Chapter 6: Naruko Goes Shopping and Naruto’s Trick


After returning from their mission in the Land of Waves, Naruto prepares his scheme for breaking Sakura during the Chunin Exams.


In the following days, as if reading off a script, events transpired just as they did in the original timeline. That is, aside from some subtle awkwardness between Naruto and Sakura. Their trip, despite resulting in Haku and Zabuza's death, went precisely as the blonde shinobi planned; if he was more certain about how time-travel worked, Naruto may have decided to save the duo's lives instead. But, the jury was still out on things— whether Naruto was making an alternate timeline, causing changes to his own, and so on. It wasn't like there was a manual for these things, after-all. Still, with these events already transpired, the blonde sensei could do little about things now, and instead focused on how to continue their training. Once they returned to Konoha, Naruto thought to himself, recalling the upcoming Chunin Exams: Well, soon enough things are going to get pretty interesting. Perhaps I can spice things up with a toy-play… Really mess with Sakura before Sasuke starts leaving the village. With that thought process in mind, Naruto, upon returning to the Village Hidden in the Leaves, got straight to work.

Of course, getting such devices together — while appearing to be a pre-teen — proved difficult for the ero-sensei. Most public stores or facilities were marketed for a wholesome, familial setting; Naruto had to venture to a sort of Red Light District, where all the depraved items could be conveniently found. Naruto stopped by an abandoned alleyway, planning to go into Kawato Rēsu ( Leather and Lace ), a sizable shop full of everything that Naruto could possibly want in his pursuit of Sakura. And, while he knew where he'd get the items, a clever disguise was required. The future Hokage was too young-looking to go in and leave with the necessary products. The staff would just evict the blonde from the premises, and other people might be made aware of Naruto's attempt. Thankfully, though, he had just the tactic for getting in and out of there with the tools of Sakura's destruction. Or, at the very least, the tools for breaking her resistance. It's a bit different from I usually use it , Naruto thought, but it should be possible to do this. I just need to be careful, and visualize it in the modified way. His plan was a certain technique— one befitting a true ero-sensei, to be specific. If all went well, the boy would be one step closer to dominating the mind and body of his pinkette.

Once he made his choice for this plan, Naruto began to form a series of handseals, releasing chakra all around him. Poof! The alleyway, darkened by the shadows, was soon filled with a slight amount of white smoke, revealing the form of Naruko— Naruto's Sexy Jutsu appearance. Unlike the typical Sexy Jutsu , Naruko appeared wearing much more clothing than Naruto had originally designed for this technique. However, Naruko's shapely body, bust, waist and curves remained the same. Naruko wore rather a rather skimpy jumpsuit—mirroring Naruto's, showing much cleavage as the zipper rested low, as well as tightly clinging to her supple body. To make her even more indiscernible, Naruko had also transformed into a body without Naruto's signature whisker-like markings. "Time to put on the charm," Naruko would finally say, testing out her temporary voice in the process. After checking herself out one last time, the transformed-shinobi made their way into the adult store. And while she remained like this, incognito, Naruko still worried that some random person would recognize her. She didn't doubt that this form was popular with men in the village, given the reaction they have when she appears. But, for now, Naruko had some items to get.

"Need help finding anything, beautiful ?" Asked an approaching employee, flirting with Naruko as she browsed the shop. She half-smiled, not interested in whatever this guy had to offer her. Naruko had her own plaything, and wasn't going to become someone else's. "I'm fine, thanks cutie," Naruko said, cringing internally, "Just looking for to get myself vibrators, dildos… maybe a nice collar." That line alone made the employee understand what a kinky freak this customer was, but he couldn't much else but offer his assistance. "Well, my dear, we have an assortment of them all… how big are we thinking?" The employee asked, both teasing and flirting in the same question. Naruko thought to herself for a moment, then suddenly spoke up: "I'd prefer something small, able to be controlled from a distance if necessary. Something easily hidden. " Naruko explained, the employee pulling out a line of egg-vibrators— they came with a specific seal that connected to the vibrator. It essentially let one person activate the vibrators from an undetermined range. "As for the dildos, I'd like them as about 10-inch vibrators, and a collar that can be hidden by a headband would be great." Naruko concludes, making her definitely appear to be a high-class slut. And, while taken aback by this request, the helpful employee helped the blonde skank out.

The employee retrieved the specified items, letting Naruko choose between a selection of items that all catered to her desires. The only more particular selection was a removable headband plate that could be personalized, allowing Naruko to put whatever she desired on it. And Naruko, oh she had plenty ideas on what to call her new pet. With all those selections decided, Naruko went ahead to pay, approaching the counter to purchase those toys and collar. "That'll be 60,000 yen, gorgeous ," the employee informed her. Naruko, however, expected this kind of situation, opting to use her feminine wiles to save herself from the expenditure. She leaned her body against the checkout counter, using her arms to press her heaving breasts together in the jumpsuit, a seductive move to show her assets in return for a discount . "Oh? Isn't there anything you could do for me?" Naruko asked in the most alluring, yearning voice. Then, like a moth to a flame, that employee fell into her clutches, offering those items to Naruko for free, their face a deep red as they did so. After being allowed to take all of that for free, Naruko swiftly exited the store, disappearing into the street. Once finding cover, with no nearby observers, the transformation had been dropped, reverting to their form as Naruto. Only, now Naruto was holding onto those lewd goods.

Prior to Naruto's own fun with Sakura, however, the shinobi had to add a little trick, like the mischievous rat he was. The day after receiving these items, Naruto sent a communique to Sakura, saying: Sakura, Soon enough we'll probably to take the Chunin Exams, so I need you to come see me tonight. We won't exactly get time to train during the exams. Naruto was careful with that note, not wanting to key her in that the shinobi knows the future or something. It had to be assumptions , not knowing something. It's very reckless for a time-traveller to talk to someone about their actual future. Thankfully, Naruto, hopefully, wouldn't have to worry about that. Though, regarding the letter, Sakura didn't think too much of it— meeting Naruto as requested. "What do you plan on doing to me now, Naruto? Because there's no way I'll ever let you do anything with my butt." Sakura questioned, curious as to how Naruto planned to up the scales this time. His reply, however, would be awfully disappointing to hear: "Just some more massages, Sakura… Help you grow again." The pinkette's hips, waist and ass seemed to get a bit bigger since the initial massage, but the kunoichi's breasts hadn't changed recently. They grew, prior to the mission in the Land of Waves, but hadn't grown since. Surely, another round of massaging would help?

"Time to strip," Naruto commanded, watching Sakura sigh before peeling layer after layer of clothing. As they stood in Naruto's bedroom, this future Hokage pulled out more of that special lotion , soaking his hands in it as he looked over her developing body. "Quit staring and get on with it, pervert !" Sakura exclaimed, finally laying on her chest, her small breasts pressing into the towel Naruto laid on his bed. "As you wish," Naruto answered, bowing his head to the kunoichi. His hands firmly pressed into her ever-growing ass, gradually sliding up along Sakura's waist and thighs, the shinobi applying great pressure to her body. His chakra-infused lotion would cause those areas, and more, to expand for her training , all while Naruto continued a hidden agenda of his own. "Since you're such a failure as a ninja, especially next to Sasuke, why not be a masseuse ? You seem to decent at this." Sakura stayed, blending insults with somewhat of a compliment toward the blonde boy. And, like that, Sakura continued to kill any regrets or second-thoughts the future-Hokage might have had. That said, when it finally was time to massage the front of Sakura's body, Naruto's grand trick was ready to be unveiled to the pinkette.

As Naruto massaged the breasts, thighs and waist of his future cumdumpster, he had actually been applying a special seal on poor Sakura. This peculiar seal would make itself apparent once certain conditions, but, for now, Naruto continued the massage. Firm hands gripping, squeezing, and sending unintentional waves of pleasure throughout Sakura's body. "Geez, not so rough, Naruto!" Sakura whined, feeling an unpleasant pressure from the blonde's grasp on her body. The shinobi only snickered at her comment, not paying her too much mind as his hands explored her body during the massage. He could've explained the seal, or his purchased toys to the pinkette. He could have. He just elected not to do so right now, rather wanting it to be a surprise. Well, the toys would have a warning— the seal would not. Still, as Naruto finished up the massage, and sent Sakura on her way, he couldn't help but look forward to what was to come.