Mikasa's Salvation [Attack on Titan]

Summary: After Mikasa is turned away by Eren who is stressed about an upcoming mission, Jean tries to comfort her and ends up confessing his feelings for her, as the two end up having hot steamy sex to alleviate their stresses.


The Survey Corps have been informed that they are to be prepared for the worst outcome in the impending mission that pertains a grave amount of danger and risk, and on the night prior to their expedition, everyone tended to cope by letting loose one last time before potentially heading to their demise. Others reacted differently to the news, either shocked and afraid, some rarely confident and unwavering, and the majority drinking their hearts away and attempting to have some extra fun to leave memorable moments behind, as there was a great chance this could be their last time to do so.

Amongst the ruckus, Mikasa Ackerman wasn't one of those who were the outgoing, partying type. Significantly more shy and reserved, bottling her emotions to herself until they couldn't be contained any longer. Eren Jaeger was amongst one of the exclusive people that she truly cared about on this Earth, and the notion of potentially losing him to a Titan was heart wrenching. With the intentions of talking, no, confessing about her feelings the night before they left, Mikasa searched for Eren whom she found spending time alone in the corner of the room.

"E-Eren… Can I talk to you about something?" asked Mikasa, a bashful blush on her rosy cheeks. Her heart was beating wildly and it felt almost difficult to breathe, years worth of pent up, hidden emotions were preparing themselves to be confessed to, and she wasn't the type to confidently talk about her own feelings.

"What is it, Mikasa? I don't have the time to talk right now! Come back later, I have too much to think about." snappily responded Eren, sending and dismissing her away as he typically did when undergoing heavy amounts of stress. The accumulating sense of dread from the mission was taking a toll on his mind, preoccupied with focusing on how to accomplish his task and surviving, he didn't want to talk to anyone at this current moment.

"O-Okay… I'm sorry Eren, if even just for a minute, I-" muttered Mikasa, trying one last time to convey herself.

"I said leave, Mikasa!" he snapped, demonstrating a fierceness that showed up when his back was against the wall, casting some of his important ones away when worst comes to worse.

Mikasa had a crestfallen look on her face that went unnoticed, distraught and heartbroken by the rejection, unable to utter even a single word of gratitude, love and respect for the young man that had literally saved her life from the living hell it was in. Scouring off into the distance, running and running with no particular destination in sight, she happens to bump into someone on the way out the hallway.

"Ow! What the hell do you think you're doing?" shouted the familiar sounding voice, who rubbed his stomach that Mikasa ran into as he looked down to see who bumped into him.

"I-I'm sorry. Excuse me." apologized Mikasa.

"O-Oh! Mikasa! I'm sorry, I didn't know it was you. Where are you in such a rush too? Are you okay?" asked Jean, the man who held a huge crush on her the moment he laid his eyes on her. Mikasa was of a rare Asian descent, and he found her pretty eyes, gorgeous black hair to be alluring. Not to mention her cool attitude and superhuman strength was intimidating but attractive in their own right.

Her lips quivered and it looked as if she was about to cry, and after having never seen Mikasa in such a state, Jean gripped her arms and refused to allow her to leave, offering to hear her out and escorting her to a disclosed area that wasn't riddled with loud, boisterous noises, and conveniently away from the man that was essentially the cause of this all, Eren.


In an abandoned inn, near one of the Survey barracks.

Jean didn't know exactly where to bring her, but luckily found a suitable area to relocate where nobody else would be able to see her shed tears. Wanting to protect her image, and perhaps secretly wishing to keep this once in a lifetime sight selfishly to himself, his body acted on its own as he brought Mikasa with him, the two completely alone which was an opportunity that he could have never imaged, she was always glued to Eren no matter where they went.

"What happened?" he asked, genuinely concerned as Mikasa took a seat on one of the boxes. While hesitant at first, he managed to work up the courage and join her side.

"I-It's Eren… I wanted to talk to him about something important before tomorrow's mission, and he-... He shouted at me and told me to leave." admitted Mikasa. It didn't take a genius to discern what something important was, but Jean decided to brush over that fact.

"That jerk! How could he turn away such a beautiful woman for no good reason! I'm sorry, Mikasa! That good for nothing is always stirring trouble for others and always only thinks of himself!" responded Jean, wrapping his arms around her slender waist out of instinct and embracing her tightly, every fiber of his being wishing to comfort her, making both of them flushed red when they realized what was happening, moreso Jean who felt romantically drawn towards Mikasa, whereas in her case she was more surprised and confused.

"What do you see in that guy, anyway?" asked Jean, puzzled as to why he lost when it came to Eren.

"H-He's the only man I've known since-... Since I was a kid. He saved me." responded Mikasa.

"I see… Still, I think it's ridiculous that he's not here for you now. We could die tomorrow, and there wouldn't be another chance to sit down and talk like this! I can't believe it!" yelled Jean, the latter portion of his comment ringing a few bells in his head. It was true, they very well could perish tomorrow. He had several things he needed to get off his chest, regarding his own love for Mikasa.

Maybe it was actually selfish of him to take this opportunity, but reality dawned on him, and he couldn't let his only chance slip away. Mikasa didn't reject his touch, she didn't reciprocate it either, but it was better than being pushed away.

"M-Mikasa!" he shouted, abruptly out of excitement as adrenaline rushed through his veins.

"Yes?" she asked, jumping slightly by his loud voice.

"I… I have always liked you! Ever since I've met you, I've always- always, always thought about you! Your black hair is so beautiful, and your eyes- and… Um, I think you're really cool!" stuttered Jean, confessing out of a whim and having never thoroughly thought out what he wanted to say.

There was a silence that consumed the room as Mikasa blankly stared at him, their eyes meeting as Jean's heart skipped a beat. She smelled wonderful, like flowers, and sitting this close to her, he realized that his perception of her looks had been flawed this entire time. Mikasa was two times, maybe three times as attractive as he believed her to be.

Having never been on the receiving end of a confession before, Mikasa didn't know what to say. It would have been farfetched to claim that she loved Jean, at most, she didn't particularly mind him. Although, it was true that she was starting to view him in another light. Jean didn't know what to do or say, he merely acted on impulse, lunging forward as their mouths connected, planting a kiss on her glossy, pink lips the instant his eyes descended onto them.

"Ah! What the hell am I doing?!" he thought, planning on backing away, but lingering when he noticed that Mikasa hadn't retreated. She didn't kiss him back, but her sweet lips remained motionless, eyes widened in surprise before her lips trembled slightly and then closed her eyes.

Jean could have never anticipated such a development, things were progressing far better than he thought. Mikasa didn't understand much of the significance of what was happening, it wasn't like her heart had skipped a beat, but it wasn't frozen either. They separated for a few seconds, staring into each other's eyes, before Jean dove back in and tried again, this time with more control and energy.

"Mmnph!~" mumbled Mikasa, feeling this kiss a heck of a lot more than the first one, which was more of a rushed peck. He pressed his lips against hers, and brought his hand towards the back of her neck. Mikasa's mind was clouded with thoughts, a whirl of emotions swooping her by, as she placed her hand against his shoulder, standing up on her feet when Jean guided her, wanting to embrace properly.

"Mikasa… Mikasa!... She smells so good!... And her lips feel so warm and soft… That damn Eren, ignoring a woman like this."

He nearly lost himself when Mikasa clumsily tried to return his kiss, there was no certainty this meant that she returned his feelings, or if she was aware of what she was doing. Perhaps her body was simply responding to his advances, but nonetheless, they started to grow intimate. They made faint kissing noises, their lips locking together, a brief exhale as they reeled back in. Jean could tell this was Mikasa's first time, and he tried to lead the way, his tongue slithering out and sliding across her bottom lip, as he could tell how anxious Mikasa had become.

"Mmm?" a light moan escaped Mikasa as Jean growled, as she experimentally gave him access to her mouth, curiously opening her lips and seeing what it would feel like. The concept of making out had never crossed her mind, but it felt decently pleasurable, and Jean was fairly good looking.

He wasn't nearly as tame, becoming extremely aroused from the notion alone of swapping spit with Mikasa, an apparent bulge forming at his crotch as his groping hands grew daring. Jean didn't even care if he was going to die on that day, or the day after, as long as he got to indulge this moment. Mikasa yelped slightly when she felt her buttocks being grabbed and rubbed by his fingers, and she marvelled at his towering height, having to tilt her chin upwards as their tongues connected.

For once in her life, Eren wasn't the only thing on her mind. Jean was making her experience newly discovered sensations, her core was gradually feeling hot, and her breathing frantic as their tongues swirled in circles. It was developing into such a dirty, hot kiss. One that was mature and expressing Jean's sexual desire and craving for her. Mikasa wasn't completely dense enough to not recognize that the hard thing poking her stomach was none other than Jean's tool.

"Mikasa… Do you love me?" asked Jean, wondering what this all meant as they gasped for air, strings of saliva connecting the tips of their tongues and lips.

"I-I don't know… But, I think I'm a bit-... Excited…" murmured Mikasa shyly. That was all the words Jean needed to hear, he roughly grabbed a handful of her clothed ass, before pushing her down to take a seat on one of the chairs.

What a perfect situation he found himself in, he thought. Aiming to impress now that the window of opportunity graced him, he couldn't let it slip away.

"Eren's the reason you're feeling like shit, isn't he? In that case, I'll do everything I can to make you feel good, Mikasa." vowed Jean, starting to strip down her pants which made the perfect, stunning lady gasp out of surprise. She wasn't aware of how many men actually found her attractive, dismissing any compliments that would come her way, simply too focused on Eren and Eren alone. This was the first time she'd ever opened up even in the slightest to another man, apart from Armin, who was always platonic.

Mikasa wasn't sure why, but she didn't stop Jean. Perhaps his confession weakened her inhibitions, and maybe a part of her was longing for male affection like this. It was only natural for a woman her age to require some sort of sexual satisfaction, and being ignored by Erem for years didn't help her case. Far from a horny nymphomaniac, but realizing the needs she'd been deprived of, Mikasa watched as Jean tugged her pants down around her ankles, and shifted her pretty pink panties to the wayside, peeling them off and then discarding them onto the floor.

"W-Wow… That's your-...." muttered Jean, in literal disbelief that they had actually gotten to this point. In front of him, mere inches away from his face was her slightly wet, glorious vagina. Mikasa was extremely tidy in terms of shaving, hardly leaving a bush behind, spotless and perfect. The smell was alluring, and this was the hole that he'd been secretly fantasizing about late at night when he'd try and find a private area to masturbate in.

"Jean… What are you trying to do to me?" asked Mikasa, closing her thighs and rubbing them together, feeling exposed and naked as she literally was from the waist down.

"Trust me, Mikasa. You'll love this. Let me take Eren off your mind for you." asked Jean, slowly parting her legs by pushing along her inner thighs, gulping audibly as he came face to face with her crotch.

Mikasa was being introduced to many perverted things, having never explored herself sexually. Jean went down on her, spreading her pussy lips apart with his fingers, exposing her womanly pinkness as he almost licked his lips in anticipation. He drew closer and stuck his wet appendage from out of his mouth, trailing up along the slit as he elicited an adorable sounding, high pitched moan from Mikasa that contrasted heavily with her usual monotone way of speaking. Jean had no clue that she could be this expensive, and he grunted at the tangy, sweet honey taste of her vaginal fluids that sent lovable vibrations deep within the recesses of her unused, divine dampened pussy.

"Hnnghh!~... Jean!... Oohh, what is this?..." asked Mikasa, feeling her breath become ragged, an inexplicable heat consuming her body, as Jean licked her exposed clit, and started to suckle on her nether lips. It was unlike anything she'd ever felt, never had Mikasa felt this vulnerable, legs shaking slightly as she didn't know what to do with her hands, with herself even. Her slender fingers naturally gravitated towards the head of the man orally servicing her, grasping at his hair, rummaging it slightly as Jean was only further encouraged by the gesture.

He quickly grew addicted to eating out her cunt, possessed by the arousing scent alone, his nose pressed against her mound as his tongue explored her depths, warming it up for the ensuing fucking he wanted to deliver. Their world could potentially end tomorrow, in several hours, and they acted like it. Mikasa's bucked as she covered her embarrassing expressions with her left hand, blushing intensely and gasping for air as waves of pleasure surged throughout her body. Approaching her end rapidly, as Jean dutifully lapped at her engorged, excited cunt until her climax bursted all over and into his mouth.

"Mhmm…" he growled in appreciation, drinking every single droplet and refusing to leave a trace behind, devouring her delicious plump pussy, delivering Mikasa's very first orgasm induced by a man. It wasn't Eren, Armin or whoever else she'd been around, it was him. Jean felt a sense of pride thinking about it, and licked his lips as he eventually pulled away after spending half a minute cleaning her up, thankful that he was treated to such a fine meal as his long tenured thirst was somewhat quenched.

"How was that, did you like it, Mikasa?" asked Jean, trying to hide a smug grin as he carefully stood up and off the floor. He wiped his face with his forearm, clearing off any leftover saliva or her extract, as Mikasa panted with a flushed face, slightly sweating from her noisy orgasm. She couldn't remember the last time she raised her voice like that.

Mikasa didn't know how to vocally respond to that question, instead nodding her head. Slowly but surely, she would be his, Jean thought. If his raging boner wasn't painful then, it certainly was now. His dick had reached full mast, springing as far as it possibly could, as thick as it had ever reached, veins coursing throughout the slab of meat that created a tent in his pants.

"Hey, Mikasa?... Would you return the favor? It'd be amazing if you did… I've always imagined you doing this for me." admitted Jean, his crotch leveled with Mikasa's face at this point.

"Return the favor? I don't know what you mean.." whispered Mikasa.

"A blowjob, Mikasa… I want you to use your mouth on me." he spoke clearly, unzipping the front of his trousers and swiftly revealing his well endowed package. His hard erection lunged out at Misaka, almost frighteningly as she jumped up in her seat at the thick, sturdy cock whipping out at her. It was huge, bigger than she'd ever seen during her times bathing with her two close friends. Sure, they were way younger back then, and it wasn't awkward, but that was the only comparison Mikasa ever had. Jeans dick was gigantic, it awed the inexperienced broad, who's jaw dropped as she was mesmerized by it.

"Use my mouth?... I've never done that before." said Mikasa, once again making Jean feel like his head was floating in the clouds.

"I can teach you! Please, it will feel amazing! I really want you to suck my dick, Mikasa!" pleaded Jean, salivating at the mere thought of it. His cock that had sprung to life was already impatiently pointing towards Mikasa, and her eyes fixated on the intimidating manhood that was intent on entering her mouth. It didn't sound like too difficult a task, but she had simply never heard of such a thing being done before, and didn't understand it. What Jean did with her mouth gave her a better idea as to why, the way her body reacted to having her private areas tended to by his warm tongue felt astounding.

Figuring that it was only right that she'd return the favor, Mikasa tried to reciprocate his same eagerness, failing to utter a response but instead demonstrating so through her actions. Those soft, heavenly plush lips pressed against his salty, bulbous crown after carefully approaching him, and Jean immediately groaned aloud.

The moment that he'd been desperately praying for was coming to fruition. No longer a fantasy, but reality. Mikasa Ackerman was about to insert his cheeky thick cock inside of her sweet mouth. The pair of lips that he'd just made out with felt hot, plush and pillowy, and Mikasa tenderly kissed it once, twice, and then a third time. While providing exceptional build-up, it wouldn't be enough for Jean to bust, remembering that he had to give her pointers for her to figure this out.

"Aahhhh~... That's good, Mikasa. But I wouldn't be able to cum from just this… Can you take it inside of your mouth? Open it wide, and try your best not to scratch me with your teeth." instructed Jean, focusing his entire attention down towards his crotch, watching as Mikasa peeked her right eye open and nodded her head.

There was a strand of hair from her bangs blocking the way, and Jean wanted to see Mikasa's cocksucking face for himself, ingraining it permanently into his memory as he wiped it to the side. Mikasa did as she was told, and slid her wet, glossy lips around his knob and wrapped them fully around his fat cockhead. It stretched her mouth more than she'd anticipated, and immediately the smell of a man filled her nostrils, deepening her crimson blush slightly. At the back of her mind, she wondered what Eren would be like if she did things like this for him. Would he be less cold? Maybe, there wasn't a way for her to find out at the moment.

Jean sort of sensed what was going through in her head, which frustrated him slightly, promising to completely dominate her in bed until she'd never think twice about that asshole again. For now, he didn't want to ruin things by upsetting her, especially because she had his life in her hands, or well, more accurately, her mouth.

"Yeaaahhh…. Oooohhhh, Mikasa… Your mouth feels so good… Now, try licking the rest of me with your tongue. I don't mean to brag, but. I'm really big, so it'll be difficult for you to suck it all." he very clearly boasted, Mikasa wasn't attracted or deterred by the cocky talking, instead listening to his every command as she learned firsthand how to make a man ejaculate.

It was all thanks to his cunnlinigus abilities that Mikasa was so obedient. Jean's dense, heavy shaft of virile cockmeat was soon lathered in her spit, that stuck from the act of her wet appendage dragging along the sides of his meat in broad motions, covering the entirety of it as per her instructions, even lifting the big meat and reaching the veiny underside, licking him up like a popsicle as Jean constantly grunted and moaned, letting Mikasa know that she was performing exceptionally.

"He seems to really like it… Am I doing this right?" pondered Mikasa, coming eye to eye with his hung testicles. They looked big and round, and she found it odd that he never requested her to do anything with them, considering they were a major part of the male genitalia. Piquing her interest, and perhaps enjoying Jean's reactions, Mikasa lifted his throbbing erection with her hands and then incidentally letting out a hot breath from her mouth right before licking up a trail straight up the middle of his nutsack.


The ecstatic look on Jean's face was one Mikasa would never forget, staring up at him with that blank, cold stare as if nothing fazed her. The only hint that she was being affected was that underlying blush on her cheeks.

"Again…" he urged Mikasa, who began to take long, hungry licks starting near the bottom of his balls, past his rock hard undershaft, and ending at the ridge of his mushroom tip. The exaggerated motions were tiring, but effective.

Mikasa felt a bit devious, playing with cock and balls using her mouth, wondering if sucking applied to those sensitive, delicate round testicles in his pouch, carefully taking one in the cavern of her mouth and making loud, suckling noises as Jean nearly lost control.

"Where the hell is she learning this from?!" thought Jean, feeling his balls become bloated and ready to blow at any moment.

He didn't want to cum until Mikasa really sucked him off, so he tapped on her shoulder repeatedly to get her attention.

"S-Sorry, Mikasa. Could you put it back inside of your mouth already?" he asked hurriedly, afraid of a premature ejaculation. The sound of her mouth disconnecting from his left nut made a wet plopping noise.

"Oh… Was I bad?" asked Mikasa.

"No, the opposite! You were great. Too great, even. I almost came. It's just-... I want to be inside of your mouth when I cum." explained Jean.

"Okay… I think I understand." responded Mikasa, this time having the tendency to keep her eyes open, either staring at his man-meat or up towards his face. Her piercing gaze was heavily erotic. She stretched her mouth open and her tongue crept out, hugging onto his girth as she inhaled a deep breath and welcomed his invading member inside of her oral cavern.

"Yesss…. Perfect! Take it deeper!" he encouraged Mikasa, who started to breathe through her nose as she tried her best, slowly consuming inch after sloppy inch, the salty aftertaste prominent on her taste buds as she grew accustomed to the exotic taste. A guttural moan escaped Mikasa's lips after she was forced into a gag, managing to take in a full seven inches until it teased the entrance of her gullet. Deepthroating was outside of her capabilities, not until she had received sufficient training in that regard, something Jean seemed willing to offer if they survived past the following days.

He dedicated every ounce of his strength to prevent that impending orgasm, wishing nothing but to delay it as it was uncertain that Mikasa would be willing to go all the way afterwards. Jean flexed every muscle in his body, trying to distract himself by thinking of irrelevant things, as Mikasa slurped on his thickness, providing that sucking technique that seemed to work with his balls.

"Move your head, Mikasa. Like this, but keep sucking. Ooohhh God!... How are you this good?!..." groaned Jean as he resisted the urge to grab onto Mikasa's face and fucking it.

Mikasa's cheeks hollowed as she sucked the soul out of his body, jerking and bobbing her head in a rhythm, working at a pace that made his ejaculation impossible to avoid. Jean knew it was the end, and he shifted from trying to delay his orgasm to making it the best possible.

"You like sucking on that dick, Mikasa? What do you think about it, huge right? Probably bigger than Erens?" he asked, as Mikasa hesitated slightly from his perverted comments. Her head started thrusting on his cock faster, showering it with copious affection in response to his teasing questions.

Spit slathered up on the massive bellend as her slimy pink tongue rolled around it in circles when she'd bring the head to her closed, locked lips. Refusing to allow it to slip before restarting the motion and gagging onto his meat, plush lips trailing along the shaft as her eyes closed when she started to get into it, a few moans escaping and creating a delightful wet cocksleeve for Jean to bask within until he hastily met his end.

"Aaaghhh, fuck! I'm cumming, Mikasa! Drink it!~... Swallow my cum!" he yelled at the top of his lungs, followed by a prolonged groan as begun to empty the contents of his balls into her milking, luscious lips. Mikasa's spit streaked face showed signs of shock, the unfamiliar tasting liquid being poured inside of her oral cavern and bloating her cheeks from the sheer amount. Jean's loads were big but never this large, more than generously filling her mouth with the pungent tasting, viscous sperm that Mikasa had no other resolution for other than to swallow.

Loud gulping noises filled the room as Mikasa's cockstuffed mouth went to work, and Jean embraced the back of her head and held her still in place, hips thrusting slowly forward as his pulsating erection dished out spurt after spurt, load after load, and Mikasa drank it all. Oral sex was fascinating, is what she thought, having never realized that it could be used to bring out a man or woman's most carnal desires.

"M-Mikasa!~... Oohhnnggghh!~... You don't have to keep sucking, I'm done, I'm finished!" sighed Jean who was in heaven, staring at Mikasa's messy face as she continued sucking with lust in her eyes, finally taking him out of her glistening lips that were glazed with semen. Jean held her chin to check inside, and was astonished when it was clean, the sight of the roof of her mouth, her pink tongue, all of it was so seductive.

"Did you like it?" asked Mikasa, this time it was hers to ask.

"I loved it." he responded, a victorious grin on his face.

"It's still so hard…" commented Mikasa.

"Yeah, I guess I'm still so excited, that I want to do it again." he responded, surprising Mikasa as he picked her up, and flipped her upside down.

"W-What are you doing?!" she gasped.

"This way, we can both do it at the same time." he snickered, resuming his earlier work as they both delighted in another round of fellatio and cunnlinigus.


A half an hour later…

"Mikasa… I can't take it anymore… I want to have sex with you…" panted Jean, lifting Mikasa over onto the run-down mattress on top of a bed in the abandoned shack. His significantly taller frame was pressed above her body. Mikasa was smaller than he was, but her muscle tone was actually more defined, it still made Jean's cock lurch being able to have the strongest woman in the world underneath him like this, stripped completely naked of their clothing during their previous entanglement.

"Jean…" muttered Mikasa, their foreheads centimeters apart, noses touching.

"If you liked sucking on my big cock, you'll love how it feels inside of you even more." promised Jean, grinding it against her abdomen to prove his point.

Misaka blushed heavily and showed signs of being weakened to temptation. Eren was the only man whom she'd ever envisioned sharing an intimate moment like this with, but it was different now. He had already casted her away, and Jean was the only one there for her.

"Then… Let's do it…" consented Mikasa, arms covering her chest as she stared off into the distance, unveiling her beautiful goddess-like pussy once more by spreading her legs for him. Jean had just been eating and licking it out for the past hour or so, but the sight never got old. This time, they were about to reach the pinnacle of a pair of human's intimate connection.

Those were the words he was dying to hear. Jean always snuck glances towards Mikasa, having to combat the irritating feeling of always seeing her by Eren's side, but making up for it was Mikasa's stunning looks. The thick cockhead of his masculine fuckrod pressed against her soaked, inflamed folds. Mikasa's virgin delicate vagina was primed for a hard fucking, as more of his length invaded her when he grunted profusely and shoved his hips forward. Her hymen didn't exist anymore as it already had broken during her intensive physical training, which is why there wasn't a trace of blood, but it hurt all the more. Mikasa whimpered slightly as she needed time to adapt to her pussy's new proportions, being spread out by his girth and stretched by his length, it felt like breathing was difficult as Jean carefully pillaged her inch at a time.

"Aaahhnn!~... Nnngghh, Jean… It's big!" muttered Mikasa, trying to keep her voice down by biting down on her trembling lip. That big fat cock was rutting so deep inside of her as he heaved back and forth against her strong pussy, recoiling the force of his empowered thrusts. Mikasa soon started to feel her pain become overwhelmed by salacious pleasure, rolling her hips against him needily.

Her velvety walls felt immensely tight and her molten heat was stupendous, it was the greatest thing that Jean had ever stuck his penis inside, coaxing him further and further inside as the addicting constriction drove him insane. Jean invaded her welcoming, succulent pussy, pounding into her missionary as she developed a resistance to his abnormal size, soon finding that a nice long thick cock was just the type she loved as Mikasa found herself lost in a series of grumbling, incoherent words in the midst of her moans.

"Oh, fuck, fuck, fuck!" cursed Jean, his head filled with praise for the woman he believed was the hottest alive.

The old run down wooden bed creaked dangerously as Jean fucked her rough and hard, knowing that Mikasa could take it. It wasn't like he had much of a choice, her impressively fit, and yet womanly body was one that he gravitated towards, unrestrained slams pushing into her sex as Jean shifted their position into a far more intimate one. Lifting her legs that instinctively locked around his waist in sexual contortion, pushing him deeper into her gushing snatch as Mikasa's mouth hung agape, her triumphant moans letting loose as Jean brought her towards an explosive orgasm.

"Jean!~... Aahhnn!~ Jean! A-Amazing!... You're going to make me-... Make me cum again!~..." shouted Mikasa, continuing to write through her compliments as Jean's elongated shaft popped in and out of her clenching tunnel with airy, slutty pops. Her flooded cunt overflowed with her own juices as Jean dug her out from the insides, expressing his love by planting kisses over her cheeks, aiming towards her lips as Mikasa embraced his broad back and met his thrusts as her spine arched in anticipation.

Her turgid squirting left the dusty mattress damp as Mikasa's full body orgasm coursed through her nervous system, scratching and clawing at Jean's back as they left marks on each other's bodies, signifying their relationship which had developed from teammates to lovers in a single night. Jean purposefully left a hickey on her neck where others would see it, the pressurized sensations that boiled up deep within Mikasa's body were released, but he wasn't yet. Jean helped Mikasa cum and waited patiently for her to finish, egging her on with a flurry of short, concise thrusts as she rode herself out to completion, her insides massaged by his tugged cock.

"Haa… Haa… Haa…" panted Mikasa, her chest heaving as Jean admired the sight of her exposed perky nipples, climbing off her body as he extracted his endowment from her honey pot. There was a thick lather of cream left on his glistening cock that filled Jean with prideful energy, glancing down at smirking at it, proud to realize that he was the only man that brought Mikasa to Nirvana.

"I didn't cum yet, Mikasa. Do you want to-" asked Jean again, before being interrupted.

"Yes!..." eagerly responded Mikasa, eyes glimmering.

Jean paused for a second before chuckling to himself, if he were to tell his past self that Mikasa would have become this submissive and attached to his cock, he would have laughed in his face.

"Alright, there's a position I want to try. Can you sit on your hands and knees, and lift your butt up for me?" asked Jean, as Mikasa heeded to his every command, just as an Ackerman would, but for a completely different reason.

Mikasa weirdly kept the only clothing on that she refused to remove, which was her treasured scarf that Eren had given her as a present after rescuing her. Jean didn't question it, simply too occupied with plowing her to care.

"Mikasa… You have a pretty nice ass too, I wish I got to see it more." growled Jean, taking the chance to do something he always envisioned, kneading and massaging her firm buttocks with both hands, admiring the contrast between muscle and softness that was such a turn on. His ideal woman had morphed completely to Mikasa's every characteristic, from her personality to her looks.

"H-Hurry, Jean… What if someone walks in?" complains Mikasa, receiving what she asked for an instant later, as Jean speared her to the brim with a singular thrust that packed all of his strength. Mikasa's eyes rolled to the back of her head when he did, her feverish moans coming off as purrs. Her toes curled up and she returned his hammering thrusts by pushing her ass against him, his slick cock pistoning in and out of her throbbing hole, bringing with it her juices. Labored gasps constantly left her as Jean possessively gripped her hips, as if she belonged to him.

"You like taking that dick, Mikasa?! Has Eren ever done this to you?" he asked, shifting his grip from her waist and onto her scarf, almost mockingly tugging on it as if it were a leash to aid his demolishing hips that pancakes her ass flat for an instant before bouncing off and wobbling.

"N-No, he hasn't!... Ahn, Jean! So rough!" expressed Mikasa, the bed bouncing underneath them, the sounds of the springing overcome by their sexual ruckus.



Eren Jaeger was finally feeling guilty after disrespecting Mikasa and sending her off, managing to calm down and return to his senses. It was already too late, but based on the implications she was making, the faint blush on her face, he picked up that Mikasa might have tried to confess to him. Eren wasn't sure if what he felt for her was love, but there was something there. He ventured out in search for her, briefly seeing the path she took when she stormed off.

"Where is she?" he asked himself, entering a bit of a panic, having little clue as to where she went. Eren started to check the farther off areas where nobody would look, isolated from others, as he expected to find Mikasa curled up in a ball, maybe sad or crying. That was the likely outcome, if it weren't for Jean, who took the role of comforting her head on, taking care of her emotionally while also fulfilling her needs.

Weird, turbulent noises could be heard on one of the barracks that he passed by, as Eren stopped in his tracks and headed towards the source of the noise. The closer he'd gotten, the clearer it'd get. It was the sounds of moans, and belonged to someone that he recognized almost immediately. The proper thing to do would have been to leave and avoid breaching their privacy, but Eren's interest got the better of him, standing tall and peeking through the windows.

"W-Wha?!..." uttered the flabbergasted Eren, wondering if he was in some sort of twisted dream. What lied before him was the sight of Jean tugging onto the scarf that he had wrapped around her neck on that fateful day, while drilling recklessly like an animal in heat against her naked, redeeming bum as he descended his palms onto her assflesh and spanked her to prove his dominance, making Mikasa yell lewd words that she'd never dare let anyone else hear.

"Y-Yes!... I love it, Jean!.... There's no way Eren could ever make me feel like this!... Aahhnnngghhh!~..." her voice shook as Mikasa's hips flailed, succumbing to another violent orgasm that ran down her inner thighs.

"You're damn right about that, Mikasa! That's it, tomorrow I'm going to survive, and when we both come back alive, we'll celebrate by having me fuck you like this!" cheered Jean, raining down a barrage of aggressive spanking. He tried it several times to see if he could get away with it, because if a woman like Mikasa took offense, then his head would be rolling on the floor. After confirming himself that she seemed to like having her butt slapped, Jean felt like a young boy who acquired a new toy, constantly repeating the same motion and watching her pale flesh wobble and ripple.

It was far from a pleasant sight, but for some morbid reason, Eren couldn't walk away, his eyes couldn't turn in another direction. His pupils were glued to the sight of the person closest to him, Mikasa, having her guts rearranged by some jerk in the Survey Corps he would always scuffle with. The resounding claps of her cheeks, that intensified from his crude spanking, and the way her sweet moans rang across the room. His fists were clenched, as blood rushed to his head, not one, but both. He felt angered, frustrated and betrayed. Then there could be no plausible reason for him to be erect, right?

"Why?... Mikasa and Jean?... There's no way, you never even looked at him before!..." thought Eren, staying silent as Mikasa was far from that, expressing herself in ways he could never imagine.

It felt like hours went by, and Eren was filled with shame, watching as Jean had his way with her. They went from doggy-style, to a complicated piledriver, where Mikasa was flipped upside down as he took a seat above her pussy, allowing gravity to pull him down and plunge into her creamy, cum filled cunt. The sloshing and slorching noises produced from her baby making regions could even be detected from outside the window, hyperventilating as Mikasa repeatedly hit her peak, and Jean would soon follow after what felt like an entire hour of smashing their bodies together in coherent fashion.

The connection of their genitalia was facing in the direction of the window where Eren was standing, but his vision was still slightly obscured from the weird angle.

"Ohh!~... Ohh, Jean!... I'm cumming!~... I keep cumming!~..." repeated Mikasa over and over, having trouble processing words that meant anything else.

"Me too, I'm going to cum soon too!" announced Jean, preparing for a glorious finale, joining Mikasa on the mattress and lifting her above his body, locking his arms past the underneath of her thighs directly below the knees, hands on the back of her neck with her feet dangling by her head, trapped in a complicated full-nelson which inadvertently granted Eren the best seats possible towards Mikasa's potential pregnancy.

Her generous bust jiggled from the rocky upwards thrusts that left her entire body tingling and electrified, a near empty headed state as Mikasa greedily and hastily shoved her way down his dick. Everything else in the world seemed to disappear, an earth-shattering orgasm consuming Mikasa as Jean prepared to fill her up with his baby batter, working furiously and passionately for the past hour for this very moment. They were at a ridiculous, blistering pace, fucking like they were the last humans on Earth. He pumped her vigorously until heavy jets of thick semen slammed against the back of her womb from his clenched pisshole, as Jean roared as loud as he could and embraced her body tight, an unrecognizable, erotic drunken face left on Mikasa that Eren made eye contact with, except she had been ravaged so thoroughly that she saw right through him.

"Jean..." sweetly moaned Mikasa in appreciation, the surreal experience felt out of body, like it was too good to be true. If sex could be this amazing, why wasn't she having it every day, she wondered.

Thankfully, there was a man right by her side that was more than willing.

Covered in sweat and basking in the afterglow of sex, after Jean's oozing seed started to seep out of her gaping hole, his dick plopping out as he demonstrated their sheer difference in size and ability. Her pussy lips sectioned around his cock all the way to the point where it needed to let go, still convulsing as Mikasa's feminine body craved to be loved by Jean's once again.

"Mikasa… What have I done?..." thought Eren, baffled by the tempestuous turn of events.

If he was having second thoughts and planning a final spurt of energy to turn around and confess his feelings to Mikasa I hopes of pulling off a late second comeback victory, that was immediately washed away by the sounds of Mikasa's moans creeping out the door again, the two newly formed lovebirds continuing their bout of mating, revitalized by their primal desires as Eren walked away, not having it in himself to standby and watch any longer.

"Mikasa… Let me ask you again, do you love me?" whispered Jean hotly into her ear, and then ambushed her with a romantic kiss on the lips, timed perfectly with his enamoured phallus that jammed itself back within her vaginal cavity, eliciting a cry of pleasure.

"Y-Yes, Jean… Nngh!~... I love-... I love this cock of yours…"