A Hint Of The Agenda

"… Disappointing… It appears I overestimated you." I smiled, bringing my face closer to Larry.

The moment I said this, a deep glare appeared on his face.

As someone who had killed another before, he must have been familiar with human nature. An unmerciful person wasn't going to bite no matter how many pleadings or deals one tried to make.

Realizing that it was pointless to make further deals or argue with me, Larry knew he had to fight or escape.

Larry's glare suddenly turned into a smile, and a dim light emanated from his body. Perhaps it was a stroke of luck on his end, but his skills were now ready for use.

"Finally!" He beamed, covering his body in the shadowy ability that made him intangible for some time.

'I knew it. He was also stalling for time.' I mused.

Larry took this opportunity as his cue to leave. He couldn't take the people behind him as his prize, but at least he would be alive!