Chapter 7: Chūnin Exams, Part 1: Misery in Pleasure


The Chūnin Exams arrived, and Naruto calls Sakura over to fit her with new "toys." Only when they start heading for the Chūnin Exams does Sakura realize how bad things are going to get.


What does he want? Thought Sakura, finding a note precariously left for her on the day of their Chūnin Exams. It was early, long before meeting up with the other teams, and being tested with information-gathering techniques. Naruto, clearly, had something depraved in mind for this pink-haired kunoichi, whom grew increasingly-nervous as she made her way to the blonde boy's apartment. His training better not screw up my exam. That idiot. She thought to herself, taking the trek over to her ero-sensei's home, biting her lip as she thought of all the horrid plans that Naruto could have in-motion for her. By the time she arrived, Naruto was fully-prepared for his schemes, having all his tools within reach, and having shadow clones lying in wait, presuming Sakura resisted his orders. It pays to be prepared, as the saying goes. He invited her in, a smug grin on his face, but he had no time for games: "The exams will start soon, so we'll have to make this brief." With those words, Naruto would reach to a nearby table, grabbing a few items before turning to face her, double-checking to ensure he closed the door. Good, wouldn't anyone seeing or hearing this… He thought to himself. "So, Sakura, these…," he began, showing her the items, "are a kind of massager . Meant to massage your erogenous zones. You'll have to put these on, so you need to undress." To be perfectly honest, Sakura had a slight indication as to what the blonde had meant, somewhat knowing what those egg-shaped tools were. She wanted to say no, but the lingering thought of—- what if they will help me to win over Sasuke? —- kept Sakura compliant. She removed her qipao dress and undergarments, exposing her orange-sized breasts and growing lower-body to the ero-sensei of her's. "You'll be wearing three of these," Naruto informed her, placing one on each of her nipples and one on Sakura's clit, forcing moans from Sakura. They possessed adhesive properties, letting them stick to her body harmlessly.

Only, at this point, Naruto pulled out another item— a rather phallic item, to be specific. "What the fuck is that?!" Sakura questioned, losing composure over the latest toy Naruto brought out. Not that she had zero clue as to its purpose or origin. "Well, Sasuke is sure to want to do it with you all the time when you get together, so why not get used to having a penis inside you all the time?" Naruto proposed, the toy a near match in size to the blonde's own. Biting her lip, she replied: "I guess it does make a little sense." Such a sucker! Naruto thought to himself, surprised that Sakura could be so easy to manipulate, even if it made his plan so much easier. So easy to fool someone so blindly in-love, after-all. He would help her carefully insert the great big toy, moans and a reddening-face showing just how much Sakura enjoyed having her pussy spread open like that. And like that, Naruto clapped, her outfit now finished, and the hidden shadow clones dispersing themselves. "Okay, all that's left is for you to get dressed," he instructed, watching the pinkette squirm as she got her panties, bra qipao dress back over her developing-frame. "F- fuck, Naruto… You're so going to pay for this!" She mouthed off, limping out his apartment as the blonde smiled mischievously at her as he followed. As the duo walked, they passed by, and said hello, to the other teams in their village, with Sakura staring daggers at one Ino Yamanaka. The same Ino that Sakura fought with over Sasuke. When they finally grouped up with Sasuke, Sakura moved forward to greet him, smiling as she spoke: "Hey Sas- Ah! " As Sasuke looked at her in confusion, Naruto grinned, the tools seeming to work just fine. He had activated the seal that controlled those toys by infusing chakra into his hand, the sudden surge of massages forcing a reaction from Sakura. The pinkette covered her mouth, her flushed face letting Naruto know the vibrators and dildo were still active.

As she did with Ino, Sakura faced the blonde boy with contempt, knowing he was responsible for this. "Geez, Sakura, you don't look so good… Sure you're going to be okay for the exams?" Naruto commented, referring to her red face coyly. "Y- yes, idi-Ah! I'll be fiiiiiine!" Sakura answered back, finding it hard to control her moans when needing to talk. Sasuke, never really focused on anything sexual, didn't understand what was happening. He just focused on the possible threats before them— Rock Lee and Gaara of the Sand. They appeared to be more important than whatever nonsense was happening to Sakura. Naruto, however, had his attention fixated on Sakura and her reactions to the teasings. I'll kill him. Kill him. Kill him. I swear, that idiot's dead. Sakura thought to herself, getting exceedingly pissed at Naruto's wordless taunting. In a matter of minutes, they would be brought together in a classroom, tested by a Special Jōnin by the name of Ibiki Morino. The interrogation and torture expert gave them questions only a Chūnin would know, wanting them to cheat to prove they can gather information when necessary. As the future hokage pretended to know nothing, he watched Sakura, who had been stifling moans to avoid any detection. She's holding it in so far. But, that isn't very fun, now is it? Let's make things interesting again! Naruto thought to himself, placing some more chakra into his hand to activate that seal once more. "Ahn! I mean- Fuck! Sorry everyone." Sakura moaned out. Naruito's actions caused those small egg-shaped vibrators, and that hard, phallic penetration to stir things up at a faster rate. The vibrations on Sakura's erogenous zones grew more intense, whilst the vibrating dildo stirred Sakura's insides like a throbbing cock being slammed away inside of her. Sakura was getting tortured with pleasure in a very public place, with fellow shinobi from Konoha and Suna, the Hidden Sand Village, there to see it. Hearing such moans had definitely drew blushes and nervous reactions from the older, and more sexually-mature, boys and girls around her. And, while nobody said anything, Sakura felt mortified as she clenched her teeth against her lip, desperate to not cry out in pleasure again. What is wrong with him? What is wrong with me? I've got to calm myself down. Sakura thought to herself. Unfortunately, Naruto didn't let up with the sexual torture.

Minutes following the outburst, Sakura had felt herself approaching an orgasm, thinking she was going to be given some relief. Only, that moment failed to arrive at all . It was like her body felt the urge, but her ability to climax was shut down. So, as she tried her best to work on this exam, she was experiencing never-ending agony, as her pussy ached, and sensitives stood erect at attention, wanting sweet relief. Sakura panicked internally. This asshole… He did this, I know it. But, when ? ...If I have to keep dealing with this, I feel like I might go crazy. Worse, my pussy might be molded to the shape of this — his dick. Those thoughts and more flooded Sakura's head, burying her face in the written exam's paper. Naruto merely rested his head on his elbow and watched with a look of delight on his face. The plan for the exams was to try and break her mind, get her to go to him for sex, and be desperate for attention. If that were to happen, he could get her to do anything he desired. Judging by how she looks right now, perhaps I'll take her aside once we enter the Forest of Death… See if I can have some hands-on fun before our team gets attacked. Naruto thought to himself, continuing to pretend he didn't know what was going on — both with Sakura and the written-exam. The pretending, however, didn't last too much longer, as the written exam had soon came to an end. Ibiki did the same thing as in Naruto's timeline, admitting the purpose of this exam, and passing Naruto's team — among several others. With that news, Naruto and Sasuke prepared themselves for the second exam, while Sakura experienced the unending misery of pleasure, with no hope for a climax. At least, not until Naruto allows it.