Chapter 5: Field Trip to the Land of Waves


During their mission with Tazuna the Master Bridge-Builder to the Land of Waves, Naruto decides to sneak away with his 'student' for some more 'training.'


For the first few days following Naruto's latest training , Sakura witnessed no noticeable change in her body. Clearly, in her mind, Naruto was full of shit, promising a bodily change— one without any illusory or transformation technique causing it. However, as they approached the day of one of their missions, Sakura noticed a tightness in her chest when she woke up one morning. As the kunoichi unbuttoned her nightwear, she noticed she petite, yet visibly bigger breastflesh on her. It wasn't big enough to notice with her clothes on, but it was a perfect piece of evidence to show Sakura that Naruto stayed true to his word. As he said throughout his past lifetime: "that's my ninja way." The pink-haired kunoichi didn't tell Naruto immediately, knowing he was bound to give her a smug, annoying I told you so grin. Though, with training each evening, he wouldn't be in the dark for long.

Before normal training could happen, however, Naruto and Sakura found themselves going on a rather tough mission. Of course, Naruto had no desire to let the pinkette off easily. They would have their fun , whether on a mission or not. Sakura would just have to get used to it. As the team, including Kakashi, Tazuna, Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura, departed, Naruto took some time to recall the events that normally transpired on this journey. In an effort to save the team some time, Naruto altered history just a bit, sending shadow clones after the shinobi that were set to sabotage their team. After handling that situation, the clones would disperse, with the group continuing along their way to the Land of Waves. With that problem behind them, Naruto allowed the likes of Zabuza and Haru to interact with them, as they did in the previous timeline. Letting Kakashi get hurt in their first round against Zabuza and Haru, and even pretending the feminine-looking Haru was believed to be a girl by Naruto at first. Even though Naruto was aware of it all, he had to admit Haru was a very pretty boy. But, Naruto had his sights on someone else, sneaking off with poor Sakura some time prior to Kakashi's chakra control training. In the place of those two, Kakashi would find— unknowingly— two of Naruto's shadow clones, one of which transformed into Sakura. So, these decoys would get trained whilst Naruto trains Sakura.

"You'd better hope Kakashi-sensei doesn't see through your tricks!" Sakura warned, suddenly recalling: "And why the hell are we doing this while on a mission?" Naruto laughed softly at her question, flat-out ignoring her warning. "Because a guy's desires, and our training, takes no breaks," the ero-sensei answered back. Naruto had this kunoichi's hands pinned against a tree, her ass facing Naruto as she stared down the trunk of this tall, sturdy tree. As Sakura expressed sounds of defeat, Naruto reached down, snaking his fingers in between her skirt, yanking off the pinkette's panties— while leaving Sakura otherwise dressed. "Don't worry, I'll be gentler this time!" Naruto reassured, confirming her suspicions as to what they were doing. Following this reassurance, Naruto took a moment to take out his girth, throbbing as it hung out there, the shinobi more than ready to continue Sakura's training. Naruto would use a single hand to lift Sakura's skirt up a bit, to give the blonde boy a better view before the true fun began.

Sakura would soon begin to feel that familiar sensation of Naruto's thick girth spreading open her pink lips, plunging deep into that rabbit hole . However, as promised, it was significantly less rough, Naruto taking his time with her— rather than the complete use of force he had implemented nights ago. Hushed moans would escape Sakura's mouth with each thrust of Naruto's hips, trying to lessen the odds that anyone would find them out here. She hoped, although the thought made her like, that any witness would assume they're a young couple . Not some clueless girl getting trained in all things sexual and intimate. But, regardless of who saw them, Sakura would consider a nightmare nonetheless. This growing side of her was not something she wanted people to see. Still, Sakura willingly took Naruto's training , letting him slam his meatstick deep into her young, tender slit till the end, all with their teammates not too far away. Naruto just couldn't help but find that fact awfully lewd, something he'll definitely bring up with her later.

With the incoming thrusts, Naruto's hands slid along Sakura's waist, deciding to give her a physical — or, in more straightforward terms, check to see how her growth is coming along. When he felt her chest over her dress, the blonde shinobi smiled, able to notice the size difference. He'd grasp and pull at her breasts over the shirt, giving both parts of Sakura plenty of attention as this ero-sensei trained her young body. "Don't hold it in on my account," Naruto instructed, speaking softly to the kunoichi as his thrusts appeared to get a bit tougher. "All guys— Sasuke especially — would love a girl that can say how their feeling, with complete honesty ," the shinobi informed her. Sakura, deciding to be difficult, mouthed off at him instead: "L- like anyone would enjoy doing this with you! I'm probably the o- only girl, you'll get— and this is just until I make Sasuke mine ." For her tough talk, Sakura's declaration was interrupted by escaping-moans, really painting a picture of her enjoying this romp. "Then," Naruto began, "We'll have to fix this side of you."

It was then time for Naruto to get serious , slamming his girth away inside Sakura, breaking his promise to go easy on her tonight. "You numbskull! You said you'd be gentle!" The kunoichi kept her eyes to the floor, refusing to meet his gaze. Part of Sakura couldn't help but admit this carnal pounding felt good to her, a fact she refused to ever speak of. Naruto had a good idea about that fact already, but was eager to break her in some more before he pushed her. The shinobi wanted to make sure Sakura would be devoted to him before testing just how much she likes it. Naruto would shrug in response to her complaints, not caring how she felt. All the blonde knew was that he wanted to tail her, and fill the kunoichi to the brim— to remind her how good that feels. Hopefully, this time with her not losing consciousness. The Shadow Clones, while their real counterparts trained , were busy discussing chakra control and the art of walking up trees. Fascinating stuff, but information this time-traveller already learned once. The real Naruto was having much more fun this time around.

"Tight as you were last time, Sakura," Naruto commented, swinging his hips with each pound away inside her. "Hard not to be when you're spreading me open with that inhuman thing!" Sakura whined, hiding her face, not wanting the idiot to see her reddened face. "You'll get used to it… I'm sure Sasuke will be packing just as much. He'll be pleased if it doesn't cause you too much pain." Naruto suggested, trying to ease her concerns. He'd give her ass a slap as his cock twitched whilst violating her, using a single hand to grip her by the arms— keeping them restricted as he piledrove her spread-open cunt. "Now, just enjoy this practice until I'm satisfied… That's what intimacy is for, you know? Satisfying each other." Naruto instructed, putting out another clever line.

With every slam and thrust of the blonde shinobi's adult-sized cock, Sakura would squirm, nails digging into the tree they pressed against. His girth would continue the trend of molding her pink lips around his dick, shaping her insides so that eventually his member would be a perfect fit. But, as Sakura moaned, she found herself returning to the same thoughts: What the hell is Naruto? I haven't seen any order… genitalia… of men, but that thing is way too big. So monstrous… It's inhuman, at the very least at our age. All such thoughts, Naruto would find, understandable; at his younger age, the shinobi's cock would be inches smaller. He was just fortunate that the technique he used to get to the past allowed him to bring his adult size where it mattered.

Ultimately, Sakura had the first climax in their nightly sexcapades, orgasming against Naruto's meat-pole. Many times following that, the blonde shinobi would make grunts, releasing a series of cumshots within the pinkette's dark cavern , finally pulling out hours later. The clones would've dispersed by their conclusion, with Naruto turning around a dazed — but conscious — Sakura. "I- I hope this taught me something," Sakura said, trying to regain her balance. Then, suddenly, the shinobi pushed his cock into her mouth, saying: "Do some cleanup, Sakura… it's another important part." While desiring to bite the idiot's girth, she begrudgingly complied, licking and swallowing the mix of both their juices off Naruto's cock. Afterwards, she, in a look of disgust, took the cock out of her mouth, getting back on her feet. "No more during this mission, Naruto! It's too risky!" Sakura said forcefully, trying to set a rule. One Naruto was fine with allowing.

After a bit of cleaning up, Naruto had ventured separately back to Inari's place after everyone had fallen asleep. In time, Sakura would do the same, a measure meant to lower suspicion over their disappearances, and keep them from being found together. After-all, Naruto wanted to ensure nobody knew of his relationship with Sakura yet , so all of this was incredibly necessary. And, as per the discussion with Sakura, Naruto would leave her be for the remainder of their mission— only having that one, hidden rendezvous. Still, Naruto pondered the chances that maybe their depraved acts would lead to them being caught, or worse … Sakura getting pregnant. It's a thought that would elude Naruto in the second half of their mission, as he focused more on the fight to protect Tazuna and his team.