Naruto's Testament with Devils | 1 | Asia Argento

[Naruto x DxD x Shinmai no Testament]

Summary: After the Fourth Great Ninja War, Naruto Uzumaki left to another universe and found himself in the world of DxD, where he find himself happily accustomed to his new, more peaceful life by spending quality time with some hot women.


In the battle where Naruto Uzumaki and Sasuke Uchiha clashed at the end of the Fourth Great Ninja war, it suffered a bittersweet ending where Naruto accidentally killed his self proclaimed best friend, but is capable of breaking the Infinite Tsukuyomi spell thanks to the use of his bijuu chakra. After the tragic death of Sasuke, who he viewed as his lifelong rival amongst other things, Naruto tried to live a normal life, and as peace started to spread throughout the world, so did their weariness of those around him due to his newly acquired powers, which placed him at the very top of the food chain in terms of strength.

His friends and comrades still stayed closely by his side and supported him, however his past insecurities as well as the emotions he was sensing from the general populace led him towards making a very difficult situation. Naruto understood that so long as he remained in the world of the Ninjas, conflict would resume, which led him to believe that the best course of action he should take is to leave altogether.

The Biijus, who was aware of this, understood his situation and chose to join him in his journey to prevent themselves from being captured and used again, realizing that their existence causes a great disturbance in the world when evil ninjas try to abuse their powers. They all agreed it would be for the best to be sealed within Naruto, instead of roaming free. After they came to a verbal agreement, Hagaromo appeared and tried to talk them out of it, figuring out a way to convince them to stay, but to no avail. After seeing Naruto's determination and how unmovable his stance was on the matter, Hagaromo eventually caved in and allowed him to help find another universe where he hopefully could find happiness.


Now, in the present in the new universe….

Naruto Uzumaki is labelled as the new transfer student who seemingly came out of nowhere, hardly any background information available on the man that enrolled in the school. Visually, his appearance was the same, except after the events that took place, he'd become a lot more calm, cooler and collected. He is aware of the supernatural world as well as the hero tribe but chooses to not get involved with them.

Due to the increase in students, Asia, Yuki and Mio are in another classroom apart from Issei and Basara who are in the same class. The girly trio were heading towards their new classroom on the floor when Asia clumsily lost her footing and stumbled forward, coincidentally landing right on top of Naruto, who used his quick reflexes and strength to easily catch her fall and save her. Although, it did catch him by surprise, and she fell forward far enough to be straddling him as he braced her fall.

"Ouch, ouch~..." muttered Asia, both hands resting on top of Naruto's chiseled chest, as they made eye contact and happened to be staring right at each other.

"Are you okay?..." he asked.

"Oh, sorry!~... I'm so sorry!..." repeatedly apologized Asia, bowing her head numerous times, as Naruto's eyes shot opened slightly when he felt a friction against his crotch, realizing that she was slowly and possibly unintentionally grinding against him, in the midst of apologizing profusely.

"It's fine. Anyways, could you get off me?" he asked, as Asia immediately did as she was told and stepped off of his lap, blushing as she'd realized what had happened. Yuki and Mio didn't speak much, but they found themselves captivated when they looked into his eyes, simply drawn in by them for some inexplicable reason.

Naruto hadn't paid attention to their gazes, and merely headed off to class without a second thought, fixing his clothing so that his appearance was viable.

Asia is still flustered by the embarrassing things that had just occurred, and both Yuki and Mio approach her to ask if everything was okay, and after assuring that she was, Asia was internally, curiously wondering as to who that mysterious man was, a student that she'd never seen before after years of being enrolled in the school. Subconsciously, her thighs were rubbing together as she reminisced about his enrapturing eyes. Shortly after, they arrive at the entrance of the class, where they notice Naruto standing outside of it and speaking to the teacher of the new class, as the three girls all realized that they were fortunate enough to be attending the same class as him.

Naruto introduces himself before noticing the three girls from earlier whom he'd accidentally stumbled upon, turning back and waving in their direction, oblivious to the charming effect that he had on them.


Class ends with the girls making plans to head towards the Occult Research Clubroom when Asia notices Naruto leaving, and turns to tell Mio and Yuki that something came up and that she will catch up with them later. They nodded their heads and left without her, confused as to what exactly "came up", as Asia ran after Naruto, with the intention of properly apologizing for the incident earlier as well as thanking him for helping her.

It took a fair while as Asia bumped into him outside when he noticed that she was chasing him, and he turned in the shorter blonde's direction as she bowed her head again.

"I wanted to say sorry again for falling on top of you!... And um, for what happened after that…" muttered Asia, referring to the incidental grinding of his front, which gave Naruto the impression that she was aware of what she was doing, and perhaps that grinding was a result of her body subconsciously being drawn to him.

"Like I said before, it's fine. I'm not hurt or anything like that." responded Naruto, truly unbothered by what occurred.

"N-No!... It's not okay, what I did was inappropriate! Please allow me to make it up to you!" vehemently spoke Asia, stubbornly refusing to take no for an answer.

Naruto wasn't interested in engaging in a back and forth, sighing and conceding defeat.

"Alright, fine… Have it your way." he said dismissively.

"O-Okay!~. My name is Asia Argento, it's nice to meet you." bashfully said Asia, introducing herself with a thick blush on her cheeks, smiling widely.

Naruto narrowed his eyes as the girl definitely reminded him of Hinata from his world.

"Nice to meet you too, Argento. My name is Naruto." he responded, making her pout at the fact that he decided to use her family name.

They chatted normally and Asia found out that he's a newcomer to Japan despite speaking the language fluently, and that he was an orphan, but refrained from telling her the whole story as he possessed the knowledge that Asia was a devil. Hearing these personal details about Naruto sparked something within her, because in a sense, they could relate. Asia offered to walk him around and show him the vicinity of Kuoh Academy, a kind gesture that was done for her when her friend Issei did so.

Time passed that they spent together as the Gremory peerage as well as Mio's group start showing signs of concern over Asia not showing up at the clubroom, believing she would only be gone for a short amount of time. They continuously called her phone to which she didn't answer, as she put the ringtone on silent so as to not interrupt her time with Naruto.

Eventually, they figured out what she was doing when seeing her through the window, and Issei felt stricken with jealousy after finding out that she was hanging out with another guy. Issei told the club that he'll be back, and went out to search for her, saying he wanted to check if everything was fine. Yuki and Rias offered Issei company, something that made Rias frown as Issei's attention was on Asia instead of herself.


Later at a restaurant…

Asia and Naruto went together for food as he found her company pleasant, as she shared some similarities with Hinata, a woman that he was fond of back in his own universe. Naruto treated her to dinner, offering to pay as they ate quite a refreshing meal. After they finish eating and leave, Akeno, Yuki and Issei spot them on their way out, proceeding to tail and follow them.

"Who is that guy?" asked Issei, a hint of irritation in his voice.

"Oh, him? He's a new guy in my class." answered Yuki, deciding to hold back information that Asia straddled him by accident earlier.

"Well, he's definitely quite handsome." complimented Akeno, whispering this to Yuki with a sultry giggle, making Issei seethe with jealousy. Until this point, he really didn't have much competition, his ladies were loyal and generally only showed interest in him.

They eventually reach a park where Naruto and Asia stop, hiding in nearby bushes and eavesdropping on their conversation. It was standard talk, with Naruto admitting that he had a great time with her, and thanking her for showing him around. However, he still called her "Argento", making Asia pout as he obliviously brushed it off.

"I had fun myself too. Would you be interested in um-... Doing this again, maybe?" asked Asia after sighing from his reluctance of using her first name.

Naruto went silent for a while knowing that if he were to associate himself with her longer, there was a possibility he would be dragged into the world's supernatural problems, and he wanted to stay neutral and a bystander.

"E-Eh?!... Why isn't he talking? Oh no, is he actually upset about what happened before?" thought Asia, making a mistake when she opened her mouth and referenced the straddling situation in minor detail, but revealing what happened to both Akeno and Issei when she asked about it.

Naruto notices Asia starting to fret, and decides to answer before he is greeted by a sucker punch by Issei, hardly able to feel it as his face didn't even move an inch. His expression didn't change, and he noticed the other two following him.


"What are you doing?!.."

Issei, in a rage, tries to intimidate Naruto and get in his face, who almost had to stifle a laugh. He wasn't the cocky type, but there was no way in hell that Issei stood a chance. Asia intervened and jumped in between them, keeping Issei at bay.

"It was an accident, Issei!" exclaimed Asia.

"S-So what?!... Anyways, where have you been? Why aren't you picking up your phone, we've been worried sick over you!" shouted Issei, the two beginning to get in an argument.

"I was just hanging out with my new friend! Nothing happened to me!" fired back Asia, which made Naruto glance at her in unexpected surprise.

Naruto frowns when he noticed that Issei was getting a bit aggressive, and saw how Akeno and Yuki weren't impressed with his possessive, jealous behavior. Issei grew fed up with Asia and in a fit of anger, he slapped Asia across the face, stunning her when she fell back on her butt, as he saw the shock in the faces of Asia who was hit, then looking back back seeing Akeno and Yuki gasp.

"O-Oh shit, sorr-"

Before he could speak another word, Naruto grabbed his arm and applied minimal strength that was enough to inflict pain on Issei, as Naruto glared at him with a stare that exuded bloodlust.

"Leave now, or else I'll have to pummel your face in." threatened Naruto, making Issei shiver in fear and break out in a nervous sweat.

Issei wanted to retaliate foolishly, but he saw Akeno and Yuki tending to Asia on the floor, who was bawling her eyes out with tears streaming down her face. After realizing what he'd just done, Issei once again tries to apologize, but words wouldn't be enough.

"I'm sorry, Asia… I-"

"I don't want to hear it, Issei. Go home without me." responded Asia, sobbing through tears.

Issei cursed and snapped his arm away from Naruto who let him go, storming off in the opposite direction by his lonesome as Akeno and Yuki tried to console Asia who didn't stop crying.

"I can't believe Issei would do that!" said Akeno.

"What a jerk." commented Yuki.

Neither of them felt like being around a man like Issei anymore, after seeing him strike an innocent girl over a petty argument that shouldn't have existed in the first place. There was nothing inherently wrong with Asia's actions. It took a few minutes, but Asian calmed herself down and told both Akeno and Yuki that she was fine.

"Are you sure you're okay?"

"Y-Yes… I'll probably stay at the clubroom tonight, I'm not in the mood to see Issei right now after that…" expressed Asia, as the other two understood. After ensuring that she was fine, Akeno and Yuki take their leave, as Naruto stared at Asia in silence, contemplating a few things.

"My bad. I'm sorry I made your boyfriend think that I was hitting on his girlfriend." apologized Naruto.

"He's not my boyfriend." immediately responded Asia, shutting that notion down swiftly.

Naruto was surprised, believing that was the case with Issei's outrageous reaction. It didn't matter if they were dating or not, since it was wrong either way.

"He's just a very good close friend… Or, at least he was." muttered Asia, furious that he would hit her. It wasn't because of how much physical pain she was in, but the fact that he would stoop so low as to strike her hurt the most.

Seeing how emotional Asia was getting, and figuring out over the course of their time together that she was a nice lady, Naruto relented and invited her over to his home, maybe to share some tea and calm her nerves. Asia would have normally been flustered beyond belief, but her mood was so sour that she didn't bat an eye, and accepted easily, wanting to find any way of getting Issei off her mind.


At Naruto's home…

Asia didn't know what to expect from an orphaned transfer student in terms of their living conditions, but it was safe to say she was blown away at the spacious, elegant house that he was living in alone. There was enough room to fit maybe three whole families in there. He led the way and directed her over towards the couch, which turned out to be just as comfy as it looked.

"Sorry to keep you waiting." said Naruto, bringing two cups of tea that he gently laid on the table, joining Asia for a seat and sitting directly beside her. He wasn't as dense as before, knowing that it was typical for those that needed comforting to yearn for body contact.

Asia was still left upset and a simple sip of tea wasn't going to ease it down, Naruto patted her on the back and tried to sweetly talk to her, wishing to calm her down until he noticed that she had started crying again. A woman's tears always caused men to push themselves into action, and before he knew it, despite the precautions he wanted to take to prevent himself from running into other demons and angels, Naruto pulled her in for a heartwarming hug, allowing her to vent out all of her frustrations, as Asia started to spill everything that had been troubling her mind.

"That jerk Issei is always talking about having a harem! He's always ignoring my feelings for him because he says he wants to marry all of the girls at the club!..." said Asia, raising her voice and alleviating herself of the weight that's been burdening her. Naruto remained patient and listened to whatever she needed to say, assuring her that none of it was her fault.

A couple minutes passed by, and Asia finally started to feel better after confessing. There hadn't been a single person that she confided in, Akeno and the others were in the same boat, but she generally bottled up these feelings on her own until they became unbearable. Naruto and Asia started to connect, somehow finding themselves in the position they did when they had first met, but this time voluntarily. Asia was sitting on his lap, and Naruto cuddled her until her tears dried up, and a smile was plastered on her face as they looked into each other's eyes. They were naturally drawn in, falling victim to intimacy, as Naruto caressed her thigh, seizing the moment as they both leaned forward, their lips connecting in the middle as Asia let out a content exhale of relief. From the moment they met, everything seemingly played out perfectly until this. It took a courageous effort to perform her first kiss with Issei, but this felt natural. Naruto was a good-looking, fine gentleman.

"Mmm… Mmm!~...."

Starting off soft and gentle at first, as Naruto tested his boundaries when feeling her smooth thighs and gently pushing against her lips, things quickly escalated and grew passionately heated when Asia tried to slip him some tongue, her core tightening and a feeling of butterflies in her stomach. This romantic feeling was stronger than anything she'd ever felt for Issei, especially now. Her mind was quickly forgetting about that rude, obnoxious man. Instead, Naruto was filling that void, and surpassing him in every way possible. Their hot lips meshed together, their tongues wrestling as Naruto entered the cavern of her mouth, and she tasted ever so sweet.

Naruto didn't invite her with ill intentions, nature was simply running its course, the two sharing a mutual attraction towards one another which was blooming in front of their own eyes. His hands roamed the frame of her small back, tickling her slightly as he tenderly sucked on her bottom lip, eliciting an excited moan from her lips as their crotches grinded together, the same motion from when they first met, but with more meaning. Naruto was steadily growing a girthy erection, as he was gifted by the gods in more than just his powers and chakra, but of his well-endowment too.

"More~..." mumbled Asia in between breaths, eyes closed as she took the opportunity to fondle Naruto's muscles herself, lifting the white t-shirt above his abdomen and then over his head. Immediately darting in for another kissing session, with Naruto losing his patience with the torturously wonderful bout of kisses, standing off his feet and using his incredible strength to carry her with his broad body, walking up the stairs and never pausing the motions of his tongue that swiped against hers. Issei wasn't like Naruto, he was physically weak, and Naruto's body felt solid and built, making her squeal into his lips, as he located his bedroom and swung the door open, reaching the destination of his king-sized mattress and flinging Asia onto it, roughly.

Issei was hardly man enough to actually give her what she used to crave, his dick. That meant that she was a total virgin, and despite her assertive bravado, Naruto had a feeling. Asia's arousal was hard to miss, her face was flushed a crimson shade of red, her frantic breathing and the sight of her squirming on his bed caused his bulge to practically pop out of his boxers. They acted like they were in a rush, and that this was their last day on earth, as Naruto unpacked the front of his trousers with his massive schlong whipping out right in front of her face. Asia sat there, cockstrucked, eyes bulging as a sharp breath escaped her lips, staring at his immense manhood as if she had just fallen in love. It felt as if it were radiating virility, and while the size and length was intimidating, Asia felt the desire to make love to it. Her insides clenched and tightened from the smell alone, her entire body was on fire, her natural instincts telling her to sleep with this hunk of a man.

Naruto was a man in foreign territory, and he hardly thought twice about putting this cute blonde to bed. There was far too much teasing that happened between the two for Naruto to resist, he wouldn't dub himself as overly horny, but it wasn't like he was never interested in ladies either. After he took down Pain his popularity skyrocketed, and there was a crowd of women that were intrigued with taking his Kyuubi cock for a swing. Asia never knew that Naruto could be so aggressive, considering how gentle he was in consoling her. His persona in bed was completely different, he sought to completely assert his dominance, starting by stripping off her school uniform, leaving her in nothing but her white laced bra and panties that were a symbol of her untainted maidenhood. Asia was literal eye candy for the man who'd been depraved from a woman's touch ever since the war, and as a result his lively erection was heavy and pumped with blood.

"Do you really want this, Asia? There's no turning back after this, I won't stop until I'm satisfied." said Naruto, making his point crystal clear as Asia felt her heart skip a beat, looking down bashfully as she was bent over with her nice firm butt sticking out in his direction. Thankfully, now that they weren't face to face, she was able to settle in more easily.

"Y-Yes, Naruto… Please, give it to me!" gasped Asia, feeling short of breath as if she were about to hyperventilate, feeling the thick mushroom head probing against her folds that were noticeably soaked, dripping down her thighs as she split her hole open. Asia was at least this knowledgeable on the topic to be aware of sexual positions where she was preparing for the night where Issei would have sex with her, but that never came. Naruto on the other hand, despite being their first day meeting, they bonded closely enough that they were about to have hot and heavy sex.

The muscular blonde grunted profusely as he rocked his hips forward, spearing over half of her tight insides with his sizable cock, making Asia whimper from his excessive proportions, feeling as if air had literally been knocked out of her body, arching her back more and bending her arse into his crotch. Her booty cheeks ricocheted off of his manly hips as he started to pound into her doggystyle, grabbing her slender arms and tugging on them, leaving Asia for no way to cover herself as she had never felt this vulnerable before, her velvety walls being spread apart and stretched to their brim, tongue lewdly hanging from her agape mouth as she was fucked harder than she could have ever imagined. Naruto packed a lot of strength behind his empowered thrusts, leaving her legs feeling weak after taking several of them, her cute high pitched moans echoed throughout the room as Asia was left in a state of disbelief from how mind boggling sexual intercourse felt. Her vaginal cavity felt like it was permanently changing, each blow of his fat cock left his big ballsack smacking against the underside of her plump rear.

"Ohh!~.. Ohh!~.. N-Naruto! Good!... It feels good!~..." gasped Asia as her swaying breasts shook violently the faster he plowed into her, completely ravaging her until it felt like her mind was a blur. Naruto's masculine figure was granting her unbridled pleasure, pushing her towards her first real orgasm ever, eyes watering as her hips bucked wildly in tandem with his hips, cumming like a fountain as Naruto's groin was spritzed in vaginal juices after only himself getting started. Her ample bust jiggled as their flesh smacked together, and Naruto brought her to heaven, legs quivering and tumbling forward when the discharge overpowered her every sense.

"Sorry, Asia… I'm not quite finished yet." smiled Naruto, as he took initiative in handling the numerous positions he was going to place her in while he dicked her down. Asia felt her entire being fall victim to lust, pulled upwards until her back was flushed against his chiseled chest, and Naruto picked her up from under her thighs, arms reaching under her armpits and around the back of her neck, holding her in a lock full-nelson style. Without any control of her body yet again, Asia felt herself feeling anxiously exposed, her sopping wet quim spilling onto the mattress, her tight virgin cunt was producing an excess amount of cream that lathered his big girthy manhood, pistoning in and out of her juicy cunt, on cloud nine as her boisterous moans were constant and relentless.

This was one of many ways where Issei couldn't match Naruto, he probably would have clumsily dropped her off or was only able to maintain it for several seconds, whereas Naruto held her completely still in place apart from the lewdness of her figure jiggling and bouncing from his upwards thrusts as that mammoth cock split her apart. Asia was being thrown into a whirlwind of euphoria, incoherent words escaping her lips whenever she would even attempt to speak.

Her smooth thighs were jiggling like jello, head tilted back as her womanly screams were released directly by Naruto's ear. His nutsack flopped and swayed as he fucked her viciously, with Asia staring down at her crotch which was a sticky, climax dripping mess as she failed to contain her voice even a bit. Naruto made her twitch violently, squirting like a fountain as she panted like a bitch in heat. Her angelic, tight vaginal walls squeezed him firmly, milking his cock until his hanging balls were ready to produce a healthy amount of cum. Unsure of whether or not this was caused because of her blessed Uzumaki genetics, Naruto took full advantage and hammered into her sopping wet sex with vigour, grunting incessantly right into her ear as hot breath tickled her.

"Ahhn!~.. Ahh!~.. Uunngh!~ Oohnngghh!~.." sputtered Asia, spit dripping from her lips as a noisy orgasm coursed through her nervous system.

"Agh, God!... Asia, that's all I can take!" gasped Naruto, failing to even remotely slow down the incredible pace of their colliding hips, a splash of thick white jizz erupting from within the deepest recesses of her womb. The sensation of being inseminated sent her into total overdrive, a torrent of her thick honeypot cream gushing out of her snatch moments later, as Asia was fucked mindless for an instant as she inhaled quick frantic breaths to recuperate.

Surely, Asia thought he would be spent. After all, she was on the border of exhaustion herself, having never been this physically and mentally drained before. A complete rollercoaster of a day had taken quite the toll on her, but everything seemed trivial when Naruto's cock spoiled her sensitive pussy hole with attention.

"Again… Let's keep going." panted Naruto, showing off his boundless stamina and even greater libido, letting her go and fall stomach first onto the mattress before turning her over, as he flipped around so that their faces were shoved into each other's crotches. Asia knew this was called fellatio, and never thought that she'd be doing it so early, there wasn't much technique to use as his slippery cock pushed into her slobbery mouth. Asia closed her plush lips tightly and dragged her head back and forth, her muffled moans coming off as pleasant vibrations around his cockshaft as Naruto dug out her cunt with his fingers before devouring her remaining juices, slurping it up and humping her face into the bed as their "relaxation period" came in the form of performing simultaneous oral sex.

It was only a matter of minutes until their teasing had gone on for far too long, Naruto was about to bust, and Asia felt herself cumming for what felt like the ninth time that night. Time was passing and the room was already dark, only illuminated by the full moon, as Naruto went from being orally serviced by solely her mouth to flabbergasted when they rolled over and she encased his beautifully sturdy shaft within the crevice of her generous chest. Her boobs weren't massive like Akeno's or Rias's, but they were certainly impressive compared to most girls. Naruto was feeling their impact, caressing the supple flesh within his palms as they stroked and masturbated him to completion.

"Again~... You're gonna make me cum again, Asia!~..." he warned, for no good reason as this caused Asia to only slurp louder, combining the use of her fat tits with those sweet tender lips, receiving her well deserved apart that was a copious amount of thick spunk that travelled straight down her throat in numerous, exaggerated gulps. It felt as if she were drinking thick liquid directly from a straw, rolling her tongue in circles around the head, dipping her head deeper and licking at his glands in the process.


The sex marathon ensued, with Naruto wasting not a minute of time before they continued, his aching erection recovered abnormally fast, the way his body worked functioned differently from the average human. Asia was introduced to positions that she'd never seen before, despite her extensive research. Naruto lifted her thighs and legs upwards, balancing her on the frame of her back as he took a seat on top of her after penetrating her fully, stuffing her with that huge burly cock as he piledrived into her with reckless abandon, working up a rhythm that left her shaking uncontrollably, eyes rolling to the back of her head as Asia pleaded for more. He was fucking her thoroughly, not leaving a single itch behind as her convulsing pussy gripped the life out of his prodigious penis.

It was a bit of a compromising position, hanging upside down, but it gave her a crystal clear view of how this operated. The wet, airy pops of her wet tunnel as his cock repeatedly escaped its grip was inexplicably erotic. Asia never considered herself perverted, with a standard sex drive for a woman, one that was perhaps too strong for her innocent appearance, but with Naruto, that completely changed. Perhaps from the moment they first locked eyes, Asia fantasized about this. Whether that be for a second, or a minute, the truth of it all was that it happened. They gravitated towards each other since, and even if Naruto played it off cool, he admittedly was attracted to Asia too, he merely didn't want to make a mistake living freshly in this demon dominated world.

His meat wedged within her sex, he wiggled his hips side to side, carving her out to better fit her elasticy, spongy walls with his veiny meat stick. The more of his length that invaded her, the greater volume of her moans. Asia might have lost her voice by the end of this, screaming at the top of her lungs as Naruto fucked downwards into her.

The narrow squeeze was slick and lubricated thanks to their excessive creampies, without protection, what they were doing was dangerous, at least under Naruto's understanding and impression of how the female body functioned here in this foreign universe. Pregnancy wasn't at the forefront of his mind, but it was a possibility if he didn't act out on it. None of these things crossed his train of thought, continuously plowing Asia into an orgasmic, shaking mess. Naruto sank into her erotic heat, pressing down on the underside of her smooth thighs, jostling his shaft in and out of her labia.

"Unnggh!~... Unngh!~.. Ooh!~..."

The only words that escaped her lips were conveyed only during sex, the deep penetration aided by gravity sent Asia into the throes of passion, wreacking havoc on her once virgin body. The way Naruto was fucking her completely obliterated her standards, now reaching a sky high level that any man she'd meet would fail to stack up with him. It was a surreal moment, Asia felt like she was in a dream, the state of euphoria she was in left her cumming all over her own stomach, as Naruto pulled out of her and slammed her back down into the bed. Almost hard to move, Asia breathed breathlessly as her sweaty naked body enticed Naruto to explore her to the fullest. Apparently, her delicious dampened vagina wasn't the only hole he sought out for, massaging and kneading the flesh of her marshmallowy rump, rubbing against her tiny puckered hole, as Asia drowsily realized what he was planning, submissively laying herself out for him.

"Can I?" he asked nicely for permission, smacking her rump and watching it jiggle.

Asia slowly nodded her head in compliance, as Naruto celebrated internally, a wide grin on his face as he retracted his hips, utilizing his fingers to warm her anal entrance up, taking his sweet time making sure that her hole was prepared for a beating.

"I-I'm ready, Naruto…" muttered Asia through her trembling lips, far more nervous for anal sex in comparison to the traditional vaginal intercourse that possessed significantly less risks. Nonetheless, Naruto was a man that Asia felt willing to do whatever he wanted. This was almost in a way a form of thanking him, and there honestly couldn't have been a better reward.

He clenched his teeth as he nudged his hips sharply, plunging into the impossibly narrow entrance of her tight butthole, as Asia cringed and scraped at the thin blanket sheets beneath them, Naruto focused on fitting his meat pole within the warmth of her rectum. It was such a lewd craving that he needed to fulfill else he wouldn't have felt accomplished. Asia wiggled her ass back and forth, like a dog wagging its tail, as she discovered just how inherently perverted she actually was. Depraved groans were produced by her vocal cords as she felt full from Naruto's engorged cock, throbbing in its veiny entirety as her little bumhole grew twice its original size, gaping as Naruto further stimulated her by twisting her erect nipples between his thumb and forefingers.

"I haven't stuck it inside a girl's butt before, but I regret not doing this sooner! It's not the same feeling as her pussy but-... It's just as tight, if not tighter!..." he thought.

Naruto was a fearsome talent when it came towards pleasuring women, shoving his dick way down her asshole with greed and haste, toes curling up as her legs flexed and her leaking pussy ejected more climax fluids, hips pancaking her assmeat flat at the apex of every thrust. The fat, hard cockhead pummeled the ends of her outstretched anal cavity, leaving Asia with the sensation that he was reaching all the way to her stomach. Silent gasps left her open mouth as she fell face front into the cushions, perfectly bent over to receive Naruto's generous gift as he worked himself in and out of her foreign hole for several minutes longer until he prepared to bust, seeing no need to empty himself out anywhere else but inside.

"Oooh goodness… This is too much!~... I'm going to go insane!..." thought Asia, deliriously as she was picked up once again, already surpassing her limits.

Their last and final position was fitting, classic missionary style with Naruto crawling on top of her, as Asia instinctively laid herself down, spreading for him, welcoming him as she never broke eye contact with his loving, stupendous cock that hung there loosely, watching in slow motion as he submerged within her aching depths one last time. Her eyes went cross-eyed when Asia's womb was nudged against heavily, her weak G-spot abused as Naruto purposefully hit it with everything he had, admiring all of her facial expressions as they intensely, intimately stared into each other's eyes. It wasn't just her body that was being claimed as his, it was her very soul, her heart, everything. Asia was offering her all to Naruto, and they shuddered within their tightly locked grasp.

"Ohhh, Asia~..." grunted Naruto, shoving his lurching cock quicker and cleaving at her exposed, inflamed folds. Their pace wasn't blisteringly fast like earlier, where Naruto was trying to alleviate accumulated cum and stress simultaneously, but they adopted a more sensuous, slow grind of their crotches as they reached the pinnacle of passion. Their hearts seemed to connect just as quickly as their friendship, skipping ordinary steps that people who had just been introduced took, achieving things that Issei couldn't after years of knowing her.

He was massaging her insides to completion, leaving not an inch of space unattended, his masculine size making that relatively impossible. The way that it invaded her succulent, voracious pussy left Naruto entranced and thirsty for more. He probably should have stopped ages ago, considering how this length of pure unadulterated fucking was far too much for a poor virgin to handle.

This was evident through her reactions, thrashing and heaving beneath him, her pale skin colored a light pink shade of red, exerting all of her energy and committing it towards this last and final orgasm. Without a doubt, Asia would have never been able to cum this number of times with someone else. She hit her climax more times than she could count on her own fingers.

Her soaking wet clit grinded the rigid pubic bone, signifying how inseparable their connection was. They weren't just fucking, they were fucking to the best of their abilities. Slow, shallow strokes were guiding her towards the end, and her pink pussy felt swollen from the inside and out. Moans turned feverish as her cream stuck to the behemoth shaft, entering and exiting as he pleased, all in a smooth delightful motion.

Naruto demonstrated his superiority as a warm sensation of gooey seed being poured into the nagging depths of Asia's overworked womb knocked her unconscious, the pleasure bursting through her loins left her gasping and crying in pleasure as Naruto held tightly onto her booty cheeks and rolled over, allowing her to rest on his broad chest as he placed a lover-esque kiss squarely on her lips, as they completed their session of mating that left Asia teary-eyed, wet, and sore throughout.

"Wow… That was something else…" he spoke to himself, gently patting her head and smirking as the hot blonde fell into a sex induced slumber on his front, thinking to himself that maybe choosing this alternate universe wasn't so bad, after all.

"I didn't know that there were so many beautiful women here. There might actually be more in this school alone then I know back home. And, I'm not sure why, but I feel pretty popular here as well. Asia is a good girl, and we ended up having sex already. Who knows? Maybe some of the others might be interested too.." pondered Naruto, thinking about some of the girls he met. Akeno, Mio, Yuki, any of those three sounded like a feast. After living most of his life training, fighting and striving to become the Hokage, his motivations had taken an apparent switch, and he wouldn't have it any other way. What better way was there to relax than having intercourse with numerous, gorgeous women?

His half hardened, nearly flaccid penis flopped out of her fully used snatch, coated in a mixture of juices, resting against his hard thigh as he sifted his fingers through Asia's luscious locks, appreciating her for being an unbelievable fuck.