Custom-Fit [4 - Brought Home] (How to Train Your Dragon)

It had been hours.

Hours of standing there in her extremely tight leather outfit, leashed to one of the smithy's pillars with barely any slack and unable to do anything but wait. Her body was covered by hot leather yet simultaneously exposed. The bitter cold air of the archipelago washed through the forge endlessly and brushed against her naked breasts and butt no matter how she twisted or turned to escape it. Her creamy skin was sensitive and flushed from head to toe wherever it was exposed and she could feel every square inch of it that kissed the open air. She could only moan and shiver as her body's own erotic heat battled the freezing breeze in a torturously long night of solitude.

Astrid Hofferson was agonizingly turned on even after hours of being left like this. When she had asked Hiccup to make leather restraints for her to satisfy her cravings for being bound, she had never expected something like this.

She was standing in skintight leather leggings that came up to her upper thighs and squeezed her legs down everywhere with a rough yet firm grip. They were tightly clamped together at her knees and ankles to pin her legs alongside one another in a single column, forcing her to do little hops if she wanted to move. And at the bottom of the leggings were excessively tall high heels that she hadn't gotten any more comfortable in ever after hours of wearing them. Integrated into the leggings in a single piece of well-stitched leather, the iron-heeled boots forced her feet to angle completely straight down and have her stand on the very tips of her toes with only a tall pillar alongside them to help balance. After hours of precariously balancing in them the boots had left her feet sore and uncertain, yet also feeling like they belonged inside the perfectly sized pair. She felt tall but delicate and submissive atop them. The thigh-high leather grip of her elongated legs made her feel so much more exposed and attractive.

Straps connected the sides of her leggings up to a matching leather corset wrapped around her waist. It was belted oh so tightly and squeezed her midsection with a relentless grip, enough to make breathing harder and to squeeze her rear end and breasts in all the right places to push them out as much as possible. Above it her large, flushed breasts hung out openly in the air, lightly bouncing around with her occasional wiggles and pulling the tight little clamps around with them. The two iron devices gripped her puffy nipples with an iron grip and pinched them down persistently, keeping the soft tips of her breasts buzzing and hot with pleasure and soreness, out of reach no matter how she tried to remove them. The exposure of her soft breasts and their tormented nipples before her was a focal point of her erotic suffering for the last few hours, always right in front of her and impossible to hide or adjust.

Above her gorgeous bust and strapped-over collarbone was the tight collar she had come to love wearing from the moment it was put around her neck. The thick leather circlet was pulled just tight enough around the slender joint to bite into her skin and restrict her breathing enough to keep her aware of its existence. The carnal half choke of her neck was an insane turn-on for her and never let up its pressure. And its grip held her to one of the forge's pillars with her short leash, keeping her from going anywhere other than a few steps in any direction. And to top it all off, the metal tag of her new name while wearing this outfit hung proudly from it: Dragon Whore. It was almost branded on her and she couldn't do anything to remove it, an obscene and strikingly hot touch against her skin.

Her arms were practically numb in their tight prison behind her back. The cruel reverse-prayer armbinder Hiccup had designed pinned them inside in a ridiculous angle, bent and twisted behind her to press her fists together behind her neck and touch her elbows together in an insane stretch, pulling her shoulders way back to accommodate it. Dozens of straps encased the leather sleeve and her torso, integrating with the collar and corset to pin her arms down in a tiny, wiggle-proof package that didn't let her move them at all. It was the crux of her helplessness: an inescapable, tight confinement that she had never imagined could exist, rendering her into a powerless damsel who could do nothing to fight back. Her arms were sore and tired to be trapped inside for so long but wearing it still made her body flame with pleasure.

And Astrid's head had the same treatment as the rest of her. A strappy leather gag harness was wrapped securely around her head and underneath her hair to let her golden braid and style flow out normally. More importantly, the harness commandingly held a large iron ring inside her jaw and pinned her mouth as wide open as it could go, forcing her plump lips to stay open in a gaping circle and allow anyone to see the wet pink insides. The ring kept her mouth drooling no matter how she twisted her tongue to stop it, the warm saliva falling onto her cold breasts constantly and making her shiver every time. The big hole kept her from speaking clearly and was a nonstop invitation for something to be shoved inside. The idea of being used so easily with no way to stop it was incredibly hot to her.

The feelings her outfit created were massively intensified by the final piece: a thick leather blindfold was securely strapped around her eyes and head, impossible to remove and keeping her trapped in a world of helpless darkness. Within it, every squirm she felt in her tight outfit, every wave of the cold wind, every drop of her own drool was intensified immensely. The heat that had pulsed within her body for hours now had remained endlessly constant, and Astrid wanted more.

Gods. Astrid wanted so much more. Other than moaning her way through occasional struggles and massively enjoying the erotic pleasure they gave her, she had used most of her time in the forge to fantasize. Hiccup had created this insane outfit on short notice, and with the very first attempt. The sheer possibilities for new outfits and her own bondage in the future were staggering. She had grown increasingly warm between her crotch over hours of imaging possibilities. New leather outfits that bound her in new exciting ways; thick, massive gags that crammed her jaw open to its widest and kept her from making a single sound; straps and iron tools that could be used on her breasts to make them tingle even more than they did now; tighter collars and new names to be put on them… Gods, the opportunities were endless!

And she had let Hiccup do all of this to her. The blush of realization returned to her face, not for the first time that night. She had gotten so lost in her fantasy of being bound in leather that she had rushed right into something intimate and personal with Hiccup. Over the last night he had seen her completely naked, tied her up into a tight and powerless leather package, then groped and teased her body until she was practically melting in his hands. She bit back a moan of embarrassment that her confident and powerful role in their relationship had been so easily destroyed by her desires. No matter how tough she acted from here on, Hiccup would be faced with an Astrid that wanted to be helpless and submissive… and it kind of turned her on. Greatly.

They were casually dating right now, but this was a massive step forward. What if they were going too fast? She debated it for a moment before recalling Hiccup's teasing words before he left her: "I'll come back for you. Maybe I'll even pull you back to my house just like this so you can spend the night." Even just thinking about them and what they insinuated made her shudder with want. She had decided before that she wouldn't be against such a lewd fantasy, but now, after hours of standing here in this tight outfit and forced to think about it with her body burning like a wildfire for more?

Now she wanted it. A lot. She wanted him to touch her, tease her, use her.

A long groan of sensuous pleasure came from her wide-open lips and her blue eyes fluttered closed behind the blindfold. Oh Gods did she want that. Her body seemed to react with the admission of her desires, growing hotter seemingly everywhere. Her breasts and large nipples tingled and buzzed with want, begging to be groped and fondled. The faint handprint of Hiccup's smack on her bare ass burned hotter than it had in hours. And her crotch ignited back into a maelstrom of scorching need, growing wetter by the second.

She imagined what he could do to her. He could use her any way he wanted in her current outfit and she wouldn't be able to stop him. In hidden places on Berk or on missions when they could get private time, he could pull out leather gear and touch and squeeze and fill her body however he wanted. Her mind even strayed to more explicit ideas like being pulled around bound in public, used before others… a image came into her mind of a wedding years in the future with her standing alongside him, body clamped in a tight outfit of white-dyed leather that restrained her to the point of barely being able to move, her boobs and ass hanging out for everyone to see, a fancy new collar around her neck with tag that read 'Property of Hiccup'…

Her fantasy-raving mind continued without restraint for several minutes, each increasingly scandalous idea making her squirm where she stood with blazing desire. Her imagination quickly turned her body into a pulsing mess of want. Passion was nearly dripping from between her legs at this point and she couldn't control herself. She rubbed her legs together as much as she could, trying to touch her own privates that yearned for the slightest caress. Bound like this, gagged, blindfolded and squeezed down in tight leather atop these heels, feeling like an object and knowing that her fantasies were actually possible… everything intensified her thoughts. She was soon shaking and the cold winds of the sea were long forgotten. Her body now burned with the fires of a thousand Viking raids, her skin flushed bright red and hot to the touch.

She was so distracted by her fantasies that she didn't hear footsteps approach and pause next to her. "Astrid?" she heard Hiccup's surprised and aroused voice cut through to her mind.

Astrid jolted at the interruption, squealing in surprise and flushing even redder in pure mortification to be caught like this. Her red, dripping-wet body turned towards his direction full of a whirlwind of emotions and she wasn't sure which one to pick to feel. She could imagine how she looked right now, her restraints tighter than ever and her body visibly aroused to the point of insanity. Her breasts and nipples must be quite swollen with want, her blindfolded face must be a drooling, wet and red mess. On one hand she was humiliated to be seen like this, but on the other she was even more turned on to be so degraded in front of him. She managed to turn around with a quick hop on her tall heels, bouncing her large breasts and their tight nipple clamps on her chest in the process, moaning at the motion.

"Hiccuh?" she called out in a needy, desperate tone.

His hands were suddenly on her chest and she froze as they groped and fondled her boobs, cupping and kneading them intensely. Her toes curled as much as the tight boots let them and she moaned helplessly at the sensual touch, shoving her chest out towards him as best she could, not wanting him to stop. Trapped in her world of darkness behind the blindfold, Astrid just let him squeeze her breasts as much as he wanted, body shuddering with every touch of his rough hands. An occasional finger made its way to rub against her swollen nipples, which would make her nearly squeal each time with how sensitive they were after being pinned between the clamps for hours. He rubbed careful circles around the puffy tips before running the touch outwards, gripping and pinching her boobs with a sensual and rugged pace.

A hand disappeared from her bust and then reappeared down on her protruding ass, digging fingers into the soft skin and cupping it erotically. Astrid squirmed with pleasure at having her butt grabbed so sexually and wiggled it behind her for more, moaning happily when his hand squeezed and rubbed the cheek everywhere. She gasped when his other hand clamped down on the other side of her ass and he pulled her bound body against his chest. Her clamped boobs were shoved against his tunic as she stood there in his arms, the rough touch of his hands kneading her ass as he held her there romantically, writhing in pleasure in his grip. Even on her tall ballet boots she wasn't as tall as him and to be caught in between his arms almost like a helpless damsel was intoxicating. She leaned into him and groaned incomprehensively at the moment, rubbing her boobs against his chest to stimulate them as much as she could, her head rolling back as he planted a tender kiss against the side of her exposed neck. She moaned and shuddered at the groping of her rear, very much wanting his hands to stray around to her front and against her naked crotch where she burned the brightest…

His soft voice came back to her ears, only a few inches away. "Sorry that took so long, milady. Issue from Berserker Island. Handled now."

"Esss…ooooo…kay…." She moaned back in response from her ring-gagged mouth, far too distracted by his roaming hands to reply. She was like helpless putty in his grip and she couldn't do anything but drool and moan as he fondled and groped her.

"Anyway, I'll untie you now. You probably need some reprieve after being stuck like this for so long."

The statement of intent pushed through her sexually distracted mind and Astrid fought her way out of his seductive grasp with sudden big squirms of her leather-clad body, hopping a step back unsteadily and looking blindly at what she hoped was his direction.

"Noooh!" she sputtered indignantly from her wide-open mouth, tongue waggling as she spoke. "I… I…" she trailed off helplessly, shame and humiliation running through her in a complex battle with her desires. Was she really going to do this? Give into her fantasies like this?

All it took was a quick reminder of how helpful Hiccup had been so far, and how much her darkest fantasies had been brought to life and turned her into a burning mess of desire. If she gave in now her night would continue on and get even more intense as it descended into the unknown and scary future of their relationship together… but Astrid Hofferson would not be afraid of anything.

Swallowing nervously as she squirmed with want, Astrid spoke up. "Don uniee ne," she told him in a small, timid voice. "Lea ne lie lis… all nigh."

"All night?" Hiccup asked her disbelievingly, trailing a hand down her corset covered waist. "Are you sure?"

"Yeth," she replied, blushing brighter by the second as she spoke. "Tae ne hun wih yu."

Hiccup fell silent at hearing his previous words again, seeming in complete disbelief. Lost in her own world of sexual torment and desire, Astrid hopped back up to him and pressed her large breasts against his chest again with a small moan, pressing her face submissively against his shoulder and trying to sell her desire to him and herself at once. "I an a… Drahun Hore," she told him embarrassedly, thrill racing through her body at surrendering herself like this. "Use ne like hun."

"You… want me to use you?" Hiccup's voice cracked a bit as he asked her, his body seeming frozen in shock. "Like this? And all night? Astrid, are you sure?"

She waddled up a few tiny steps closer and pushed herself against him from head to toe, moaning at the warmth of his fur outfit as it softly kissed her bare skin. Her butt and breasts felt empty and exposed without his hands atop them and she desperately wanted to be touched again and for him to never stop. "Yeth," she answered finally. "Use ne, Hiccuh. Anyheh yu hant."

Her own body was tense with thrill at saying the words and she silently waited for his reply, feeling more uncertain than ever before in her life. She was asking him to take full control of her for the rest of the night and do whatever he wanted, quietly giving him the power to choose their first sexual experiences on his own. Her body was practically shaking as she stood impatiently in his arms.

Several long moments passed as her boyfriend heavily considered her request. She appreciated his care of her but right now her body was screaming at her for more touches, more squeezing, more bondage that only he could provide her. Oh Gods why did he have to make her wait like this?! After asking him to take her home as a helpless toy and use her to his heart's content?

His hands clapped down to squeeze the cheeks of her ass and tightly pull her objectified body against his own. Astrid froze at the warm grip on her large buttcheeks and her body tensed up. She felt his breath come to the side of her harness-clad head and whisper in her ear. "Alright, Dragon Whore. You win. You're going to stay in this tight outfit all night and I won't let you out for any reason. And this means that you do whatever I want all night, is that clear?"

"Yeth!" she answered instantly. The fireworks of thrill and anxiousness coursed through her at the final sealing of her fate for the night ahead. It was the final chance for her to turn back but she ignored it, spurring on into the intense unknown as her fiery nature demanded. With that one word she had just surrendered herself to Hiccup for the rest of the night. His words echoed in her blinded head. She was going to stay in this outfit for a long time… and he would do whatever he wanted to her.

Her legs felt weak and she would have fallen to the floor if Hiccup wasn't pinning her against him and gripping her ass erotically. Odin above, she had done it – she had surrendered to herself. And now she would see which of her fantasies came true.

Hiccup groped her ass increasingly roughly and she could feel the change of his countenance as her body rubbed against his. The girl of his dreams, standing before him naked and helpless, had just asked to be dominated in whatever way he wanted, like the most scandalous dream a boy could possibly have coming true. Her surrender to her fantasies had to be insanely hot for him as well… and he was apparently going to take this one-of-a-kind opportunity seriously. The attractive Astrid Hofferson was practically a bound sex toy in his arms and they both knew it.

He pushed her away a bit and slid downwards in front of her. Astrid confusedly panted as his hands slid down her thighs to her ankles, fiddling with the strap around them before pulling it loose. He then grabbed one of her ballet boots and pulled it to the side as she yelped in surprise from above, finding that he had just lengthened her ankle strap once more; now she could take tiny waddling steps instead of hopping. She felt Hiccup stand up and move away from her before the rubbing of more leather faintly met her ears. After a few moments her leash tugged a bit and it fell loose in front of her. He had untied her leash and was now holding it. Between her verbal surrender to him and the fact that he now held control of where she went, her body flared intensely with desire.

"Let's go then, Dragon Whore," Hiccup told her with a sensual low voice.

She moaned loudly at the nickname and tested her new mobility atop her heels, clacking nervously in place as his words and the situation suddenly hit her. Where was he going to take her? And he was going to do it like this?! But the forge was in the middle of town and she was naked! Even though it was probably still night there would be others out and about!

A hand cupped her left breast and squeezed it longingly. "You better be quiet," Hiccup told her with a mean smile she could practically hear. "Every time you make a peep of noise you'll get punished."

A spike of excitement joined her nervousness at the words and she started to moan at his touch before catching herself, not sure how to play this game. She had never been submissive like this and she wasn't sure what to do.

Hiccup didn't let her think about her situation anymore. He walked away from her and the leash soon pulled taut. Astrid gasped as her leather collar yanked tight around her neck once more and restricted her breathing. She quickly waddled forward in the direction she was being pulled with the small steps her ankle strap allowed, waddling at a pace far slower than she liked. The pressure on her collar remained constant and she sped up as best she could, panting in erotic embarrassment as she felt her breasts and butt swing around with the motion. Hiccup was going to get a show of her naked body the whole way and there was nothing she could do about it!

She felt the heavy flap of the forge's door run over her head and blushed madly at the realization: she was outside now. Hiccup kept pulling her forwards and she had to obey, waddling after him with small clacks of her iron ballet boot pillars that seemed excruciatingly loud in the silence of the night. Out of the forge the chilly night air washed over her body much colder than before and it made her shiver. Astrid was quickly pulled to the side and then into a harsh pace somewhere into Berk.

As her heels clacked over dirt and stone, the only clues as to where she was being taken while trapped in her dark leather world, Astrid panted out nervous breaths through her ring gag and twisted her head around. She was exposed in the most humiliating way possible right in the middle of town right now. Anyone who happened upon them would see Hiccup towing her by a leash, and her sealed inside dozens of tight leather restraints and reduced to a pair of boobs, ass and gaping mouth that blindly followed him somewhere to be used. Her reputation and pride would never be the same; in fact, she would never be able to look anyone in the eyes at Berk ever again. Even so, the danger and risk of her pull through town made her burn with thrill. This was something she had never imagined, and the peril of being seen like this was only turning her on.

She was brought around several sharp turns that seemed almost deliberate, and Astrid quickly lost any track of where they were. He was purposely going an irregular route as to confuse her and make her completely helpless! It was both hot and demeaning and she found that she didn't mind. Sometimes her leather clad ankles hit a stone step and she was forced to hop upwards to mount it, each time flapping her breasts up in a crazy bounce that she was sure Hiccup would be staring at. And he even brought her down a step once too, where she had nearly fallen on her face! He was making this escapade long and dangerous, putting them both at risk of being seen! So why was her body burning with more and more desire to be treated like this?

Every now and then his hands would sneakily end up somewhere on her body, shocking her at the surprise touch each time. A grope of her ass, a squeeze of her boobs, even a pinch of her nipples here and there. She could never see them coming and they would always make her tense up and let out a small moan of pleasure… which would be quickly rewarded with a hard smack on her ass. Over a dozen times he had caught her this way now, and that many times her poor bulging cheeks had been slapped with an almost earsplitting crack of skin on skin, making her butt jiggle and her body nearly trip and fall with the impact. It was mean and demeaning and she secretly loved it. She shoved her thick ass out behind her as much as she could during the journey, quietly hoping the large cheeks would get more attention.

New voices met her ears from somewhere nearby and Astrid silenced her breaths of exertion as best she could. Hiccup's pull stopped for a moment as he heard them as well. He seemed to debate what to do for a moment before turning to her with the crunch of his boot in the dirt below.

Astrid's small collar was suddenly yanked as tight as possible to dig deep into her neck, cutting off all of her airflow. She let out a soundless gasp at the firm grip around her neck and worriedly looked around beneath her blindfold, trying to figure out what was happening.

"No sounds allowed," Hiccup whispered into her ear cheekily. And after he said that, her leash was pulled taut again and she was forced to step forward and follow him once more. Astrid wiggled in her leather armbinder and clacked after him frantically, her body rigid with all its airflow denied. Unable to speak or breathe she could only waddle in the leash's direction as fast as she could, only able to hear her beating heart and the tips of her heels crunch against hard dirt. It felt like hours as she was pulled away from the voices and her body screamed more and more for air, her head growing light and airy as her face slowly turned color. Choking and trapped in the almost soundless world for a few minutes, she felt her own body bounce and waddle erotically through Berk's streets in the hottest treatment she had experienced. She was just forced to be a silent, submissive toy behind him.

After they had cleared the village they paused once more. Her collar was suddenly loosened back to its normal width and Astrid loudly gasped in air through her gaping mouth, chest heaving erotically as she refilled her lungs.

"Good girl," Hiccup told her cheekily and slapped her ass with a loud smack. Astrid squealed in surprise at receiving the hardest spanking yet, feeling her creamy ass burn red with all the treatment it had received so far. Her squeal earned her yet another on the other cheek, and Astrid managed to desperately restrain herself from letting out another, only making a small whimper. She was so powerless to protect her ass! Her armbinder was snugly pinned against her upper back so there was absolutely nothing to block Hiccup from touching and slapping her butt to his heath's content. It was a wide-open target for punishment and it made her feel so helpless and submissive.

Her leash yanked her forward yet again and Astrid quietly whined as her journey to a powerless night of intimacy and bondage continued. She was waddled up a heavy incline that took a lot of effort to mantle in her tall heels, making her ridiculously slow as she precariously balanced her way upwards step by step. The taut leash showed her Hiccup's impatience and she went as fast as she could with heavy pants of effort. But even with all she had, her way up Berk's hilly village was taking way too long.

She yelped unexpectedly as Hiccup turned back to her and drove his shoulder against her hips, picking her up to toss her bound body onto his shoulder face-down. Astrid blindly twisted her body and head in confusion in midair, feeling like a helpless damsel atop his shoulder. It was wonderful to get off of her feet and was relieved that he had taken mercy on her, allowing her to rest against him embarrassedly. Being carried like this no doubt made her look like a naked maiden being kidnapped after an intense raid, and she found that she really enjoyed that image and fantasy. That's exactly what this was! Hiccup was taking his tightly bound toy back to a private place to have his way with her and the poor helpless maiden would be used whether she liked it or not. The realization of her current fate was just tantalizing for Astrid to even think about, making her even wetter at the imagery of what she must look like and the insinuations that followed. Her butt was sticking up into the air next to his head and her legs were resting against his back, her boobs were rubbing against his chest, and…. and her face was pressed against him right above his crotch, allowing her to feel a hard bulge rubbing against her forehead.

Astrid froze at feeling the very obvious package of her boyfriend, hidden behind several layers of cloth and now literally inches away from her face as she was carried atop his shoulder. It was heavily involved in her fantasies and now it was right in front of her. Feeling it touching her suddenly made her night that much more real and intense. She was going to be getting very familiar with it.

She bounced atop his leather shoulder as he kept walking somewhere, gliding helplessly through the cold night air and unable to do anything but squirm. It wasn't long before she heard the creak of wood beneath them and the familiar groan of a thick wood door, one that she knew very well by sound. They were at Stoick's large wooden home; the one that he shared with Hiccup whenever the dragon-loving boy was actually home. Astrid tensed as she was brought inside and the door closed behind them, not knowing who or what was inside. Warmth washed over her entire body from what had to be a steady fire in the hut's hearth. It was a small, homely place where they would have complete privacy.

Hiccup surely knew of her fears of his father but ignored them, instead carrying her over to the house's wooden stairs and climbing them one at a time. Her crimson-seared buttcheeks bounced up and down as she was manhandled to the landing above and finally placed down. Her ballet heels found the uneven planks of wood below and she unsteadily balanced herself again, waddling back and forth in nervousness. She was finally alone with him in what had to be his final destination. This was it; this is where he was going to use her however he wanted.

Her breasts were suddenly squeezed by warm hands again and Astrid loudly moaned, leaning towards the intimate touch as her soft skin was rolled and kneaded. They were a generous size but in his capable grip they felt huge and desperately needing touch. He squeezed them on all sides and carefully worked his way up to the delicate pink tips. Her swollen nipples became toys in the hands of a skilled craftsman, tweaked and rubbed and pulled in all the right ways. Each pinch and twist would make her knees shake and her insides flare with a scorching heat, her head tilted far back as she let out scandalizing moans of pleasure. After the teasing before they had left and then the stressful journey here, Astrid was immensely turned on and at her wit's end. Hiccup knew how to push all of her buttons now and he was torturing her. Between her legs felt like a sloppy wet mess and she was extremely excited for the things to come.

Astrid felt her hands on her shoulders and she let out a moan of surprise as he pushed her downwards. Her legs were forced to bend forward and he grabbed her around the waist, lowering her down unto her belt-clamped knees rested against the floor. Now that she was standing on her knees, Hiccup pushed her butt down to sit atop her own legs. Astrid panted in realization as her bouncy ass shoved down atop the long iron pillars of her high heels, sitting uncomfortably atop them as they dug up into her sore buttcheeks. She was now sitting on her legs with her tightly bound knees in front of her… her head now at the perfect height of Hiccup's crotch. The insinuations were extremely clear.

She heard her boyfriend walk away and return with what felt like a leather belt. He forced it underneath her bound ankles and then up around her thighs before strapping it as tight as it would go, harshly squeezing her folded legs together in a tight grip. Her butt was now firmly seated atop the back of her ballet boots, cheeks bulging out from around the pillars. The new strap would ensure that she couldn't stand or move at all from her spot.

The new position forced her to wait there powerlessly. She was tied up sitting on her legs, her arms pinned immobile behind her back in an extremely tight grip, her boobs hanging off her chest erotically with clamps holding firm around her nipples, her ring-gagged and blindfolded head at crotch height with her mouth pinned wide open in a drooling, gaping hole…

Thinking of how she looked while feeling every part of it herself made Astrid shudder in pleasure. Gods, she really was a Dragon Whore… she was very into this! To be put onto her knees, to just sit here helplessly and let her master do whatever he wanted to her. She felt like the sluttiest two-bit whore in the Archipelago right now – surely no other woman in Viking history had ever been restrained and used so completely as this? The strap around her legs kept her from escaping or moving away, and with her mouth pinned open and her arms bound behind her, Astrid wouldn't be able to stop him from manhandling her head. And now she was perfectly positioned to put the bulge underneath Hiccup's trousers right at the ideal height to match her mouth. He was going to use her just like she asked. She had no control whatsoever; Hiccup was in charge of her body now.

She heard the faint rustling of cloth from in front of her and her heart pounded in her chest as the moments tore on. Astrid could only wait expectantly in pitch black darkness with her tongue outstretched invitingly from the iron ring inside her mouth, drooling down onto her boobs and panting out long sensual breaths. Finally she felt a warm shaft slap against the side of her face. She moaned at the touch of his… cock… as Hiccup rubbed it against her bound cheek. It felt absolutely massive! Since she was unable to see it Astrid was forced to take in its size and shape by pure feeling alone. Warm skin with occasional ridges was pressed against her face with a length and thickness that felt far larger than anything she had expected. She took a deep breath and smelled the thick scent of both his and her own arousal, nearly intoxicating with Hiccup so close.

Astrid's wetness dripped onto the wood floor beneath her legs as she waited to be used, breathing in the wild scents and lightly shifting in her own restraints, feeling the cock slowly rub against the wet sides of her wide-open lips. She let herself fall into the heat of the moment and panted out a moan of carnal desire, then stuck out her tongue against the bottom of her mouth to show her readiness. Her mouth was his to use however he wanted.

She felt the hard, round head of his cock push into the gaping hole of her mouth and push in slightly. The warm tip passed wetly between her lips and pushed through the wide circle of her ring gag to stop only a couple inches inside, resting atop her tongue. She could feel his sheer thickness as the tip took up a huge part of her open mouth. It barely fit through the gag and her own lips and she was almost worried about how big it was. Adding apprehension of the daunting cock to her storm of intense emotions, Astrid let out a muffled moan around the blockage and curled her tongue around the underside of the head to taste him, finding it warm and salty with a hint of his own pre-release fluids. It was new and different and exhilarating. Very much in the moment, Astrid pulled her lips tight around the sides of his cock as much as the ring gag let her, sucking it tightly with a wet little squelch.

Hiccup groaned faintly somewhere above her and his hands found their way to the sides of her harness-covered head. He firmly grabbed it with a tight grip and began to move her face forward and back a few inches towards his hips. Astrid sucked loudly as the tip shoved in and out of her lips repeatedly, trying her best to keep her thick lips tight around the cock as it quickly became very wet and lubricated. Frequent smacks and pops echoed through the house as she blindly kissed and suckled the end of his shaft, lapping against the underside with her tongue every chance she could get. The intense blowjob continued on just like this for several long minutes as they both moaned and panted with enjoyment.

Hiccup pulled her a bit further towards him with every bob of her head and Astrid's wet sucking grew louder as she felt the thick head shove further inside her mouth. She was lost inside the slick intimacy of what she was doing to him and the forward and back motion of her head. The feel of her moist lips tightly running over his cock with no room to spare, the lewd sounds she was making, the tight leather restraints holding her in place, and her boyfriend's warm hands firmly grabbing the sides of her head all came together to put her in a steamy world of passion and lust. She was so into this and she sucked him even harder.

He took the tighter grip of her lips as reassurance and pulled Astrid's lips further towards his hips, pushing a few more inches of the large cock into her mouth. She continued sucking apprehensively as she felt the thick shaft fill the inside of her mouth with no room to spare and push up against the back of her throat. The sheer size of it was far more than she had ever pictured going further, but she wasn't in control here and just nervously sat there on her knees as Hiccup continued to prod himself further in. Astrid gagged for a moment before forcing the reflex away and starting to breathe deeply through her nose instead, determined to be the best Dragon Whore she could be. When the cock's rounded head pushed back to her throat once more, she pushed her head a bit more forward and allowed the large object to shove inside. She choked for a moment before Hiccup forced her head back to the tip, gasping in hot air through her mouth before Hiccup pushed his hard rod back inside to the same depth again. He repeatedly pulled her head down again and again to that same point to force her to adapt to it. Astrid squirmed in her restraints and occasionally gagged on it, eventually adapting to the feeling of him deeper inside of her.

Now that Astrid had gotten somewhat used to her throat being used, Hiccup stopped holding back. He gripped her blonde-haired head tighter and began to thrust it deeper onto his cock a bit at a time, the thick shaft forcing its way further down her wet throat. Astrid's eyes widened in aroused worry as the broad dick stuffed her throat on its gradual way down, stretching it to its limit and filling it completely. Her tight collar was pulled even tighter as he forced his way into her slick mouth and just kept coming. She loudly choked and gagged to adjust as it just kept coming! She stretched her lips outwards on the cock when it went its deepest, trying to feel the base of it but there was nothing to be found but more thick shaft! Astrid moaned in muffled uneasiness and kept sucking as best she could. Among her own obscenely wet noises of worship her bare crotch dripped with warmth, burning almost painfully.

The cock was steadily driven deeper and deeper into her throat and burying what felt like her entire arm's length of oppressively thick dick deep inside her. Astrid's plump lips sucked it zealously even as she shifted and wriggled in front of him with dismay that she hadn't reached the full length of it yet. Where was the end of it?! How hung was he? Was this normal or did he have a massive cock? Blindfolded and tied up like this she had no idea, she was just forced to be used and choke increasingly harder as he worked it into her.

Finally, Hiccup's fingers fisted in the hair on the back of her head and he roughly yanked her fully against his hips. Astrid's lips smacked down wetly against the base of his crotch with the entire massive cock buried down her throat, filling her with a hard and throbbing rod. She gurgled out a gasp of surprise from her tightly clamped lips, saliva spraying against the bare skin of Hiccup's crotch. Her mouth and throat were at their limits to fit him and she felt like she was going to burst to have that entire slick cock sheathed inside of her. Her mouth completely blocked, Astrid strained to breathe through her nose for air. Pressed harshly into Hiccup's crotch her nose was barely usable and she battled to get any air. Her head was firmly held in place by her boyfriend and she couldn't move or escape the huge thing down her throat that seemed to reach most of the way to her stomach. Trapped there as a helpless hole for Hiccup's use, Astrid moaned at feeling so used. Between feeling so filled and abused and picturing herself bound on her knees and held against his crotch, she had already checked the boxes of a few of her fantasies and they were hotter than she had ever imagined.

As the seconds tore onwards and she wasn't released, Astrid fought hard not to choke on the big dick between her lips and knew she couldn't stay here for long, straining to breathe and not gag. She pushed her wet tongue outwards to rub and lick the underside of the cock and the large balls beneath it in an attempt to please her master, her body pulsing with delight when she heard him moan.

After thirty long seconds her head was shoved off of the cock and Astrid gasped in air through her mouth and began to pant in front of Hiccup's cock, feeling his hands still lodged firmly in her hair. Her lips were dripping with her own saliva onto her heaving breasts below and feeling so wet and usable was a large turn on. Her throat and lips suddenly felt empty and alone, and she writhed a bit in humiliated pleasure at finding she actually missed having a dick inside them. Once she caught her breath she waved her gaping mouth around in the air before her and tried to find the tip of his cock again. Willingly participating in the violation of her mouth made her feel so small yet squirm with pleasure at once.

She didn't have to search for long. Hiccup guided the lubricated tip back to her lips and forced it in, pulling her head all the way back down to the bottom and letting the entire cock disappear into her lips. Ignoring her surprised choking, Hiccup pulled her back a bit and began to bob her forward and back on his full length, pulling her lips from right before the tip to the base of the long rod each time. Astrid was forced to adapt quickly to the new and extremely deep blowjob. She fought hard not to gag with each thrust down into the depths of her tight throat, and she squeezed her lips down as hard as she could around the thick shaft to suck with her strongest vacuum yet. Hiccup groaned in pleasure above her and escalated his pace, pushing Astrid to her limits and making her emit lewd gurgles and chokes to join the symphony of saliva-drenched sucking that echoed through the room.

Astrid awkwardly shifted her bound body beneath her as the deepthroating blowjob became faster and faster and she was struggling to keep up. She wiggled in her restraints that felt tighter than ever, somehow feeling hot even though she was practically naked. Not being able to speak or resist her mouth's deep penetration was insanely hot and her body was quickly reaching its limits. It didn't matter if she wanted him to stop or not, she couldn't do a thing about it! Her crotch was dripping at this point and she desperately yearned for something to touch her down there. The sounds, the feeling of the cock shoving in and out of her tight throat, the leather squeezing her down on every side; they all added to the glorious scene of Astrid Hofferson the Dragon Whore, helplessly bound on her knees and intensely sucking a huge cock with everything she had.

Hiccup's pace kept going faster until he finally gasped and yanked her head fully against his crotch, hugging it against him with pleasure-induced force. Astrid gurgled in surprise from her place shoved against him as his thick cock throbbed in her throat. The tip deep inside her suddenly spurted out an enormous wash of hot cum and she choked on it momentarily, not sure what to do. As Hiccup's grip held strong and it became clear that he wasn't letting go, she pushed herself to squeeze her throat and gulp down the creamy fluid. As she began to audibly gulp and swallow the cock and its load, Hiccup hissed with pleasure and slowly pushed her head off of his cock an inch at a time, cumming all the way. Astrid's eyes widened in shock and she helplessly wriggled on her knees as he continued to spurt more of the large load on the way up, forcing her to continue gulping it down again and again to avoid drowning in the sheer amount of it. The tip of the cock finally reached her mouth where it sprayed the rest of his climax, quickly filling her mouth with the hot and gooey mixture of pleasure. She swallowed it almost frantically, trying to keep up as he filled her cheeks with it before the tip slickly fell from her mouth.

With the cock finally removed from her insides Astrid half-gasped half-gagged on the mouthful of cum remaining, hurrying to swallow it down submissively. She worked as fast as she could to gulp it down but some of it still poured from her mouth to drip down onto her breasts and legs, leaving sticky strands running down her front and painting a picture of a well-used little toy on her knees. When the whole load was finally swallowed as best she could, Astrid gasped for air and twisted her head around in shock. That was what it was like when a man would cum? There was so much of it! It practically filled her stomach now with a huge amount of warm, sticky fluid! More importantly, that was how much Hiccup would cum? And how big his cock was? By the Gods, her fantasies need to be completely rewritten to accommodate all of this…

Hiccup's fingers moved from her hair to fiddle with her head harness and Astrid stilled, trying to figure out what he was doing. They moved through the harness and unstrapped two different belts, before the leather blindfold across her face was gripped from the side and roughly pulled off her face. Astrid gasped and blinked at the sudden light she was faced with, blearily trying to get her senses after being trapped in a world of darkness for hours. Her eyes quickly adapted to the bright orange light and shapes before her.

They were in Hiccup's old bedroom in the Chief's hut atop Berk just as she had known. Beside them the custom-built new hearth was lit with a gentle fire, lighting the room in flickering shades of orange and red. The rest of the wooden room was as she remembered it, other than the man before her. Hiccup was standing tall above her to regain his own breath, face red and pleasured. He was half-disrobed but still wearing his boots, low-hanging trousers and undershirt. And hanging from his bare crotch was his cock…

Astrid's blue eyes went extremely wide and her body stilled in shock at finally seeing it. He might not have gotten his father's large build, but he certainly received the right genes in regard to genitals. Still quite hard, the enormous cock was as long as her wrist to her elbow and very thick at every point. The entire shaft and head were coated in a thick layer of her own saliva. Two broad balls hung from beneath the base, which was immensely thick in itself to the point of Astrid disbelieving that her lips had even been able to wrap around it. The large rounded tip was a bit darker in color and several strands of white cum hung from the end and connected to her own open lips. To see his cock like this: its size and extreme length, simultaneously daunted the inexperienced Astrid… and turned her on brighter than anything in her life.

That enormous thing had been buried down her throat all the way to its hilt. It had somehow fit inside her. And now here she was, helpless and unable to resist if her boyfriend wanted to use her other holes which would have to take it all the way as well. She didn't even think it could fit! But the worry about it, the timidity she felt when presented with the massive thing in front of her face… it was all intoxicating. She wanted more. She wanted that huge thing inside every part of her.

"You're a good little cocksucker, Dragon Whore," Hiccup told her as his breath steadied. He looked down at her with a smirking and delighted face, no doubt enjoying this intimate experience just as much as her. The immersive situation was overtaking both of their normal natures and twisting them into a lust-driven pair that were far from done. He rubbed the end of his cock against her cheek as they gazed into each other's eyes, smearing wet fluid against her in a way that made her toes want to curl.

Astrid was torn by the compliment's insinuations. She was both humiliated and prideful at once to be called something so degrading, but she couldn't complain with how good it felt to be used like that.

"But your warm-up is over," he said brashly. "Now we'll really put that mouth to use again, much harder this time."

Astrid's body fluttered at the promising words and she gaped up at him almost paralyzed. Again?! But he had just climaxed and sprayed a whole load of cum down her throat! But somehow he was still rock-hard and ready to go again? And apparently that aggressive, choking blowjob was him going easy on her? She sputtered out an aroused whimper and her eyes came back down to stare at the huge cock in front of her face. Threatened to go back down her throat with speed and force, the cock was suddenly very intimidating to look at.

Hiccup gave her no more time to worry about it as his hands tightly grabbed the sides of her head and positioned it back in front of the head of his shaft. Her open lips were pushed around the tip again and slowly pulled down the length of the rod. Astrid's eyes darted back and forth between the enormous cock disappearing into her lips below and Hiccup's animated face above, not sure where to look or how to feel. The blue eyes widened as her face eventually came to rest against smooth skin of his crotch, her nose pressed deep into it and making it hard to breathe as her lips were pulled open as wide as they could go to wrap around the base… with the entire lubricated shaft buried deep down her throat.

"Keep your eyes on me, Dragon Whore," Hiccup demanded with a groan of pleasure as he held here there once more. Astrid loudly choked for air around the huge obstruction inside her throat and obeyed sensually, pushing her eyes up as far as they could go to make eye contact with her boyfriend far above. Their passionate gaze tightly locked together with fiery desire, both of them completely absorbed in the situation and more aroused than they had ever felt before to be in their places. Astrid felt so small and submissive, so objectified and slutty, to be pulled against his crotch and deepthroating his entire length like this. It went against every shred of decency and pride she had and that's why it was so hot to do. And he no doubt loved the sight of Astrid Hofferson on her knees below him, his entire dick crammed deep inside her mouth and unable to do anything about it.

And then he began. Quickly sliding her head away from him until her lips loosely wrapped around the tip, he yanked her back down to powerfully slap down against his crotch with a wet squelch and a spray of saliva. Astrid spluttered out a choking gasp and wasn't given any time to deal with the harsh plunge of the cock down her throat before he thrust her head back once more and began to hammer it against his hips in an aggressive facefuck. Her wide-eyed red face was driven rapidly down against him balls-deep each time, ignoring her gurgles and lewd gagging moans as her mouth was pounded into.

Astrid squirmed and writhed in her bindings beneath the wet thrusting as it went on at the same fast pace, ramming the slick hard shaft down her throat and making it stretch uncomfortably tight each time. She choked and gagged at the cruel pace and not having any time to adjust or adapt before the dick would be pulled out and shoved right back down. All she could see was Hiccup watching her with lust-brimming eyes as her face was slapped down into his crotch again and again, letting loose sprays spit and cum with each impact to soak her own face and his hips. Incomprehensible moans and blubbers erupted faintly from her lips as the facefucking went on and joined the song of wet squelching.

Astrid couldn't handle this! The size of the cock, the speed that it plunged deep inside her, the depth it reached that made her throat feel like nothing more than a sheath for cocks, all while gagging and gasping for air constantly? It was insane! It was a brutal, dominating abuse of her mouth and it made her feel very dirty and used. The entire scene she was immersed in was hotter than she had ever fantasized. Her vulgar eyes stared up unfocused at her master as her head bounced back and forth, Astrid getting lost in the sheer power of the moment.

The thick scent of sex and lust from them both washed through the room. She could still strongly taste his cum on her lips and on his cock, the strong essence suddenly warm and inviting and making her want more of it. Her restraints felt like they were burning her body with their tight leather grip around her that denied any movement. Her breasts were bouncing on her chest as she was manhandled and her nipples were throbbing in pain and pleasure in their clamps. The sounds of her face being used like this were so filthy and obscene and she was quickly falling in love with hearing them. And the wetness of her face and lips as that ridiculously large cock thrust into it right before her eyes to disappear inside her narrow throat and make her choke… it was the best part.

Astrid's couldn't contain herself. Her body flared with a thunderstorm of blazing fire, growing warm from her head to the tips of her toes and burning brightest between her legs, her pussy sopping wet and lightly dripping onto the wood floor between her legs. The rage that had steadily built up for hours of bondage and teasing and abuse of her mouth finally reached its climax. Astrid loudly moaned around the throat-bulging thrusts into her and clamped her lips down insanely tightly around the cock as her entire body shuddered.

Her arousal hit its highest peak and gave her a toe-curling orgasm of epic proportions. Her muscles all went tight and her ass wiggled atop her ballet heels as her pussy and insides exploded in a massive whirlwind of pleasure that seeped into the farthest reaches of her body. Astrid squealed with pleasure and squeezed her eyes shut as her orgasm went on, unable to move or resist or do anything other than feel what was happening to her. She sucked Hiccup's cock with every ounce of force and pressure she had, caught between her own sexual thrill and wanting to do the best she could.

He clearly realized what was happening to her. His fingers grasped deep into her blonde hair and he hammered her head against him harder and faster than ever, ignoring her squeals and splutters of aroused surprise as she rode out her orgasm. The large cock pounded deep into her throat and it felt harder than ever and gave her no space to breathe. The distress of the extreme face-pounding and the depths it reached, coupled with not being able to breathe and her own orgasm rocking her body made Astrid into a writhing little cocksucker against him who did everything she could to make him cum as well. Part of her wanted him to finally cum so the onslaught of balls-deep throatfucking would finally end, and the other wanted him to keep going; to keep pounding her head down that long wet length to the base for the entire night and to ignore her every plea to stop.

Hiccup's shaft finally throbbed again between her lips and Astrid desperately squeezed her lips down in the tightest suction humanly possible as it thrust into her, giving him the deepest and wettest sucking a man in the Archipelago had ever received. The cock finally pulsed inside her throat and began to spray another thick load of creamy cum inside. Hiccup pulled her head all the way to the base for a moment before shoving her lips completely off of him with a groan of pleasure. His cock loudly popped out of her mouth with a spray of cum and he held it in front of her saliva-drenched face as he unleashed a torrent of white fluid onto it. His hand slid down to rub up and down the shaft and force his entire second load out of it to splash onto Astrid and bury her beautiful face in layer after layer of cum.

Astrid coughed and gagged for air as the flood of cum covered her face and hair, smearing all over her to drip down onto her breasts below. She kept her eyes squeezed closed as they were coated in the thick fluid. Her gaping mouth received a large amount of it and she submissively swallowed as much as she could as her mouth slowly filled. The discharge of semen continued on even longer than the last one and left her entire face and head glazed in a sticky mess of his cum.

Both their climaxes slowly rode down and left them there to pant in erotic satisfaction, both of them having experienced the hardest orgasm of their entire lives.

"Sweet… Freya… Astrid," Hiccup wheezed, quickly recovering. "That was amazing. Your throat and lips were so tight at the end…"

Astrid could only reply with a lewd gurgle as she swallowed down most of the hot cum filling her mouth, so covered it in inside and out that she would never be able to suck it all down. She forced her eyes open and blinked through the cloudy glaze coating her them, tracing her tired gaze over the huge cock in front of her face that was still somehow hard enough to hang there, ready for more. She trailed up to meet her boyfriend's own green eyes and moaned hotly in response, feeling like a sloppy used toy with all his cum slowly dripping from her face and the large amounts drooling from her gaping mouth.

"And you orgasmed just by having your tight mouth pounded to the base? You dirty little Dragon Whore," Hiccup teased, grabbing his cock and rubbing the slick tip against her face humiliatingly. "Since you like that so much, I'll make sure to do that a lot more times tonight. By the morning you'll be the best cocksucker in the Archipelago."

Astrid whined in part objection and lapped her tongue around her cum-drooling mouth, not able to decide if that statement was a threat or a reward to her. It was degrading and humiliating and by the gods it sounded so hot to her tired, glowing body. She twisted her head to position her wide-open mouth around the tip of Hiccup's waving cock, then licked and sucked it as best she could in response, eyes rising back up to meet his with a smoky gaze of lust. Her acceptance was clear: he could fuck her mouth and throat to his heart's content, and then far beyond.

"Slow down there, you guzzler," Hiccup said ribbingly as he pushed her head away. "You can swallow this whole thing again soon. In the meantime, I think we should move on. The rest of your body needs some attention too." His voice dropped to a low, promising tone as he finished, his eyes darting up and down her exposed cum-dripping body below.

The look and words made Astrid shiver with thrill, and the calm buzz of her body post-orgasm instantly flared back to life. They had just gotten started. There would be plenty more deep fucks of her throat to come, but now they would be changing to something new… and her body yearned for it, new ideas and fantasies coming to mind with a hurricane of possibilities.

Hiccup bent down and untied the strap holding her legs together, then grabbed her leash and used it to pull her upwards. Astrid choked for air as the collar squeezed tight around her neck and forced her to awkwardly push herself onto her feet to stand next to him, back on the tips of her extreme ballet leggings and the straps around her knees and ankles allowing her only the smallest steps. Large amounts of cum dripped from her head and mouth down onto her shoulders and breasts, making her feel extremely sticky and turned on at the same time. The creamy fluid was still warm and she could barely see anything through the coating on her face. Being so covered in it marked her as a used, degraded toy and she absolutely loved it.

Hiccup pulled her bound body towards the bed against the back wall of the room, and Astrid waddled after him with her heartbeat skyrocketing once more. She had given him the whole night and free reign of her body, and so far he had delivered the hottest and wettest night of her life… and it was only just beginning. On that bed new and exciting things awaited her, making the blonde-haired girl mewl in arousal and hobble towards it with submissive thrill, ready for whatever would come next.