Losers (Pt 2)

Lara, the defiant woman froze, taking a few steps back as Hank replied to her statement.

Hank was a little astonished by her behavior, but quickly got over his surprise. He looked at everyone in front of him too and found out that their glares had vanished and they were quite docile.

'Hehe, looks like they're finally beginning to see reason!' His thoughts rang.

Quickly taking advantage of their current state, Hank pressured them to leave once more.

"I'm saying this for the last time. If you cowards won't get up off your asses and leave with me, we'll all die!"

The people became even more frightened as Hank finished his words. Initially, he was happy that they trembled with every word he spoke. However, their eyes displayed far greater horror than he could have imagined.

'A-am I that scary…?' He asked himself.

The people shrank back, trembling even more.