[Bonus chapter] Let The Sky Fall

"The time is upon us!" 

In a massive hall, similar to an auditorium meant to house a million people, the sound of someone charismatic boomed.

The man who stood at the center of the stage, surrounded by an overflowing multitude of people, was none other than Paul—or perhaps Pariah, as he was called by most.

He was the Grandmaster, the Hero, the true leader of the humans who had banded together to take care of the threat that had befallen them.

It wasn't going to be long before the second wave started, so the people were in an especially excited, agitated, and fearful state. It was Paul's job, as the leader, to address his subjects.

The hall he currently occupied was just one of the many places he had to visit. Once he was done stirring up these people, he would go to the other places and do the same there.