'Big' Hiro's Sex [ 5 ]

Waking up next to a beautiful woman is a wonderful thing. Waking up BENEATH a beautiful woman is… phenomenal.

"Ah… yeah… MMn…" Hiro's eyes opened as his kinda girlfriend Gogo swung upright on top of him. "Ahh…" getting a wonderful view beneath her, her big breasts heaving and her waist gyrating. He almost forgot that he was in his room and his aunt was RIGHT DOWNSTAIRS. "MMn… yeah…" she moaned, his cock throbbing eagerly inside her at the sound as she took his hands and lifted them up to her chest. A confident smirk on her face as her mouth stretched open in a laugh and a pleasurable gasp.

Her hips rocked back and forth on him, her majestic ass grinding on his legs as he squeezed her breasts, she moaned eagerly, tossing her head again as she rode him like her bike. "Come on Hiro." She purred softly in a husky whisper as his cock trembled inside her tight warm tunnel. "Come on." He sat up, she grinned as he kissed her, hands wrapped tightly onto her ass cheeks as he lifted and dropped her. "MMN! MMm!! MMM!!" her fingerless gloves clawed on his back as her breasts pressed to his.

"Mwah… ah… Gogo!" he grunted, squeezing her ass tightly as he pulled her closer, and down on his cock…

The condom filled almost instantly with his plentiful morning load. Gogo laughed softly to herself, before silencing him abruptly. He fell onto his back on the bed, grunting as she fell on top of him. Raising and dropping her hips on him as she slammed down, and wiggled. "MMmn…hmmm…" she pulled away… and blew a bubble of gum in his face. It popped and she smirked.

"That's right… you're welcome." She chuckled confidently, slapping his face lightly before sliding off of him. "MMMn! That's the spot…" she said lazily, blowing another bubble as she strutted around the room like she owned it… completely naked.

"What are you doing here?" he mumbled in disbelief, before promptly tending to little Hiro and his full glove, grumbling slightly as he tied it off and disposed of it in his trash… beneath more trash and trying to remember to empty it so Aunt Cass didn't have to… "…Not that I mind." He added under his breath before immediately turning to Tadashi's room and finding the door shut. He breathed a sigh of relief, Baymax was still 'asleep'.

"I thought I'd come and wake you up." Gogo replied casually, still strutting around naked. Only wearing her fingerless gloves, her tight pants, shirt and jacket casually draped over the chair… then she began to flex. Stretching her arms wide in the air her back arched, her butt popped. Her long shapely legs stretching as she flexibly bent forward, bending almost in half as she grabbed her ankles and tapped her forehead to her shins.

"Oh my god…" he gurgled softly to himself as he watched wide-eyed as her body contorted almost disproportionately.

"Hmmm." She moaned comfortably, standing back upright and clenching her majestic butt as it visibly twitched and clenched…

It wasn't a 'twerk'. Gogo does NOT 'twerk'. Obviously. She wouldn't do that at all for any reason… especially not for Hiro's viewing pleasure... She was... flexing.

"So you just… walked right in and decided to drop your pants? What about Aunt Cass?" he mumbled nervously.

"Sleeping." Gogo noted. "I'd say I didn't hear you complaining… but seeing as you're whining right now that would be a lie." She noted with her confident smirk, as she casually strutted to the bathroom.

…It was an odd, ODD, Sight to watch Gogo walk around naked… as if that was her natural state. Hiro was still a little bit… well, 'angry' wasn't the word… he couldn't be angry at Gogo especially since… you know. SEX. But perhaps indignant was the word.

He was indignant at Gogo… but… well… Gogo's BUTT. It was VERY distracting.

It sashayed left, it sashayed right… almost in slow motion as his eyes instinctively followed the glorious apple bottom. Then it stopped moving and he snapped out of his trance. Most of Gogo was inside his bathroom… except for her rear which was leaning against the doorframe as her hands slid slowly up and down the edges of the door.

"What?" she asked, glancing coyly over her shoulder as her rear wiggled ever so slightly left and right.

"…Noth…ing." He said lamely, trying to find ANYTHING else to focus on but nope… his eyes were still glued to his kinda girlfriend's ass…

"Hmph." She scoffed lazily, "Well again Hiro. You're welcome." She then slunk into the bathroom and after a few seconds the shower was on. Hiro, Gogo's spell broken, slapped his face and pulled it down. It stretched comically as he groaned out once more.

"Oh my GOD…" he sighed sadly, "…Damn I love her… but she's going to KILL me…" he quickly glanced around for pants, retrieved said pants… but before applying said pants he realized… he was still a bit sticky and resolved to take a quick shower…

…Which was currently occupied by his smoking hot, potentially crazy, and definitely dangerous kinda girlfriend. Oh well. Worst case scenario he gets to watch her shower. He glanced into his bathroom with his clothes under one arm as Gogo rinsed off. Humming to herself as she shook out her wet hair beneath the pouring water. Without a care in the world. He sighed, put his clothes onto a nearby table before walking to his curtains and sliding them open.


"AHHH!!?" he leaped away from the window as a giant chameleon lizard-thing/FRED. Appeared on his window. "FRED!!" he roared indignantly, covering his underwear with his hands. "What the actual Hell!?" Fred's face ejected from his chameleon mask's mouth, grinning unconcerned at Hiro's near nakedness.

"Hiro! Hiro! Hiro! Quick! We GOT to get to the MEGAPLEX! They're going to show an advanced showing of Kentucky Kaiji 4: We don't need no subtitles!"

Hiro gaped open-mouthed at Fred, "Fred. I am NAKED."

"Mostly naked." Fred grinned practically, "Get dressed let's GO! GO! GO!! And get Gogo!"

"What about Gogo?!" Hiro squeaked nervously but Fred merely shrugged, tugging at his sticky hands on the glass, they were firmly stuck… they still needed a bit of work.

"Nothin." He replied flatly, "Just saying. I'm trying it out." He tugged valiantly on his hand. Grunting as his arm wiggled comically but his fingers remained stuck to Hiro's window. "We should also get Honey Lemon and Wasabi." He added casually before he yanked his hand off the glass, and his other hand took that particular moment to unstick as well. "Whoa!!" he fell backward, his feet still on the glass as his head and back slammed onto the wall below. "…Ow…" he mumbled as Hiro slammed the curtains shut.

"Hiro. I detect an Injury." Came Baymax's muffled voice from his 'room' as Hiro's brain quickly ran through whatever options he could. His eyes shot to Gogo's clothes, casually spread across his computer chair. Since he didn't want to explain WHY Gogo's clothes were on the chair. WITHOUT GOGO. He scooped them up and tossed them into his bathroom.

"Fred's-outside-Baymax-you-should-go-see-if-he's-okay-I'm-going-to-take-a-BATH!" he said so rapidly not even he was sure exactly what he said.

Slam went the bathroom door as he caught his breath, opened it again, reached out to grab his clothes before yanking them into the bathroom and slamming the door shut. "Oh-my-god-oh-my-god…" he breathed as the beautiful, very wet Gogo strutted calmly out of the shower and grabbed a towel. Lazily wiping down her glistening body as Hiro's nerves were calmed… or at least the blood to his heart was rushing somewhere else.

Calm as could be. Gogo tossed the towel back onto the rack before bending forward, Hiro's erection struggling for freedom as Gogo picked up her clothes. "What's got you all weirded out?"

"Fred's here. Fred's outside! What are we going to do?" he mumbled nervously, his hands running through his moppy hair as she pulled on her pants, her hips swiveling as she pulled them over her big, wonderful ass.

"I'm going to put on my clothes." She said casually, tossing her shirt down over her big breasts, followed closely by her jacket. "And tell him I came to hang out." She noted. She was a wise, wise woman. "Take a breath, take your bath. And calm the fuck down…" she smacked his left cheek firmly with a gloved hand and kissed his right before strutting out of the bathroom. "Hey Baymax."

Hiro whimpered, "Hello Gogo." Baymax cooed as Hiro took a breath, "I am assisting Fred."

Pop went her gum, "Neat. Where's Hiro?" she asked conversationally, speaking lazily with an oblivious Baymax as if she didn't just walk out of Hiro's bathroom. Taking a nerve-wracking breath, Hiro went to calm himself with a cold, COLD, shower…

After banging his head on the wall for a few minutes, absently shampooing his uncontrollable hair, and rinsing away his sorrows down the drain. Eventually he dried off and got out finding Gogo lazily sitting on his futon bed as he pulled down his shirt. She blew a bubble, pop, and glanced at him. "We're going to see a movie."

"…We are?" he blinked surprised; he did NOT see that coming. "I didn't think you liked Kentucky Kaiji…"

"Is that what we're seeing? Whatever." she noted dismissively, Hiro's eyes narrowed thoughtfully. "Anyway let's go."

"Where are Baymax and Fred?" Hiro asked as he grabbed what he needed and followed his kinda girlfriend down the stairs.

"Outside." She noted, blowing another bubble as they got out onto the street to find Chameleon Fred still hanging upside down over Baymax. Thankfully his head had gone back into his mask to once again hide his identity.

"Okay Baymax. Pull!" He said as Baymax grabbed Fred's arms and yanked him from the wall. Like a slingshot Fred shot across the street, roaring dramatically. "FREDZILLA AWAY!!" before crashing into an alleyway. "…OW…" he mumbled.

"Hiro. I shall assist Fred." Baymax noted, walking to the edge of the street before blinking rather confusedly. "I shall find a crosswalk."

"Let him be Baymax." Gogo noted, grabbing the big robot by the arm and walking with Hiro towards the Megaplex. "Fred's got to go change anyway." It was a calming walk to the megaplex, and seconds after they arrived Wasabi and Honey Lemon pulled up in Wasabi's car.

"Hey Guys!" Honey Lemon cooed sweetly as Wasabi parked the car.

"We got Fred's message what's going on? He said it… was… important." Wasabi said slowly as his eyes went to the Megaplex, then the featured movie, and he frowned. "…He's tricked us into seeing the movie, hasn't he?"

"Well we haven't bought the tickets yet." Honey Lemons smiled sweetly seconds before-

"I got the tickets!" Fred stood beside all of them holding the movie tickets as Wasabi face palmed himself. "Here's yours, and yours, and yours, and yours, and here you go Wasabi." He grinned passing one to each of them and finally to Wasabi, as he sighed rubbing his hand down from his forehead to his chin. "I've already bought the ticket, so you have to go…" he smiled.

"…Curse my politeness…" Wasabi cursed sadly as Honey Lemon patted his arm with a smile still stretched across her face.

Gogo blew a bubble of gum, spinning the ticket dexterously between her fingers. Cool as ice. "Let's go already before all the good seats are taken."

"Yes. Yes. YES!" Fred giggled excitedly, scampering around them all before charging into the theater.

"…Anyone want Popcorn?" Honey Lemon asked sweetly as she and Wasabi followed Fred.

"Sure." Hiro replied as they all went to get snacks.

Contrary to Fred's opinion the Kentucky Kaiju movies weren't NEARLY as popular as he thought. The theater was hardly half full. But at least all the good seats weren't taken. He bounced excitedly in the center row, waving to them as one by one they sat down. Wasabi and Honey Lemon on one side, Baymax, Gogo and Hiro on the other…

"This is going to be GREAT guys. I hear the Kaiju fights are going to be EPIC." Fred grinned with hardly contained excitement as the screen flickered through 'commercials'.

"You say that for every Kentucky Kaiju movie Freddy." Honey Lemon smiled and handed him a ridiculously sized soda cup. Kaiju sized in fact.

"Thanks, Honey Lemon…. And I only say that because its true." He said rather indignantly, slurping on his straw with his pinky finger extended.

Gogo relaxed in her seat, her arm resting on Hiro's on the shared armrest he blinked at her silently, but let it stay on top. "I just hope they actually try with the human scenes…" she mumbled, "In every Kaiju movie the humans do something stupid. Just once I'd like them to realize they live in a world with giant unstoppable monsters…"

"Then we wouldn't have a movie." Wasabi noted as the lights began to dim. "Popcorn?" he noted, passing them some. One hour and fifty-five minutes later, thirty of which was spent on Kaiju fighting… they STILL didn't have a movie.

"That was AWESOME!" Fred cheered after the climatic Kaiju battle…

"Well… the giant creature's designs were impressive." Honey Lemon noted cautiously.

"And the combat choreography was okay…" Wasabi added subtly as Fred giggled excitedly in his seat.

"…All the human characters were unnecessary, the plot was haphazard, the motivation of the back-stabbing scientist was completely and utterly idiotic not to mention insane…" Gogo began but Hiro, in a surprising show of bravery, elbow her in the side, she glared at him but he nodded towards Fred. She sighed reluctantly. "…But the Kaiju fights were cool…" she said placatingly as Fred cheered again.

"I liked the giant robot Ape." Baymax said blinking calmly as the theater began to clear out. Gogo patted his arm as they gathered their things as well and began to leave.

"I demand to be on STAGE!" shouted an attractive blonde, one half of the criminal pair High Voltage.

"This isn't that sort of theater." Noted a rather nervous teen manager seconds before the other half of High Voltage, Barb, flipped dramatically into the entryway.

"Juniper! Let's give the public what they want!" she declared at they began to dance, pose, and promptly rob the movie theater.

"Of course." Gogo mumbled as a flash of lightning streaked past her face, like a badass she tilted her head to the side as it blackened the door behind her. "Skymax?"

"Skymax." The group declared flatly, running outside the nearest exit as the crowd's mixed screams of cheering and terror mingled at the exciting crowd… High Voltage might be dangerous, but Juniper's youthful energy and looks were still very popular on the dance crime scene… even Wasabi was a fan.

They called the delivery bot and quickly armoring up, the shot around to the front of the theater and burst through the front doors, dramatically posing. "Stop right their High Voltage!" Hiro declared in a valiant, heroic tone.

"Captain Cutie!" somebody shouted excitedly, Hiro sighed indignantly.

"Oh, come on!" he decried.

"Juniper launch! 2! 5! 7! 8!" then like a lightning infused cannonball, Juniper was leaping violently across the floor straight at them.

"Oh right." Hiro mumbled as Juniper collided with, and knocked him clear off of Baymax, she was to fast to react to. Juniper slammed into him and sent him careening into a wall as Barb lobbed electric bolts from her cabbage-patching hands as cover fire. Gogo grabbed the dazed Hiro and set him down behind a cutout of the Kentucky Kaiju hand on his helmeted head as his eyes spun.

"You alright?"

"Yeah… just a little dazed." He mumbled, wondering if that rattling sound was coming inside his helmet or his head.

"…Stay down. See if you can take out their energy orb thing while we distract them."

"Got it." Hiro replied, darting from the cutout as Gogo joined the fray, tag-teaming Juniper with Wasabi as Honey Lemon, Fred, and an electrically jolted Baymax fended off Barb.

"I got the fuzzy otter guys!" he cheered, throwing a rocket fist at Barb.

"…I really need to insulate him." Hiro mumbled thoughtfully, getting behind Barb as their power orb floated above her, she sent Fred hurtling into a wall with an energy blast as Hiro leaped from behind her. "Honey Lemon!"

Reacting quickly she tossed a pair of goo balls at Hiro's hands, he caught, then smacked them around the orb, sealing it in an insulated ball as it clumped to the ground. He grinned triumphantly as Barb glanced down.

"…Not again." she mumbled, "Juniper! Escape dance-" but Juniper, hit by a rather vindictive Gogo, sent the attractive dancer into the counter of the concession stand, her cheek already purpling from the surprisingly heavy hit, "…Oh…" she glanced around at Big Hero 6, then held out a hand to Honey Lemon. "I'll do it, dear."

Honey Lemon cheerfully deposited a goo ball into her hand, and she tossed it at her's and her daughter's feet before reluctantly sitting down. Head in her hand as she pouted a little childishly.

Later. The crowd cheered as Baymax and Wasabi carried High Voltage out of the theatre, and towards the back of the transport police van that had just arrived. "You're going to come to our show later at lockup right?"

"Of course!" Honey Lemon smiled cheerfully, "You guys are still great dancers!" still a little purple-faced, Juniper smiled toothily at them as the police shut and secured the back of the van.

"Great job Heroes." The officer declared proudly with a tip of his hat as collectively the group dashed, leaped and ran off to the cheers of the crowd… But they actually just dashed around to a nearby roof and called for Skymax. Storing their gear back into the delivery bot it closed up and shot away back into the sky.

"Another job well-done guys!" Fred cheered proudly, striking a heroic pose.

"Uh huh…" Gogo noted, raising her arms up and stretching distractingly (for Hiro as he watched) as she leaned against the door that led to the stairs. "Also. Seriously guys? You visit them in prison?"

Wasabi and Honey Lemon shrugged, "Their shows are actually really good." Honey Lemon smiled prettily.

"In an interpretive dance sort of way…" Wasabi added in an 'art connoisseur' sort of way.

"There is nothing good about interpretive dance." Gogo noted stoically as Hiro rubbed the back of his neck, it still stung a little from when Juniper hit him.

"I sort of agree with her…" he grumbled, "I think I still have whiplash…"

"I shall examine you Hiro." Baymax squeaked towards him and began to scan him. "…You have suffered an abrasion. Bruising is imminent. I recommend ice and rest." Before Hiro could argue Gogo took charge.

"Alright then. She grabbed Hiro's arm and dragged him along, "I'll take him home."

"Ah come on Gogo I'm not a kid. I can ice myself."

"Alright then…" Wasabi watched thoughtfully as Baymax squeezed through the doorway and followed behind.

"…Noodleburger anyone?" Fred said excitedly.

"Sure, I could eat." Wasabi replied before they followed suit.

Gogo half-dragged Hiro all the way home with Baymax waddling behind them. However once they reached the front door to Hiro's apartment, Gogo, as casual as usual, turned to Baymax. "I got this Baymax, why don't you go help Aunt Cass in the café?"

Baymax blinked at Gogo, his black eyes clicking curiously. "I should help Hiro. That is my function."

"Yeah but it's a bag of ice." Gogo smiled cheerfully, "I can get that for him. Go on…" she flicked her hand at the big helpful robot. He hesitated for a minute as Hiro became just a little indignant.

"Hey I don't need to be pampered I can-"however Gogo, viciously pinched his ass cheek. Not breaking her stoic look at Baymax as he flinched but contained his scream of pain. He thought about it and realized what she was doing. "…Oh. Yeah. Go ahead Baymax. I'm sure Gogo can manage to fill a bag of ice…" Baymax clicked-blinked at him again, staring for an uncomfortably long time…

If Hiro didn't know any better he was sure his best robot friend was suspicious…

"…I will go assist Aunt Cass Hiro… I will check up on you later." He then waddled away towards the café. Hiro breathed a sigh of relief before being shoved into the house.

"Get up the stairs." Gogo declared, closing and locking the front door before heading to the kitchen. "Hurry up."

Hiro moved so quickly up the steps he fell forward and clawed up them rapidly. Quickly turning and diving onto his futon, grunting slightly as he landed on it and felt his bruising twinge. Barely a minute later Gogo strode up the steps, smirking coyly at him as she held a small bag of ice in one hand, the other on her hip as, POP, went her gum.

"Where does it hurt? Hiro?" she cooed seductively as Hiro's erection was immediate and throbbing. It strained against his pants as he watched his beautiful kinda girlfriend strutted towards his bed.

"Kinda hurts on the back of my neck." He said, grinning that stupid grin of his as she slowly leaned over, crawling inch by inch over her, her face centimeters from his as he tasted her breath on his lips… he felt the bag slid under his neck as she cooed softly.

"Right here?" she breathed, he nodded his head rapidly, ignoring the pain and feeling the icy cold sensation on his neck.

"Uh-huh…" he groaned feeling her other hand press on his chest, she felt his rapid heartbeat against her hand.

"Does it hurt anywhere else?" she cooed, "Should I kiss it and make it better?"

"Uh-huh…" he groaned excitedly as his cock throbbed in his shorts, her body dropped onto his, her breasts on his chest and her legs squeezing his hips as his hard-on rubbed against her shorts.

"Mmmn." Her lips pressed against his, pulled abruptly away, and she smirked at him before diving forward again for another kiss. "Poor baby…" she cooed, sitting up and straddling him as she removed her jacket. "Hmm." She ran her hands underneath her shirt and lifted it up and over her head, tossing her purple and black hair as her breast bounced free. "I'll make you feel all better-oh." Hiro sat up, burying his face between her breasts before attacking her lips with his. Only for her to laugh and push him back down onto the bag of ice.

"Stay." She demanded, hands sliding down over her chest as she cooed softly… then leaning forward she stood up, hands on his chest and her ass in the air before standing upright, stepping casually off the bed. Her hands slipped into the waistline of her shorts and pushed down. Her beautiful majestic ass appeared as her pants slid down onto the floor. Hiro stared as it wobbled around the room, bouncing and jiggling as she bent over and opened his bedside drawer, retrieving the box of condoms. She chuckled, strutting again to the foot of the bed, crawling back onto it and lying down between his legs, grabbing his pants and tugging them down as his erection was freed.

"Ah…" she moaned, leaning her face against his throbbing cock as her lips brushed against it, "Mmn…" her lips parted as the tip of her tongue slid against his shaft, flicking daintily up until she reached his tip. Swirling her tongue around it as her lips gently caressed it… then she went down. "Hmmph!" she moaned as her lips kissed the base of his shaft, her hands caressing his legs as she stared up at him.

"Oh God Gogo…" he groaned gripping the sheets of his bed as he struggled to restrain his hips from thrusting upwards. "Oooh…"

"Hmm… mmm… HMmmm.." she moaned, her mouth vibrating around his dick with her humming as she bobbed her head slowly up and down his shaft, her gum rubbing along his length as her tongue swirled around him. "Ha-mwah…" she gasped, pulling off his throbbing cock as she stroked it lazily with her hand, reaching for and tearing open a condom before grinning smugly at him… and applying. She rolled the rubber down his cock before gripping his base with both hands and diving down. "MMN!!"

"OOoh…" Hiro's eyes rolled up into his skull in bliss. He was obviously a little disappointed at not feeling her lips directly… but sometimes a blowjob was a blowjob. Especially when she began rapidly moving her head up and down, diving again and again on his cock, kissing her fists as she pumped like a piston.

"Oh… My…GOD… GOGO…" he hissed, thrusting his hips up and sighing contentedly as she coughed and spluttered, the tip of the condom filling and hitting the back of her throat as she pulled away, his seed pulsed into the bag, filling the tip before he calmed down, breathing heavily as her thumb and index finger rapidly stroked out every drop.

"Ha-ha-ha…" she laughed, wiping her lips with the back of her hand as she pinched the condom, and pulled it free, tying off the end before casually dropping it aside on the bed. "I know what you like." She said confidently, tossing her hair again before tearing open another condom wrapper with her teeth. "…Speaking of…" she re-applied a new glove onto his rapidly hardening cock before swinging her leg over him. Facing away as he stared at her hypnotizingly wonderful ass cheeks…

Her hands rested on his ankles, she felt his cock smack between her cheeks as she slowly lifted herself up. Sliding her firm glutes up his cock until she felt his tip quiver against her wet pussy… she glanced smugly over her shoulder at him, rolled her hips… and sat down.

"Ahh…" she shot upright, "MMMn!!"

"Oh god, oh god, oh GOD…" Hiro praised, his cock throbbing inside her tight warm tunnel as his gaze locked onto her perfect ass cheeks as she wiggled her hips slowly left and right, feeling his thick cock scraping every inch of her insides as they clenched and shuddered around him…

Both were very eager for what was about to happen, but Hiro was far more vocal about it.

"Haa… ha-ha-ha…" she chuckled, her laughter making her ass cheeks wobble slightly, as she glanced coyly over her shoulder at him… taking one hand and running it over the curve of her right cheek. "I know. What you like…" she declared, before grabbing his ankles again… and going for a ride. "Ah! Ha! Ha! Ah!" she raised and dropped her ass, bouncing it on his cock as it dove in and out of her pussy. "Ooh! Yes!"

He made no movements, more than HAPPY to let Gogo use him as her dildo. "Yes. Yes. YES." He hissed happily with every bouncing movement of her quivering ass. Knowing this was as close to twerking as Gogo would EVER get to. Her majestic and incomparable ass cheeks clapping and smacking against his hips as the clenched and wobbled.

"HAaa-ahh…" she shuddered, her fingers sinking painfully into his ankles as she came. Slamming down on his trembling cock as he reached out to her thighs, squeezing them before sliding them over her ass, then holding her waist. Thrusting feebly up into her spasming body as she moaned, "Ooh… OOOH." Their smacking hips echoing around the room as their grunts and heavy breathing seemed to steam up the very windows…

"Gogo… GOGO." He grunted, sitting up and sliding his hands up to her breasts and pulling her upright.

"Ahh…" she gasped as he fell back, she sat straight, rolling her hips on his cock as he pussy clamped down. "Yes." She growled hungrily, as he gripped her hips and pumped. Barely lifting her up his cock before she dropped roughly back down onto the bed. "AH! AH! AH!" she panted, eyes rolling unseen by him in her skull as shudders of pure bliss rippled through her. Her mouth opened, her body went taut, her ass cheeks clenched beautifully…

And she screamed. "AHHH! AHHHHHH!!" the orgasmed raged through her body as Hiro soon joined her, her whole being clamping tightly, her toes curling. She fell backward, her hands twisting into his shirt as she clawed at something, ANYTHING to spread out the pleasure. Her eyes went wide as she felt him pulsate inside her, his cock throbbing powerfully as the end of the condom filled with his thick, plentiful semen. He pumped his hips roughly beneath her. Once. "AH…" Twice… "Ahh…" she grinned faintly as she wobbled on him, falling forward and shivering in delight…

"…Fuuuuuck." She declared happily, twisting her face into the sheets as she grinned HAPPILY. Feeling her pussy stretch as he pulled himself from her, the bag spreading her lower lips as she drooled arousal onto his lap.

"Haa… haa…" he panted, groping her ass cheeks in silence as he pulled himself from beneath her. she was curled up in a tight little ball, trying to collect herself…

There was a snapping sound as he yanked the bag off his length, he tied it off before promptly dropping it onto her ass. "H-Hey…" she grunted indignantly as the wet rubber slid slowly down over her curvy cheek before sticking awkwardly…

But Hiro reached over, grabbed the last condom and opened it with his teeth. Gogo tried extraordinarily hard not to grin. Feeling Hiro thrust his cock between her ass cheeks, letting it harden between her shapely cheeks before pulling away and applying the condom…

She had half a second before he was pushing his cock between her lower lips, and bucking like a bronco. "AH! AH! Ha! AhH! Ooh! HIRO!! SHIT!" she hissed, covering her mouth as her cries of pleasure grew louder and louder with each thrust. Hiro's hands on her waist, yanking her roughly back on his cock before she was shoved forward, repeating the motion again and again, rapidly and rough…

Gogo LOVED it. Hiro WORSHIPED it.

"Ah. AH. Gogo." He groaned, watching her ass cheeks wobble with each deep thrust, easily his favorite pastime. His condom covered cock was soaked in arousal, her pussy drooled unrelentingly onto the bed as another orgasm rippled through her. Her body visible shook, it was a beautiful sight to behold… it drove Hiro INSANE. "Oh God…" he praised, pumping rapidly against her, the echoing smacks of their hips easily making their way around the apartment.

"MMNph! MM! HMMRUGH!!! UUUGMMM!!" Gogo SCREAMED incoherently into her hand as Hiro rode her, his cock ramming against her insides as she fell forward onto the bed, losing strength in her other arm as her ass remained submissively up in the air… not that she submitted to anyone mind you. "MMN! MMPGH!!" she shivered wildly, Hiro was unsure whether it was another orgasm of just him pounding away at her beautiful body, he didn't care which… just as long as he could watch her do it.

"Gogo! I'm! CUMMING!!" he gasped, eyes rolling up as he hilted deep into her. His feet shoving against the mattress for leverage as he went as deep as he could go… the bag inflating almost immediately with semen as Gogo's eyes rolled and she screamed into her hand.

"Hooo… fuuuuck." Gogo shuddered as Hiro collapsed onto her body, still planted inside her as he kissed her neck repeatedly almost as an afterthought. His hands groping her ass cheeks wantonly as he continued to kiss her neck, and her shoulders. "…Thank god for condoms…" she breathed with a chuckle, feeling him slowly pull out of her, feeling the filled bag rest between her ass cheeks. Wet. But content… until she felt his cock harden against her legs, sliding up between her ass cheeks as he pushed it between them. She sighed reluctantly.

"You're out of condoms Hiro…" she mumbled but rolled her eyes as it made his cock harden. Blowing a cock flavored bubble of gum to let it pop. Knowing full well as she felt a familiar sensation of Hiro's cock prodding her tight ass, that it wasn't going to stop him.

"On more time Gogo. One more…" he pleaded, kissing her neck as she looked away from him. Already bracing herself…

…She wasn't going to say no to him at this point… besides she couldn't feel her legs anyway…

"Hurry up." She said demandingly but hide her blushing face in the sheets of the mattress. Bracing herself for- "FUuuuuck…"

That… a cock up the ass. But whereas once upon a time she felt pain and reluctance… she only felt pure pleasure as Hiro's wonderfully fitting cock slid in and out of her loosened ass, loose enough not to hurt, but tight enough to take a pounding from her favorite dick. His hips smacking on her ass and bouncing up, as if using her jiggling plush cheeks as a springboard before diving back into her.

"Ah. AH. Ah. Ah." She chanted to the anal gods as Hiro's cock pulsated inside her bowels. Her toes curling and clenching as ripples of pleasure shot through her with every other deep thrust. Not to mention Hiro's sliding hands, groping her breasts, stroking her side, squeezing her ass cheeks together… She even felt his legs intertwine with hers, they wrapped around each other sending silent messages…


"UUGH!!!" she bit deep into the sheets, yanking them up as her head arched backward, her eyes rolled as she breathed heavily through another shaking orgasm. Hiro grunting like a primal animal over her, but GOD she LOVED IT.

"Gogo!" he declared lovingly, hilting as deep as he could into her ass as her cheeks bounced him back away, again and again, his balls smacking loudly against her flesh, "GOGO!" her ass clenched, her body shook, her hands tore holes in the sheets. "AHhh…" he pushed his raw cock up her body as she felt his wonderful warmth fill her insides. She sucked in air through her teeth, before opening her mouth in a silent scream… the corners of her lips stretching in a mind-blowing smile as Hiro collapsed onto her.

"…God I love you Gogo…" he sighed blissfully as her ass spasmed around his length, draining him of his last few drops as they collapsed onto the bed.

"Haa…. Pfffh! Ahh…" she trembled pleasurably, Hiro's weight comfortably on top of her as she tried to get feeling back into her toes, then her legs… pushing him bodily off her body as he seemed somewhere between unconsciousness and exhaustion. She awkwardly… pressed her ass cheeks together, sealing her gaping hole shut as she stood up and walked just as awkwardly to his bathroom, sitting down… and… well…

…She emptied herself out a bit… sighing as his semen spilled out of his body. She glanced at a small aluminum shelf that held a collection of reading material and apparently Hiro's Apad… she checked it. it was locked.

G.O.G.O. she pushed into the keypad.

Now it was unlocked. She smirked and started casually surfing the web.

"Hmm? Gogo?" came a muffled Hiro as he seemed to recover from his near unconsciousness, which was convenient because she was pretty sure she was empty… so flushing she placed the Apad under her arm and strutted out. He blinked at her as she walked back onto his bed, leaning casually against the headboard and clicking through his Apad. Realizing that she obviously 'figured out' his password he mumbled shyly. "What are you doing?"

"Oh…" she cooed, finding what she was looking for… an amateur website staring a few recent acquaintances. "Just looking for inspiration…" she said lazily, glancing at him and showing him a close-up shot of the Cheerleader, Brittany, in a tight, pink mini bikini. "I'm thinking about going to the beach… how about you?"

Hiro looked away, blushing, not wanting to get caught in another Gogo trap. "…What is with you and those cheerleaders?" he mumbled almost reluctantly.

"Eh… when they're not fawning over Captain Cutie they're actually pretty cool." She said casually. Ironically enough she had actually met them out of uniform on campus. "…For pornstars… maybe I'll invite them over to eat at our table at school." Suddenly the Apad was yanked away, tossed to the side it bounced safety on the bed as Hiro pressed his lips to hers… she chuckled smugly and let him lay down on top of her… he was still 'injured' after all.

But to Hiro... waking up on top of a beautiful woman was just as good as waking up beneath her.