The Consensus

The wails at the gate intensified till it became uncomfortable.

"There seems to be people banging on the gate. I need to check that out," Lyra said and sprinted off in that direction.

Unanimously the rest of the people followed her to see what the matter was.

Sariel looked at me and I shrugged in indifference.

I followed them down to the gate though I already knew what the matter was about. I wasn't in any way curious about it.

It had to be people seeking sanctuary.

We had become a beacon so it was only natural that we attracted attention.

The noise grew as we got closer to the gate. I could see that Lyra was already talking to some of them and gradually the din reduced.

We could see them through the gaps in the gate and it wasn't a pretty sight.

It was a joyful sight to me though as I revelled in chaos.

The uniform look across the group was fear as they battled the wraiths that encircled them.