Custom-Fit [3 - Raging Fires and a Lonely Night] (How to Train Your Dragon)

"Wha?! Er ore?!" Astrid's heart skipped a beat at the words, electricity mixed with euphoria seeming to jolt through her body. Her eyes widened and her annoyance faded, replaced with pure disbelief. He wasn't done yet? She could hardly move! She was completely at his mercy! What else could he possibly put on her?

Hiccup brushed past her and returned to the bench, where she now noticed several leather items still remained. He pulled two coiled belts from the assortment, each only an arm's length in size, and returned back to her.

"I don't want you falling and hurting yourself," he informed her with genuine care. "So lets restrict your legs a bit more."

Astrid watched incapably as he dropped to his knees, barely able to see what he was doing due to her outstretched breasts blocking her view. He wrapped one belt around her legs at knee-height, pushing it up against the leather leggings just above them. He looped it fully around both legs and then belted it tightly, pulling her knees into each other in an oppressive tug. Astrid wavered and adjusted her footing in alarm as her knees were shoved against one another, the belt holding them tightly together while leaving her lower legs alone. The change made standing even harder to maintain, and she shakily readjusted her stance with small baby steps.

Hiccup sat back for a moment and looked up at her. "How is that? Can you still walk?"

Astrid frowned around her ring gag and moved forwards a single step, teetering when the action made her off balance. Her knees being pulled together made raising her legs for each step impossible, forcing her to wobble from side to side to move. Gods, now she was even slower and even more likely to fall. Why was it turning her on so damn much?

"Eh, lets be sure," Hiccup interrupted, grabbing the other strap.

He put it down by her feet and then reached over to her right foot and grabbed the boot firmly, lifting it off of the ground. Astrid yelped in surprise at the action, swaying dangerously on her remaining foot. Hiccup pulled the boot he was holding over to the other and set it down a slight distance apart, restoring her balance. She glared down at him for the action, knowing he was well aware of how close he had come to sending her down to the hard dirt beneath them with no way to break her fall.

He picked up the second belt and coiled it around one ankle, just above the belt at the joint that held her foot firmly inside of each boot. He looped the end through and pulled it over to the other ankle, repeating the wrap around it. Carefully pushing it through the iron frame of the end, he pulled it tight, compressing each ankle with another belt on top of the leather leggings and connecting her ankles with a very short strap.

Astrid tried to move her head to see around her breasts to view the result. Her ankles were now tied together with a strap the length of a single finger, forcing her feet to stand next to each other at all times. Astrid carefully tested the new binding as Hiccup stood back up and watched. She moved one foot forward a fraction of a step and pulled the strap taut, forced to end it there and repeat the tiny motion with the other foot, only gaining her another tiny little step. She groaned at the unexpected impairment, realizing she was now forced to hobble insanely slowly to move in any direction, on top of the risk of falling or tripping on her already perilous ballet heels. With the two new belts on her legs she was far more helpless. Before she could still walk, but now she was restricted to a puny shuffle in any direction.

She couldn't use her legs to run anymore, and that realization sent incredible thrills through her. With her arms bound behind her and her legs almost completely impaired, she still had the slightest bit of freedom but was completely unable to access it, at the mercy of anyone around her. They could touch her and she couldn't resist it no matter how hard she struggled. They could grab her and she couldn't outrun them, no matter how fast she hobbled to get away. She had no power at all now – and it was deliriously addicting.

Hiccup appreciatively ran his eyes up and down her body, looking like he really wanted to do more than look. She looked back at him passionately, sure she looked very interesting between her exposed body and face intoxicated with pleasure. He met her half-lidded eyes and seemed to decide something, walking back over to the desk one last time.

Astrid turned her head to watch him as he pocketed some of the small remaining items, picking up the remaining one and slowly unwinding it as he neared her. It was a thin leather cord, seeming to be about her height in length as he let it spool out into his other hand. She excitedly wondered what it could possibly be for as he got closer, well aware that her arms, legs and mouth were now fully secured.

Hiccup caught the end of the cord, ending in a small metal fastener. He stepped up directly in front of her and used that hand to push up her chin so she was looking at the ceiling. Astrid obeyed the forced movement and stood there idly wondering what was next, realizing what it was as soon as she felt the tug on her collar. Hiccup slid the fastener through the collar's thick loop above her new title and cinched it tight, then stepped back and let his hand slide down the leather leash until it reached the end.

Grinning maliciously, he tugged it hard towards him, pulling the loop taut and tightening the thick collar around her neck to a chokingly tight grip. Astrid gasped for air and hobbled forwards at the pull, her baby steps bringing her a bit of slack and releasing some of the force on her neck. She gazed at him with fiery submission as he pulled her completely up to him, stopping a breath away from his face.

"Do you like your leash, Dragon Whore?" he asked in a degrading tone, having long since caught on to the feelings within her the label flared when it was used.

Astrid nodded dumbly, eyes locked on the thick leather cord running from her collar. None of her fantasies had included either item but wearing them both made her feel so tantalizingly good that she wouldn't have it any other way. She was labeled degradingly and was now leashed like a common animal, allowing anyone holding it to pull her around like an object and she would have no choice but to stumble along with them, her breasts bouncing suggestively with every stagger of her heels. The small cord seemed to take away the last scrap of freedom she had.

"Good," Hiccup replied, his tone low and attractively rugged as he continued speaking down to her. "Because its not coming off. You are trapped in that tight little leather package and you won't be able to escape it, no matter how hard you struggle. Every single strap and sleeve is custom-sized just for you. They won't get loose; they won't get comfortable, they won't even let you even squirm. You can say whatever you want too, and no one will ever understand you, especially if they shove something into that big hole first."

Astrid moaned loudly as he continued, peering up at him submissively, the humiliating belittlement resounding deeply through her because she knew every word he said was right.

"You're not the Great Astrid Hofferson right now. You're not really anything. All you are is tightly packaged whore, a set of big boobs and huge ass that anyone can touch as much as they want. You're just the Dragon Whore of Berk, and nothing else."

He pulled her leash down slightly as he finished, making her bend down submissively in front of him. Astrid panted with ecstasy as her body buzzed with fire from her head to her tightly compressed toes. By the Gods, nothing could have ever prepared her for this.

The room felt like it was burning around her. Her skin was slick with sweat as her mind and body enjoyed everything that was happening. The fires that had been steadily rising within her had long since grown out of her control, and she had left her restraint burn with it. She groaned loudly, the pleasured noise resonating through the room and beyond. The sensations of leather surrounding her body and pressing inwards, rubbing against her smooth skin everywhere, restricting her movement if not stopping it entirely… It was a feeling unlike anything she could have ever imagined. The degradation from her best friend, the harsh label written on her collar, her openly presented and exaggerated breasts and ass… and the tight prison she was in, encasing her warm body against her will and filling her mind with nothing else other than this moment. Everything made her burn. The fire seemed to burn brightest right between her legs, begging to be touched. She didn't care about where she was, or who saw her, or anything. She only wanted more.

Hiccup pulled her head up with a choking yank, putting his smug face against her heavily flushed one. "Is this what you wanted?" he asked quietly.

"Yeth, othe yeth!" she moaned as warm drool spilled from her mouth and down the valley between her breasts, her words unintelligible but the pleasure-driven pants communicating more than well enough.

He smirked at her reply and bent his head down to her massive breasts, sweat-soaked and heaving with every pant of her chest. "It looks like this outfit was designed for your body to be groped everywhere. I better test it to be sure it works."

Astrid groaned at his words, the intent behind them making her skin buzz even more. All she wanted to do was be touched, and his offer made her internal roar of excitement only increase. She hobbled a few steps forward and shoved her outstretched chest into him, communicating just how much she wanted it.

He didn't hesitate, putting his hands against the sides of her ample breasts and kneading them softly. Astrid drooled out a sigh of pleasure as he rubbed and massaged them, cupping their large size as he did so. She had never had her breasts touched intimately before, and his gentle yet firm touch on her unrestricted boobs was unlike any other touch she had felt from him to date. He continued kneading them as she moaned, closing her eyes as his fingers strayed to their tips, brushing over her rigidly hard nipples and squeezing them lightly. Astrid grew more lightheaded with every second of the intimate touches, every sensation in her body seeming to overload her limit and push it farther.

One of Hiccup's hands dropped and slid down her side, running over the leather corset and sliding around to her expanded ass. He reached down and cupped her enlarged ass cheek, firmly gripping it and kneading it even as his other hand continued to grope her breasts. The combined touches pressed loud gasps out of her mouth with every fondle, making her eyes loose focus in the sheer wildfire of pleasure running through her. Astrid's bound knees grew weak with every touch and she swayed on her feet, knowing internally she wouldn't be able to stand for much longer at this rate.

His touches started to get rougher, pulling at her skin and teasing her nipples harshly, making her gasps only get louder. His hand on her ass gripped hard with every push and pull of her skin, spreading her ass and releasing it in provocative manner. The hand eventually released her rear and slid forward, running over her bare hip and to her crotch, where the fire burned brightest.

Astrid squirmed in her tight leather bindings, writhing in them uselessly as his rough hand slowly pushed downwards to where her body wanted it most. She desperately strained to do something, anything at all to make his hand reach the burning area faster. She pushed against his body and groaned loudly with desire, completely lost in her need for the extremely intimate contact. His hand drew ever closer, running over her creamy skin and getting lower, almost enough to reach it…

The loud blast of a war horn echoing over the village tore both of them out of the moment. Hiccup jolted backwards from her in surprise, while Astrid spun around with panic and tripped on her tiny ankle strap, loosing her balance and falling forwards breasts-first with an alarmed shriek. Hiccup saw her fall in time and pulled back on her leash to save her, instantly yanking the collar crushingly tight against her neck. Her shriek was suppressed to a silent gasp instantly as the collar pulled small enough to cut off her air completely. The leash became taut, stopping her fall but holding her up by her neck and harshly strangling her. With wide eyes Astrid frantically wobbled her heels forward step-by-step to offset the intense pressure, eventually pushing herself back to a standing position after several very long seconds. The collar loosened as she did, and she choked in air to refill her desperate lungs.

The panic of being discovered still running through her alongside burning desire, she spun her head towards the doorway to the room, thankfully finding it empty except than the two of them. She carefully rotated her heels beneath her, turning around to face Hiccup who was listening intently to the town outside of the forge. Another loud blast quickly roared through the village, this time accompanied by the sounds of Vikings and dragons alike waking from slumber.

Two blasts. It meant an emergency meeting of Berk's council had just been summoned.

Right now. When she was that close. Gods be damned.

"Crap!" Hiccup whispered as the bustle of people outside grew louder. "Astrid, I have to go, my dad will need me at this!"

"Wah?!" She angrily choked back, chest still heaving. He couldn't leave her like this! Something important was going on, at now of all times in her entire life for some damn reason. "Unie nee!" she demanded.

"I can't untie you," Hiccup shot back at her, glancing worriedly at the flap to the rest of the forge. "It will take way too long, and someone might come looking for me here when I don't make it there in time."

Astrid stared at him in disbelief, knowing he was right but increasingly furious all the same. Whatever important situation was going on, she was going to spend it helplessly bound in leather, hidden in the forge until it was over. Her pride was hurting just as much as her desires.

She angrily pulled at her arms in a vain hope of freeing them and getting out of this herself, but a few seconds of the desperate wiggles had no effect on anything.

Hiccup glanced back at the door and then to her, seeming to come to a decision. He walked over to one of the wooden supports of the building and pulled the leash firmly after him. Astrid let out a choked gasp as the collar pulled taut and silenced her reply, and with a questioning glare she wobbled towards him. She slowly came up next to him and prepared to ask what he was doing, only to see her boyfriend wrapping the end of the leash around the wooden pillar and tying it off.

"Ur iying e oo la illar?!" She shrieked indignantly in a low voice, furious blue eyes glaring into his.

Hiccup pulled the knot tight and looked back at her apologetically. "I'm finishing the rest of your outfit! I'll be back to untie you when the meeting ends. This way you can enjoy yourself a little bit since we got interrupted."

"Ut I nee-" her livid retort shifted to a moan as his hands cupped her breasts and kneaded them lovingly. Her anger was mixed back in with intense pleasure and she wanted to hit him for it as her head rolled back slightly.

"Just stay here and enjoy this," he told her as his hands softly roamed over her body relentlessly and the voices outside grew steadily louder, mixed with the roars of dragons. He dropped one hand and reached into the pocket of his tunic, pulling out a small oddly-shaped strap of leather with a belt over it, the strap stretching out on both sides. "I'll come back for you. Maybe I'll even pull you back to my house just like this so you can spend the night. You can sleep in your tight little restraints after I play with you."

The unexpected offer made her insides twist with obscene thrill and distracted her from Hiccup raising the leather device onto her face. She uttered an unintelligible question before the smooth leather was pushed against her eyes and held there, blocking out all light and forcing her into a world of darkness.

"Wha ar u oing?!" she demanded apprehensively as she felt him pushing it under her existing gag harness and wrapping the sides around her head. As the smooth cuts of the leather slid into place over her eyes and around her nose, covering only her ability to see and leaving her head untouched, she realized it was a custom-fit leather blindfold.

"Hiccuh!" she shouted his name indignantly into her dark world, yanking to free her arms from their tight armbinder. This wasn't part of the plan! She twisted where she stood in a vain attempt to get it off of her, chest starting to heave with effort and her breasts bouncing from side to side.

She felt him move behind her and harshly pull the straps on the sides of her head tight, before connecting the belt and tightening it down against her head. The action pinned the blindfold against her eyes and prevented it from slipping off, doubly secure from the gag harness over it holding it down.

She twisted her head around once he released it, drool flying from her open mouth as she tried to locate her boyfriend. "Hiccuh! Ake eth ohh!" She had never been blindfolded before, and the helpless darkness combined with her tight bonds while leashed to a pillar like an animal was creating a burning desire that was quickly overpowering her anger at being left there.

Her breasts were suddenly gripped tightly once more, making her jump with surprise. "Remember, you're not Astrid right now," his low voice said from in front of her, his hands tightly tweaking her nipples and making her squirm in place with an unwilling moan. "You're just a toy."

A cold metal device clamped onto her right nipple as he spoke, pinching it tight in an iron grip. Astrid involuntarily squealed at the abrupt sensation, pleasure mixed with a bit of pain running through her nipple and up into her breast. Hiccup's hand slapped over her mouth and muffled the loud response from being heard. Astrid yelled distractedly behind his hand, but her protests were completely suppressed. He released her first breast and wordlessly clamped the same device onto her other nipple, restraining her next squeal. He kept his hand pinned over her mouth for several long seconds until she stopped her loud outcry, before gently removing it.

Astrid quietly moaned at the feeling of the clamps, their intense pressure unrelenting on her hard nipples. They tightly pinched the tips together in a ruthless hold, like Hiccup's hands pinching them earlier but far stronger. She wrenched her torso from side to side in an effort to remove them, slinging her outstretched breasts around in the air and mewling at the sensation of the clamps pulling her nipples as she did. A minute of halfhearted struggling died down as the clamps held onto her firmly, clearly not releasing her without intervention. Sweating with effort, anger and thrill, Astrid accepted they were too tight to come off on their own and despairingly shifted on her feet and turned her head, looking for her boyfriend.

"That's everything," Hiccup's voice came from down on the ground behind her. She felt the belt holding her knees together suddenly cinch insanely tight, shoving her knees harshly into each other with no slack to spare. Astrid floundered to stand for a moment and sputtered out an unintelligible question at the action, trying to get an explanation for her tingling nipples and also for whatever in Hel he was doing to her now.

Her ankle strap suddenly tightened in the same way, going as tight as possible around her ankles and squeezing her boots together into a rigid single column, making her legs feel somehow more bound. The already tiny gap between her boots was now gone, making her unable to walk! "I ar u ightening ee?!" she demanded apprehensively.

"I need to leave, but I want to make sure you're secure," his comforting voice came from her back, the gentle tone doing nothing to appease her outraged frustration with him. "I'm tightening everything as far as it will go."

His words hit home when he grabbed the corset belts and yanked them even tighter, making Astrid gasp as it more air was pushed from her lungs as the leather constricted her waist even more narrowly. Her thin center was compacted down to a fraction of her natrual size without the leather corset and belted off once more, the new level of security pushing out her ass and breasts impossibly more. She let out a quiet moan at the feeling of the rigid leather around her waist, having reached a level she thought impossible. It was now hard to breathe but oh Gods, did it feel good.

Her harness was suddenly roughly yanked from behind, and Astrid flinched as each strap around her torso and arms was roughly tightened a bit further. His rough pulls of each strap eliminated the last scraps of slack there were, compressing her reverse prayer armbinder into a strict column of leather somehow less forgiving than before. The armbinder tightened as far it could, squeezing her arms inside almost painfully. The straps of the harness shoved deep into her shoulders and torso, pressing into her skin harshly, restricting her shoulders further backwards and shoving out her breasts hopelessly outwards, the iron clamps bouncing around with her chest.

Astrid let out her most genuine moan of the day at the new level of security, blindly squirming as best she could in the darkness behind her blindfold. Before was tight, but this was stifling. Her bindings were so exceedingly squeezed down onto her that even twisting her body was now challenging. Whatever room there was before was no gone, replaced with excessively tight bondage. Her arms had all but been removed from her body by the imprisoning leather.

She continued her moans of sensual enslavement, not really paying attention as Hiccup tightened her gag harness and blindfold as well, making the straps bite further into her face and head. Her attention was pulled when he grabbed the back of her collar and pulled it just a bit tighter, cutting off a portion of her already limited air as it constricted her neck further. Astrid took in terse, shallow breaths as he felt him buckle it securely, realizing in worry he had made it just tight enough to cut off most of her air and made it a conscious challenge to breathe.

She heard him finally step back, his warm hands running up her sides and gliding across her breasts. "Okay, you're all set," he said as he pulled at the clamps, tugging on her nipples and making her sputter out a restrained squeal of pleasure. "I'll be back in a few hours to pick you up."

Wait… a few hours? Her distracted mind focused on past emergency meetings, remembering them often taking several hours if not half of a day to get through important topics before ending the sessions. Most of the village would attend the entire thing, leaving the buildings empty and lifeless. And the chief and his son would likely be there for start to finish, meaning Hiccup wouldn't be back for a very long time.

She was going to be tied like this for hours?!

Astrid furiously protested this with an unintelligible yell in what she assumed was his direction, the loud sound muffled by her tight collar. She was being bound in a shed like a common animal, forced to wait until her master returned! She didn't want to be trapped like this for the whole night!

"Have fun, Dragon Whore," Hiccup suddenly whispered into her ear. Her bare ass was suddenly roughly smacked, making her shriek at the abrupt impact and stumble forward at the abrupt spanking, pulling her leash taut and choking herself completely. As her ass stung from the impact, she fearfully regained her footing and turned furiously to where his voice came from, hearing his footsteps jogging quickly away from her.

"Hiccuh!" she called in a small yet fierce voice, hearing the rustle of the cloth flap and the pair of footsteps fade away from the forge, joining the disorderly noise of the waking village outside. "Ar u lere?!"

She received no reply, only the sounds of dragons flapping their wings above the village and voices talking with one another, getting slowly quieter ever moment. She stood before the pillar uncertainly on her towering heels, half expecting Hiccup to come back.

The quieting roar of the awakened village slowly died down to nothing as the people of Berk reached and entered the great hall. The silence stretched on afterwards and Astrid realized she was very much alone.

She was going to hit him later. A lot. Maybe. If she was even released from this tonight.

Still burning with outrage in her leather restraints, Astrid tried one last time to free herself. She twisted and wrenched her body in a last-ditch effort to escape her custom-fitted bindings, choking in gasps of air through her tightened airway. She hopped in place with her bound legs in a vain effort to loosen the straps holding them together, but they held firm and continued pressing her legs against one another. With every hop her breasts bounced up into her face and her clamps soared with them, constantly yanking her very hard nipples and making them pulse with sensation – just as her outstretched ass bounced with them.

Drool flew wildly from her mouth as Astrid stopped hopping and pulled at her armbinder with all her might, tensing every muscle she had in a desperate attempt to achieve anything. She swung her torso from side to side rapidly, trying to loosen any of the straps holding the armbinder unto her. She moaned unwillingly as the clamps pulled with every swing of her boobs and made it hard to focus on her arms.

Minute after minute of hectic struggles passed as Astrid grew sweaty and fought for air as she strained. Every single strap held tightly to her skin, digging into her and not budging, the design of the belts holding each strap in place where Hiccup had tightened it to.

Astrid's struggles died down slowly until she stopped completely, standing unsteadily with sweat and drool dripping down her chest. She gasped for breath, only able to draw in small amounts of fresh air with every wheeze.

She shrank and her anger faded away as she confirmed what she already knew: she was not going to escape these bindings.

Every piece of leather on her had been designed just for her, and to prevent her from escaping. Her arms and legs were firmly bound inside the gear, and everything was strapped down as tight as it would go with leather belts on the outside, each and every strap buckled in at the tightest possible setting. She could not reach or adjust a single one of these no matter what she did. She was completely at the mercy of anyone who found her and could do nothing about it.

There was no denying the raw twisting desire and pleasure she felt to be bound like this. Even humiliated as she was at being left here, the sheer unrelenting tightness and constant stimulation to her breasts was painfully exhilarating. Her insides were burning brighter than ever and the heat was focused between her legs, begging for more. Gods, this was something else.

She pulled at her taut leash and listened to the silence outside. The proximity of the village to her right now was only a further turn on. She looked like a tightly bound whore only a thin wall away from public view of everyone; all they would have to do is look inside the forge to find her helplessly bound and gagged with her most private parts on open display and begging to be used. And she wanted this. The risk of being discovered and humiliated was only adding to how she felt. She briefly imagined being towed around by Hiccup just like this before the village, all eyes on her as she was touched and used and unable to stop it…

Astrid shivered with delight. She thought of what Hiccup had said earlier about taking her home with him to continue, not sure if he was serious or not. If he was serious, she would be towed through the village and brought to his home, and would be at his mercy and touch in whatever way he liked.

She quickly decided that she wanted that to happen.

She wanted that, and she wanted her custom leather bindings to be used on her again after tonight. They were designed just for her and she fluttered with thrill when she fully realized he could do this to her whenever she wanted.

She could even ask him to make more bindings for her. The realization that she could be bound in countless new ways, even more oppressing and tight than this one ran through her. She pictured herself at Dragon's Edge in Hiccup's hut, bound to the bed and her body restrained for him to use. She could be tied securely and left to squirm on the ground while Hiccup went ahead on a mission without her. She could be bound naked in her saddle on Stormfly while out on flights with him, or better yet next to him with his hands running all over her as they flew. He could bind her in her own custom leather restraints whenever she wanted.

Astrid burned with desire as countless ideas and inspiration flew through her, each tighter, more humiliating and more sexual than the last. She squirmed in her confinement, hands desperately wanting to move to her crotch but unable to move.

She had never imagined that she would feel like this, and now that she was here, she wanted nothing else. If she had her way, she was going to get very used to wearing leather.