'Big' Hiro's Sex [ 6 ]

The movie opened on a comically large pair of breasts. As big as basketballs and just as bouncy. They were wrapped around with a thin linen cord, tightly binding the large mammaries together as they wobbled and wiggled. The camera slowly pulled away to find Brittany, the big breasts cheerleader, naked from the waist up but still wearing her cheerleader uniform, socks and sneakers. Her hands were tied behind her back and she knelt on the wide bed.

"Bad girl!" someone shouted, and a multi-tailed hand whip slapped gently on Brittany's breasts as the beautiful blonde yelped cutely.

"Ah! I'm sorry!"

"Bad!" said another voice and another hand whip slapped from the other side.

"Ooh!" she moaned, shaking her chest for the camera as the whips cracked gently on her body, barely leaving a mark.

A pale hand clasped to Brittany's face, forcing her to look at the camera with a seductive 'innocent' look. "You're a bad girl."

"I'm a bad girl." Brittany repeated as a beautiful black woman, dressed in an identical manner to Brittany with the exception of wearing a black domino mask. Crawled behind the absurdly busty blonde and cupped her big breasts from behind. Squeezing them for the camera as she moaned erotically. "I'm a bad giiiiirl…"

"Look into the camera…" cooed the camerawoman, jerking Brittney's face to focus as Brittany looked into the camera. "Yeah… pretty baby blues…" Shawna, because it was obviously Shawna, licked Brittany's neck from behind, her long firm tongue slithered snake-like along Brittany smooth creamy skin as Shawna's hands squeezed Brittany's nipples.

"Ooh-aah. MMn"

"Bad girls get punished." Maxine, because it was obviously Maxine, purred. "Are you ready for your punishment?"


"Stop right there villains!" came a very hammy heroic voice as a half-naked gangly young man in a familiar but very off purple helmet jumped into the scene.

"Captain cutie!" shrieked the girls, Maxine and Shawna in 'shock' and Brittany in delight.

"NOPE!" Hiro slammed the laptop shut as Gogo smirked teasingly.

"Don't want to watch Captain Cutie save the damsel by viciously pummeling the villains with his Big Hiro stick?"

"…I hate you."

"We didn't even get to the part where Brittany 'thanks' him with many… MANY kisses… And a blowjob." She added as Hiro glared at her stubbornly, lying back against the headboard of his futon as Gogo's feet toed his face. Poking him with her big toe as he continued to scowl. She lied on her stomach, so her gloriously toned behind was in full view in her trademark, skintight, biker shorts, but not even that could alleviate his sour mood from her teasing.

"…Nope. Still hate you…"

Poke Poke. Poke Poke. Went her foot. POP. Went her gum. "You Looove me." She said, more confidently then affectionate… but that was all part of her charm. That and the almost spasmodic flexing of her highly toned and bountiful booty as she opened her laptop again. "So… what do you want to do now?"

"You came over here to show me B-movie cosplay porn without my consent, I don't think you really want my opinion…"

"You know what I don't get…" Suddenly she was rolling on the bed until she was lying on her side next to him. A dexterous finger now poking his cheek as her beautiful face came closer to his, "You and I will go like rabbits jacked up on aphrodisiacs given the opportunity. But you draw the line at watching porn…" he blushed, not meeting her inquisitive eyes as POP went her gum.

"Well… Yeah. I mean… that's different, you want me to watch something with people we sort of know, one of them pretending to be me, and having sex."

"Well it IS pretty funny…" Gogo said, pulling the laptop with her toes towards herself before opening it back up.

"Ooh! Yeah! Yeah! Give it to me Captain Cutie!" Brittany praised as an absurdly long dick plunged in and out of her breasts before she opened her mouth, closed her eyes. And took a facial across her face, "Ah yeah! All over me!" she squeezed her massive breasts tighter together, smiling prettily as another rope of semen sprayed across her face. "Ooh-AH! Ow! Maxie it's in my-" an obvious cut later found her slobbering over his tip with her tongue, giggling like nothing had happened.

Hiro paused the video Gogo smirked as he closed the site, "…That was poorly edited."

"What do you expect? I'm an engineer not a computer programmer." That took Hiro a second to register before he glared at his sorta-girlfriend.

"YOU edited that?" he noted skeptically.

"Yeah. They're actually really nice girls. I've had lunch with them in the cafeteria."

"Wait, they go to our school?" he asked scathingly as Gogo closed down the laptop and placed it on the nearby bedside table. Getting up and stretching, facing away from her sorta-boyfriend as he stared at her firm ass cheeks. A favorite, and obvious pastime of his.

Gogo watching. Does the heart good.

"So anyway." Gogo noted, strutting across the room to check on Baymax charging in Tadashi's room. "Everyone wants to go to the beach tomorrow want to come?" she asked casually as Hiro was already imagining Gogo in her modest but incredibly sexy purple bikini.

"Hiiiiiiroooo…" Gogo's imaginative bikini covered butt seemed to call. "Hiiiiiiroooo…"

"HIRO!" A pillow slammed into his face and he released a muffled 'oof!' "Quit imagining me naked and answer the question."

"…I wasn't imagining you naked…" he said indignantly into the pillow as he pulled it away. "And sure. Sounds like fun." He paused for a second, "…Wait you came over just to…" a confused look crossed his face. "Aren't we going to… you know…" he noted a little disappointedly as Gogo just smiled and began heading back downstairs. "…She is evil." He noted a little disappointedly, sighing into his pillow, eyeing the laptop contemplatively.

"Hey Gogo." Came Aunt Cass's voice.

"Hey Aunt Cass. Bye Aunt Cass." Gogo said quickly followed by the shutting of the front door as Aunt Cass shouted upstairs.

"Hiro. Dinner in twenty!" He got off the bed and went downstairs to help her with it.

Plans were made. Parental figures were informed. And one good night sleep later Hiro work up in the early morning to find Baymax casually sitting on the floor with Mochi in his lap. His black eyes clicking innocently. "Good morning Hiro."

"Hey Baymax." Hiro replied, stretching, yawning and immediately heading into the bathroom. After his morning routine and a toilet flush, he returned to his room pulling on swim trunks, and packing his bag for a day at the beach. Spare clothes, a few gadgets and Honey-Lemon brand eco-friendly sunblock. Bio-degradable and ocean-safe.

She tested it thoroughly this time.

Baymax squeaked behind him as they headed to the front door, "Bye Hiro have fun!"

"Bye Aunt Cass." Hiro replied, heading outside. They then stood on the curb and Hiro blinked around curiously. "…I totally don't know how we're getting to the beach." He noted almost as an afterthought before texting the group. Before almost instantly getting a reply from Fred.

'On our way!'

Sure enough, with the roar of a motorcycle engine, a familiar stretch Limousine slid in front of Hiro. The back opening up to reveal Fred, Wasabi, and Honey Lemon. Gogo, obviously, skidded to a halt next to the Limo on her custom-built motorcycle, she needed to work it out a little.

"Hi Hiro!" Honey Lemon waved as Baymax squeezed into the limo door, Hiro pushing on him as the others tugged. Gogo and Heathcliff watching passively at the comical sight. Pop went Gogo's gum as they waited.

"OOO-KAY!!" Hiro strained, taking a breath. "Okay." He repeated as Wasabi was pressed up against the far door of the limo by a hunched up Baymax.

"…We might have made a mistake." Wasabi mumbled into the window in a rather deadpan monotone.

Gogo rolled her eyes and tossed Hiro a helmet, one of her old spare ones. "Get on." She said flatly as Hiro skipped around the back of the limo, throwing on the helmet and sliding behind Gogo, wrapping his arms almost reflexively, and tightly, around her waist. Gogo walked the bike forward and slapped the hood of the limo next to an amused Heathcliff. "Race you there." She said confidently.

Heathcliff opened the glove compartment and removed a pair of driving gloves, casually pulling them onto his hands and smile politely at Gogo as everyone in the back of the limo braced themselves. "You are ON Ms. Gogo."

Hiro, being briefly distracted at having his arms around Gogo's slender waist, suddenly realized he was on a motorcycle… with GOGO. About to have a race with HEATHCLIFF. "Oh…"

Popping a wheelie, Gogo sped away from the limo as that too streamed along behind. The Fredrickson limo wasn't your mild-mannered regular limo, it was specifically designed, tuned, and built to go from a casual limo ride to SUPERHERO FAST. And the one who is driving that limo was by far the best driver in San Fransokyo.

"WE MIGHT HAVE MADE A MISTAKE!!!" Wasabi repeated loudly as Fred and Honey Lemon sitting across from him were propelled into Wasabi and Baymax respectively, the limo charging expertly through traffic behind Gogo and Hiro who spent a significant amount of time on the road only on one wheel…

Finally, in record time they arrived at the popular San Fransokyo beach. Sparsely populated today. But currently 4 of 6 of Big Hero Six were not concerned with how many people were at the beach today.

"Nice race Heathcliff." Gogo noted as Hiro stumbled away from the motorcycle. Heathcliff's mustache twitched in a slight smile.

"You did very well Ms. Gogo…" before adding in a confident, but a polite whisper. "Better luck next time." He said before opening the door to the back of the Limo. Wasabi falling out of the cab onto the ground as Hiro aided Fred and Honey Lemon in removing Baymax from the Limo.

"Are we dead?" Wasabi whispered, staring up at the clear sunny skies. Gogo scoffed.

"Oh Woman up Wasabi, it was just a race…" she said over the squeaking, rubbery scraping of a Baymax extraction before the robot was pulled free, wobbling awkwardly but balancing quickly.

"Woo!" Honey Lemon slid out of the limo behind Baymax, carrying an over the shoulder bag. Followed by Fred carrying a lot more bags. Wasabi, finally woman-ing up, reached into the limo to grab his backpack. "Do we have everything?"

"Yep! I think we're set." Fred noted as Heathcliff stood beside him, seemingly teleporting there. "Call you later Heathcliff my man!"

"Very good Master Fredrickson." He said, walking stiffly back to the limo and sliding into the front seat and driving away.

"Alright. We'll find a spot and then go change."

"I'm already dressed so I can go." Hiro said, taking a few of the bags from Fred.

POP went Gogo's gum, and she began walking towards the changing stalls. "Sounds good to me."

"I will accompany you Hiro." Baymax said as Honey Lemon skipped after Gogo, waving cheerily to them.

Hiro planted an umbrella, spread a few towels, and immediately began to rub on Honey Lemon's eco-friendly sunscreen. Trademark pending. "HIRO!!" Fred skidded to a halt next to him, kicking up sand like a tidal wave. Always the fastest-changing, whether in costume or out. "There's a noodleburger on the beach now! I know what we're having for lunch!"

"Okay Fred." Hiro laughed as Wasabi soon joined them, wearing a tight bodysuit… and already drawing the attention of a few nearby beach girls. Utterly ignoring the ganglier Fred and Hiro. Not that Hiro cared… obviously. It wasn't his fault that Wasabi was a docile as a kitten but built like a tiger.

"So. What do you guys want to do first? Swimming? Hole digging?" Wasabi asked.

"Ooh! Sandcastles!" Honey Lemon squealed as she soon joined them, her hair tied up in a bun and wearing a large pink T-Shirt over her one-piece bathing suit. Her pretty smile reflecting the already hot sun into their eyes. "I brought a new sticking mixture for longer-lasting!"

"…You mean like the stuff professionals use?" Hiro asked surprised as Fred lubricated himself in sunblock.

But before she could answer… or more likely as she answered, Gogo's feet pressed softly into the sand. Her purple bikini brief wrapped hips popping left and right with each step, and a short pareo over that. She adjusted the neck string tying up her top almost as an afterthought, but Hiro probably guessed that she did it on purpose just to make her wonderful breasts jiggle distractingly as she walked in slow motion. Tossing her short hair with a dramatic supermodel movement as many, MANY others experienced the siren call of Gogo Tomago in a bikini.

"How about a game of beach volleyball?" Gogo suggested. Pointing at a nearby net. Currently unoccupied. And Hiro realized that the world had moved in regular time, but his Gogo-in-a-bikini vision had taken effect… it's a very specific vision.

"Ooh! Volleyball!" Honey Lemon clapped happily. "I love that idea!"

"Apparently." Gogo replied sarcastically, smiling warmly at her best friend. "I saw a ball rental just back there."

"I can go for that." Wasabi said excitedly as Baymax was distracted, watching a collection of crabs crawl across the sand.

"Girls versus Boys!" Honey Lemon cheered excitedly.

"…There are more males than Females." Baymax noted helpfully. "The odds are unfair." He added raising a helpful finger as if that fact wasn't obvious. However… one of the girls was GOGO… so… the boys had a pretty hefty disadvantage.

However Hiro had something more important to worry about than an oncoming emasculating game of volleyball. "I'll go get a ball." Hiro said as he struggled to control himself, and his little Hiro.

"I'll come with you." Gogo noted calmly, following behind as Hiro cursed his inevitable failure to control his little Hiro. "Show you where it is."

Of course, once they were far enough away from the others Gogo's sadistic, knowing, a beautiful smile stretched across her lips. "Nice job keeping your tongue in your mouth." She noted playfully as Hiro sighed, trying not to stare.

"…I can't help it." he said, a little more lamely than he wanted but Gogo chuckled.

"I know." they reached the rental shack, where they also provided umbrellas, boards, anything an unprepared beachgoer might need. They got a volleyball that Gogo expertly spun on the tip of her finger like a professional ballplayer.

Hiro watched uncertainly as she perfectly balanced the ball. "…How badly are you going to beat us?"

"VERY." She said with a smile, before suddenly stopping as their way was blocked by a group of guys. "…Seriously?" Gogo said sarcastically to nobody in particular, except for maybe the trope gods.

"Hey there babe." Said a taller built one, grinning at Gogo like a dog begging for a piece of meat. "How's about you hang out with us for a while?" before eying Hiro almost dismissively, "…Your brother can come too."

"…No." Gogo said so coldly that the air seemed to freeze around her. And with such finality only an IDIOT would think they had any chance whatsoever. Speaking of-

"Oh come on bab-AAH! OW! S-SHIIT!!" Gogo had caught his oncoming hand by a finger and twisted it viciously as he sunk to his knees, slapping his twisted arm, "Uncle! I give! Okay!!" Gogo released his hand and callously walked past her. "Ah… Bitch…" he hissed to himself, "That hurt."

To be fair… he might not have been talking about Gogo… but he quickly realized that he should run. Hell, half the people around them instinctively took a step away as Gogo glared at him dangerously. And without thinking, sand was kicked up as he dashed away, his two buddies running behind him as Gogo smiled at a rather terrified Hiro.

"Hear that? They thought you were my brother." She spun the ball around her finger again.

Hiro shrugged; he wasn't surprised. Again. On a score of 1 to 10: he's a 5 and she's an 11. "I'm not surprised."

Gogo scoffed and tossed him the ball, he caught it. "Lighten up Hiro. I'm still here." She noted as he smiled. "Now get ready to be owned."

Hiro sighed sadly, "You know… you're not exactly convincing me to play my best."

"Oh? You're going to let yourself get beat by a couple girls?"

"Concerning one of those girls is you? Yeah, I'm not going to lie, but that's not saying much." He chuckled as Gogo faced him down, looking at him oddly. "What? It's true… you ALWAYS win."

…A very, VERY pretty smile stretched across Gogo's face. It was as dangerous as it was beautiful. "…Alright you wimp… How. About. This." She said slowly leaning closer, looking him dead in the eyes. "…If you win." She whispered. "…I'll do WHATEVER you want… all night."

Hiro was quite thankful he hadn't taken his shirt off otherwise he would offend just about everyone on the beach with his uncomfortable boner. "…What?" he said, his mind had briefly disconnected with the rest of his body other than the important parts.

Gogo smiled confidently. "You heard me. No rules. No restraints. You and me… all night. Whatever you want…" she said, all in a whisper, as his mind processed what she was implying. "All you got to do is win."

"I… what… you…" he began, twitching slightly as he coughed, kneeling down and struggling to restrain the throbbing little Hiro and pretending to tie his shoes… thank god he was actually wearing shoes with laces this time. "What do you get?"

"Hmm… I wonder." She said, grinning dangerously as she ruffled his moppy hair. "…I'm thinking you have to buy my dinner at the most expensive place in San Fransokyo…" Hiro blinked up at her in surprise, instantly regretted it and looked back down.

…Well 'regret' is a strong word… viewing Gogo from such a low angle, while she was in a bikini, might have been more of a 'mistake' per se than a regret. "Wait are you serious?"

"Oh yeah… I know just the place. One of Momokase's old restaurants." She turned, strutting back to the others. "…The girl might be crazy but she's still a great chef."

…A new energy entered Hiro. And the young man felt inspired… and not just because if he lost he'd have to buy his sorta-girlfriend a dinner that would knock out his bank account for the month. But one whole evening to do whatever he wanted with her?...

That's the golden ticket.

His willpower receiving a powerful adrenaline shot. He forcefully willed little Hiro down and got to his feet. Walking with his back straight and a look of iron determination on his brow. Needless to say a few girls noticed the 'manly' young man approaching his group of close friends and readied himself to play the most important game of volleyball in his young life…

And almost 5 minutes into the game he took a powerful spike to the face… and was out like a light…


"…In hindsight." He heard Gogo's voice as his own mouth emitted the sound. "…I might have gone a little overboard." She added sheepishly as Hiro's eyes opened, his head was surprisingly cold as a bag of half-melted ice rested on his forehead… then he noticed Gogo. Looming over him almost warmly. Then realized through his headache that the only way he could see her at this angle was if his head was on her lap…

…Not a bad outcome.

"Did we win?" he mumbled sadly knowing the answer, moving the bag of ice over his eyes as Gogo laughed.

"Nope." She said flatly as he sighed.

"…How long was I out?"

"About ten minutes." She said practically, gently rubbing his head as he stayed on her lap.

"…That's not so bad." He groaned through the throbbing headache as he sat up. "Ah… feels like I was hit by a truck!"

"…Yeah." Gogo replied, a little smug. "Sorry. I didn't think you'd try to knock it back with your face."

"Ha Ha." He said sarcastically as he noticed the towering sandy structure before him. A small sand building tall enough for Honey Lemon to walk easily inside of. In fact she was doing so right now, shoveling out a doorway with a smile on her face as Wasabi and Fred coated on an odd gooey pink mixture that evaporated in the sand. "…Did they build a sand house?"

"They figured with you knocked out the game was over so, yeah. They did. Honey Lemon's goo is pretty cool." She noted as Baymax returned from the ocean carrying small plastic buckets full of water.

Hiro sighed, and slowly got up. Still wearing his shirt, he slowly pulled it off, revealing his bare torso. "Well so much for our bet." He noted, stretching lazily as the throbbing in his head seemed to go away. "So Gogo, you want to help Honey Lemon build her beach house or go swimming?" he smiled, turning to look at the bikini beauty and paused at the rather blank look on her face. "Uh… Gogo?"

"Hmm?" She noted almost distractedly, "Oh… right…" she got up, "…How about a swim?"

They all had fun at their beach day, nothing particularly out of the ordinary… They swam, built Honey Lemon's champion grade sandcastle… watched it collapse as the goo surprisingly wore off. While Fred was inside… saved Fred. Finally, after lunch at the noodle burger. They brought their little beach day to a close…

"Today was fun." Honey Lemon sighed, lying on a beach towel and soaking up a few sun rays after a brisk ocean swim to get all the sand off.

Gogo tossed her wet hair, ringing out her ears as Wasabi rolled up a few of their beach towels. Fred still chewing his noodleburger from lunch. Already calling Heathcliff for pickup. Hiro, still wet from his own swim with Gogo grabbed his own towel. "I'm going to rinse off at the showers…

"Alright. We'll let you know when Heathcliff get's here." Fred replied. "…Which with his skills will be like 10 minutes." Hiro nodded as Gogo retrieved her own towel.

"I'll shower too… actually." She then glanced at the others, "If you guys want to head out without us its cool. I still have my bike. Meet at the café?"

"Okay." Honey Lemon replied practically before helping Wasabi and Fred pack up.

Hiro arrived at the beach showers turning them on and shivering as the cold water cascaded down his sandy body… then immediately warmed up as Gogo stepped beneath her own, letting he watch her as she seductively, and lazily, caressed her body under the water until it sheened beautifully. "… Take your time." She said almost as an afterthought, turning away from him as she showered more deliberately.

They slowly dried off and Hiro waited for Gogo to get dressed, however, he was surprised to find her simply pulling her shorts and her shirt over her bikini. And returning to their stuff just as Heathcliff arrived. Loading up the Limo and stuffing Baymax into the back they all prepared to head out.

"Oh. I need to make a quick stop at the apartment." Gogo noted… almost. Lazily. "You don't mind do you Hiro?"

"No." he said, more instinctively than anything.

"Okay. We'll see you at the café then." Wasabi said as Heathcliff drove off at a leisurely pace.

"Why are we going to your apartment?" Hiro asked as Gogo slapped on his helmet.

"…Why do you think?" she replied sarcastically.


…They made it to the apartment in record time. Gogo and Hiro almost scrambling to the door as she unlocked it and they both entered. Hiro wasn't entirely sure what came first… the bed. Or Gogo's tongue.

"MMN!!" they moaned together as they fell onto her bed. Moaning into each other's mouths as their hands slid along each other's bodies. Gogo sat upright straddling Hiro and grabbed her shirt, pulling it off and tossing it away as Hiro sat up into her chest, sliding his hands on her slender waist before dropping to her ass, squeezing her cheeks as she breathed heavily. Trying to tear open his shirt before he finally paused his aggressive groping long enough to pull it off himself. "MMn." She hummed eagerly, smiling smugly as she pushed him down onto the bed again. Running a hand on his chest as she slid off, already pushing her pants down, leaving her in her majestic bikini. Her pants dangled around her ankles as she stepped out of them, squeezing her right breast in one hand and rubbing her crotch with the other. "…One hour." She said suddenly.

Hiro blinked curiously at her. "W-what?" Gogo vision had been occupying his senses when she tossed her hair and reached up behind her neck to pull her bikini string… letting it fall slowly way as Hiro's eyes focused on her again.

"…One hour. Whatever you want…" she took her hands, pinching the side tie of her bikini and pulling, letting if fall away… but it stuck, ever so slightly, to her damp womanhood. It would've been clear to just about everyone else that she was just as aroused as Hiro… who was having difficulty restraining little Hiro as he pulsated inside his swimming trunks. "As an… apology… Whatever little pervert desire you can do in one hour I'll let you."

"Oh my god." He breathed, his cock leaking pre-cum eagerly at the very idea. "Whatever I want?"

"Whatever you want."

"No repercussions?"

"…If you keep irritating me there will be. You're on the clock Hiro."

Hiro was off the bed, and his pants were on the floor. He was up against his beautiful sorta-girlfriend and he pinned her to the wall. "Ooh." She cooed almost hungrily as he devoured her lips, tongue sliding between them and wrestling hers down. His unprotected cock rubbed against the outside of her lower lips, eagerly drooling in anticipation as she shuddered excitedly "MMn…mmmm-aahh.." she sighed as he pulled away and- POP. Went her gum…

In Hiro's mouth.

"Hmm-hmm…" she laughed as he pulled her away, butterfly kissing her as she pulled her back to the bed… then he pulled away, and pushed her forward… she fell onto the bed. Her legs hanging off the end as he knelt behind her.

"Whatever I want?" he repeated, his hands gently resting on her majestic ass as she sighed.

"Just get it out of your system." She replied with a sigh, readying herself for her oncoming smacks.

But felt his tongue slid along her pussy instead. "Oooh. Shhhit…" she hissed, trembling wildly and excitedly. Not expecting to be eaten out today. "Oooh my-OOOh!" his hands clapped on one cheek, then the other as he continued to eat her out. He was gently, clapping her ass cheeks hard enough for sound, to watch them jiggle. But otherwise moderately painless… "Ah!" Smack. "Ah-you…" SMACK. "OOOH…" her pussy squirted over his face as she came, but he kept eating, kept licking. "Ha-aah…" she quivered, eyes rolling up into her head as her fingers clawed on her sheets.

Hiro's tongue danced inside, and outside of her tight warm pussy, pulling away before slapping her rear with both hands. Squeezing, groping, molesting her ass as those wonderful cheeks danced before his eyes.

"Haa… haaa… are you just going to… play with my ass this whole time?" she laughed softly as he stood up, still gently smacking her ass as he rubbed his cock against her again. She trembled, excited, nervous… aroused. "There we go…" she purred as Hiro pushed. "MMMn…" she moaned, his raw cock stretching her raw as he planted his length inside her…

"Ooh god yesss…" he hissed, falling onto her back and sliding his hands from her ass to her breasts, slipping them beneath her to cup her breasts, pulling her up as she braced herself on her hands. "Yes…"

"MMN!!" Gogo moaned as Hiro began to grind slowly inside her. Agonizingly slow. Her eyes rolled up into her head as she moaned, biting her lower lip as she gripped the sheets of her bed. Holding herself up as Hiro's cock slid out… and they began in earnest.

"Ah! AH! AH!" Gogo panted as his hips slammed again and again against her, her butt jiggling from the blows as the echoing smacks echoed over their animal grunts of pleasure. "Come… ON!!" she groaned as he pulled her back against his thrusts, "Ha-ah-ah-UUUgh!!" she shuddered as Hiro roared out in pleasure, her body clamping down around his plunging length as her arms lost strength. She felt back onto the bed, a blissful smile on her face as Hiro, without warning. Pushed deep into her body and she was filled with warmth.

"…Fuck…" she hissed with a manic laugh, "Ooh shit…" she moaned, feeling his cock pulsate as his seed rushed into her womb. "Ah!" Hiro's hand slammed onto the back of her shoulders, his hips still grinding deep against her as she chuckled. "…Get it all out…" she teased lazily, sighing contentedly as another spurt twitched out of him. Feeling him fall onto her back as he kissed her shoulders, almost reflexively. "…Was it everything you wanted?" she chuckled dismissively as he pulled out…

She found herself lifted onto the bed. "Ooh!" she yelped surprised; her legs spread apart as he clapped his hands onto her upraised ass. Gazing at it reverently as she sighed, immediate 'twerking' for him, shaking it left and right gently as he watched. His limp length slowly twitching back to life until it was hard as steel. He caressed her sturdy legs, before suddenly rolling her over onto her back, "Ha-ha-ha!!" she laughed as he was on top of her, already kissing her again as she moaned, feeling his thick length rub against her as she ran her hands on his back.

He pulled away, gazing into her eyes for a moment… then hooking one leg on his shoulder, then the other, pushing her knees to her shoulders as he rotated his hips, pressing the tip to her silky pussy once more and pushing abruptly inside her. she writhed beneath him, gazing at her headboard as her head rolled and her back arched.

"You're so flexible Gogo…" she breathed reverently, kissing her exposed neck as she burred, her throat vibrating against his lips as his cock sunk deeper and deeper inside her. His previous leftover load sticking to his length as she relaxed, falling back to the bed and slinking her hands into his hair as her feet dangled parallel to the ceiling.

…Then slowly his hips rose until the very tip of his length was embraced between her silky folds… before hilting immediately inside her. her body shook wildly as her mouth opened and she screamed in pleasure. "Yes!! OOH-" he pulled out and slammed immediately back in, "-Yes! FUCK!-" Again. he repeated. "-YES! YES!-OH!!"


Like a jackhammer in jammed his cock inside her rapidly, pounding and scrapping every inch of her tight tunnel as she clawed and yanked at his hair, her toes curling, her shrieks echoing around the room as her mouth opened wide in a constant howling 'O' "OOOOHHH!!!"

"GOGO! GOGO!!" he chanted mechanically, his hips moving faster than the eye could see… well neither of them COULD see. Her eyes were spinning in her sockets as her orgasms ripped through her like lightning and Hiro was more interested in staring at his sorta-girlfriend then look over his shoulder.


"Oh! FUCK!!" Ggo shuddered wildly, wide-eyed as Hiro slammed against her again. Deep. Hard… meaningful. His load rushing into her welcoming body as her vaginal walls tugged out every drop of his load. "Haaaaaah…." She sighed, laughing weakly as Hiro rested on her body, resting his head next to hers as he caught his breath. "…Fuck meeee…" she sighed, laughing slightly before immediately feeling Hiro begin to grind his hips again, "T-That wasn't…" she moaned, his cock hardening with each plunge, "And invitation…" she whimpered, writhing and quivering beneath him as he slammed his hips against her again and again, pinning her to the futon as her mouth opened and she released an unrestrained moan. It was constant and unceasingly. Like her devoted little boy toy currently pounding his hips against her like his life depended on it.

"Ugh. Ugh. Ugh. UGH! UUUGH!!!"

"OH MY GOD!!" she shrieked, tearing at his back before slamming her hands on the sheets and shrieking. "AHHHHGH!!!"

"UUUGHMMMN…" he pinned his hips to hers as if they were glue. Spraying his seed into her as her clenched insides struggled to contain them.

"Uhhh! Uh-huhhhh!!!" she whimpered, his seed exploding from their connection as it oozed his leftover load. He went limp ontop of her, his hands slid her legs off his shoulders, they fell down and over his legs as he planted his cock inside her. Slobbering and kissing her all over as she moaned into his lips…

"…Fuuuuck…" she hissed, whispering reflexively "…I love you."

"…WHAT?!" he pulled away. An absolutely joyful smile stretched on his adorable face. "What did you say!?" his cock hardened inside her as she groaned in annoyance, her face returning to its usual scowl.

"I said 'Fuuuuck… with four 'u's…" she scowled.

"…That's not it." he said grinning stupidly, that stupid cute grin that she hates and loves at the same time. "You said you LOOOOVE me."

"…Shut up."

"You said you LOOOOVE me!" he said happily kissing her cheeks and neck, going for her lips but missing as she stubbornly turned her face away.

"I said no such thing. Your stupid brain made it up." He finally caught her lips as she growled into it, tugging angrily at his hair but he didn't care. Pulling away, "Ahh…" she sighed, then slapped him lightly, "Pull out." But he didn't, to happy to realize how much danger he was in.


"OW!" he mumbled, rolling off of her as she spread her legs in annoyance. Reaching over to open her bedside table and retrieving some tissue. "Hey, wait…" he said, suddenly reaching for his pants and pulling out his phone. "I still got like three minutes!"

She glanced at him, then the phone. Then glared dangerously at him. "No." she said warning.

"Yeeeees." He teased. "You have to! You said whatever. I. Wanted…" he then lifted her legs, tilting them slightly over to the side so he got a good view of his leaking load, her big, round apple ass, and her scowling but beautiful face as he held up the camera. Capturing all. "Smile…" he scowled.

"No." she repeated firmly. But… pointedly… she didn't resist.

"Come on Gogo… I'm the only one whose going to see…" he whined, she rolled her eyes and… miraculously. She smiled, holding up her hand and giving him the classic 'peace' sign… just as she began blowing a bubble of gum that she had retrieved from one of Hiro's slobbering kisses.


"…So… What do you think?" Wasabi asked as he, Fred, and Honey Lemon sat around their usual table as Aunt Cass blissfully tended to the orders of the rest of the café. Baymax petting a contented Mochi. Before whispering conspiratorially "…Motel?"

"Nah… alleyway. A CLEAN Alleyway." Fred noted implausibly as Honey Lemon sipped cheerfully on her milkshake, custom made just for her from a loving Aunt Cass. "Just like Mr. Pervert and his Arch-nemesis/girlfriend Consensuala in issue number-"

"No. They're at the apartment." Honey Lemon replied knowingly. Interrupting Fred and smiling happily at her two friends. "…And I'll bet she says something along the lines of 'the bike malfunctioned, sorry we're late.'" She said confidently.

"Really?" Wasabi whispered, rubbing his beard thoughtfully before chuckling. "…Nooo… she can't think we're that stupid."

Honey Lemon chose not to comment. She loved all of her friends, and she loved that Gogo and Hiro have been hooking up for months. And one day, she'll tell Gogo that's she's not the only one that talks in her sleep… ESPECIALLY after a 'private yoga session' with their favorite former boy genius.

Soon enough however a pristine Gogo and Hiro walked into the café. Gogo's gum went POP. "Sorry guys. The bike malfunctioned took us a minute to get it going."

The three exchanged looks that the two completely missed as Gogo went to go help Aunt Cass and get some coffee… Honey Lemon sipped her milkshake smiling at Hiro as he smiled back…

"So… what do you guys want to do now?" he asked as Gogo sipped her coffee from the counter, hiding a smile and catching his eyes before holding up a subtle 'peace' sign below her waist...