
"Kid, is something wrong?" Aseko asked, looking Eclipse in the eyes, getting to his feet.

The two in the room immediately froze as they felt the pressure in the entire room start to grow, their bodies burning and hairs standing on ends as they try to make sense of what is going on.

Every fibre of their being screamed at them to get to safety or to protect themselves, their fight or flight mode activating but … they do not know what the danger is and they are merely frozen in place, not knowing what to do.

"Do not get those creatures near me." Eclipse said, moving closer to the wall his violet eyes gleaming.

"Alright," Aseko said, turning to Karr who kept the little creatures in the jar away as quickly as he could. "See? They are gone."

Almost immediately, the pressure in the room disappeared and they could breathe once again. Not realizing that their body was already ready to attack at any moment and that is not something that will come out just because there is some 'pressure' in the room.

Breathing a sigh of relief, Eclipse sat back down on the bed going back to his usual self, "Thank goodness."

Aseko and Karr turned to look at each other, trying to figure out what is happening at the moment, not that they could tell, honestly.

"Why are you so adamant about that, Eclipse?" Karr asked the red-haired man. "Did … something happen?"

"I have no idea." Eclipse said nonchalantly, shrugging ever so slightly. "I just felt like something bad is going to happen and … well, that is about all that I really know."


"Yes." Eclipse said, looking down at his hands, slightly confused. "Well, I don't really know what else to say, to be very honest. It just … happened."

"Alright," Aseko said, waving his hands in front of the doctor to get him to stop. "I will be talking with the Doctor, alright, Kid?"

"Sure." He said brightly, as he watched the two walking out to the door, smiling brightly at them. "Be back soon."

Aseko merely nodded before closing the sliding door and then turning to the person who is busy looking at him with wide eyes.

"What the hell, boss?" he whisper yelled, trying to keep his voice down as best as he could so that no one would hear them. "Who is that kid??"

"That is what we are trying to find out at the moment," Aseko said, grinning at the man. "But you felt it, didn't you? The immense power he has."

"Of course, I could feel it." He said, looking at his trembling hands. "I could feel everything that was radiating from the boy and it sends shivers up my spine every time I think about it. Look, it is still shaking even at this point."

"I know. I can still feel it." Aseko said, excitement dancing in his eyes. "Do you think … that he might be someone that … has those genes?"

"It is very possible," Karr said, pacing around the hallway. "I would like to test his blood but it is far too … what's the word? Hard to collect.

"Once it interacts with the outside world, it will automatically dry up or disappear." Karr stared at the little bloodstain on his hand. "I don't think I will be able to take his blood and do anything with it."

"I see." He said, running his hands through his hair, letting out a deep sigh. "I wonder what we can do about this then."

"I don't really know but I sure as hell am intrigued," Karr said, looking at his still trembling hands.

"Does that mean-?"

"Yes, I will see what I can do to help you," Karr said, a bright and almost sadistic smile coming on his face. "Though I might have to be around him a little more often."

"I don't mind but … do not be around him alone." Aseko warmed, crossing his arms over his chest. "We have to be very careful with everything related to the boy. He does not remember anything and that curse thing seems to be causing him some problems because of that.

"Do you think you can research about that a little more too? It could help a lot."

"I did plan to look into the curse," Karr said, patting his briefcase. "It is something that I could not help but be intrigued by. I have seen that pattern before. I know that pattern like the back of my hand.

"But it seems to be a little bit … different from the other ones that I know and have seen before." He said, tapping on his chin. "I will need to look up on it a little bit more and then come back to see what I can find."

"Alright," Aseko said, nodding at the man. "We will have to arrange the days and times you can visit him. I will make sure someone is there to make sure they are there with you so that you are not alone with him."

"Aww~. Do you not trust me with the pretty boy?" Karr teased, much to Aseko's annoyance.

"You saw what he could do already and you still have the guts to be talking like that?" He asked, raising his eyebrows at the man. "And yes, I also do not trust you with the kid."

"To think, there will be a day when you are trying to care about someone else that is not part of this family." Karr teased, earning a glare from Aseko, not caring that the man could possibly kill him with one blink of his eyes. "Have you developed a fondness for this kid?"

"Don't push it, Karr," Aseko said, stepping only inches from his face. "You, as well as I, both know that we are not necessarily on the same team here."

Karr merely grinned at the man, a sly expression coming on his face, "I know. You know. So … are we going to tell the kid?"

"He does not need to know anything. The tension in this family is not for an outsider to meddle in." Aseko said firmly and with no room for arguments. "You do what you need to and I will do the same."

"Alright. Alright." Karr chuckled, shaking his head dismissively. "Overprotective much?"

Aseko just bared his fangs at the man, not another word to him.


What was that? Eclipse thought, looking at his trembling hands.

The moment I saw those creatures, my mind and body went immediately blank and I lost control over my body as I reacted out of turn.

I … I heard some voices too. I don't know where or how the voices came to be but they were there and they were taunting me.

'Does this hurt? Does it really hurt?'

'Show me. Show me how it hurts and where.'

'Aww~. I like seeing your terrified face. Show it to me more.'

I don't know whose voice that was but I was filled with nothing but dread. My chest tightened around me, threatening to suffocate me to death and … as irrational as it was, I felt like I was going to suffer immense pain if those creatures touched me.

They did not look like they would hurt as much as when I pulled that creature out of my arm along with my skin and muscles. I know that it would not have hurt as much as my mind told me it would but … I could not accept it.

My body could not accept it. I would rather die than have one of those creatures touch me and I don't even know what they are at all.

But … I suppose the one thing I did find out about myself is just how less I could care about dying. My body was ready to kill itself if those creatures got too close to me and I know it will not hesitate to kill me with whatever might be there.

Perhaps with a pen or a hand fan laying on the table beside the bed, I am sitting on. I am sure I would have been able to kill myself with this hand fan, I do not know how but with the way my body moves … I just know it.

I wonder … what kind of person I once was. I wonder, what were the things I went through that made me as terrified as I felt at that moment?

What were my beliefs? I wonder about my parents and … if I had any at all. Who did I get my hair colour from? What about my eyes?

Were they nice people? Did I have any friends? Did I come from this place or was I from another country? Was I another ethnicity?

Did I have any siblings? So many questions whirled around in my mind and I am no closer to getting my answers. But the one I am most curious about is … how did I know Aseko?