[Bonus chapter] The Grandmaster's Desires

"Hmm... I see. So that's what happened." The words slipped out of Paul's mouth as he leaned back in his plush, leather chair, interlocking his fingers and resting his chin on them. His creased elbow gently supported him as he stared intently at the team standing before him. 

Tia, the leader of Team Gamma, had just recounted their recent mission to the Grandmaster of their prestigious Alliance, Pariah - the number one Gifted in the world.

The team had completed their mission successfully, but their encounter with the Hoarder had left them shaken. Even Pariah, the only person who had ever fought the notorious Hoarder, was wary of him. 

"The Hoarder," he whispered, his eyes narrowing with extreme seriousness. Everyone in the Gifted Alliance knew who he was, but few had encountered him first-hand.