Night travel (part 2)

With some gestures, Ixas opened one of the sides of the rock cube to reveal its insides, taking into account the fact that Espi's total length was about one hundred meters while its body had a circumference of about nine meters.

So, the "portable house" Ixas built, was spacious enough for all of them to comfortably spend their time during the travel.

Following Daimon's indications, Ixas build three floors, one for Aster's group, one for Natasha and Charlotte who immediately complained about having to be in the same space as the other, though they each had their own room.

"You already have so many girls sleeping with you, what difference would be if I jump in for the fun too~", Natasha fluttered her pretty long eyelashes trying to convince Aster to let her stay with him.

But her protector sighed and then dragged her away with her to their respective room.