A sudden change in the schedule (part 1)

After laughing due to being amused about the comments added by the one who wrote the book, Aster changed the page.

Drake: Their dragon form is pretty imposing, they have four legs, thick bone plaques on their back and a strong tail which they use as a whip, they don't have wings, but have two large horns on their heard which they use to headbutt between each other, in human forms they are the tallest among dragonkin and also the bulkiest, unlike the draconant who have high physical strength, the drakes excel in physical defense.

PS: Despite their macho looks, they like to be dominated but just in secret, in front of other they are pretty serious and assertive.

Aster looked at the illustration in the book and he was surprised to see, that a drake basically looked like a dinosaur, which made him wonder if back at earth there used to be cultivators, though spirit energy was non-existent, Rya was with him back then after all.