The Demon Lord and Her Bully From Another World

Author: Rabiator

Description: When a bully and a nerd both die and are sent to another world to be reincarnated, one ends up as a powerful demon lord and the other a brave swordsmen. When they meet again, their final battle ends up taking on a more carnal form, as the demon lord realizes her new body has one vulnerability she never considered.

Alex Chambers had never given much thought as to whether he was a good person or not. A young man not yet out of his teens, introspection had never been his strong suit, and like many men his age Alex was only focused on his comfort and pleasure. This usually meant a lot of pushing other people around to get what he wanted. Certain people, such as his caring but the deeply work-distracted mother, had let him know that was going to come back to bite him in the future. Alex had dismissed that idea with all the certainty and inexperience of the young, even if every once and a while, he had felt a niggling worry in the back of his mind.

But however he thought his unlikely comeuppance might happen, it certainly hadn't been this.

A month ago, Alex Chambers had died, or so it seemed. That very same day, he'd arrived in a strange world called Sephira, a world of magic, of beings completely unlike humans, of monsters and treasure. His body had been transformed, and Alex had found himself thrust into the role of a hero. Armed with the help of the few companions he'd made, his body's strong, battle-tested muscles as well as a sword and one blessed magical ability, Alex had taken it upon himself to try and rid this world of a powerful Demon Lord.

It...hadn't exactly gone to plan, and now Alex was being dragged into what had been his destination: the Demon Lord's throne room. Only when he had imagined how this would play out, there had been fewer guards, and a lot fewer chains wrapped around his wrists and ankles. Alex's sword had been confiscated, and now he was alone in an elaborate throne room, having been forced to his knees on a plush dark red carpet that led up to a small raised platform. This platform, carved from grey marble, was dominated by an enormous if simplistic throne, with a back nearly fifteen feet high capped with carved stone spikes.

"Well, this could be going better," Alex muttered, his head hanging low. Brown hair hung in front of his face, a light auburn hue that went with his tan skin, colored by weeks in the vast outdoors of this realm.

His blue eyes widened as he heard soft footsteps, ringing out on the stone floor with a slightly unsteady gait. Alex's first thought was that someone was walking in massive heels, and his second was that they weren't very good at it. He looked up, after glancing behind him to see the Demon Lord's guards, hulking beasts with green skin and vaguely pig-like faces had gone. It was just the two of them, which might have given Alex a small sense of hope if he wasn't tied up and unarmed.

He looked up as the footsteps ceased, and Alex's expression suddenly twisted into one of shock.

"'re the Demon Lord?"

"Obviously. I knew you were foolish for trying to come here, but I think you'd be able to recognize the true ruler of this realm when you laid eyes on them." The voice was high-pitched and cruel with the sort of precise diction that suggested both arrogance and intelligence on the part of the speaker. Which wasn't too surprising.

What boggled Alex's mind was that the Demon Lord appeared to be little more than a gorgeous, petite aristocratic girl. True, she was a tad monstrous, though Alex's brief time in this place had taught him to look past such things-a far cry from his superficial behavior back on Earth. She did fit the bill in some ways-red skin, bright yellow eyes, curved dark horns, and visibly sharp teeth when she spoke. He stared on as she continued talking, glaring down at him as though he was nothing more than a piece of dirt on her shoes.

She was wearing an elaborate outfit, with white leggings made with tiny diamond cutouts on the side, large black high heels with golden stilettos. Her miniskirt swirled just above the middle of her thighs, pushed up a little higher now and then by her thick, muscular seeming tail. It looked to be the strongest part of her body, as her arms were thin and spindly. Alex supposed her power lay in magic judging by the massive, golden staff she was carrying, gripping it with an audible squeeze of her black leather gloves. Atop her head was a jagged, golden crown, that pushed back her white, chin-length hair and exposed her large, fuzzy ears.

For all the attention he was paying to her appearance, the Demon Lord seemed to give him no consideration at all, taking a seat in her throne with her legs primly crossed. She seemed even tinier in the throne, as it was nearly three times her size.

"You should know that as the Demon Lord, I am the strongest person in Sephira. It was I who killed the previous Demon Lord and took his castle. And you, a musclebound fool thought that you could hope to stand up to my might, here in my castle? Don't make me laugh."

Alex tried to stand, though he was still shackled to the floor. With time, he might have been able to break free-on Earth, he had been a little tall, but also rather husky. Here he was well over six feet tall with thick, brawny muscles as well, having honed his natural strength with intense, if brief, combat training. But it was no use.

"Well, then maybe some other Demon will kill you before too long. Someone has to stand up to you, to free this land from the death you have caused." He grits his teeth, muscles straining.

The Demon Lord glared at him, her eyes piercing into his. There was a quiet moment suddenly, as Alex's breath caught in his throat and the enemies stared at each other, something unspoken seeming to pass between them.

"Don't blame me, foolish human. It is the nature of this place for the strength to conquer and rule. If you have to point a finger somewhere, you can blame this on the misfortune of your birth."

Alex's head fell low again, his muscles sagging. She was right-he hadn't asked to be reborn into this body, but he had been grateful for its power. But it seemed Alex simply didn't measure up to the Demon Lord's magic, or at least not her hordes of followers. Now he'd never get the chance to redeem himself for his actions on Earth, and the two lives that had been lost.

But something she'd said triggered a memory, and he looked back up, talking without thinking.

"'Blame the misfortune of…' heh, that sounds like a lame line from Transformers or something." He said, ruefully chuckling to himself.

The Demon King glared at him again, some of the nobility seeming to fade from her face, replaced by an air of childish petulance.

"Idiot! It's from Mobile Suit Gundam! Don't you know...anything?" The Demon Lord broke off, one delicate hand coming up to her mouth, shocked by her own words.

Alex looked up, studying the Demon Lord again as if searching for something, some sign. There was no familiarity to be seen, and yet...there was a possibility that Alex wouldn't have dreamed of one short month ago. But now, knowing what had happened to him, there was only one answer, not just possible but certain.

When Alex had died, he hadn't been alone. He and a twerp from his school had been arguing, mostly because Alex had started picking on the other boy for insisting on wearing his stupid cat ear headphones everywhere he went from school to the bus stop. This mocking had escalated into pushing and shoving, and eventually, the pair of them had tumbled into a busy street. Alex, the more physical of the two despite his slight pudginess had gotten up first and offered the other boy his hand, but he'd batted it away, saying he'd rather die than be helped by a retard like Alex. Alex had persisted, grabbing his wrist, but this only resulted in him losing his balance again and then...there was a truck, unable to slow down in time.

Which meant that Alex hadn't been alone in being reborn in a new body, here in Sephira. The Demon Lord who was about to kill him wasn't just surprising to Alex by being a woman in and of herself, not now that he knew she hadn't always been.

"...Devin?" Alex said, his expression dawning slowly into recognition. The attitude, the sort of fake posh attitude, and now the Gundam reference, it all fit.

The Demon Lord looked as shocked as Alex, sitting up straight in her throne as though she'd just been slapped. Her face blushed as her eyes flicked over Alex's body, taking in his muscular arms, the shining plates of armor he wore, even the blue half-cape he wore (that had once been a treasured scarf worn by a young woman Alex had saved his first day in this place), and seeing beyond all that to the person inside.

"Alex?! What in the can this be?"

The Demon Lord stood up, holding her staff as she tried to make sense of this. Energy crackled around her crown, bouncing between the tips of her horns as she held her staff firmly, trying to remind herself that she was the Demon Lord, the most powerful being in Sephira, no longer a nerd who was constantly bullied, not any-

"Hahahaha! Oh my god, that's amazing. So, you died a huge nerdy virgin who had probably never even kissed a girl...and you come back here as a sexy monster girl? That must've been your dream come true, Devin!"

The Demon Lord had not been laughed at in a month, not since coming to this place practically pulsing with magic power. She had ignored the strange circumstances of her rebirth and focused on using that power. First, she'd killed the former Demon Lord, took his crown and with it grew even more powerful, and then taken his armies and used them to conquer much of the realms beyond. But now, her knees trembled a bit, still unable to steady herself in these goddamn heels, as Alex laughed at her.

"Oh, what do you know, Alex, you bastard! You probably have a baby dick anyway, that's why you're compensating with all those stupid, big...strong muscles! And I, I can prove it!"

Striking first had been the Demon Lord's mentality since day one and now was one different. But now, when she intended to degrade and humiliate and not just kill, she held back enough-which would prove to be her undoing. There was a blast of dark purple lightning, shooting forth from the tip of her great staff, that engulfed Alex, who desperately crossed his arms in front of himself. Alex felt a brief surge of incredible heat, but it faded in an instant, revealing that most of his armor had been zapped clean off of his body, leaving Alex's body wreathed in smoke.

"What...but this is impossible." The Demon Lord whispered, unsure of what she was looking at. Alex's words were true-in life on Earth, Devin had been a virgin, his only experience with pornography being hentai. Thus the only penis he had ever seen was his own, a modest four-inch pencil dick on his best day. But this…

Alex's dick was enormous, and to both of their slight embarrassment, he was already growing quite hard, something that happened with great frequency here on Sephira. Alex had always blamed it on the various sexy human and demi-human women he constantly ran into but it was also body his new body, in addition to being tall and mighty, also simply had a massive sex drive to go with his fat swinging dick. His balls hung low between his chiseled thighs, each one resembling a particularly fat, low-hanging piece of fruit while his cock bobbed in the air under its weight, over a foot long already, veiny and girthy despite not being fully hard.

Devin slammed her staff on the floor, rumbling through the entire castle as though trying to deny what was right in front of her face.

"That's...well, I'm still the strongest being there is. I'm, I'm more of a man!"

Blinded by her focused attention on Alex's dick (not that she wanted to look at such a big, greasy, disgusting hard nasty...cock) the Demon Lord had failed to notice that in her rage, she had destroyed not just Alex's armor, but also his shackles. In her moment of confusion, Alex saw his opportunity and seized it, standing up to his full height and lunging for the much smaller red-skinned woman. He knocked her staff away with one hand, proving that for all her magical power, she was physically little more than a ninety-pound weakling, and seized Devin's throat with his other hand.

"You're not a man, Devin." Alex sneered, holding her in place with one large hand, audibly making the Demon Lord's neck creak and groan under his firm grip. She gasped pathetically, her hands slapping against Alex's unyielding forearm as he began to grope at her body, tugging her legging down quickly and then pushing aside her skirt to pet at her pretty white panties, which were frilly and lacy with a series of tiny black bows in the front.

"Whatever shrinky dick you had before, you're all woman now, wearing these ridiculous girly panties. Holy shit, your pussy is practically dripping already!"

"Ah, don't touch me, you bastard! Even I haven't done that, and it's not my fault, these are the clothes my servants pick out for me."

While a more adventurous person reborn into a gorgeous woman's body might have experimented with their pleasure, so far Devin had simply been too nervous too. It would have felt too much like accepting that this new, leggy, petite sexy monster girl body was her future from now on. It had been even worse when she'd first gotten here, though she'd soon discover a magical way of dealing with that.

"Oh, you haven't even touched yourself yet, Devin? You must be a really scared little virgin then, huh?" Alex mocked while hiding the fact that, despite his massive endowment, he had also avoided such things since coming here. He'd been too focused on training to deal with the Demon Lord-who would have thought those two things might go hand in hand?

"But I can tell you like it when I touch you, you're all wet already. I can feel your little pussy getting all hot." Alex teased, before running his hand around to the back of Devin's panties, reaching his fingers into the waistband and snapping the material with a sudden loud noise, while Devin squeaked in protest. It was a crude, embarrassing act of humiliation for Devin, and it got worse when Alex marked her perky little bubble butt as well, pawing openly at her with one strong, large hand.

Despite herself, Devin's body was reacting in ways she never would have thought possible. Alex's hold on her neck hadn't let up in the slightest, and Devin knew she shouldn't like that either, yet the lack of oxygen, making her vision go fuzzy at the edges, was more pleasurable than she dared to admit. Swooning in place, her heels clacking beneath her, Devin suddenly fell, her knees next to each, legs askew as she landed heavily on the floor, with her little ass thumping into the floor as her tail bounced behind her.

"Well, not so tough now, are you Demon Lord? Don't just sit there, get to work on this fat dick." Alex took his cock and brandished it like a weapon, rubbing the greasy, pre-come leaking tip all over Devin's cutesy, demonic features. The tip pushed against Devin's plump, pink lipstick, smudging against his massive cocktip as Devin sputtered, trying to push away at Alex's strong, tree trunk-like legs with her dainty little hands.

"Ah, no I would never do such a disgusting thing, certainly not with a dick that big and...smelly~" Something about Devin's body was responding in ways her mind didn't want to, feeling like being close to Alex's cock was rotting her brain, being forced to take in deep breaths of his dick like it was toxic fumes. Now that he was fully hard, Alex's cock looked to be nearly forty-five centimeters long and the Demon Lord found herself feeling a mixture of fear and arousal stronger than anything she'd felt before.

"What's the matter, Demon Lord? Is it cause you're just a whore, getting all wet when a big strong gets his hands all over you?"

Alex reached down, grabbing and groping at Devins tits, as she pulled away. Her struggles were futile, at least so long as she only relied on her body and not her magic, but Alex was quickly getting fed up.

"Hold still, you little slut!" He reached for Devin's horns to hold her in place, just as the girly Demon Lord pulled away at the same time. There was a sudden pressure in Devin's head, radiating from her horns, and a bright light seemed to fill the room.

"Oh no, not that!" Devin yelled before her body seemed to give way underneath, and she went to fall flat on her back. Held up by Alex's strong hand, his grip on her horn was suddenly too tight, and with a sudden crack, the bone-like substance gave way, shearing and leaving Devin looking foolish and lopsided. But there was worse to come, as Devin had used her horns to seal some of her magic, a spell she had cast upon first arriving in this place. With the horn broken, the seal gave way, and the Demon Lord's true body appeared.

Her shirt suddenly pushed forward, tented out by the Demon Lord's fat, massive tits, with audible rips as the garment was stretched to the max. Lifting her shirt up and out so much also pulled up the belted skirt she wore, exposing her panties. Only now the thin white underwear was stretched so tight around her puffy wet pussy and the fat, shelf-like ass she was carrying that they looked more like a thong, swallowed up by the two massive booty cheeks which clapped and bounced together when she made so much as the smallest motion.

"Holy fucking shit! You are a nasty whore, with a body like that!" Alex exclaimed, still smacking Devin in the face with his hard cock like it was a club.

Devin shook her head, even as her appearance changed again, with her hair extending and flowing down past her shoulders and beyond. No longer just a cute, jaw-length bob, her hair cascaded down her back in elegant white waves. She was no longer just a girl Demon Lord in elegant clothes, now she was a stacked, sexy slut in an outfit that barely fit her, looking less like a ruler and more like a fetish maid costume.

"Ah--owah~" Devin yelled, even her voice has changed, gotten higher in pitch. Alex grasped her wrists and brought them up to his massive balls, and despite her reluctance, Devin began to squeeze the massive orbs. Each one more than fit into the palm of her hands, their wrinkled, swarthy skin feeling impossibly hot and heavy in her small weak grasp. Devin tried to squeeze them harder, but it simply made Alex groan in pleasure above her, before he reared back a bit, smacking her in the face with his dick.

"See, you are a little whore, aren't you? Now open up slut, time to show what a real man can do!"

Alex grabbed Devin's nose with one hand, easily squeezing her delicate nostrils between his knuckles. As she gasped, mouth wide, Devin's tongue rolled out of her mouth, strands of drool sticking to her lips as Alex suddenly thrust forward, his dicktip punching into the back of the Demon Lord's throat. Her nostrils crinkled from the taste, eyes burning as she began to choke and gag on that fat, tonsil bruising dick, her dark mascara streaking down her face and leaving black tear lines all over her the delicate features of her red-skinned face, which turned a darker shade of crimson as her airflow was cut off.

"Glaggk, glawggk, glcch!"

Oh god, his cock is so fucking huge! It feels like it's stretching my jaw out so much it might break! It tastes so disgusting, so sweaty and gross, and Alex's balls smell like concentrated musk, Oh god I feel like the smell is gonna drive me crazy!

Devin's heels scraped the floor as she kicked weakly, feeling her throat stretch out as Alex's cock pushed deeper and deeper. He looked down at her, grinning wickedly as he grabbed her hair with both hands, using the long locks as reins to further fuck her face.

"You like that big dick don't you, you little whore? I can feel your throat milking me, fuck that feels good!"

Devin tried in vain to shake her head, but this just made her fat tits bounce and shake as her gorgeous, noble face was used as nothing more than a hot wet hole for Alex to sheathe his cock. She tried to protest his words, but she did nothing more than make muffled moans and grasps that sent pleasurable vibrations through the thick, gullet-stretching shaft of Alex's cock before she retched again, spitting thick cloudy gouts of drool all over Alex's dick and then slopping onto her fat tits as well.

"Mmph! Mppffpf! Glawwwwk!"

"What a loser you turned out to be in both worlds, Devin! At least you've got the biggest tits I've ever seen, it suits you well since from now on, you're nothing but my little fuck hole!"

Alex pawed and grabbed at her fat jugs like an animal, ripping her outfit to shreds rather than bothering to take it off properly. Devin squeaked at this rough treatment, even as she felt her heart skip a bit. Her breasts seemed to respond to his firm grasp, brownish-red nipples getting almost painfully erect. She also felt a strange heat, emanating from inside her body, that made her thick thighs rub together and her pussy positively ache as she dripped with arousal. With one hand not squeezing Alex's balls, Devin found herself jacking his cock off curiously, as is if just trying it on for size-to her shock and dark, shameful arousal she found she couldn't even wrap one hand around its girth.

My responding to him, I can feel it! Is this what it be a woman?

After over twenty minutes of this harsh, rapid facefucking, Alex shoved his cock balls deep inside of Devin's throat, while she let out a wet, choking sound. Her throat bobbed up and down, making exaggerated swallowing sounds as she grabbed Alex's balls one last time, just to have something to hold onto. She could feel them practically churning, getting ready to disgorge his hot, nasty load.

Not that, anything but that! If he comes in my mouth, I'll be just a stupid,d dick sucking, cock gagging, jizz gulping comeslut!

"Fuck, here it comes, you nasty demon slut! Swallow every last drop, just like a good little whore! Ah, fuck yes, take it, take it, take it!"

Alex's hands had formed an even tighter death grip on Devin's head, and he bounced her face up and down the last two inches of his thick cock, stretching her out even as his dick began to spew a massive, hot load of jizz right down her throat. Devin's eyes looked up at him, trying to stare daggers at him, but then she felt the first blast of jizz hit the bottom of her stomach and her body tensed, and then heaved, as she felt the thick, tacky sperm back up, coating the inside of her throat.

All the defiance seemed to have been fucked right out of her head as the back splatter of coming spewed out of the tight seal her lips made around Alex's cock, with twin rockets of nasty, almost lumpy sperm shooting out of her nose. Devin groaned like he was taking a piss, humping her face roughly and grinding her petite nose against his scratchy, thick pubes while those balls tensed and released several times against her chin, shooting out what felt like buckets worth of come.

Finally, Alex stepped back, his dick sliding out as Devin gasped and choked. She raised one hand to her mouth, gulping down the last huge mouthful Alex had shot in her mouth just to get it over with faster, not because she wanted to swallow more of that nasty, virile spunk. Alex huffed and puffed above her, stroking his cock and shooting out one final rope of spunk that splashed into Devin's hair and onto her crown, making her gasp.

"Ahh, how dare you! I am the Demon Queen-I, I mean Demon Lord!" Devin said, her body feeling like it was on fire, strange sensations running up and down her spine from the tip of her tail to her one broken horn.

"Goddamn, I haven't come since I got here. You took it all like a good little bitch, Devin. But don't worry there's plenty more where that came from. Here, suck on this too, you whore!"

Alex grabbed one of Devin's tits, forcing it up and back until Devin opened her mouth, licking and sucking at her massive tit. Alex smacked her other tit, pinching her nipple hard as she moaned, unable to believe how good this rough, lewd treatment felt.

"You've become the thing you hated most, Devin-a cruel person who uses their power to punish others. Now, I'm gonna force you to redeem yourself because here, I'm a hero."

Devin could only moan pathetically, her tail thumping the floor as she got off on being forced to suck, lick and slurp at her breasts, as Alex took turns either sucking on them himself or forcing Devin to do the same. Devin wanted to protest, but half the time she was too busy sucking on one of her fat breasts like she was possessed, and the other half of the time, she just couldn't find the words to disagree with Alex. Devin had never imagined these fat, embarrassingly huge udders could be so sensitive, but every touch felt like an electric shock to her entire body.

My on fire! If he doesn't stop soon, I'm going to, going to-

"Ooooowahh! Be careful you brute!" Devin said, shocked from her thoughts as Alex grabbed her by the tail, lifting her like she weighed almost nothing.

He turned her around, keeping that tail up and forcing her panties to one side, exposing her tiny pink asshole and her dripping wet pussy. Alex slid his dick between her fat asscheeks, marveling how heavy they were, squeezing against his dick as if by sheer instinct. Alex's massive dicktip, larger than one of Devin's fists, pressed insistently against her asshole, while the once-proud Demon Lord shook her head madly, hair flying as she realized what he was going to do.

"No, you can't, not there! Your cock is just too fucking huge-if you stick it up my tiny little ass, I'll di-AIEEEE!"


With a single thrust, Alex shoved his dripping wet cock, still slick with Devin's spit and throat slime into the Demon Lord's ass, splitting her open like an ax into firewood. His first thrust was so forceful it nearly lifted Devin off her feet. Her shoes kicked weakly as Alex plucked her up off the floor, lifting and dropping her onto his dick as he thrust up. Her entire body rippled with the impacts as Alex gripped her tiny waist easily in his firm, wide hands.

"Ah god, oh fuck! Your cock is...tearing my ass apart! You, you can't do this to me Alex, you stupid bastard!" Spit flew from Devin's mouth in her hysteria, as her eyes grew wide, threatening to roll back into her skull.

"You love it, you nasty little demon slut! Your ass is practically suctioned onto my dick-fuck it's so tight. Now just be a good little fuckdoll and take every fucking inch!" Alex punctuated his words with a series of rough thrusts that made his balls slap against Devin's dripping pussy, making her moan as she felt her mind going mad with lust.

"You can't do this...I'm a guy, so this makes you gay!" Devin protested weakly, even as her pants and moans made it clear she was enjoying getting the ass fucking of a lifetime.

Alex sneered behind her, using his cock to hold Devin's body aloft, tenting out her tiny stomach, as he grabbed her fat tits. His hands squeezed them roughly fingers leaving obvious indentations and dark marks on her smooth red skin.

"A guy, with tits like this? Face it, Demon Lord, you're a nasty little cockslut now, a bimbo fucktoy for real men. Pretending you're still a man just makes you sound gay yourself-admit it, you've always wanted a man to put you in your place, ever since you came here."

Devin opened her mouth to protest, but nothing came out but a low, undulating cry as her ass suddenly clamped down on Alex's cock, her body trembling. It was clear she was coming her brains out from being roughly assfucked in her throne room, and at that moment Alex knew he had her once and for all. Luckily, he had his small talent at magic to further drive Devin's defeat into her mind forever.

Holding on tight to Devin's tits, Alex tapped into his inner power, causing his hands to glow briefly. His magical power wasn't much, but in the time since he'd discovered it, no one had been able to resist it, not even that time he'd fought a dragon.

"So, tell me the truth, Demon Whore. Do you want me to stop?" Alex's thrusts slowed down, still hitting deep inside Devin's asshole, reshaping her body to be a better dick sleeve for him.

Devin felt a strange energy wash over her, and before she knew it, she was answering, but gone were her muttered protests and her vain, screeched cries for mercy. Instead, influenced by Alex's heroic touch, she could speak only the truth.

"I...I want you to fuck my pussy. Fuck my pussy hard with that big fat fucking cock, I want you to come inside me and get me pregnant! I, love that cock in my tight little ass, and...I love you, Alex!"

With a cry, Devin came again, her shameful yet truthful admission driving her over the edge. With a grunt of satisfaction, Alex resumed fucking her tiny shitpipe, but at a frenzied pace nearly twice as fast as before. With a deep-throated series of animalistic grunts and groans, Alex came deep inside of Devin's asshole, while she reached down and grabbed his balls, squeezing them hard, milking him like a prize bull.

Spllrt! Spllurt! Spllrch!

"Yes, yes! Give me every last drop inside my ass, more, more more!" Having given in, it seemed there was no going back for Devin, and Alex was going to make sure he showed her once and for all who was truly in charge.

Slowly sliding out of Devin's gaping asshole, Alex scooped her up in his arms, while she nearly swooned. Devin was in awe of how strong Alex was as he held in a princess carry, walking from the throne room to the one door that didn't lead back to the main castle. This is the Demon Lord's private chambers and Alex snorted as he saw the decor done in tasteful whites and pinks, it was a girly, feminine room with a large plush bed, a full-length mirror, and plenty of other elegant furnishings.

Alex moved over to the bed, still holding Devin in his arms. She looked up at him, trying to bare her teeth, but their size difference and the way he was holding her just made her look cute rather than scary.

"Ok then Devina," Alex teased, further driving home her status as a woman,

"I will give you what you want, if you give up your destructive powers, and transfer your magic to me. Then I'll make you my little fuckpet, use your magic to clean up the mess you've made of this world, and even give you children."

Devin struggled weakly in his grasp as Alex teased her, sitting down on the bed and holding her in his arms. They were weaker protests than before, as Devin knew that now she had confessed the truth, it was no use hiding behind false claims. Alex's cock stuck up between Devin's (or was it Devina now, she hated to admit to herself that she liked the sound of it) legs. His dick was so huge it came up to her massive tits, sliding between those perfect heavy jugs and roughly titfucking the Demon Lord. Alex's hands were all over her body, rubbing against her tiny, dripping wet virgin pussy, smacking her big fat ass, and even tugging on her tail which made Devina's eyes cross in a surprisingly pleasing way.

"What do you say, slut?" Alex whispered in Devina's ear, his breath hot on her neck and making her body tingle. Without thinking about it, she arched back against him, rubbing her back against his broad, muscled torso-(he's so strong, so manly!) and wiggling her fat, yet firm shelf of ass against Alex's groin. His hands were driving her crazy, and the feeling of that big fat cock in between her legs, rubbing her shapely thighs, it was all too much for the Demon Lord, whose mind was fraying at the edges from the constant teasing as well as how weak her previous orgasms had left her.

"Yes, yes, please fuck me, Alex, I'm begging you!"

Wham! Wham! Wham!

With a series of rough thrusts, Alex lifted Devina and held her tight, slamming into her virgin, unprotected pussy. He roughly tore through her hymen, his dick punching up into the back of her womb, hitting her cervix with harsh, punishing strokes. His balls smacked up against Devina's pussy lips, holding her in place as the two were fully docked, their bodies writhing together with sweat trickling down their skin. Alex's hands were so big he easily encircled Devina's waist, all the better to use her as his little pocket pussy, slamming up into her hard enough to make Devina's body shake and shudder.

"❤Oh god yes! Fuck meeee❤!!" Devina shouted and moaned, her eyes crossing in a foolish, braindead expression as her tongue stuck out of her mouth. Having a lewd, brainless ahegao expression, Devina felt her orgasm washing over her in a cascade, almost like lightning.

"Oh fuck, I love this dick, I love you, Alex!" With this final cry of submission, Devina felt her magical powers beginning to drain away, flowing into Alex's body. Alex's nature combined with Devina's natural body modification spell differently, and his cock began to swell and grow inside the Demon Lord's gaping, stretched-out pussy. His already massive size only continued to grow as he fucked her for the rest of the night, as the pair of angry, passionate twisted soul mates rutted like animals.

Alex railed Devina from behind, holding onto her one remaining horn while he gathered her hair in his grasp, wrapping it around her slender neck. He pulled back as he thrust deep inside of her pussy, each slam of his cock make Devina gasp like she was having a seizure, her pussy squirting again and again.

"That's it, you little slut, choke for me just like that! You like that don't you, whore? Take a look in the mirror Devina, because this is what you're gonna see every day from now on.

Wham! Wham! Wham!

Devina reached up to grab Alex's wrist, not trying to break his hold on her neck but simply squeezing him as her eyes rolled back in her head. The last thing she saw was her face in the mirror, tears of joy streaking down her face, her makeup a smudged mess, twin spots of dark color from lack of air in her cheeks, all while Alex crouched behind her like some twisted, virile fertility god. His dick drove her insane with lust, as their wild fucking continued, smashing through Devina's mind, reshaping her body, and shattering the furniture of her bedroom.

Devina yelled and moaned, her cries muffled as Alex pushed her head into the pillows of the bed, fucking her ass from behind as she desperately tried to hold herself up. The constant jackhammer force of his dick was too much, and soon she collapsed into a sweaty, limp tangle of limbs, muttering out how much she loved that cock into the pillows as her asshole grasped Alex's cock with a mind all its own.


Alex rutted into Devina in a rough mating press position as the bed splintered beneath them. Her legs were wrapped tight around his broad back, trying to pull him in even deeper into her hot, dripping wet snatch. Stupidly, Devina flashed twin peace signs as she came on that cock, with sparkles rimming her eyes as Alex held her tight. His muscular body completely eclipsed her from view as he slammed down into her, and Devina understood why she'd never felt comfortable in her formerly petite body as the Demon Lord.

"Oh yes, yes, just like that! Pound my fucking pussy, harder-fucking harder!"

It was because she was meant to be this stacked slut, a nasty ball sniffing, ass fucking whore for a real hero, Alex. Now she'd never been happier. The more he mistreated her, slapping her face, tugging her other horn like he was going to break that one too, the more she loved it.

"Fuck, your tits are so fucking huge, Devina! They practically look like punching bags!" Alex slammed one fist into Devina's fat jugs, not hard enough to hurt, but hard enough to make her squeal and moan. She looked up at him with wild eyes, her yellow pupils flashing as her tongue stuck out, begging him silently for more.

Alex put Devina through her paces that night in every way he could think of. He made sure to come on her face as well as inside her pussy, not just breeding her but marking her as his property as well. He pushed her panties flush up against her pussy lips, tugging the strings high on Devina's hips until she was practically flossing with them, trapping his virile, thick jizz inside her tight cunt.

She sucked his cock eagerly now, milking him with both hands and not needing to know what to be told what to do. She kissed his dick with open love, making out with it like a lovesick teen, sticking her tongue in his sweaty foreskin and suctioning her lips onto his sensitive piss-slit like she was trying to forcibly draw more jizz right up from inside of him.

Alex heaped further degradations on her, grabbing a nearby tube of black lipstick and using it to write and mark on Devina's body. He crudely scrawled 'SLUT' on her taut stomach while she gargled with his come, heaping it into her mouth from a bowl he'd filled, happily debasing herself. Alex put tally marks on her stomach to signal how many times he'd nutted inside of her, joking that soon he'd run out of space.

"You're going to be a mother now, you little slut. You've already probably got twins in your pussy from how much jizz you've taken, whore!"

Devina's eyes rolled back in her head, the words driving her crazy.

"No, that's...not possible! I can't be pruh-pregnant!" She knew she was certainly knocked up with Alex's children, but the reality of what that meant hadn't set in just yet. Alex decided to use another facet of his new magical powers, now that his cock had already grown a full additional foot in length since she'd drained herself for him, to show Devina the truth.

He placed a hand on her stomach as he hilted his dick in her ass, coming once more, hard enough to make his balls shoot out with such force that it came spurting back out of Devina's ass. There was a glow, and then suddenly a tattoo appeared on Devina's stomach, just above her womb. More than just a tattoo that simply read 'Demon Whore', Devina could feel a twin of that mark inside her body, as though it had been etched into her womb, a magical seal.

For a few hours, all while Alex rutted into Devina's ass, wrapping her face in sheets like it was a prison, her body changed. While Devin's tail thrashed, knocking against the floor as Alex ground her head into the carpet, her ass grew, growing even fatter, big enough to make her taller sitting on than standing on it. While Alex shoved her face into his nuts, making her suck on them one at a time and then nearly dislocating her jaw by trying to stuff both in at the same time, her tits expanded as well, growing heavy and full, sloshing around audibly with milk.

Devina's eyes flashed open as she felt the final change, a sudden force pushing from inside her stomach. She looked down at her now obviously pregnant stomach, feeling what could only be a kick from inside. Alex had used his magic to accelerate her pregnancy-already Devina looked like she was six months along, nothing more than a barefoot pregnant breeding sow.

"Oh good! Please, have mercy on me Alex-my tiny little asshole can't take any more of this! My body is on fire!"

Alex leaned forward, kissing Devina harshly. Their lips worked tight against each other as Devina surrendered almost instantly, sucking on his tongue like the greedy whore she was. She swallowed his spittle like it was the most delicious thing she'd ever tasted as Alex bit at her lip, tugging it to and fro.

"You need to make up for all the deaths you've caused, Devina. But don't worry, something tells me you're gonna be bringing new life into this world sooner rather than later."

From there, the rough pregnancy sex continued, as Devina lost all sense of time or her surroundings, or even her name. She was Alex's fat-titted cum dumpster, and that was all she ever needed or wanted to be again.

A week later, Devina was sitting in a modest chair in what had once been her throne room. Banners in the same color as Alex's cape hung from the ceiling, while the massive stone throne had been replaced with a more plush fabric chair-Alex had fucked her so hard a few days ago he'd broken right through the back of the old throne with Devina's head. She was wearing a modest pink dress that nonetheless looked skimpy on her pregnant body, lounging barefoot as she read a book of tales from Sephira.

Devina's whole demeanor had changed, as she no longer acted haughty or powerful. She was wearing half-moon reading glasses, much like in her past life (though in truth she had already forgotten much of that time). Her hair was tied into a side ponytail, elegantly braided by Alex's servants, and she even had a cute pink ribbon tied into a bow around the tip of her tail.

She looked up happily as Alex entered, having heard he had returned from some battle. Devina smiled, though she stuttered a bit over her words, still unsure of how to greet Alex.

"H-hello, my..darling"

Alex just grinned at her wickedly, and Devina felt her heart race, knees growing weak before she noticed a small cut on his cheek. She stood up in a hurry, nearly tripping over her tail as she rushed over to him. Using the only scraps of her power left to her, she placed a hand on his face, using a bit of healing magic to further close the wound and made sure it didn't leave so much as a scar.

"'Darling'?" Alex said, cocking one eyebrow at her.

"You're acting like some ditzy little teenager from those anime you used to watch. What would your victims say if they could see the Demon Lord now, eh?"

Devina just blushed, looking down at the ground as she absently played with her long braid.

"I admit...I am trying to be a cute woman, all for you Alex. I've been studying up on etiquette and stuff like that...when I'm not reading about the legends of this world, that is."

Alex laughed again, playfully tugging on Devina's hair which made her blush and gasp. "Still such a dork even after all this time, huh?"

Devina stammered, bending lower as Alex kept the pressure upon her hair, feeling her pussy ache for him.

"Oh fuck...I'm, I'm just being myself, my love!"

Alex reached down to his armor, unhooking the long plate that covered his crotch-it was oversized, the better to hide his enormous, magic-enhanced endowment. In seconds, he'd pulled his cock out, now even larger than it had been at the end of their first night together, as he'd grown more accustomed to the magic roiling inside his body. There was almost a faint golden glow to his skin now, and he seemed, even more, carved out of bronze muscle than before.

"Well, there's nothing wrong with that. I like you, either way, nerd or slut." Alex's cock was so large it towered above Devina's head, leaking a huge drop of pre-come down the veiny underside. She tried to glare at him for talking to her so, but it was obvious she loved it.

In seconds, Devina was riding Alex in a reverse cowgirl fuck as he sat on his throne, smacking her even fatter ass as she worked her curvy, child-bearing hips for him. Each thrust made her body jiggle, her full pregnant stomach at odds with her still slender form, while Alex's cock buried its way inside her pussy again and again. Alex grabbed her full tits, now much larger even than his full hands, and squeezed, making Devina come like a dirty slut. Milk burst out of her enormous tits, splattering onto the floor in wet streams along with her juices as she made a retarded ahego face, cheeks flushed and tongue out, babbling to herself madly.

"Well, our marriage alone is helping to unify this land. Who would have thought you would be more successful as a pregnant little blushing bride than as a Demon Lord? Oh fuck, just like that you whore, wrap your tail around my balls while you squeeze my dick with your pussy, that's it!"

Devina held onto her thick thighs as she dropped her ass in Alex's lap, again and again, feeling her body surrender to his once more. Even without using his truth touch, she couldn't help but sing his praises.

"Yes, yes, harder! God, you fill me up so good! I can feel your cock pressing up inside my stomach, god you're splitting me open!"

As Devina came to her brains out, Alex just grew tense, getting ready to blow another load inside of her. His already enormous nuts had swollen up since the last time he saw her, both due to the magic suffusing his form as well as the simple fact that he hadn't drained his balls since he'd left two days ago. Deep down inside, it made Devina sinfully pleased that Alex wouldn't even waste any come by masturbating or fucking whoever else he wanted, not when it was all meant for her.

"Don't stop now you little bitch! I don't care if you end up giving birth while I'm fucking you, I'm not stopping until I've drained every drop of sperm inside you again! It's gonna take a lot longer now, you whore!"


"Oh yes, Alex, whatever you say. I love you, I love, I love you, my king, my Heroooo~❤!"

The End.