Losers (Pt 1)

Larry was still recoiling from my words, but I didn't have any time to waste on him. Raising my hand to tap him, I drew even closer.

He must have taken this as a window of opportunity, because he swiftly launched his arms at me, generating spikes through them. I watched as the sharp-bladed arms lunged at me, but his futile attempts at survival were such a letdown.

Using , I blocked off his assault and proceeded to touch him.

"The only reason you're not dead is because I need you for something… remember that!" I whispered in his ears.

He shivered and nodded slightly, glad that I was sparing his life. Unknown to him, though, the fate I had planned for him was much worse than death by my hands.

Larry instantly disappeared into [Subspace] and became my property as well. Curious about something, I called out to my Gift and the [Subspace] window.


Name: Hell Kobold King's Tooth