran

to the school hallway which was totally empty.

We dropped our bags in our lockers and headed to

our various classes. Richards who was in grade 12

headed straight to his class, and Donald, Lisa and I

who were in grade 11 also headed to our's.

We opened the class door to come face to face with

Mr Grimes or as we like to call him, we came face to

face withbaldie'; the school's most strict teacher.

"Late again, I see" our Math teacher said droping

the chalk in his hand on the black desk in his front.

"Detention for three of you" he yelled at us.

"But sir" Donald was about to defend himself

before getting cut off by the bald teacher in our


"But, but, buh nothing!" he yelled again,

mimicking Donald.

"Detention for all three of you. Period"

"Alright" we all sighed as we went to sit in our

various seats.

Donald went to sit with his two friends; Jack and

Kevin, while l and Lisa went to sit at the back of his


"Great, now we've got detention'" Lisa muttered as

she took her seat.

"C'mon. Don't tell me you are going to blame

Donlad for this" I asked her, raising my brows up.

"Ella, I never mentioned any names. Alright, tell

me, when have l ever blamed Donald for

something he didn't do?" she asked also raising

her eyebrow

"Uhh, A MILLION TIMES" I said like it was the most

obvious thing in the world. "And you were about to

do it again just now, I'm sure if I had giving you one

more second, you will have been blaming Donald

by now"

"Yeah, that's because he is the reason we got

detention. Trust me, if he hadn't been with us, we

woudn't--" Lisa was cut off by Mr baldie.

"Anything you will like to share with the class Ms

Donovan?" Mr baldie asked tilting his neck and

giving Lisa an odd look.

"No Sir"

"Well then, I will be glad if you could KEEP YOUR


CONCENTRATE!" he yelled.

"Rude too" Lisa muttered

"What did you say?'"


"Better. Now open your textbook to page 81 and

pay attention, would you" Mr Baldie requested.

We both did as he said and as I was about to take

out my textbook, my eyes caught five soldier's

vans and two S.W.A.T vans all heading south.

Then I saw four more police cruiser and three more

S.W.A.T vans also heading that way. Something

was happening and whatever it was seemed


was about to shrug it off when I saw seven more

soldier vans, five soldier truckes, six S.W.A.T vans,

two ammo tanks and two helicopter pass by again.

The helicopter noise must have attracted the

others as l saw my other classmates also peeping


I thugged on Lisa's sleeve as I showed her the

passing trucks and helicopters.

"Woah. Whatever may be going on seems very

serious" Lisa stated.

"Yeah. Really serious. About fifeteen other ha--"I

was cut off by Mr Grimes

"Ms Donovan!" Baldie yelled facing Lisa

"Oc'mom, I wasn't even the one talking" Lisa

defended. She and this teacher didn't really get


"Well that's none of my bui--" Mr Baldie was

interrupted by a soldier on truck which was

passing by. The soldier was holding a megaphone

up to his mouth.

"My dear civilians, please enter your various

houses, lock all doors and stay as quiet as possibly,

it is very important that you adhere to this

warnings. We are in an extintion level danger. This

is not a drill, I reapeat, this is not a drill. MY fellow

civilians, please--" the soldier warned as his truck

drove by.

Students in the class started murmuring and

asking diffrent question as some were panicking

and some were in total fear.

Whatever was happening must be very very

serious Ithought to myself asI was seeing

differerent people rushing home and more and

more truck rushing by.

"Everyone quiet!" Mr Baldie yelled as the class

was beginning to be very noisy, "I don't think

whatever is happening is very serious or might

affect us, so lets just quiet down and continue our

studies" he said but no one seemed to believe him

as fear was very evident on his face.

"O c'mon, didn't you just hear what the soldier guy

said Kevin; one of Donald's friend said standing

from his seat and kicking his chair back as other

people were argreeing with him and the class was

full of noise again.

"Alright. Alright, everyone quiet down. Lets switch

on the TV and listen to the news" Mr Baldie said as

he picked the remote and switched on the TV. As

he switched it on, a show called Drake and Josh

was on.

"See, if this was very serious, the news would have

been on by no--" Mr Baldie was cut off bya

newcaster on the TV screen

"We interupt this program for a very urgent report.

Good day, my name is Mark Hawkins from chanel

three news. It's just in that-." the newscaster was

interruptep by raster but came back on few

seconds later, "--eadly virus is spreadin-- raster)--

not safe out there. The virus is called the Z syndr-

raster-through a bite or any body fluied from an

infec-- raster)- to stay away from anybody around

you that might ha-- [raster]-- very hard to kill. The

only way they can be kil-- [raster--and it is very

importa-- raster)-they are not the person you

once kne-- fraster]- very deadly monsters. Please

it is important you adhere to the folowing rules,

firstly-" the newcaster was cut off finally as the

power went off. "This sounds very serious'" Mr

Baldie mouthed

"It is very serious" Lisa said laying emphasis on

the word lIS

The clas was once again filled with noise as Mr

Baldie exited it to supossedly go and find out what

was going on. It seemed not to be only my class

that had gotten the message as students started

walking out of their classes and into the hallway.

1, Lisa, Donald, Jack and Kevin all got out of our

class after some other student had gotten out. The

hallway was so crowded and noisy as people were

asking diffrent questions.

"Why is the power down?"

"Which kind of virus is this?"

"What's with all the combat vehicle?"

"What exactly is going on?"

Iheard as other students asked this questions and

many more as we walked down the hallway.

Everyone was squeezing through to get pass the

crowd of students as we were all rushing to the


I was busy thinking of what could be happening

when I was snapped out of my trance by very loud

scream. We all ran to the doors to see what the

cause of the scream was and we got the shock of

our lives when we saw what was happening.

What we saw was unexplainable, it was

undescribable, it was unbelieveable. It was

something we could only see in a movie, dream or

something we could only imagine. We saw THE



Soooooo we have reached the end of chapter two.

What do you think they saw. Stay tuned till chapter

three and find out.

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