Custom-Fit [2 - Tight Leather Prison] (How to Train Your Dragon)

When she had left the forge the day before, she had thought that she would be able to handle the wait. It was just over a single day before she could experience everything her body wanted all at once. However, the short period had quickly turned into pure torture.

The following day, every single piece of leather around her throughout the day stoked the desire within her. Every tool in use around her, every leather-wrapped weapon she passed, even Stormfly's saddle made her suffer. She had been forced to go without her morning flight after the mere smell of the rough material beneath her legs turned her to jelly. She had tried as hard as she could to get her mind off of the coming night, even for just a while, but was ultimately unsuccessful.

She had decided to spend the rest of her the wait in the forest, practicing with her axe in her designated training clearing. Even as the sun began to set and she was only hours away she couldn't resist the pure excitement running through her body for what as to come. Her mind would wander and would start picturing the incredible things Hiccup could create, all to bind her body. She had to fight it down so much, that at one point she had to return her axe home in case she tore off the leather handle wrap just to feel it against her skin.

Now she waited beneath a tree, sitting against it with her body sweating from both the earlier training and her own internal desire. She could do it.

When darkness finally came and the dragons and Vikings alike settled down for the night, Astrid was ready. She crept out of the edge of the woods, undergarments in hand. She had made sure to quickly bathe in the nearest river to wash off after a day of training and work and had not bothered to put her underwear and bindings back on – they weren't going to be on for much longer anyways.

She carefully walked through the quiet village, making sure to avoid the main paths in case of being seen. She didn't have much to hide but still felt extremely exposed, between the garments in her hand and what she was heading to the forge to do.

Astrid finally reached the forge. The front of it was dark as expected, with Gobber having gone home hours ago. Orange embers were still visible within the central furnace however, likely kept alive by the building's other occupant.

Heart pounding with excitement, Astrid ducked across the path between buildings and entered the dark overhang of the blacksmith's shop. She again waded through piles of materials and weapons before reaching the cloth flap separating the building. Light shone out from under the thick material. Taking a deep breath, she pushed her way through and into the backroom once more.

The room was well lit from the light of the forge and a candle upon Hiccup's desk. The chief's son himself was working at a table to the far side, adjusting what she knew was likely her impending confinement, custom-designed to fit her body. Heart loudly beating in her chest, Astrid cleared her throat.

Hiccup looked over his shoulder and grinned, excitement clear on his face as well. "You're early, milady. Impatient much?"

Astrid walked into the room properly, gently placing her undergarments down onto Hiccup's desk. "Is it done or not?" she asked restlessly.

"Its ready. Are you?" he questioned with a raised eyebrow.

Astrid smirked widely. "More than you can imagine. Can we start now?"

Hiccup nodded and turned away to stand in front of her. "Take off everything you're wearing – everything was sized exactly for your body, and then a little tighter after that like you asked. There isn't any breathing room."

Anticipation burned in her as she immediately pulled her tunic and skirt off and tossed them to the side, her boots and leggings following quickly. She made the addition of taking off her Kransen this time, the symbolic hairband would only get in the way after all. Hiccup backed up in surprise as she finished practically tearing off her outfit and then stared at him impatiently. "I'm ready!"

He seemed to want to comment on her lack of underwear but smartly kept his mouth shut, glancing to the table in the corner. "Are you sure you want to start with this, Astrid?" he asked in a serious tone. "The bindings I made are pretty serious stuff. Suffocating tight, actually. They'll be really hard to get on and off."

Astrid hesitated at the question, taking a moment to think. She recalled the burning within her for days, the non-stop fantasies, how she just yearned to satisfy what she craved. There was no question that she wanted this. "Let's do it. Strap me up as tight as you can, dragon boy," she confirmed confidently.

Hiccup smiled in a devious way that was unlike him. "Oh, I will. You want tight and helpless, you'll get it."

Leaving her with the thrills those words sent down her spine, he turned back to walk over to the table, picking up two separate long pieces of stitched leather and returning back to her. "We're gonna work from the bottom up to get you into everything. First we need to put these on you."

Astrid looked down into his hands with excitement. He held what appeared to be long leather leggings, except they had belts wrapped around them at several places and the bottom looked to be a type of small boot with a small iron bottom, with a long iron pole protruding down from the heel. The boot itself was also angled straight down, which made no sense.

"You'll see," Hiccup told her as he grabbed the crooked stool and pushed it behind her, then handed her one legging. "Put them on."

Curiously, Astrid sat down on the stool and pulled her right leg up, slipping her foot into the top of the legging, pulling the leather material upwards. She found resistance quickly, feeling that the leather sleeve was purposely a size too small like she asked. Smiling in excitement, she forced her leg further into it until she hit the very narrow gap for her ankle. With a huff of effort, she managed to shove her foot through the small gap and into the slightly less small boot, which was made of firmer leather that was much harder to bend. Her foot stayed straight as she pushed it downwards, frowning as she was forced to strain to keep her foot bent downwards, almost as if the was standing on the very tips of her toes. Her toes met the soft leather of the bottom and her foot shoved into place, locked in the firm hold of the boot-like ballet heel. It was sized perfectly for her foot.

She pulled the rest of the cramped legging upwards, forcing it to slide past her knee and up to her upper thigh, just below her crotch. It pulled tight, firmly and completely gripping her right leg in an airtight leather hold. Even just the one leg being treated like that was already flaming the warmth inside her brightly. Odin, if she was already this turned on she wouldn't make it to the end without melting. She noticed that one strap hung off the side of her thigh, angled upwards. She was excited to find out what would do.

Astrid took the other legging from Hiccup's outstretched hands and repeated the process with the opposite leg, taking the same amount of time and effort to get it fully on. The other foot was also pressed downward uncomfortably. Once it was on she took a moment to look down at the tight boots her feet were compressed in. The metal poles were built into the iron heels of the boots, stretching down to end next to the toes. They were just boots with insanely tall heels, forcing her feet to be bent fully downwards at all times.

Puzzled, Astrid turned to Hiccup. "What are these for?"

He smiled. "Stand up and see."

Slightly worried yet excited from his reply, she pushed herself carefully upwards from the stool. With the intense angle of the heels she struggled to get them flat on the ground and stand normally. With a huff of frustration she grabbed onto Hiccup's shoulder and pulled herself to her feet, immediately stumbling forwards.

The heels were thin and the boots had only a tiny portion that contacted the ground. The extreme angle of the firm leather around her ankles and feet forced her to stand completely upright or risk falling. Her feet and ankles shook at the unfamiliar angle, and Astrid wavered in place to even remain standing, her breasts bouncing erotically on her chest.

"These are meant to make walking extremely difficult," Hiccup explained brightly to her as she held out her arms to remain balanced. She noticed that wearing them made her significantly taller, as she was at eye level with her boyfriend for the first time in years. "You can't really bend your ankles or feet at all, and it is really unsteady to walk on flat ground. Hills or uneven ground would be almost impossible. What do you think?"

While odd and very uncertain to stand in, they were growing on her quickly. She had never even imagined using tall heels could cause such a result. With her legs trapped in the leather stockings she would be much slower to move anywhere by herself for fear of falling. It meant she was slow and vulnerable already, and with much longer legs undoubtably looked more attractive. The flames burned brightly within her, and she wanted more. "They're, uh, unconventional. Can you make them tighter?" The leggings were firmly pulled onto her legs, but she wanted to make sure they stayed there.

Hiccup chuckled and agreed, bending down beside her. He grabbed the belts protruding from the very tops of the leggings around her thighs, and pulled each one tightly, pressing deep into her skin. Astrid let out a quiet groan of pleasure as he did so, the action exciting her far more than it should have. He ignored the hanging straps on the side of her thighs and moved downwards, repeating the same tightening with the belts above her knees and then ankles, tightly locking the heels on her feet and the leggings onto her legs almost like a second skin. The final result was her legs tightly confined in the brown leather, feeling constrained and very secure. She was extremely happy already, and anticipation ran through her at having similar things done to the rest of her body.

"What's next?" She asked impatiently, the cold air of the room brushing over her skin. She lowered her arms and tried to get used to the ballet-length boots, carefully readjusting her stance with baby steps.

"Have you ever heard of a corset?" Hiccup asked, grabbing another leather device and moving towards her.

She had indeed, though they were rarely used on Berk. She perked up as he brought it before her, made of thick leather with several belts at the back to tighten it down, and a leather loop on each side at the bottom as well as the top. It looked entirely too small for her, like it would be crush her waist into a tiny size – so she wanted to wear it immediately.

Astrid raised her arms in a gesture for him to start. Hiccup acted quickly, unstrapping the belts and slipping the leather around her waist. He rotated around to her back where the belts rested and slid them through their loops, cinching the leather piece together. Astrid looked down at herself as it happened, a quiet sigh of gratification running through her as the leather pushed against the smooth skin of her stomach and sides. The bottom of the corset began at her hips and went upwards, following the curve of her figure to right below her breasts. As Hiccup removed the slack and the leather pressed into her, the top of the corset shoved her breasts outwards slightly, eliciting another moan from her. She blushed more at the sound, thankful her boyfriend wasn't commenting on the sounds she made.

"Make it tighter," she asked in a pant.

He obliged, grabbing the belts one by one and pulling them even further, squeezing the leather into a much smaller size and compressing her waist. She sucked in a breath as the middle of her figure grew thinner and thinner into a narrow hourglass shape, the constraining feeling making her body burn brighter and brighter. She kept silent as he continued tightening the corset until her eager pants became a little hard to get in and out. Hiccup cinched out what little slack he could and then slid the ends of the belts into their holders before stepping back. "Ready to keep going?" he asked.

Astrid nodded, very distracted by the smooth leather rubbing her body. Between the leggings compressing her legs and the corset pushing breath out of her, she was already in paradise. But there was far more where they had come from.

Hiccup moved to her sides, grabbing the belts hanging off the side of the leggings and bringing them upwards to the bottom loops of the corset. He slid them through and tightened them down, connecting the leather pieces together. Astrid watched with sensual interest, realizing that the corset would now keep the leggings on her no matter how hard she struggled. She was trapped in them and their limiting heels, unsteady, uncertain and increasingly helpless.

"Time for the main part," Hiccup cut into her internal desires as he left to go grab the largest leather pieces on the table. Astrid watched unsteadily on her tall heels as he grabbed it all and returned to her. What he held was far more complicated than the last pieces, covered in many belts and a strange array of leather stitching. "I spent the most time on this one, like you asked," he continued. "I wanted something impossible to escape from, while making your, uh, chest stick out uncovered."

She could barely keep from shaking in her excitement. The bizarre contraption of leather was unknown but was seconds away from taking away her freedom. She couldn't wait for it, not anymore. "Stop talking and get it on me!" she almost begged.

"Put your arms behind your back then," he ordered playfully, moving behind her.

She obeyed instantly, letting her arms cross being her, with her hands resting on her bare ass cheeks, surprised to find them shoved outwards by both the leggings and the corset pressing into them on either side. Hiccup didn't let her think about this, grasping one arm and sliding it into an overly small leather sleeve. He guided her arm down forcefully into it, the leather harness coming up to her shoulders before her hand was forced through an even narrower part and then into a tiny round space, where she was forced to curl her hand into a tight fist in order to fit. The sleeve now covered her entire arm up to the shoulder, and with her hand balled up inside the end of it she couldn't move her fingers in any way.

Hiccup reached for her other arm and slid another sleeve onto it, the same process repeating. When he was done, he released both her arms and moved in front of her. Astrid wiggled them behind her, finding the leather fully covering them in a several-sizes-too-small tightness and making her hands completely useless and crammed next to each other to fit in the small space for them. She liked where this was going, especially considering that the long leather gloves had belts at several points.

Grabbing pieces of the leather harness connected to the sleeves from behind her, Hiccup pulled them over her shoulders and crossed them over each other above her breasts, then guided them down back under her arms and to the middle of her back. The action placed smooth leather over and around her shoulders, which she quickly learned was to hold the harness in place as Hiccup belted up the ends behind her. As he tightened it down and it pressed into the sides of her neck and torso, Astrid let out a pleasured groan. She could feel only belts dangling from the harness now, and she knew what would happen next, she just wasn't sure how it would bind her.

Hiccup moved to stand behind her, grabbed her trapped wrists in the sleeve in his hands, then twisted them upwards and inwards so that her fisted hands rose up her back and into a reverse prayer. Astrid squirmed at the odd angle; she had always been very flexible but was unused to the position. Just what exactly was he doing?

Hiccup took the belts around her covered wrists and coupled them together, tightening them down so that her wrists were held in the odd position high on her back, forcing her hands, still trapped in their tight fists, to press against each other firmly. He then moved down to her elbows and grabbed the belts hanging off of them, before connecting them to the opposite elbow and pulling them together.

Astrid gasped as he slowly compressed her elbows and forearms into a single pillar together on her back, facing upwards instead of down, the bizarre binding stretching the muscles in her shoulders and arms to accommodate it. She winced in discomfort and looked down as he continued to pull her elbows together, watching as her shoulders were forced backwards and her chest was shoved outwards in front of her, her breasts seeming to swell in size and block the ground, hiding her legs from sight. With a final grunt Hiccup forced her arms together into a full reverse prayer on her back, the belts holding it in place.

Stumbling sideways in a mix of pleasure and strained muscles, Astrid wobbled on her high heels as the full harness came together. She breathed heavily as she acclimated to the feeling of her arms being tightly pinned behind her, her balled fists pressed against the back of her neck and her elbows pinned together at the middle of her back.

"Oh… gods, Hiccup," she moaned as she lightly pulled at the intense harness, finding her arms could barely move at all. "This is… this is really…"

"Not done yet," he interrupted, grinning at her shocked reaction as he went to work on the remaining belts of the harness. Astrid looked down in distracted interest as he quickly belted the harness to the top loops of the corset, connecting them firmly and pulling the harness down more into her shoulders when he pulled them tight. Her outfit was now all connected into once piece, making escape even more impossible.

He moved to work on two more belts, wrapping them once around her torso, one below her outstretched chest and one above it, riding over the top of the harness and pinning it down into the tops of her breasts, pushing them out even farther. As he tightened them down she realized they were also connected to the back of her bound arms, pressing the armbinder further into her back and pinning the entire harness against her torso. Astrid sucked in gasps one after the other as he finished, the final result making her body burn with excitement brighter than ever before. Her arms were all but immobilized against her own body, shoved into the leather harness insanely tightly. Her limbs felt warm and stuffy in their restrained leather bindings, while her outstretched breasts, nipples and ass shivered in the cold. Gods, this was surpassing every expectation she dared to hope for. And she wasn't even fully bound yet!

"H-H-Hiccup-p," she managed to get out in a high-pitched voice. "W-what comes n-now?"

He was already prepared for her request. He held a large iron ring in his hands, the metal forged smoothly and into a thin size, with several strips of leather connecting to it and then into other strips, connecting to several belts. The ring was padded with thin cloth on the top and bottom. Her curiosity of what is was, distracted by her insides burning with desire, was answered when he put the leather straps of the device onto her head. He took his time in adjusting them properly, rotating the metal ring over to rest on her face, just over her mouth.

"Open as wide as you can," he demanded while he grabbed the ring and waited.

Astrid obeyed instantly, opening her mouth as far as she could. Hiccup held her jaw open with one hand and used the other to shove the top of the metal ring into her mouth. He pushed it into place to rest against the roof of her mouth just behind her upper teeth, and then forced in the other side of the ring, Astrid breathing loudly as he pressed it into the opposite place behind her bottom teeth. He pulled his hands out and let her soft lips fall back onto the edges of the smooth metal. Astrid moved her head and probed her tongue around the circular ring, feeling her mouth forced as wide open as it could possibly go. This was not what she expected.

Hiccup continued working on the gag harness, strapping down the belts around her head. Straps became taut going from either side of the ring to the back of her head. One tightened under her chin and forced her jaw to remain in place, not that she could have opened it any farther. Two more straps connected to the ones crossing her cheeks, heading upwards and meeting to become one just above her nose. The singular strap went over the top of her head and down to the back where it met all the others. She felt her boyfriend lift her braid and run the top belt through it instead of over it, keeping her hair in one piece. She let out a noise of pleasure as he pulled the entire harness tightly together, making the straps bite into her cheeks and firmly hold the ring gag in her mouth. Since it covered her entire head and was strapped up in multiple places, she wouldn't be able to get the ring out of her mouth without help. She was effectively gagged in an albeit unusual way.

"What do you think?" He asked after he was done, looking at her with restrained lust clear on his face.

Astrid squirmed in her bindings and stuck her tongue out of the gag, a string of saliva slipping off of the metal ring. It was highly unusual and very Hiccup, she had to admit. She felt uncharacteristically exposed in a different way to have her mouth pinned wide open. It made her vulnerable instead of silent, a strong addition to the vulnerability she already felt by her leather prison. The harness wrapping around her head was a surprise turn on for her, and the unusual gag's embarrassment was quickly adding to it. She felt herself starting to drool slowly from her open mouth and was unable to stop it with her tongue. A drop of her saliva fell from her bottom lip and splashed onto her bare breast, before gently trickling down the front of it. Astrid flushed even more, humiliated that she was now forced to drool over herself to boot. As embarrassing as it was, the humiliation was highly arousing.

"I relly liy et," she answered out of the metal ring, the sound of her barely understandable voice turning her on far more than it should have. She could barely communicate, a cherry on top of being helpless. "Eh ley ehreying?"

"Not yet," Hiccup answered. He reached into his tunic and pulled out a thick ring of padded leather, a belt wrapping around it. "We have to make sure you're collared properly, Dragon Rider."

The shift of his voice into a low, rough tone and the leather collar in his hands was more than enough to make her shiver in delight. It was two layers of thick leather, with a small loop sticking out of one side. She carefully stepped forward to close the gap between them, tripping slightly over the uncomfortable heels. She stared at the collar and then into his eyes with want, the forge quiet other than her heavy breathing.

He looked somewhat abashed for a moment as he brought the collar upwards between them. "I made sure to label it correctly," he said as he turned it over in his hand. "I know it's a bit…. unexpected… but I hope you'll like the addition to your outfit." Two simple words were carefully marked into the front of the leather, large in size and impossible to miss.

Dragon Whore.

It was a name that had been whispered about her for years due to her closeness to Hiccup and her status as a dragon rider. Mixed emotions rushed through her at the sight. Humiliation from the title. Anger at the insinuations behind it. But the pure exhilaration of it overpowered the others. The thought of being labeled so low and being helpless to match, to be collared with the simple name and to become one with it, to have no choice but to accept it because she couldn't do anything else… Oh gods the drive within her almost hurt.

She stuttered out her thoughts quickly. "Ut et on ee."

Hiccup grinned and the slight discomfort of potentially offending her faded from his face. He brought it up to her neck and wrapped it around her slender skin, walking behind her to buckle it and pull it tight. Astrid shook in pleasure as he did, staring upwards as the thick leather device closed around her neck and pushed into it. She gasped as he pulled it much tighter than expected, digging deep into her neck and cutting off her air completely. Squirming in her harness she tried to turn around, but Hiccup held tightly onto the belt and used his free hand to wrap around her chest, his hand running over her heaving breasts. She silently groaned in pleasure as his skin gently rubbed over hers, finding and squeezing her nipple in a teasing fashion. The careful touch combined with the lack of air and extremely tight leather was fanning the flames of a wildfire, and her squirming was quickly turning to full-body shaking of desire. She was being strangled by leather and her skintight leather bonds prevented her doing anything to stop it.

Seconds went by and his grip held tight. Astrid's face began to lose color, and she looked back at him over her shoulder, her eyes half-lidden with thrill and a thick string of saliva hanging down from the ring gag. Part of her was filled with adrenaline and desperation for air, while the other trusted her best friend not to hurt her. As her choking went on longer desperation started to win and her squirming increased to frantic struggles, her enlarged breasts flailing from side to side with every twist of her bound torso. Her arms refused to budge, tightly confined in their harness behind her. She hopelessly tried to pull away but he held strong, and she was forced to stand there defenselessly as black spots started to swim in her vision. Hiccup moved his head forward and planted a loving kiss on her cheek, before suddenly releasing the tightness of the collar.

Astrid gasped for air as her neck was released, bending over slightly to take deep breaths in through her mouth and nose. She panted loudly for a while, replenishing the lost air in her lungs while also marveling that she was kind of disappointed it stopped so soon. She had never been choked before but the idea had always been there in her head, and she had been curious how it would feel to be done with leather. Hiccup must have noticed her interest in it when he measured her neck the previous day. By the gods, she was giving into every single fantasy she had.

Hiccup gently pulled the collar tight again, pressing into her neck deeply but not fully choking her. She was very satisfied with this and let him buckle it off securely with the loop facing the front below the words, not that she could do anything about it. She turned her head to test the feel of the thick leather choker, finding it taut and preventing her from bending her head too much. The knowledge of her new title, labeled on a collar she couldn't even reach for anyone to see was excitingly degrading. It was who she was now.

Her boyfriend ran his hands down her leather covered sides and looked at her lovingly, and very clearly enjoying the results of his work. "How do you feel?" He asked seriously.

Astrid moaned in delight, shifting her body in the tight restraints and looking back at him with what she was sure was a tomato red face, mouth forced open by a massive ring gag.

"I… luh it," she managed to say. Breathing was slightly challenging between the squeezing corset and collar, and her voice was quieter because of it. And her answer was completely honest. This was far more intense than any fantasy she had came up with in the last two weeks. Her entire body was bound in tight leather, restricting her from moving and imprisoning her arms so tightly against her back that she couldn't even move them. This wasn't playing with some leather straps in the woods like she thought she would end up being forced to do. This was completely different, far more intense.

She twisted around and inspected herself as best she could, looking at everything binding her. She was much taller than usual, the towering high heels forcing her unto the very tips of her toes and making her legs look long and slender, wrapped into skin-tight leggings and belted at several points to make them secure. They were still hard to stand in, and every tiny step she took still made her sway dangerously. Going anywhere herself would be incredibly dangerous, for she was highly likely to fall and with her arms bound she would have no way to protect herself, let alone get back up onto the tall heels afterwards. Her hips and crotch were bare for all to see, the smooth creamy skin unprotected by leather and revealing her most private area openly. The round cheeks of her ass were forced out from being squeezed between the corset and leggings, making it look far larger. It was almost begging to be touched and groped, highlighted as it was.

Her already naturally thin waist was tightened down even more by the leather corset, compressing it inwards a good amount and making the area feel and look extremely narrow. Having her body forced into the much-fantasized hourglass female figure and making her ass look bigger in the process was an incredible turn on for Astrid, especially because she couldn't do anything about it. The added fact that it made it slightly harder to breathe was just icing on the cake. The top of it also helped to push her breasts upwards and off her chest.

Astrid moaned lowly at what her bondage had done to her chest, looking down in exhilaration. Freed of her bindings her ample breasts were large and perky, but with the corset pushing upwards and the armbinder harness forcing her shoulders backwards and her chest forwards, her breasts looked to be massive, blocking her view of the ground in front of her. They were uncovered and openly presented in the most sexual way possible, free to be groped by anyone that wanted to. Her nipples were large and hard from the entire experience, poking out noticeably and impossible to miss. And outstretched and unprotected as they were, any time she moved her body her breasts would bounce around erotically, a feeling she had never experienced before since they were always compressed under breast bindings. She couldn't help but feel appreciative of their size and how they felt to be exposed. They were heavy and large on her chest, rounded perfectly and smooth to the touch, and they jiggled constantly with every small move she made. She felt very much like a woman instead of a warrior with them forced out for display and she was enjoying every second of it.

Hiccup had taken her requests to be embarrassed to heart when he made the outfit. With her breasts, ass and crotch so sexually exaggerated, she felt completely exposed even bound as tightly as she was. And it was a carnal embarrassment within her, burning low through her entire body, because she was unable to cover or hide herself no matter what she did. She was provocatively bound in the middle of her village, seconds away from discovery, and could barely even move if discovered.

She couldn't see the harness her arms were trapped inside of but she could see the tight leather straps wrapping around her shoulders and across her upper chest, digging into her skin deeply. And she could certainly feel her arms pinned against her back within the smooth material of the absurdly tight gloves, their tight harness pressed into her spine. Her shoulders ached already to hold the extreme angles, and her arms were so tightly pinned together that she couldn't even wiggle them. Her hands were so firmly compressed in fists in the end of the gloves that her fingers had no room to budge. Their tiny confinement behind the leather, added to being pinned together and behind her back, made self-escape completely impossible.

While the reverse prayer harness was straining to maintain Astrid found she adored it. Her arms were so compressed into her back that she almost had no arms at all, displaying her large breasts, bare hips and long legs instead as all she was. It objectified her body in all the right ways. Combined with the collar labeling her in such a degrading way, she felt completely powerless and vulnerable, sexualized as a helpless woman. Locked up so tightly, she was almost a toy. She could be taken advantage of by anyone, groped, spanked and touched anywhere. She had never been this helpless, this vulnerable in her life and it was unimaginably erotic.

The ring gag harness strapped onto her head was unconventional but was a vital piece of her subjugation. The thin iron ring forcing her jaw open fully was oddly humiliating, showing the insides of her mouth at all times. She couldn't open or close it any further, only move her tongue to feel the large ring and struggle to pronounce intelligible words. Pinned open as it was, she was unable to stop herself from drooling and strands of saliva would constantly spill out and hang down, eventually falling onto the bare skin of her breasts or the ground below. The fully-open mouth was inviting and demeaning, looking like a sexual invitation. And the leather harness tightly secured to her head pinned it in place, digging into her face to stop it from moving. Much like the rest of her bindings, there was no chance of her being able to remove it.

Taking everything in at one, Astrid moaned at the intensity of her imprisonment's sensations. She squirmed as best she could, unsteadily moving from side to side on her wobbly heels. She strained her arms uselessly behind her and panted with effort as the leather held them tight. Her actions bounced her breasts from side to side, a much more pronounced motion due to their outstretched size.

She was so damn happy she asked Hiccup to help; this was unlike anything she could have ever imagined. She didn't even know she could feel so helpless or look so vulnerable. He had turned her into a leather-bound tramp, labeled degradingly and at his mercy. Every little motion of her body fanned the fires of pleasure inside of her, making her skin tingle with pure thrill. She almost wished her hands were free so they could roam down to between her legs, where the fiery passion of her treatment had been building up for hours.

Hiccup cleared his throat and interrupted her enjoyment, crimson in the face and seeming to enjoy her being bound almost as much as she was. "I'm glad you like everything. Can you struggle to escape for a while? I want to make sure everything holds up."

Astrid's stimulated face looked back at him and lightly nodded. She was almost positive of the leather's security and tightness but it wouldn't hurt to be sure.

Yanking her arms harshly as best she could in the harness, she jerked her torso from side to side, flinging her breasts wildly on her chest, joined by the flapping of her golden blonde hair. She wobbled forward as she lost her balance with each step, swaying on the tiny heels as she struggled to both escape the harsh armbinder and remain standing. Hiccup stood back and watched intently as she tottered on them dangerously, panting in effort to loosen her arms the slightest bit. She wrenched her arms behind her every way she could think of, straining her muscles against the firm leather straps and whining quietly with pleasure when even a single wiggle was near impossible.

Minutes passed with her gaps of exertion filling the small room as she kept straining, her confident nature trying to achieve something. Her stubbornness to escape the armbinder slowly died out as her arms ached even more and felt just as tight as when she started. She halfheartedly stopped her efforts to pull them out of their vertical column, accepting that they were too tightly bound to move. There was no way in Hel she was getting out of it. Gods, did it feel good to try though.

Standing still in the room and facing away from Hiccup, she tried to work her strained jaw pinned open with the large iron ring, pushing against it with her tongue. Drool spilled out of her mouth as she worked tenaciously to make it budge even a little bit, falling onto her heaving breasts and slipping down her skin slicked with sweat from her struggles. Astrid gave that up quickly when she realized there was no slack at all for her to pull it out without help. The harness strapped around her head held it firmly inside her mouth from every angle, immobilizing her jaw in its accessible wide-open state. Without hands it was useless to even try removing it.

Astrid looked down at her suffocating tight corset and realized it was not coming off without another's help. It was not designed to in the first place, and it was held there by both her arm harness and her leggings. There was no point in even trying to touch it.

She bent over to look at her movement-impairing leggings, seeing them strapped in as tight as ever and held up by the attaching straps to the corset. She blew out an annoyed breath from her mouth and tried to get them off anyway, raising one foot shakily off the floor and trying to push it against the belt wrapped around the other leg's ankle. Loosing her other support made her instantly unbalanced and she yelped in panic as she floundered to stay standing, lurching forwards with her heels loudly clacking into the dirt. Astrid's torso slammed lightly into the wooden wall of the room breasts-first, pinning them against the rough wood as she perilously recovered and pushed herself upwards, using the surface as a support.

Feeling mortified after nearly falling on her face, Astrid managed to get back up to standing height and pushed herself off of the wall, wobbling backwards and carefully turning around. Her boyfriend had watched the entire thing and looked torn between laughing and helping her.

"I ant et ou," she informed him in embarrassed euphoria. Maybe with hours of effort she could manage to create a tiny scrap of wiggle room for her arms, but it looked like she wasn't going anywhere for the moment.

"What was that?" he asked cheekily, crossing his arms. "I couldn't understand you, Dragon Whore."

Astrid narrowed her eyes at the slanderous words and cautiously stumbled over to him, taking every step anxiously in case she tripped. She managed to reach her cocky boyfriend and stopped in front of him, glaring at his laughing eyes.

"I ant et ou," she repeated, trying to pronounce the words clearly but failing miserably through the gag. "Eh oo ight."

Hiccup accepted her answer and glanced down at her elongated legs with appreciation. "Good, everything is working correctly, especially the boots. Let's get the rest of the outfit on you."