Stench Of Defeat

Paul strode towards the team leaders showing no sign of exertion or hurt which was surprising given the carnage he had caused.

His eyes were blazing as bright as the fire behind him though and they all avoided his gaze as it swept over them.

There was silence among them amidst the flickering flames and the only noise came from the burning building behind the Pariah.

Only Lilith looked on impassively and even she was forced to look away after a few seconds.

His eyes were absolutely murderous.

She has never seen him this worked up before. Sure enough, his primary goal since they met had been to exterminate Jeremy but and she hoped for his sake that he was still able to exert control in front of the team leaders.

Around the same time she thought of it, Paul seemed to remember that he wasn't alone 

He forced himself to regain composure the only way he knew how. His mind ran over all the skills he had in his possession.