Illyria and the Knight

Author: sinfulwolf

Description: The vampire Lyra has found herself in a strange world. To get home, she seeks help from the Drow Necromancer Illyria, who sends the knight on a quest with a sexual enticement to get what she desires.

The moon was bright tonight, though Lyra didn't need its light. Dried autumn leaves drifting across the path crunched under her boots as she walked towards whatever had been pulling at her since arriving in this world.

Wherever she was, it was certainly a far cry from her home. The first village she'd come to had fled and boarded their windows when she arrived, crying out in fear of the vampire. The lack of respect had been galling, but not knowing what enemies she might face here, she let it slide. In the next village, she used stealth and had seduced a young woman to feed and gain information.

So when she stepped out from the forest and faced the large castle looming before her, she knew it belonged to the sorceress Illyria. Lights flickered behind the high windows, and the gates yawned open wide to invite the lost vampire knight within. There was something about the place she certainly didn't trust, but the pull it had on her coaxed her into walking forward anyway. Through the unguarded gates and into a small hall.

Within a man in cleanly pressed clothes, though his chest was bared, stood and bowed at her entrance. He glanced at her, clad in leather pants and a simple black tunic was worn open until eyes could peer into the shadow of her cleavage, and seemingly decided she was no threat. Even with the sword sheathed at her hip.

"My lady. Welcome to the abode of my Mistress Illyria. The party has already begun, you will find it just the main stairs in the grand hall," the man said, stepping to the side and indicating with a gloved hand the door.

Lifting an eyebrow at the man's appearance, at the dark hairs across his chest and the outline of muscle that was more for show than ability, Lyra took a few steps towards the door then paused. Lifting a finger she turned to the man, likely a servant.

"Will your Mistress be there? I have to need to speak to her," she said, and the man smirked.

"Oh, her appetites would not let her miss an evening such as this. Though, that may make conversation difficult," the man said, still holding his hand out to indicate the doorway. At this Lyra frowned, but decided forward was the best way to continue.

Through the doors and up the stairs lit by torches that flickered with blue flame, Lyra could feel the presence of magic as she ascended into the castle of a stranger. Unsure of what may be watching, she kept her hand free of her sword's hilt and paused as the stairs ended in a lengthwise hallway, and yet another set of doors before her.

Setting her hands upon the large gold latches, she sniffed at the air. The scent of perfumes, sweat, and sex, all intermingled. Hanging her head slightly, the vampire let her lips curl. So that was why conversation might be difficult at this party.

Pulling the doors opened, letting the scents of the orgy spill outwards and over her. The sounds of the party-goers in bliss make a symphony of lust. And of course, the sight of it would make Lyra's sister delighted.

Men and women clad in nothing more than partial masks and strips of transparent silk moved with one another. Their flesh was on display for the vampire to gaze upon as she stepped into the room, the doors slowly closing as if of their own will behind her. The hall had no windows but was lit by a great crystal chandelier with sparkling lights that danced from crystal to crystal. It cast a soft glow over the orgy beneath.

Many of the attendees looked human, but some had pointed ears and brilliantly colored eyes. Others had horns and tails. A tableau of creatures from across this world, moving amid a floor covered in plush carpet and pillows. As hands glided over curves and tongues tasted skin and sex, Lyra stepped deeper into the room. For at its end, upon a throne of pillows, sat who she guessed was Illyria.

The ebony-skinned woman was gorgeous, lithe in limb, and exquisitely carved. Her brilliantly blue eyes exuded power and shaded with violet hues that nearly matched the silken hair cascading around her shoulders and the pillows behind. Her deep plum-colored lips curled in an interested smirk as she took note of the one person still clad in some manner of clothing amid her orgy.

Between her legs, a pale-skinned woman with a strip of silk across her shoulders bobbed her head up and down a thick cock. At this Lyra raised an eyebrow, seeing the woman's lips gliding over the dark skin veined with glowing blue magics. Savoring the pleasures, Illyria beckoned to Lyra, so the vampire started forward.

She felt fingers against her boot and glanced down to see a pointed-eared woman with golden-hued skin grinning up at her. Behind the woman, a man thrust into her, groaning as another man's tongue swirled across his chest and fingers toyed with his balls. The woman's face was an exquisite image of pleasure, lips parted to let her moans pour outwards, so clearly heard amid the remainder now that Lyra stood just before her.

Her fingers traced the supple leather of Lyra's boot to one of the buckles lining its front as her body shook with each thrust into her. Each hilt of the man's cock earned another moan from her, a slap of flesh as his hips hit her.

Pulling her foot away, Lyra continued down the carpet. She passed a woman standing upright, masculine hands gripping her hip and bust tightly. Her foot was pressed upon the back of a young lady whose tongue was busy between the thighs of another. Through the slits of her mask, the standing woman watched Lyra, licking her lips and beckoning her to approach, even while the man slowly pushed into her rear. The vampire watched the scene a moment, flirting with the temptations on display, but soon turned to continue along the carpeted path.

Between other such partners, she strode, her eyes shifting to take in exploring fingers and slithering tongues. To watch the lips of women and men open to let lose their part of the lustful symphony. Until finally, she stood before the dark-skinned Sorceress she assumed to be Illyria.

"Welcome stranger, to my soiree. I know all in this room, save you. The only one not writhing with pleasure," the sorceress said, her voice husky as she ran her painted nails through the long locks of the woman sucking her off.

"For the moment. I have other business here. With you," Lyra said, letting her eyes run over the sorceress's body, savoring the beautiful swell of her breasts, the peak of one glistening from the attentions of another's mouth. Eventually, Lyra's gaze fell upon the woman whose painted lips slid up and down Illyria's glowing shaft. It glistened from her saliva, and the woman managed with the skill to get her lips nearly to the base.

"Truly? And what brings you here?" the sorceress purred, a single finger settling on her lip, pulling down ever so slightly, as she both enjoyed the blowjob, and the sight of the woman standing before her.

"Tales of your skill in the arcane. Of your dalliances with devils and beings from beyond. I wish to return home, and from what I hear, you may be the key to that," Lyra said, and the sorceress laughed, bucking her hips slightly, pushing herself firmly into the throat of the woman between her legs.

"And why should I aid a stranger? Come, you have not even introduced yourself," Illyria said.

Placing a single hand behind her back, Lyra bowed to the sorceress, well aware of the sight her partially opened tunic provided. Judging by who was between her legs, and by the way, the sorceress's eyes gazed into the shadows between her breasts, Illyria enjoyed the sight.

"I am Lyra Lyv Drakhel. Knight of Aenkleth," the vampire said as she rose, and Illyria smiled.

"A knight? Ah, but not one of the overly pious ones that do annoy me so, and, not quite among the living either. Most interesting," Illyria said, tapping at her lip as her nails ran over the scalp of the woman still bobbing, uncaring about the conversation of the woman standing so close behind.

"I try not to exclaim my piety overly much, but I also doubt my Goddess is worshipped here," Lyra said, her eyes dipping a moment to enjoy the view of the kneeling woman's back. The slight curve between hips and shoulders, the indent over her spine. It was a beautiful canvas, and it was so tempting to kneel and paint with her tongue. She even doubted that it would be considered uncouth in this castle.

"Perhaps not indeed. Though the roads to other worlds often intersect here. I would not be surprised one way or the other. Nothing is so simple in these lands," Illyria said, dropping her arm to lay almost lazily across a pillow.

Lyra smirked, letting her eyes run over the hall and the writhing sea of flesh, accented by the stray bolt of colored transparent silk. The thrusting hips and arched backs. The scratching nails and curling toes. The skin glistens with sweat or is already marked with thick cum.

"Not even this?" Lyra said glancing back at Illyria.

"Especially not this," Illyria said with a wicked grin.

"You sound like my sister. Are you a sorceress, or a noble?" Lyra asked, crossing her arms over her chest, cocking one hip out slightly. At the question Illyria laughed gently, finishing the light sound with a soft groan as the sucking woman's tongue flicked beneath the head of her cock.

"Nobility is nothing more than a title given by others with similar titles and call it power. I am a necromancer, who has taken my power. I intend to keep it," she said, and now it was Lyra's turn to laugh. This woman was not so different from her sister.

"Still. You know who I am. Will you help me?" Lyra said, and Illyria tutted, shaking a finger back and forth. It was strange to be scolded by a naked woman being sucked off by another.

"I do not know you. I merely know what you are called. Or at least, what you say you are called. But titles and names just make a conversation easy. No, I require more to know who you are. Yet, being a stranger will not stop me from helping, but I must have some kind of incentive," Illyria said, biting her lip, letting her eyes roam lower over the knight's body.

Lyra smirked, lifting her fingers to the laces of her tunic, but the self-proclaimed necromancer shook her head.

"I would love to see you naked, and I would be delighted to fuck you. But I need more than that. As you can see, physical pleasure is not something I am left for wanting," she purred, waving a hand over the bobbing head between her legs. Saliva was dribbling down the now very wet shaft and swirling amid the juices of her more feminine arousal.

Fingers pausing at the first set of still tied laces, Lyra watched the woman before her.

"Though, feel free to slip out of that shirt regardless. You do look so beautiful," Illyria said, chewing on her lip again.

"Any coin I have is useless to you, so traditional payment is not an option either," Lyra said, crossing her arms again. Illyria sighed, the sound cut off by a low groan.

"Bartering with goods and services is far much older than any mints and coin. So, in exchange for my services, I would ask of yours," she said and curled her hand over until two fingers were pointing at the sword hanging at Lyra's hip.

"I'm listening," Lyra said.

"As you should have from the start. First, there's a man I would like you to hunt. As much fun as it would be to break him, it is easier if he is simply removed from the board. His name is Father Fillius. Doesn't use a last name anymore. An overly zealous priest who hunts the undead on my lands. Not for anyone's safety, but simply because they are abhorrent in his eyes. You would fit that bill, and I think we can both agree that you are far from abhorrent," Illyria said, smiling again.

"And the last target?" Lyra said.

"Who said anything about last?" Illyria purred, then let out a small groan again. The woman between her legs let out a muffled sound of pleasure, and Lyra guessed the Necromancer was getting close.

"You stated first. Meaning you have other tasks in mind. I will not be your errand girl," Lyra said, and Illyria let out a gentle laugh.

"Very well my dear. The second task should be far more pleasant, at least for one of your ilk. I need the blood of someone who could be particularly troublesome should she desire to be. I need the blood of one Elwinne Greenleaf, an Elf that is currently residing in the village of Rosewood. Bring me a vial of her blood, and proof of the priest's demise, and I shall send you home," Illyria purred before a hungrier moan spilled forth.

Her back arched slightly, pushing her bust forward, and Lyra watched a trickle of cum dribble past the kneeling woman's lips and along the shaft of the necromancer. The woman began to swallow, muffled groans trying to mingle with the groans that filled the hall.

"Very well. I shall do as you ask," Lyra said, as the kneeling woman finally pulled her mouth from Illyria's cock. Almost immediately she began to lick the length of the shaft, scooping up a few missed trails of cum. Illyria grinned.

Turning back towards the orgy, Lyra took a single step before she heard Illyria speak again.

"You may be eager to get this over with, but there are only a few hours left before the sun rises," she said, and Lyra looked back over her shoulder.

"I shall have quarters prepared for you, thralls to tend you, to feed you even, before you depart tomorrow evening. But, since dawn is still a few hours away," Illyria stood from her pillow throne. The woman shifted to let the necromancer move closer to the vampire. The naked sorceress pressed herself firmly against the knight and ran her tongue over the woman's ear.

"Why not enjoy the party?" she said, and Lyra let her gaze fall back upon those in attendance. At their flesh and listened to the moans, they called out.

"Why not indeed?" Lyra said and heard the snap of fingers.

"Savour their flesh Lyra Lyv Drakhel, and take all the pleasures your desire," Illyria purred, and gently bit at Lyra's ear.

Then nimble hands reached around Lyra's waist to find the buckle of her belt. Others reached to begin undoing the laces of her tunic, and yet more below to pull free her boots. All of them were far too pale to belong to Illyria. The vampire glanced around her, finding three women slowly peeling off her clothes and taking them aside, carefully folding them. It was not long before Lyra was as naked as all others in the hall, and one of Illyria's thralls held out a mask that covered one half of her face is black, and the upper portion of the other in white. It left only her mouth and one cheek exposed.

Slipping on the mask, Illyria purred, running her nails down Lyra's back, enjoying the shiver's it elicited from the knight, and the soft gasp it pulled from her lips. The necromancer stared at the woman's bareback.

"Now, go have some fun," Illyria purred, and Lyra walked towards the woman who'd beckoned earlier.

She was with a new man now, riding him with a beautiful motion of hips. There was a pattern of cum up her back, and Lyra moved behind her, introducing herself with a long caress of the tongue. The woman moaned softly, not even bothering to look over her shoulder at whoever had joined her. Lyra let her tongue run over the glistening skin again, tasting the salt of sweat and cum, until she pressed herself against the woman, nibbling at her neck, teasing with fangs.

The woman groaned, tilting her head to let the vampire tease, as Lyra's hand slid around the woman's body to cup a breast. As she squeezed, she felt a masculine form pressing against her. Not hardened from work, but soft from a pampered life, he was slim, though Lyra felt the hairs of his body against her smooth flesh. She did not look back as he worked himself between the other man's legs, and pushed himself into the cleft of her rear. Lyra smiled, and stood, the man rising with her.

The nameless woman turned her head, pressing her lips to Lyra's glistening sex, as the newcomer, lubed from the attentions of others, pushed himself into Lyra's ass. She groaned, feeling the head of his cock push her open, starting to fill her, as the woman's tongue curled inside.

At least tonight would be one to remember.


Illyria watched as the strange vampire who called herself Lyra Lyv Drakhel moved to another few partners. The back of the vampire's thighs glistened with cum, and the necromancer found herself craving the knight's presence in her bed.

But not tonight.

"Gwendoline," Illyria said, and a woman with soft brown hair was beside her in moments. The necromancer smiled at her thrall's punctuality, even as she drove herself into the pussy of a Sumre elf on her hands and knees. She was having fun with her cock tonight, and the elf on all fours before her was moaning hungrily with each thrust into her.

"I want you to find out all you can of our little knight here. See how much truth there is to her story," the necromancer said, then glanced over to her thrall.

"By any means you deem fit," she added, and the thrall glanced over to the vampire now between two women. The three of them a swirl of tongues and caressing hands. Gwendoline grinned wickedly.

"But of course Mistress," she purred and quickly vanished almost as soon as she'd appeared, lost amid the crowd to find whatever other secrets she could that evening. Illyria smiled, turned her attention back towards her orgy.

Even beneath their masks, without their usual garments they liked to think set them apart, she knew each of them. Nobles and emissaries mixed with soldiers and magicians. They cared not their partners, thinking the masks protected their delicate sense of class.

Running her tongue over her lips, Illyria beheld the beauty of it all, while she continued to thrust into her chosen lover of the moment. A governor of Sumre that liked being bent over. Illyria leaned forward until her breasts were pressing into the elf's back, and her hair tickled along the woman's shoulders. The thrusts of her hips, driving her cock into the young woman's cunt didn't stop, and the woman was moaning hungrily in pleasure.

Reaching forward, Illyria's fingers curled around the woman's throat. She gripped firmly, threatening, but not cutting off her breath. Her eyes went again to that knight. The one bit of mystery in her domain. She seemed at home between the other two women, pleasuring with tongue, teasing with lips, and threatening with fangs. The looks of pleasure on her two partners were certainly enough to tell the necromancer that Lyra was a skilled lover. Something she'd discover for herself soon enough. But not tonight. No, not tonight.

"Don't forget my dear. My tribute is due by the end of the week," Illyria whispered into the ear of the governor beneath her.

"Of, of course," the elf moaned, barely managing to get the words out.

"Of course, what?" Illyria said, tightening her grip for just a moment, just a heartbeat. She heard the slight choke on the woman and felt the throb of an oncoming orgasm in her summoned cock.

"Of course mistress," the governor made submissive toy gasped. Illyria grinned at the answer, speeding up the movement of her hips. Pushing deep inside her pet as she watched Lyra bring a woman to orgasm with her tongue swirling between the folds of her pussy. It was a beautiful sight to behold, among the many in the hall this evening.

"Good girl," Illyria said, stroking the elf's hair as she shot her load inside her. Listening to the higher moans beneath her. Felt her shaft smearing her cum inside the woman.

Slowly pulling out, the necromancer wiped the slick remains of her orgasm across the rear cheeks of the governor, who panted in pleasure. Standing, and starting into the crowd Illyria snapped her fingers for effect. A few pairs of eyes slid over to her as her phallus vanished from sight, and the drow sorceress pushed a man onto his back. Crawling into his lap she grinned, letting him slide into her. Almost immediately her hips began to move and she let him hear her moans as his length slid in and out. Gliding along those inner walls she turned her head, pulling a human woman to her bust.

As lips closed around her stiff nipple, Illyria looked again into the crowd. She matched gazes with the vampire and grinned. The two watched each other amid the many other forms that surrounded them. Both of them locked in acts of carnal pleasures. The vampire was upon her back, holding a woman against her. One hand was upon her breast, the other between her legs, gently massaging her clit as a man's tongue slid at her entrance.

While a man pushed his cock into the mouth of Illyria's ride, the vampire threw the necromancer a grin. A grin that showed her fangs, before she let them glide along her own toy's neck. Illyria watched with hunger, feeling hands on her hips as her ride struggled to keep his breath around the flesh pushing into his mouth. The necromancer groaned, arching her back and leaning forward. The woman at her breast was forced to move, her hair trailing across the chest of the man on his back. She bit hungrily at the drow's nipples, pulling hungry moans from Illyria's lips.

When Lyra's fangs sank into her prey's neck, drawing forth two ruby pearls, Illyria ran her hand over the neck of the man beneath. She caressed her flesh, urging the man above to push deeper until she could feel the deep penetration. She watched the two trails dribbling downwards over the woman Lyra kept on display. The red ran while the vampire drank of her blood until it started to glide over the curve of a breast.

Mouthwatering, Illyria's hips began to move faster. Her eyes devoured the display as she felt the shaft push deep into her ride's throat. As tongue pushed into the woman she watched, while another lashed the peak of her tits.

It did not take long for the man above to cum with a grunt, pulling out and spurting the last few ropes of his orgasm across Illyria's neck and into the hair of the woman at her bust. The man below gasped for breath, while the necromancer ran her fingers through the hair of the other woman, still watching Lyra with lust. Almost daring her to go too far.

But the vampire pulled her fangs free soon enough, running her tongue along the twin holes she'd made. She leaned down, gently lapping at the blood pooled in her toy's collarbone, getting a little on her chin. Illyria grinned again, as the woman between her and her ride tilted her head up to lick free the globs of semen across her chest.

Illyria finally pulled her attention away from Lyra and looked down at the man beneath her. Even as she felt his cock empty into her, she grinned and leaned down to kiss him, to taste another man upon his lips.

There were still hours left before dawn's light reached this place.


Standing naked in the room provided to her, Lyra looked out the window. Dawn was brightening the sky, and the sun was ready to crest the horizon. Gently she pulled the mask from her face, as thick curtains were untied by a woman wearing nothing more than a sheer sarong. They fell over the glass, hiding the room from the sun's kiss, though the bed was in a position safe from its rays.

"You are not the only one of your kin to have stayed here," the thrall said, and Lyra smiled, walking towards the chest that her clothes and sword had been stashed in. Carefully setting the mask down, Lyra turned to the woman.

"I would assume not, considering your mistress's tastes and arcane studies," the knight said. The woman curtsied, but when she rose she did not move.

"Mistress also commanded that I attend your needs. Whatever they may be," she said, making a show of brushing her soft brown hair back from her neck. Lyra ran her tongue up one fang, pushing up her lip a moment before letting her tongue glide across. The thrall before her shivered, but it was not from fear. This felt far more like home.

The knight crossed the room, with a single careful tug, let the sarong fall from the woman's hips. The woman bit her lips, waiting until the vampire pulled her close. Cool skin pressed against hot, and Lyra enjoyed the softness of the woman's breasts and body against her much more muscled one. Running nails over the woman's back, she savored the soft sounds her lips forms, the clear enjoyment she had despite being a thrall.

Or perhaps she enjoyed it all the more for what she was.

When her fingers reached the other woman's rump, Lyra squeezed. She felt hips press forward, a leg pushing between her own and gliding against her thighs. The thrall let her lips curl slightly even as Lyra's fingers drew forth another quiet gasp of pleasure as they drew upwards again. Her leg pushed upwards, pressing against the slick sex of the vampire, who let a small groan of her slip out into the room.

"And I thought thralls were supposed to be good girls, not naughty ones," Lyra teased, and the woman leaned in, biting at Lyra's lower lip. Slowly she pulled back, letting her teeth scrape on the edge of pain, pulling at the trapped lip until it finally came free.

"Sometimes the two intermingle," she said, then gasped again as Lyra spun her until the back of her knees touched the edge of the bed.

"They always should," the vampire purred, her nails tracing beneath the thrall's shoulder blades for a moment. Slowly they curled across the woman's sides until Lyra's palms pressed against the other woman's bust.

With a firm shove, the thrall fell back across the dark quilt of the bed, hair fanned above her. Lyra smiled, bearing her fangs, and crawled onto the bed, getting between the woman's legs. The woman back up enough, letting the vampire fully onto the soft quilt, and paused. Lyra didn't stop moving, crawling as heels slid over her shoulders and down her back. Her lips pressed along the soft pampered skin, and she let the tips of her fangs drag dangerously on her way upwards.

It did not take long for Lyra's lips to find the thrall's cunt. She kissed the woman softly, parting labia with her lips, letting her fangs tease one before her tongue slid inwards. The woman moaned, and Lyra's eyes flicked upwards. Gazing from between thighs while her tongue tasted her arousal, Lyra watched the woman's back arch. Watched her hands curl over her breasts and squeeze tightly. Breathing in the scent of her sex, Lyra watched her move, felt the press of heels against her back, as her tongue stroked and caressed.

Lyra pressed in tighter, letting her tongue pull out from the woman's depths and glide up her slit until she was pushing back the hood of her clit. Her tongue rubbed against it, lashing it. Each time the tongue struck a new moan spilled outwards from those painted lips. Music for Lyra's ears as she continued to coax the thrall into the realm of bliss. Her fingers continued to glide along the outside of the thrall's thighs, ghosting over the skin while her tongue soon moved back to between the labia. Delving deep, twisting inside her.

Up and down, Lyra didn't let herself settle, watching all the while as the woman massaged her bust. Fingers indenting against the skin, while her hips ground upwards against lips and spearing tongue.

Uncounted heartbeats passed before the thrall's heels pressed tighter against Lyra's lower back. Digging upwards into the base of her shoulder blades the woman let out a loud moan. Fluids rushed across Lyra's tongue, and at the moment of climax, she pulled back.

Before the thrall descended, Lyra's fangs sank into her thigh. Her nails dug into her breasts and her heels pulled up harder. As the iron tang of blood flooded between Lyra's lips for the second time that evening, she pulled gently, slowly. The woman's shuddering breath as she rode out the dying pulses of her orgasm pulsed across her tongue.

When the sounds of bliss faded, Lyra gently pulled her fangs free. She ran her tongue across the holes, hearing the gentle groan above her. Slowly, she began to crawl upwards, letting the tips of her hair drag across the woman's body. Holding herself above, Lyra smiled, the tips of her breasts inches above the thrall's own.

"Now my little morsel, it's time for you to tell your mistress all you've learned this evening," Lyra purred, before leaning down and pressing her lips to the thrall's own. She was only slightly surprised to feel the caress of the tongue against the kiss, tasting her blood mingling with her sex.

When Lyra broke the kiss, she ran her tongue slowly over the woman's lips. She smiled, even as Lyra rolled off of her. Slowly the thrall rose, gathering her sarong and pulling it back on.

"Have a pleasant sleep, my lady," she said, giving another curtsy before leaving the room, letting her swaying hips pull at Lyra's eyes.

When the door closed behind her, Lyra laid back and smiled to the ceiling. She may be far from home, but tonight had been one to remember.


Though her bed called to her, Illyria refused to crawl under the fine quilt as filthy as she was. For the moment she let the steaming waters of the bath soak into her skin and muscles, while a handmaiden scrubbed at her hair floating upon the surface.

Standing at the foot of the tub, Bacu mostly succeeded in keeping his eyes off his mistress's form, instead of looking over the book he held in his hand. For her part, Illyria gazed upon his mostly exposed chest and the fine white hairs standing out against his black skin.

"The tribute you will get from the Sumre governor would easily pay off tonight's soiree if the gifts brought tonight had not already. Your coffers are made safe once again, astoundingly," he said, glancing up, eyes flickering across the tips of the necromancer's breasts peaking above the waters before he looked back down.

"On top of that, emissaries from Thelold have promised a supply of corpses for your studies, and the Sorceress's Circle has offered to send their newest texts and two women to serve as thralls for two years minus a day, in exchange for those same women to be apprenticed when their service is complete," he said.

"Good. By the time that is complete they will be more loyal to me, than the circle," Illyria said, lifting a hand and watching the soapy water pour from her fingertips.

"Indeed. Though at what point do I wonder when the circle itself is more loyal to you than to itself?" he said, and Illyria grinned but said nothing. Back raised an eyebrow, let himself gaze over Illyria again, before turning back to his accounts.

"The bishop of Stillendall also promises ex-communication of Father Fillius. It seems your mercenary will have an easier time of her contract," he said.

"Good. I would prefer her success. She is a dangerous and unknown piece on the board but one that will be easy enough to remove from play. So long as she ticks off a few points from my agenda first," Illyria said.

"The second part of her contract. Mistress, is it wise to antagonize Ms. Greenleaf? She has been an issue before," Bacu said, and Illyria shrugged, sending ripples across the surface of her bath.

"She'll not strike against me directly so long as I have her blood. And I'm sure she'll discover it quickly. It will give me some freedom to do what I need in the next few weeks. It is certainly a risk worth taking," Illyria said and stood. Water cascaded over her body, and the handmaiden was quick to get a towel.

"Now, if you'll have Gwendolin meet me in my chambers whenever she is finished with Lady Lyra, I would have her tell me everything. Ensure my guest has another thrall for her to feed upon this evening," Illyria said, stepping from the tub as her handmaiden began to dry her off.

"As you command mistress," Bacu said, giving a bow before he departed.


The night was filled with the sound of buzzing insects, and the air with thick with its humidity. Lyra's fine leather boots were soaked as she threaded her way across the swamp. Occasionally she heard movement in the waters that surrounded the path she treads; a soft breaking of the surface with ripples reaching the near shore. She had no desire to discover what might be lurking there, between the trees that jutted out from the scum topped waters.

The man, or drow as she'd discovered, named Bacu had given her all the details of this Father Flavius, while she dressed from another pleasure-filled feeding. The thrall lay on the bed watching the rigid lines of her muscle hide beneath leather and linen.

Now she was here, two nights away from the pleasures and comforts of Illyria's home, though the knight felt no less in comfort. She enjoyed the wilderness, the adventure.

Something scrambled along a tree, and she pursed her lips, fingers flexing around the hilt of her sword.

Usually enjoyed she amended to herself.

Ahead she spotted the signs of dwellings. The smell of smoke drifted upon the air, mixing with the foul smells of the swamp. As she got closer, she began to recognize the layout of a village. The homes were long abandoned, partially overgrown. As she passed by the first hovel, she saw the pyres laid out in the village's center. Soft trails of smoke still rose from two of them, explaining the scent. The others were older and cold.

So this was one of Illyria's villages, inhabited by her minions. Or at least, it had been, before her target had come here to purge it. He'd done a damn fine job of it as well. Wishing she had some armor, Lyra pulled her blade free of its scabbard. The steel quietly hissed as it came free, and she moved towards the one hovel that showed any signs of life; vines and moss cut away from the windows, enough footprints to form a path leading to its front door.

"No further beast. I can sense the taint of undeath upon you even from here," a man's voice called from within the hovel, and Lyra rolled her eyes. The pious of other faiths ever bothered her.

"Then come out," she called back, not letting her pace slow. She heard the cranking of a crossbow and readied herself.

When her ears picked up on the twang of the string releasing, she shifted to the side. The bolt just barely missed her shoulder, and she continued forward at a steady pace.

"Atomic above, bless my hands as I smite this creature from your blessed earth," the priest's voice said from within, almost covering the sound of his crossbow again.

"From what I hear, he doesn't give his blessing to you. You've been excommunicated," Lyra called, twisting to the other side as the crossbow fired again, slapping the bolt aside with the flat of her blade.

She heard something drop, and she paused. Soon enough the door opened, and a wiry man in dark robes emerged, a mace in one hand, a book in the other. She assumed it to be his holy book. A thick and greasy beard covered his jaw, but his head was shaved bare. There were even a few nicks atop his scalp from the razor.

"Heresy. Taint and corruption from that slut's lips to twist the church. They have fallen prey to her temptations," he said.

"Yes. It certainly seems that way. Shame you're too busy playing zealot to play politics and stop that," Lyra said rolling her shoulders before bringing her sword up in front of herself.

"I am the righteous hand of Atomic. Once I have finished burning your filth from the world, I will burn that slut's words from their minds," he said, before rushing towards her.

Lyra held her ground, watching him rush without any form. As he got closer, she could see the bags under his eyes, along with the pulse of blood in his veins. She waited, and at the last moment sidestepped and brought her sword upwards. The fine craft steel cut his flesh and smashed through his elbow, severing the arm.

The man was screaming already, eyes wide as Lyra moved behind him. She brought her sword down across the back of his legs, sending him crashing to the dirt. His screams were muffled by the ground for a moment, and Lyra moved carefully behind him.

"You keep saying slut like it's an insult. I'm pretty sure she's embraced that particular title," Lyra said, as the priest brought himself back to his knees. Spitting out dirt he turned his paling face towards you.

"Time to meet your God. For your sake, I do hope you were right. If not, well... you'll find out soon enough," she said, and swiped her blade again, taking the man's head clean off. Blood spurted upwards from the stump, and Lyra held out a hand to let it patter across her palm.

"A shame you didn't learn to fight a proper opponent. Well... for you," she muttered, wondering if his soul heard her or not. She turned her attention to her blood slick sword, running her tongue along with the steel. Tasting his life as it started to cool.

One-half of her contract is done.


The music was lively and pipesmoke filled the room with a pleasant tang. Elwinne found herself smiling and laughing as she watched a man clumsily try to dance to the bard's tunes, but drink had him soon falling on his face.

Laughter ripped through the tavern and only heightened when the man shot a hand up to show he was okay. One of the barmaids, giggling, helped him to his feet, and he stumbled back to one of the tables. Nearly collapsing into the chair he called for another ale, and Elwinne shook her head as she returned her attention to the pretty bard.

She had come out alone tonight, to drink some wine and enjoy some company. She had a pleasant buzz thrumming around her head, and she was starting to wonder if the bard might like some company in her room.

That was until the door opened and a stranger walked in. She was pale, with long dark hair pulled into a loose ponytail. Her sharp features almost seemed elven, and she walked with an air of confidence. Only a few eyes slipped her way, and a few lingered because of the dirt-smudged across her skin and clothes, and a few more because of the undone laces of her tunic that showed the shadows of her cleavage.

As the latest cup of wine Elwinne had ordered was placed in front of her, the elf got the barmaid's attention.

"That woman needs a bath. Could you prepare one, please? On my tab," she said, her tipsy mind already filling with naughty thoughts.

The barmaid glanced up as the newcomer walked to the bar, slipping easily around people, then looked back to Elwinne with a wink and a nod. Running fingers through her own vibrantly red hair, Elwinne got to her feet and walked towards the bar. Luckily she'd not imbibed enough to make walking overly difficult.

Sliding in beside the stranger, who had ordered a dark red wine, Elwinne smiled at her. She returned the look, letting her stunning blue eyes, rimmed with well-applied liner and thick dark eyeshadow, run across Elwinne's features.

"You, my dear, need a bath. I can still smell the swamp on you," Elwinne said, her plan on introducing herself first dispersing now that she was so close. The woman laughed, and the elf felt her heart leap a bit when she saw the hint of fangs behind those dark painted lips. A tinge of fear swirled into her mind. Vampires were not unheard of around here, but usually, they came at another's bidding.

"I will gladly take one. But I am short on a coin, and far from home," the stranger said.

"Don't worry about the coin. I've already asked one to be prepared for you. But, where's home?"

"Aenkleth. Another world from here. Not so different though, from what I've seen," she said, letting her eyes sweep the crowd, and Elwinne felt herself relax. Just a bit.

"And what brings you to Rosewood?" Elwinne asked, and the vampire shrugged, just as her drink arrived.

"Passing through. Get a drink, rest my head. I was searching for a sorceress that rumors say might be able to help me. Illyria she's called. I hear she may know to get me home," she said and brought her cup to her lips.

"I'd be careful with her. The knowledge she may have, but there's always a price. If you head north instead, you can find Erika, of the Sorceress's circle. She has been doing many studies into astronomy and the possibility of other worlds. With proof to her theory, she'd be able to find you a way back home," Elwinne said, and the stranger pursed her lips, furrowing her brows slightly.

"Erika. Well, it's a better lead than what I had before. I'll head north than on the morrow," she said, and Elwinne felt the concern washing out of her.

"Good plan. But, please forgive my manners. My name is Elwinne Greenleaf, and I... would be happy to aid with your bath," she said, lifting her brows slightly and putting on a sultry smile that certainly seemed to have the effect she wanted, as those lovely eyes slid downwards to her cleavage.

"Lyra Lyv Drakhel and I would be happy to have your aid, my lady," she said and drained the rest of her drink. She sought out the barmaid from before amid the haze of smoke and soon found her descending the stairs at the back. She flashed an upwards thumb to Elwinne, and grinned and grasped Lyra's hand.

"Come with me," she said and started towards the back stairs. People slipped out of her way, and the barmaid gave the elf a coy wink before she led her companion upstairs.

In the hallway, the music was a bit muted, the pipe smoke no longer ever present. Passing by a few of the rented rooms, Elwinne found the one she wanted. The one she liked to take her lovers to. Hopefully, she wasn't too missed at home tonight, though... she hadn't fully intended on headed back tonight anyway. She opened the door and pulled Lyra inside, breathing in the steam of the bath, and the scent of lavender that emanated from the waters. In the center of the room was a large wooden tub, big enough for two easily. On a small table beside it were various soaps, oils, and shampoos. Beyond, was the bed that Elwinne never used for sleep.

"Now. Let's get you out of those clothes," she said, chewing on her lip, putting her full intentions in the open. Seeing the slight curl of Lyra's lips, Elwinne was pleased to see they were returned.

Reaching forward she started to untie the laces of the tunic and pushed the garment off the woman, showing a simple brassiere beneath and the hard ridges of muscle. Normally she would have loved to spend even more time revealing the skin of a first-time lover, but she had not been joking in her first words to the woman.

Lips would have been far more involved as well, but instead, Elwinne just admired with her eyes. She had taken many warriors to her bed, men and women, and each time she savored the appearance of their sculpted bodies.

This time though she tried to hold her breath, pulling the clothes off the woman, until they were in a pile that she carefully carried and set just outside the door. She knew the barmaid would take them to wash. Until that was done, Lyra would just have to do without, and seeing her bared entirely, Elwinne was very okay with that turn of events.

"Get in," she urged, smiling, and Lyra smirked again, carefully crawling over the edge of the tub. The elf watched her, seeing the folds of her sex, the taut curve of her ass. She chewed on her lip again, watching the vampire sink into the waters.

"Now, to keep things fair," she said, moving around the rim of the tub, feeling Lyra's eyes follow her. She started to peel off her clothing, moving slower, putting a bit of a show into it. Her fingers almost danced, moving up the lacing along the front of her corset. As she pulled the leather and silk garment free, letting her large bust show freely, Lyra raised appreciative eyebrows.

She almost laughed, pulling at the pin keeping her skirts in place, before pushing them downwards. She bent as she did, showing herself to the vampire's eyes, and stepped out of them, leaving herself in only the calf strapped heeled shoes.

"Now... to you," she said, moving back around the tub. Standing behind Lyra, she gently ran her fingers through the woman's hair and took out the tie holding her hair. Soon she was finding the shampoo bottle. "Get under."

Lyra glanced back, before doing as she was told. As her head vanished beneath the surface, Elwinne watched locks of her hair trail across the surface before the vampire emerged again, her hair now clinging to her scalp and shoulders.

"I hope you get told this a lot, but you have gorgeous hair. Especially for a dead woman," Elwinne said, upending the bottle and pouring a generous amount of the thick lilac scented cream across the top of the woman's head.

"Not enough I think," Lyra said, smiling widely, and Elwinne noted she wasn't trying to hide her fangs this time.

"Well. You have gorgeous hair," Elwinne said, letting her fingers start working, rubbing the shampoo through the woman's locks and into her scalp. Lyra let out an appreciative groan and leaned her head back, resting it on the rim of the tub. Elwinne smiled, pulling the hair free and combing her fingers through it as she continued to lather the shampoo through it.

"And you have lovely hands," Lyra said, her eyes closed, droplets of water running over the edge of the tub. Elwinne felt herself smiling.

"Hmm, most comment on my tits first," she said and watched the vampire smile again.

"They are difficult not to notice, and they are lovely as well," Lyra said as Elwinne's fingers reached under the back of her head, lifting her slightly. The vampire rested on the heels of Elwinne's hands, letting the lathering turned scalp massage lull her into relaxation.

"Well thank you. Don't worry, I'll probably let you properly nip at them later," she teased, and she watched as Lyra pulled at her lower lip with her fangs. The tips pressed tightly against the soft flesh, indenting them as the lip slowly pulled free. The sight sent a shiver up Elwinne's spine, and she swallowed, continuing her firm massage of the vampire's scalp and lathering her hair.

"We'll let that sit a bit," she said, picking up a nearby towel, hot and wet. She could feel the nearly intense heat sinking into her fingers. She laid it across Lyra's face, gently scrubbing at the dirt and grime from the road.

She almost noticed the vampire's shoulders sink slightly, relaxing further. A soft sigh was absorbed by the heated towel as the elven rogue massaged the other woman's face. Fingers and thumbs gently worked at cheeks and jaw through the heat of the soft towel. Lyra felt her eyes closing, savoring the soft ministrations.

After some time, Elwinne removed the towel, placing it carefully off to the side. Lyra opened her eyes, just as she felt the soft press of Elwinne's breasts against her head. Another cloth in hand, the elf reached down, washing at Lyra's neck, across her collarbone, and along her shoulders. It was slow and meticulous. Relaxing and sensual, but still the water darkened from the grime and dirt.

When Elwinne's washing reached down to Lyra's breasts, her hand dipping into the water, the attentions started to become more practical. Though still and relaxing, the Elf seemed more interested in simply finishing the bath than seducing the woman beneath her. She began to move around the tub, leaning over the rim, her large bust pressing against the wooden planks.

Lyra couldn't help but watch with interest as Elwinne continued her task. The woman's pouting lips, her cascading locks of brilliant red, and course the gentle sway of her bosom. While the vampire knew what she had to do to get back home, she had no desire to bring harm to the woman. At least the entire exchange could be pleasant for her.

As cloth finally slid off of the knight's calves and over her feet, Elwinne returned to the head of the tub. She picked up a pitcher of clean water and poured it over Lyra's hair, rinsing it off the shampoo from before. Elwinne stood then. She picked up a large, dry towel and held it up.

"Come now, let's get you out," she said, and Lyra rose. A few remaining suds from the soap slid downwards along her wet skin, and the water had turned brackish, but she was clean now.

Stepping from the tub, water dripping from her toes, Lyra let Elwinne enfold the towel around her. Her hands moved quickly, rubbing the vampire's body once again, enjoying the intimacy of the moment.

"Now... I think we can enjoy the evening a little bit more," Elwinne purred, pulling the towel away and letting her eyes drink in the cleansed form of the knight before her.

The elf bit her lip this time as she stepped in closer, a single hand resting on Lyra's stomach. The skin was warm now because of the water, and just a little damp. A thumb ran over those soft lips, pulling the lower from between her teeth. The curled finger underneath tilted Elwinne's chin, until she was looking up at the vampire's face.

For a few heartbeats, they stared into the other's eyes, before Lyra lowered her lips to press firmly to the elf's own. Feeling herself pressing tighter to the naked form before her, Elwinne let her lips part. Lyra's tongue soon slithered in while her hands ran up the elf's back. Letting out a soft groan into the kiss, Elwinne grasped the vampire's rump, letting her fingers sink into the tight flesh, and pulled herself closer to the warrior. Their breasts crushed together, as the two began to slowly make their way to the bed.

Legs entangled between one another, they fell to the sheets, and their lips never separated. Their hands explored the other, nails dragging over skin as their tongues danced. Black and red hair cascaded together as Elwinne rolled Lyra onto her back. A thigh pushed upwards between the elf's legs, pressing firmly to her sex.

Feeling the slickness of Elwinne's arousal against her skin, hearing the moan that spilled free as the elf broke the kiss, Lyra grinned wickedly. Her tongue ran along Elwinne's lips, while her thigh ground upwards against her womanhood. Brilliantly green eyes stared down at the vampire.

"In the nightstand... put it on," Elwinne purred, and Lyra rolled them both over again, bringing them closer to the edge of the bed.

With the nightstand in reach, Lyra reached over. Her hair glided across the elf's shoulders, her thigh pressing harder against Elwinne's sex, drawing forth a hungry moan. As Lyra opened the drawer, she felt Elwinne's hand cupping a breast. Letting out a soft groan of her own, Lyra peered into the nightstand. Within lay the black leather harness and purple dildo of a strap on.

Biting her lip, showing her fangs again, Lyra slipped off the bed. Elwinne turned onto her side, propping her head as she watched the vampire knight pull the toy on. Seeing those leather straps slide into the cleft of her ass and over her hips. Seeing the dark purple phallus that stood out from her crotch. After making a few small adjustments, Lyra looked over to her lover.

"Turn around, on your knees," she said, a hint of command in her tone, but mostly a smoky purr.

With a curl of her lips, Elwinne did as she was told. Crawling across the bed, she let her thighs part, presenting herself to the vampire. Turning back to look over her shoulder, brilliant red mane pulling across her shoulders, Elwinne watched Lyra climb onto the bed. Felt the mattress beneath them shifting as the knight moved forward upon her knees until her hands were gliding slowly over the elf's hips. Inch by inch those fingers ghosted just over the skin as Lyra moved closer. Her knees grazed Elwinne's calves as she crept inwards until the very tip of the phallus slid along those lower lips of the elf's sex.

Dipping her head, hair falling around her, Elwinne let out a low groan of anticipation. Her fingers flexed upon the sheets beneath her, a tingle running up her spine as she felt the vampire's eyes running along her back. The tip of the dildo started to slide inwards, and the elf let out a low moan, feeling herself parting for it.

Then the fingers on her hips gripped tight. They pulled back sharply, and Elwinne moaned hungrily as Lyra sank herself to the hilt. Felt the other woman's hips clap loudly against the cheeks of her rear. Without further preamble, Lyra's hips began to move, thrusting the faux cock inside her lover for the evening. The room filled with the sound of flesh upon flesh, of moans of pleasure while Elwinne's breasts swung beneath her with each slap. The elf let her hips respond, driving back against the thrusts, her hands pushing down into the bed.

Lyra let a single hand glide upwards. Fingers curled to let nails drag across skin, following the subtle valley of her spine and between her shoulder blades. Lyra watched their shifting as the elf moved, while her hand slid up past the nape of her neck and into the thick silken locks.

Grasping firmly, Lyra pulled.

"Oh fuck," Elwinne's words spilled out as her back arched and her head pulled upwards. She found herself staring at the wall as Lyra's hips continued to rock.

Her fingers curled inwards, scrunching the sheets beneath her. The vampire's free hand though slid over her hip, tracing a line almost gently towards her cunt. All while she thrust hard. The fingers soon found their way to Elwinne's clit. Pinching it firmly, the vampire began to rub, causing another curse to spill from the elf's parted lips.

With her nipples grazing the sheets as her breasts bounced with each thrust inwards, it did not take long for Elwinne to cum. A loud moan of pleasure paired her orgasm as the vampire rode her to climax.

When the moans began to quiet, Lyra pulled her fingers away first. She drew a slick trail up to the elf's navel with her juices while the motions of her hips slowed. Gently she released the elf's hair and pulled herself out as Elwinne panted on hands and knees before her. Drawing her fingers to her lips, Lyra flicked her tongue across the tips, tasting the other woman's lust.

"Say what you will about your tits my dear, you cunt is delicious," the vampire said, and Elwinne let out a soft laugh, shaking her head.

"And what of yours?" Elwinne shot back.

"Come find out," Lyra said, and Elwinne laughed again as she rolled over onto her side.

Looking up at the vampire, kneeling upon the bed with the strap on glistening at her crotch, Elwinne savored the sight. Watching fingers slipping between her lips a moment as the knight savored the flavors of lust.

Bringing herself upwards, Elwinne's hands rose along Lyra's body to cup her breasts. Her lips found the vampire's, tasting just a hint of herself as she gently guided the woman to lay back.

From there she began to descend. Kissing all the way, tasting the clean skin with its hints of lilac from the bath. Her tongue slithered in a circle around Lyra's navel before continuing her journey downwards. She wrapped her lips then around the dildo, pulling it into her mouth while Lyra watched entranced. Seeing the faux cock vanish between those soft lips, the elf tasted her flavor while she undid the straps of the toy.

Pulling the toy free of her mouth, glistening with saliva now, Elwinne tossed it to the other side of the bed. She smiled, tongue running over her rips as she hovered just above the vampire's glistening sex. Hot breath washed across the petals, drawing forth a low groan from Lyra. The vampire laid her head back and slid her hand once more into Elwinne's mane. As fingers slid along her scalp, Elwinne waited.

The pull was as firm and sharp as before. It earned a new moan from the elf, who found herself pulled between Lyra's thighs to her pussy. Lips pressed tightly against those nether lips, while her tongue pushed its way inside. Held there, Elwinne let her fingernails drag along Lyra's thighs. The vampire's back arched, pushing her breasts upwards. Her hips began to grind against the pleasing lips and tongue.

Trapped down between Lyra's thighs, the elf couldn't see the knight's free hand squeezing at her breast, fingers pressing hard into the soft flesh. She could barely hear the moans with cool thighs pressing over her ears. She locks a messy mane that shrouded across the warrior's lap while the elf lets her lips and tongue coax more moans into the room.

She lost track of time down there, letting her tongue thrust and curl, dragging along the walls and moving out to flicker across Lyra's clit. She knew not how far a candle would have burned, but Lyra's moans reached a peak. Both hands grasped at her hair, the vampire's hips pushing up off the bed and stilling as the elf brought her to the height of orgasm.

When the peak of pleasure began to ebb away and the glow settled in, Lyra's hands pulled from Elwinne's hair.

"Come here," Lyra panted, and Elwinne grinned, climbing back upwards, taking her time. Her lips left more than just saliva in their wake.

When their lips pressed together, mouths opening to let the other's tongue in, they found their fingers intertwining as both reached for the strap-on. Foreheads pressed together, they both smiled, a gentle laugh filling the room as they pulled the toy closer to while away the hours.


The last rays of the sun began to fade from the sky as Lyra stirred. The room still smelled of sex though she and Elwinne had been sleeping for most of the day. Curtains had allowed their pleasures to go long past sunrise, and at some point before dawn, a barmaid had dropped off Lyra's cleaned clothes and her gear. The woman had seemed unsurprised at the state of the two before she left.

"You're leaving?" Elwinne asked, stretching her limbs out as Lyra looked over at her. The knight admired the curves, with just a few bite marks, one last time.

"I still have to get home," she said, and Elwinne nodded, reaching out, letting her fingers graze across the back of Lyra's knuckles.

"One last drink? For the road? I did say you could have a proper nibble," she said, one hand cupping the underside of a breast. Lyra felt her lips curl into a smile as she climbed onto the bed for the last time.

Placing a soft kiss on the peak of the elf's breast, the knight flicked her tongue over the nipple beneath her lips. It earned a soft purr of pleasure. The soft-touch of flesh was followed by the sharp graze of fang. A dangerous shiver ran up Elwinne's spine as she felt it, as it had every time Lyra had teased her like this. The points slid upwards, framing her nipple and rising. A hand at her hip held her close, fingers on the edge of her rump. Her pert breasts of false youth pressed against the elf's belly.

Then, as always, without warning the fangs sank in. The pain of it mixed with a deviant pleasure. A low groan fell from Elwinne's lips as she felt the vampire drink, felt her essence spilling between those delicious lips.

A few heartbeats later, and the fangs slid out. Elwin let out a soft sigh, her head falling to the pillow as Lyra wiped her finger across the few traces of crimson left of the elf's creamy skin. Sucking it clean, she smiled and moved across the room.

Turning on the bed, Elwinne watched the vampire dress herself, concealing all that skin and muscle that had been fucking her well into the morning. That had pressed against her as she slept. She savored the sight, knowing it would stay in her imagination for some time.

"Good fortunes on your journey Lyra," Elwinne said, and the vampire turned to her, offering a simple nod before she slipped out the door.

Laying her head back on the pillow, Elwinne pondered the possibility of just staying here another night.

Out in the hallway, Lyra fished one of the vials Illyria had given her. Pulling the cork out she pressed the rim of the glass to her lips, and let the blood she'd been holding in her mouth spill outwards, filling it.

With her second part of the payment in hand, she slipped it back into its pouch and began her journey back to Illyria's castle.


Sitting upon her throne, Illyria watched with a coy smirk as the vampire walked towards her. She rather enjoyed Lyra's form, even hidden as it was beneath that tunic and those leather pants. She pondered the possibility of forestalling the woman's return home for an evening in her bed. To feel those fangs for herself.

"And the prodigal daughter returns. Have you completed your tasks?" Illyria asked when Lyra reached the steps of her dais.

In answer, Lyra threw forward a sodden and foul-smelling sack. Illyria crinkled her nose, even before the priest's severed head rolled out. She flicked her hand, and a servant came rushing forward to collect the foul trophy.

Then Lyra pulled free the vial, the brilliant crimson within sloshing slightly. Seeing it, Illyria rose. A servant was already on her way to collect it, but the necromancer stopped her with a single hand. Descending the few steps to Lyra, the drow reached out and gingerly took the vial.

"My oh my. My dear, you have more than earned your way home with this," she said, then looked upwards at Lyra.

"Of course. I will have to verify it belongs to whom you were supposed to get it from."

"Of course. How long will that take?" Lyra asked.

"Long enough for you to get a drink. I will have my servants fetch you when it is time," Illyria said and beckoned the waiting servant over.

"Take our guest to her chambers for now. Fulfill her needs as she sees fit," Illyria said, and without waiting to acknowledge the curtsy, was strolling across the room to get to her laboratory. Lyra turned to watch her swaying hips, with the backless dress whose opening reached halfway down her rear. Inwardly she sighed but soon found herself following after the servant.


Some hours later, Lyra walked into a room filled with working tables, desks covered with vials, tomes, and scrolls, and a circular depression in the floor. There were strange symbols carved into the stone around the edges of that circle, faintly glowing now.

At the edge, Illyria stood, smiling as Lyra moved across the room. The vampire took note of the priest's severed headset in a vice.

"Flesh shall not be wasted. There are things I could learn from him yet," the necromancer said.

"I imagine," Lyra said, the taste of blood still strong on her tongue. She moved to stand by the drow sorceress, who held a knife in her hand.

"Give me your hand. Some of your blood is needed to make the connection to your world," she said, and Lyra shrugged, offering out her left hand.

Gently taking the wrist, Illyria ran the very tip of the blade across Lyra's palm. Even as crimson welled up from the cut, the flesh was starting to knit itself closed. Illyria paid it no heed, it was nothing she hadn't seen before. Instead, she used the flat edge of the knife to gather the blood that had been shed. She flicked the blade, and Lyra's blood pattered across the stones in the circle.

As waves of blue energy began to rend a hole through the fabric of the universe, Illyria looked to the woman.

"Should you find yourself here again, you know where to find me," she purred.

"If you're not dead by then," Lyra said walking towards the portal. Illyria laughed. As the vampire vanished, the portal closed.

"Death is never the end," Illyria said quietly to herself and turned towards the vial of Elwinne Greenleaf's blood.