Aggravating Revelation

As Paul marched on with the rest of the Elite team in tow, he couldn't control the growing unease he felt.

It wasn't for nothing though; Jeremy had proven to be a wily opponent in the past. He shuddered to imagine what else the boy had up his sleeve.

His initial emotion of fear had now given way to anger. How was he supposed to win against an opponent that was ready to sacrifice anything for victory?

Unlike Jeremy, he was constrained by his Lawful Good alignment. Due to his new status in the world and with the blessings of the gods, he had to abide by a moral code.

The Pariah could do no wrong.

"Jeremy, for your sake, I hope you are strong enough to battle me when we meet," He mused within him.

He felt a hand squeezing his in comfort and he looked down to see Lillith besides him.

There was no need for words as a look of understanding passed between them.