Forbidden Fruits Part 2

Author: SmuttySamoanMD

Description: Michikatsu is a man who is taken into a house full of beautiful women he can't touch. These are tales of his torment and survival.

Part 2: Insomnia

This one is about the time I slept with three girls in one night.

I had made it to my morning shower relatively unaccosted that morning, only had to spend 10 minutes "getting myself ready for the day." After drying off and exiting the bathroom though, I was ambushed in the hallway.

Mai Fan called out to me and got my attention and before I knew it Lai Chan was holding me from behind, arms wrapped around my chest, pinning my arms to my side. Her ample chest smushed into my back.

I turned my head to see her beautiful smiling face next to mine.

"Good morning Michi!" Always full of energy, that one. Then she surprised me by taking a deep whiff of my neck. "You smell good!"

"Uhhhh… Good morning Lai Chan. And thanks… I just got out of the shower…" I turned away from her before she did some other random thing to revive my boner. "So Mai Fan. What, uh, what is this?"

The woman in question shifted on her feet. She looked as if something wasn't going the way she thought it would.

"Lai Chan! We told you to only grab him if he tried to run!" If I tried to what?

"And why would I try to run?" I experimentally flexed my muscles to test Lai Chan's grip. It didn't budge even a little. I resigned myself to the fact that I was stuck until she decided to let me go. It wasn't all bad. If you ignored the fact that she could probably snap me in two if she really wanted, having a heavy chested girl clinging to you isn't the worst existence. Silver linings.

"Veronica said you would." Fear set in instantly. No telling what she could and would do if she caught me unable to move. I shifted my feet frantically to turn myself (and by extension Lai Chan) around in a circle, checking for the water genasi. The coast was clear for now. But that didn't mean she wasn't on her way.

Lai Chan thought it was a game, and after my check continued to spin me like a child, laughing all the while. At least she was having fun.

The spinning had started to make me nauseous. "Please stop."

Still laughing, she eventually did stop but not before two last rotations. "You started it!"

She had me there.

Mai Fan spoke up. "She's not coming. She said you would probably run away if she did."

They knew me so well.

"So what do yo-" at that moment Lai Chan had decided to shift her grip without letting go. I felt her arms loosen slightly around me and the pressure of her breasts on my back left, only for it to return a second later, somehow feeling even more compressed against me. It was then I noticed how warm she was. She wasn't just restraining me, she was almost fully pressed against my back. My "affliction" had me take cold showers often to help alleviate some of the stress and the contrast of the fresh shower and her warm body was definitely noticeable. Correction, her warm and soft body.

Something was tickling my right collar bone and instinctively I tried to reach up and scratch it before remembering she had my arms pinned. I turned to see what it was and my cheek was met with her cheek. I (and my penis) immediately recognized that the tickling sensation was her breathing onto my shoulder.

Having noticed my movements and then having our cheeks pressed together I guess she thought I was trying to escape. She gave me a little squeeze and removed her cheek to press her lips to my ear. I assume she meant it to be lighthearted and funny based on her huge smile. But to me it was the hottest thing I'd ever heard.

"You aren't going anywhere Michi." she whispered. I felt her hot breath on my ear.

I shivered. And for my trouble I got another squeeze. I prayed to every god up in heaven for this to be over quickly or else I was gonna pop a giant boner and have to go take another shower.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I felt her breath on me and her body up against me and tried my best to shut it out.

I opened my eyes and focused all of my attention on the shorter woman in front of me. Maybe I looked a bit too intense because she flinched when she met my hard stare.

I cleared my throat. "As I was saying. What do you want?"

"What are you doing later?"

"Training with your sister."

"No, I meant after that."

". . . Recovering from training with your sister?"

Her eyes lit up. "So you're free?" What was she planning?

I tried to scan her face and look past the cute smile to find her hidden intentions. I failed

miserably ". . . yes?"

"Great! Come to our sleep over tonight!"

"Sleep over?" they've had a few friends come over before but usually it's just during the day. They've maybe had one or two sleepovers since I've been living here. None of their friends really interacted with me even after they introduced me and I doubt that they would want me at their gathering.

Lai Chan spoke up. I had to relent slightly and transferred one percent of my processing

power to acknowledge her presence. "Yeah! You're coming right?"

"I don't know. I don't think your friends like me very much. And even then I don't think

a bunch of girls would like some guy they don't know at their sleepover."

Mai Fan looked unfazed. "Oh that's fine. It's just gonna be me, Lai Chan and Veronica anyway."

Lai Chan made it even harder to ignore her with another squeeze. "And we know you! Besides, Pierre has girls sleep over all the time!" And now I was thinking about the nightly orgies that I hear from my room.

Mai Fan quickly cut in, losing some of her composure, her face beet red. "But, not like those sleepovers! You know just a normal one. With us four. Not like what they do." Annnnd now I was thinking about a foursome with them.

"That's not a sleep over then. Don't you guys stay over each other's rooms basically every night?"

From my ear that I desperately tried to ignore the hot breath on, I heard, "That's why we are adding you. If we add you then it's a sleepover."

I needed a way out. At this rate I was going to get roped into spending the night with three beautiful girls. That I couldn't touch. Or at least in the way I did in my hourly fantasies. Hell, this was a two way street. I also feared for what Veronica would do to me.

"I don't know. Maria has me on a strict sleep schedule." Maybe that stupid rule can get me out of this.

"Then we can all just go to sleep early with you." Fuck. New plan.

Lai Chan was too thick headed to negotiate with, so I decided to appeal to Mai Fan. She seemed the purest of the three. I decided to scare her a bit. "Are you sure you want this? I mean even if you know me, wouldn't it be weird to have a guy sleeping in the same room with you?"

She seemed to realize for the first time that a part of having a sleepover is the actual sleeping part. I'm sure she was focused on the games we would play or just hanging out part. Her face got a nice blush to it.

"I mean. It's fine I guess. That is what a sleep over is so we kind of have to be ok with it."

I pressed harder. "You seem to be hesitating a bit. Are you sure you want this? That it's not just something Veronica told you to do?"

Lai Chan once again tried her best to break my resolve. "I want it!" Gods only know how many times I wanted to hear her say that in a very different context. Oddly enough still wrapped around me.

"I know you do Lai Chan, but does Mai Fan?" I kept my gaze on the girl as she seemed to think it over in her mind, absentmindedly fidgeting as she thought more and more about the reality of the situation.

She looked at me for several more seconds before she answered. ". . . Yes. I'm sure." She seemed to be talking herself into it. "It'll be fun."

Damn they were persistent. I didn't want to use my ace in the hole but desperate times. I told them the truth. It was better they knew and nothing happened than the reverse.

I looked her square in the eyes, she flinched again, and I told her what I was afraid of. "Mai Fan. You and your sisters are beautiful." That got her attention. "You three are down right gorgeous. Maria is hot, the twins are sexy. Ai is fucking fantastic. Your mother has only gotten better with age."

She interrupted me. Face red once again. "Wait! Why are you telling me this?"

"Because, sometimes it gets to be a bit… much. I'm just afraid that this sleepover may lead to some… awkward but natural circumstances." She didn't quite seem to understand what I had been hinting at. Based on the healthy blush in her cheeks she was probably still on the barrage of compliments aimed at her bloodline.

There was a silence in the hallway. For about four seconds before I felt myself get squeezed again. "Awww that's so sweet. You're great too Michi!" As I said before, lost cause. I kept my eyes on the small one, waiting for an answer.

Eventually she was able to meet my eyes for more than an instant. She looked up at me very hesitantly and said,

"I still don't understand why you said all that."

"Because I don't want to ruin the fun by getting … weird." How was she not getting this?

"Weird how?"

"I just think that if I spent the night with three of you, in close proximity, I might get a little too excited. Then things would get awkward and I don't want to ruin the fun."

Lai Chan chimed in. "I'm excited too!" I continued to ignore her.

Mai Fan still did not grasp the situation. "I mean, being excited is fine. That just means you wanna go right? I don't see what the problem is."

I sighed. I didn't want to have to spell it out to her but it seems like I had to. "Mai Fan. I'm a boy. And you are a girl. A cute one." More blushing. "So are your sisters. I'm not saying I don't want to go. I'm just saying that if I do, I might get a little over excited having a sleepover with three very pretty girls." Still nothing. "Or at least a certain part of me would get excited."

I watched as the pieces finally fell into place in that pretty little head of hers. Her cute face went from embarrassment, to confusion, then to shock in rapid succession. She looked up and met my eyes and I watched hers as they slowly trailed down my restrained body and rested on my crotch. Then they slowly came back up and met mine again. I just solemnly nodded.

At this point Lai Chan was nuzzling into me like I was some life sized pillow as her sister and I shared what had to be the most awkward moment of my life. Then she surprised me with her response.

She stopped looking at me directly and shifted her gaze to the floor while she spoke. "I mean. It's natural right? You can't exactly control it-I think-so it should be fine. If we just ignore it and don't bring it up then it should go away." she paused for a second before adding. "And I-I mean like you said before. If I'm-WE. If we're the reason it-you get like that then it's just another compliment. I think."

Then we stood there for another moment. Lai Chan hugged me, her staring at the ground and me staring at the girl shifting her weight while staring at the ground in front of me. Before I recovered enough to ask, she escaped. She turned on her heel and ran to her room, disappearing inside and shutting the door. Before it closed she yelled out "You can still come if you want!"

I just stared at the door handle until I was jostled again by Lai Chan.

"So does that mean you're coming?"

Absent-mindedly I went "yeah, sure."

With that Lai Chan squealed and squeezed me again. But she didn't let go. A few seconds passed of us just standing in the middle of the hallway with her gripping me from behind.

"You can let me go now."

"This is a lot more fun than I thought it would be! Can we do this for a little longer?" Goddamnit I couldn't deal with whatever Mai Fan just said and her innocent innuendos.

"If I'm late to practice, I'll tell Maria it was your fault." She let go instantly. Maria may have been one of the middle children but even the oldest brother, Dai Lee, held a respectable amount of fear of the fire genasi.

After dance practice

I got caught again after my practice. Once again it was as I walked out of my second shower of the day, as stated earlier Maria is figuratively and literally hot so I take multiple showers a day to cleanse both body and soul.

This time thankfully Lai Chan didn't immediately latch onto me, but from her smile and twitchy movements I could tell she was waiting for any excuse to restrain me again. I hoped that this didn't become a habit for her.

This time was a simple chat, confirming that I would at least show up to Veronica's room for the sleepover in 20 minutes. I did ask if the rooms could change as I didnt want Veronica to have home field advantage but they stood firm on that point. They left and I went to my room to get ready for the sleepover. By getting ready I mean spending two minutes throwing on a pair of comfortable shorts and a tee-shirt and the other eighteen meditating/preparing my body to resist their wiles. Though nothing could have prepared me for that night.

When I showed up, the first thing I noticed was the sleepwear for the girls. Starting with Lai Chan, she had her white,cloudlike hair tied in a loose braid down to her shoulder blade instead of the usual ponytail or bun it was in when she was training. This was also one of the few times where she wasn't wearing a sports bra. Or any bra at all for that matter. There was a very noticeable shift in position from where here breasts usually were. Slightly lower but also appeared to be much, much larger, no longer restrained as they usually were.

She appeared to have stolen one of her older brother's shirts as, despite being a hell of a woman herself, the shoulders were even broader than her own and the hem of the shirt went down to her thighs. At first I had the fear that since she had neglected to wear top underwear she had also gone commando underneath but my fears were sated when she moved and I saw what appeared to be volleyball shorts hugging her ass in all the right ways. This was going to be a long evening.

Then my eyes went over to Mai Fan. The shorter girl really liked to lean into the adorable look. It was very refreshing when compared to her other sisters. Lai Chan was a bombshell who was unknowingly being sexy and hot while Veronica's attractiveness was fully calculated. She wore a simple matching set of pajamas with her shoulder length hair free as it always was. The top was a nice green button down made of an obviously soft material and the bottoms were a matching pair of shorts that barely reached down mid thigh. On first view of her anyone's first thought would be how fucking cute she looked. But after prolonged exposure they would start looking at the parts of her body that it didn't cover, like her smooth, toned legs.

And finally Veronica who wore nothing special, just long pajama bottoms and a tank top with her seaweed like, wavy hair down freely flowing. Of course I noted that she had no bra on, I couldn't help it. As well as I did notice that she noticed that I noticed that her tank top was a shade of blue that was only slightly lighter than her natural teal skin tone. I assume a calculated measure to make me assume at glances that she was topless. Well it fucking worked.

After being ushered into the large room I looked around it. There was a nice large carpet with some bean bag chairs, a very large bed against the center of the back wall. Some light weights and yoga mats for keeping herself toned when not at acting practice. And several large wardrobes which I had been told housed many of the costumes she wore for past performances.

I was then seated in a very nice bean bag chair then all three of them sat in front of me. They seemed to be expecting something as they all stared at me. Lai Chan looked happy I was there, Mai Fan would only sneak embarrassed glances at me and Veronica sat in the center, arms crossed under her breasts, looking at me with one eyebrow raised.

"Well?" she said.

"Um… well… what?"

"Are you gonna do it or not?" she said nodding towards my lower half.

"Do what?"

She feigned a sigh of annoyance. If I didn't know her true nature I would have been fooled completely. She wasn't a rising young actress for nothing. Every part of her oozed impatience but her eyes had the usual excited glint that she had when she tormented me.

"Your boner. Mai Fan told me about what you said. Just get one now so we can get it out of the way." Her eyes went back to my crotch.

Then they stared at me for another awkward twenty seconds.

"Sorry, but it's not that easy to get one." Oh it was. I just had built up resistance and some level of self control.

Veronica gave me a look that could only be perceived as the phrase "challenge accepted." Then she turned to Mai Fan.

"See? I told you it would be fine."

After that hurdle we did some usual sleepover activities. We played some board games, we watched a movie, we talked about general things. It was truly a fun time. Then the activities started getting a bit more personal.

The first one was a "talent" show of sorts. Being in a family full of performers, they had a monthly family meeting in a built in house auditorium where they would perform for each other to show improvement and new skills. We decided to do a mini one here. Mai Fan did some usual contortion tricks that were equal parts disturbing and hot. It was always strange to just see her so bent out of the regular humanoid shape.

Veronica performed a few scenes from her upcoming performance, handing us scripts so we could play the other roles. Watching her performance was captivating. We all had our faces in the scripts but she had memorized every line, both her's and other character's. Because of the constant sexual harassment I had forgotten just how good of a performer she was.

They made me dance for my part, so I pretty much just repeated what their sister spent the past afternoon making me do.

Finally we ended on Lai Chan, who unlike everyone else in her family didn't do any performance arts. She was a mma fighter, so to test her talent she used me as a dummy and showed us a few of her new combinations and takedowns. She obviously stopped short on the strikes and slowed down the takedowns so that I wouldn't be hurt but man. She's such a sexy and beautiful girl. The nicest person I know. But getting first hand experience to the speed of her punches and feeling her strength as she manipulated my body, there was also a rise in extreme fear. There was a reason she was undefeated in the ring, and that reason is simply she is a force to be reckoned with. It filled me with both a sense of legitimate fear and some mixture of fear and arousal.

The next activity was a pillow fight, which was actually pretty fun. We just threw pillows at each other and went in close for some "pillow to pillow" combat at times. There was a minor incident where Lai Chan caught me off guard. She had been pretty tame with her sisters and at first with me. Then the pillow fight ended when I was watching Veronica mercilessly beat a curled up and squealing Mai Fan with a pillow when she hit me.

I didn't even know it was possible to feel the impact of a pillow that hard. Thinking back on it I heard a noise right before it hit me. And I now know what that noise was. She swung the pillow so hard that it whistled through the air as she swung it. I don't even know how you could get enough power to do that or even knew that pillows could reach that velocity. Needless to say I was out of commission for a few minutes while the girls fussed over me. Silver linings.

The last activity was a suggestion of Veronica's and with the look she gave me right before she told us I knew it wasn't going to be good for me. She suggested a fashion show. She had all of those costumes in her room and she revealed that these also housed costumes she had commissioned as surprises for her sisters. Mai Fan and Lai Chan jumped at the idea.

Veronica laid out several different costumes for the three of them and told them to choose. I was about to excuse myself for them to get changed but that was when Veronica just pulled out dividers and told me, "These will be fine as long as you don't peek." The look in her eyes suggested a challenge that I was willing to not accept.

I sat there for a while and watched Veronica and Mai Fan run different suggestions past each other for costume ideas. Meanwhile I watched Lai Chan grab a few articles and walk off. No one really paid her much mind. After another minute of debating with Veronica, Mai Fan picked up a pair of brightly colored pants and turned to me.

"Michi what do you think about…" her eyes went wide as I watched her stare at something behind me. "Lai Chan what are you doing!?"

Naturally, I followed her eyes to see what she was so scared of and boy was I surprised. I shifted my torso from my seated position to look behind me and was greeted with the sight of a top less Lai Chan. She stood there, confused wearing nothing but the tight volleyball shorts. Her large blue breasts exposed to the world while she held the costume top she had been about to put on, the oversized shirt over on the ground beside her.

I just stared, the words of Mai Fan barely registering to me. Of course I looked at her breasts. They were very big and what man doesn't like a good rack? Her nice pink nipple contrasted against the sky blue skin made me think of one cotton candy or bubblegum flavored candy and I suddenly got the urge to taste them to find out.

But Lai Chan was more than her breasts. Much more. Her arms were shredded, you could see them flex at every small movement. Her legs were also hand crafted to perfection. But the main event was her torso. Just under those heavy tits were here abs. She had the perfect eight-pack. Casually flexing as she turned towards her sister. They looked so hard but I knew from experience that they were also soft. I wanted nothing more than to touch them right now. She was a perfect physical specimen that captured both athleticism and femininity.

She casually replied to her younger sister. "What do you mean? I'm changing into my costume."

"You can't do that out in the open. We have the dividers for a reason."

"Why not? We change in front of each other all the time." Now my fantasies added half naked versions of her sisters along with the sight I was seeing.

Mai Fan's voice rose in pitch. "That's different! We told you you can't change in front of guys and people you don't know!"

Lai Chan looked annoyed and shifted her weight, placing one fist on her hip in annoyance. That slight movement caused her breast to jiggle and her muscles to flex some more.

"We know Michi."

"That's true but he's still a boy! You can just undress in front of him."

Another annoyed sigh from the Air genasi. "Well I'm not changing in front of him. That's why I'm standing behind him."

"He can still see you!"

At that I locked eyes with Lai Chan as she glanced my way before returning to her sister.

"Well it's not my fault that he turned around."

Then she started walking towards me. Each step caused another plethora of jiggling. Then she stood next to me, towering above me. We were both six foot three, so from my sitting position she damn near looked like a goddess. Then she leaned down and grabbed my shoulders. At the new angle her breasts hung even lower, now perpendicular to her torso and dangling just in front of my face. I etched that sight into the back of my eyelids for future shower use. Then she simply turned me back around so that I was facing her sisters again. I got a good look at Mai Fan's horrified face. Then I noticed Veronica was strangely silent, suppressing some laughter but her eyes were not on her sister but on my crotch. She was scanning me for any reactions. Having been exposed to these girls for so long my body had long since started subconsciously holding my erections. But it was indeed a fight.

I heard from behind me, "Now I'm not in front of him. Better?'

"No! Just use the divider."

"Fiiiiiiine" and I heard her stomp off to my side and drag a divider into place behind me. And that was only the second most stimulating thing that happened to me that night.

After that incident and Veronica's visible annoyance at my lack of an erection the rest of the fashion show went pretty well. Lai Chan chose outfits that showed off as much of her body as possible, especially her abs. She chose "cool" outfits like battle bikinis straight out of Red Sonja. She was proud of her body and Gods know she should be.

Mai Fan chose extravagant outfits, sometimes being covered in so many layers she could barely move. She preferred mixing and matching vibrant colors like a peacock. What she did not show off in skin was matched with her face. Her smile filled me with a warm and fuzzy feeling.

Then there was Veronica who, as expected, chose purposefully sexy outfits. She used her experience in performing to try to be as seductive as possible. She was not shy with her looks to my crotch. Sometimes Mai Fan would swat her for staring. She grew noticeably and increasingly more frustrated that her costumes weren't getting the reaction out of me that she wanted.

Since she went first, Lai Chan sat uncomfortably close to me while we watched her sisters, still wearing that battle bikini. I noticed her starting to yawn a bit as the show went on and at one point found her slumped against me. I took that as my cue to go.

I gently lowered Lai Chan onto the bean bag chair I was sitting on then got up. As I was getting ready to leave, Mai Fan finished up changing back into her pajamas and came out from behind her divider.

"It's been fun Mai Fan, but-" I gestured to her sleeping sister "-think it's time for me to go."

She looked slightly disappointed. "You're not staying the night?" Why'd she have to look at me with those big ol' eyes and say that? She was making it very hard to leave.

"I think it's for the best. I've been pretty good up until now but… I may be reaching my limit soon. Especially if I have to look at that any longer." Another gesture to the sleeping girl in the bikini.

She realized the problem and proceeded to look down in half embarrassment and half sadness. "Oh, Ok. Well if you have to go, you have to go."

Then I surprised myself. Something inside me just didn't like seeing this cute girl not smiling. I walked over to her and put a hand on her shoulder causing her to look at me. I looked into her eyes as sincerely as possible.

"Listen. I had fun. Truly. I would love to do this again. So instead of being sad, how about you look forward to next time?" I offered her a smile.

Thankfully she returned it and gave me a silent nod.

"Good night, Mai Fan." I turned towards the door and started to walk towards it.

"Good night, Michi."

I almost made it too.

As I was taking my final steps towards freedom I heard Veronica call out loudly from behind, "Hey Michi! Where ya goin!?"

Before I could even turn around to address her, there was movement behind me. Near instantly I found myself once again restrained by Lai Chan in a reverse bear hug. Startled by the sheer speed of her going from sleeping to attack mode I didn't put up any resistance. Not that I could actually defend myself against her.

Unlike last time this was less a restraint as it was a desperate hug. There wasn't nearly as much force as last time but I still knew I couldn't escape without her permission. Turning my head I saw her face in a big frown.

"Where are you going?" she whined

"Back to my room. You seemed tired so I figured I'd call it a night."

"But you have to stay the night! Otherwise it's not a sleepover."

I went to remind her about the conversation we had that morning about the circumstances and the issue with me spending the night, but she interrupted me with a "You promised!"

I knew fully well that I did no such thing but looking on her face it was obvious that she took my noncommittal agreement as some ironclad contract that if broken would lead to a major breach in trust.

I had a choice to make and I still like to believe I made the right one. I could have spared myself the trouble of spending the night and the only cost would have been breaking her heart.

I realized in that moment that I had never actually seen her express a negative emotion. Usually she was happy or excited about something and the most negative she ever went was confused. And in that moment she was damn near in tears. Now I don't exactly know why she cared so much, but this clearly meant the world to her. I had never seen her cry and I wasn't going to see it then.

I let out a sigh "You're right. I promised." her face returned back to its natural state. A big goofy smile. As it should be. "So. What's the plan? You got a sleeping bag or something? Or I could sleep on a pile of the bean bags." Those things were really fucking comfy.

"No silly. We sleep in the bed." Wait what?


"Yes we. It's big enough." And with that she effortlessly picked me up and started carrying me over to the large bed in the room. I struggled and protested as much as I could but she just kept going.

Before anyone could stop her, of course Mai Fan and I were the only ones who tried while Veronica looked on like this was all going according to plan, she unceremoniously jumped into the center of the bed with me still in her arms.

I tried to protest some more but then I felt the rhythmic breaths on the back of my neck and felt her snuggle in closer to me. She was already asleep, and now I just served as her life sized, elf shaped body pillow. So of course, I panicked.

Veronica stood there cackling while Mai Fan attempted to wake her sister up and extract me from her grip. We gave up on that plan very quickly as we discovered Lai Chan must have been part boa constrictor. Every attempt from me to struggle or from Mai Fan to pry open the strong arms around me only resulted in the sleeping beauty to snuggle closer and squeeze tighter. If that kept up I probably wouldn't have been able to breath eventually.

"Why are you guys trying to get him out? I say it's safer this way."

Mai Fan faced her sister. "What do you mean by that?"

"I mean, with him locked up tight like that we don't have to worry about him doing anything naughty to us while we sleep." She gave me a sly glance. I was more worried about her doing something to me.

"I would never!"

Mai Fan had my back. "Yeah Michi wouldn't do something like that."

"I don't know Mai Fan. He told you himself. He's a boy and we are all pretty girls. What if he reaches his 'limit' in the middle of the night and tries to do something?"

Mai Fan reddened, remembering my warning but she persisted. "He was being honest. That shows that he's nice and wouldn't do that."

"But you never know. Besides, this way we don't have to worry at all about it happening. He can't even move his arms." She meant I couldn't defend myself. "But of course nothing is ever zero percent, so I'll sleep between you and him to make sure that even if he does get out of there he can only reach me or Lai Chan." Or so she could reach me unobstructed. She pulled on Mai Fans cheek. "Wouldn't want anything bad to happen to the family baby, now would we?"

Mai Fan broke the grip. "Just because I'm the youngest doesn't make me a baby! And no, I'm sleeping next to him. I trust him to not do anything and I don't trust you to not do anything weird to him while we sleep."

Having two girls argue over who'd get to sleep with me would have been much better if the conversation did not involve my chastity being on the line. Or maybe that made it better?

"Fine, whatever. But if he does something, don't come crying to me." Her face displayed reluctance but her eyes betrayed her annoyance. She had been planning something and Mai fan got in the way.

Seeing as how we couldn't pry me from Lai Chan's grip, we did the next best thing of shuffling the covers out from underneath our bodies then draping it over us. Then Mai Fan crawled into bed next, and made Veronica get on the other side of her.

She made sure to keep at least a foot of space between us on the bed and I could tell she was just as uncomfortable with the situation as I was. After tentative goodnights we all just kinda laid there.

At first Mai Fan just laid awake, staring at me. Then she seemingly realized how weird that was on top of the rest of the situation and turned around so that she was facing away from me.

And then it was just me and my thoughts. And a girl wearing a bikini clinging to me like a pillow pet.

This embrace was somewhat different from the one in the hallway. The one in the hallways had a firm grip, it was meant to keep me from escaping. Even while she stood there snuggling me it was still firm. This grip was deceptively lax. She was still pressing up against me but at times her arms felt like a light hug. Whenever I tried to move though, it tightened and she snuggled in closer with a little groan, like she didn't want me to go. Half of me didn't want to go.

It was a fucking struggle. Her rhythmic breath on my neck, the feeling of her breasts against me, her strong arms that felt somehow both restricting and safe. Even the little moans when she snuggled closer. It all felt heavenly and made it impossible to sleep. Not that I really needed to sleep, I could just trance. Hours passed like this.

At some point it seems Lai Chan was no longer satisfied with simply being up against me. I noticed her shifting behind me and then her legs came around my waist and locked in an almost perfect rear naked choke, minus the choking part. I like to believe that it was just her hours of training kicking in in her sleep but whatever it was it didn't matter, now all of her was up against me.

An immediate difference I noticed was the body heat. In the hallway, it was mostly her upper body and head connected to me, which felt nice but she had been wearing a sports bra and shirt at the time. She had already been spilling out of the bikini, the strings dug into her hips in that special way to show you they had some meat on them, and her breasts could barely be contained by the top.

With all that skin up against me and with me wearing only a thin tee shirt, all of her heat was easily transferred to me. She was so warm. So strong. So soft. I started to wonder if she was this warm on the outside, how warm she would be on the inside but caught myself. Now was definitely not the time to get a boner. I didn't want to betray their trust.

It was as this point, when I snapped myself out of horny stupor about the things happening behind me, that I realized something about Mai Fan in front of me. She was now facing me. And closer than before.

She was sleeping soundly. I felt strange watching her but I just couldn't help it. It's a very rare thing to see someone sleeping in such close proximity. Apparently it's a sign that someone trusts you. Judging from the situation I'd say Lai Chan trusts me with her life.

She looked so different from her usual self. The woman wrapped around me was always smiling, but I'd seen her napping around the house plenty of times. Mai Fan on the other hand I had never seen sleeping. She always had an emotion on her face. Unlike Lai Chan's patented smile or Veronica's calculated expressions (one of the perks of being an actress), Mai Fan's face was never quite the same minute to minute. There were times where she's smiling happily and then something happens and she immediately shifts to confusion, or embarrassment, or guilt, or sadness, or excitement. She just had so many genuine expressions minute to minute that I'd never gotten just a clear look at it in its natural state.

I know I say this a lot but there's no other way to describe her. She's cute. More so than the others. Lai Chan was a fit bombshell and Veronica could be a model if she wanted but Mai Fan was the definition of a cute girl. Her short hair was messily splayed against the pillow, slightly obscuring the top half of her face. Her smooth skin was perfect, like it never had even seen a blemish before. When I looked at her eyes instead of meeting the green orbs I saw just her eyelids, ending in her pretty eyelashes.

It was at this point that I realized that this was just her. She was herself all the time. Veronica at times would wear make up for a role or just to look better, but the other two never wore makeup, not that any of them really needed it. Lai Chan didn't like having to spend the time to put it on and "It's just going to sweat off when I work out anyway." Mai Fan didn't wear any because she simply didn't see the point. She was perfect the way she is.

I looked at her little nose. Perfectly proportional to the rest of her face in order to really accentuate her cuteness. Then I looked at her cheeks. Her few freckles spotten them, each one a little beauty mark that added unique value to her face. Despite her smaller size and how toned she kept being a gymnast, her cheeks were one of the only places that were still a bit pudgy. She didn't seem to like that about herself but it was nothing but a benefit. It made her cheeks so pinchable, as I've seen her older sisters and mother do many times. The added meat also made her dimples more defined. They really popped (or I guess indented) when she smiled wide.

I spent more time than I'd like to admit looking at her mouth. It was slightly open, showing a hint of her white teeth. Her lips were plump and kissable. At that moment I wanted nothing more than to do that. Looking at her mouth just made me think about how good it would feel. How good it would feel to kiss her. How good those lips would feel wrapped around my- I had to stop at that point. I began feeling blood rush down my body and a slight stiffening in my groin. I closed my eyes and took deep breaths until the process was reversed.

I opened my eyes when I felt air on my face. She had gotten closer while I was taking care of my problem and now we were face to face. I considered saying something to wake her up but she looked so peaceful. And the view wasn't exactly bad on my end.

As I was admiring the view, she began to move again. This time she went under the covers and I panicked. I went stiff as she touched my chest, just below where Lai Chan gripped me. What transpired next is something that I can only assume is possible after two people have slept in the same bed many times.

Without waking up, Mai Fan and Lai Chan had an argument made entirely out of grunts and groans. I felt Mai Fan try to force her blue sister's arms from around my chest. A feat we couldn't accomplish when she was awake. Finding that the arms wouldn't budge she let out an annoyed noise. Lai Chan responded with an annoyed sound of her own, which I could tell was some sort of refusal, and she pulled me tighter. Again Mai Fan tried to pry open the grip and again Lai Chan refused. On the third time Lai Chan relented with a noise and an annoyed sigh that sounded so coherent I could have sworn she was awake.

She moved her grip from my chest up to my collar bone, moving from a back hug to almost a lover's embrace. Then the process repeated when Mai Fan started tugging at the legs wrapped around my waist. Interrupting their grunts at one point was one from Veronica which I guess translated into "shut up." Once again the eldest sister relented to the youngest though this one was a compromise. She removed the leg lock around my waist and removed the bottom leg from under me, but her top leg stayed on me, instead stretching down to intertwine itself with mine. It really did feel like she was spooning me.

Now basically free from her grasp, I didn't have time to even stretch my stiff arms before I discovered the reason for the unconscious familial dispute. As soon as Lai Chan's legs were removed from my waist, Mai Fan moved her small body closer to mine. With her head snuggled into my chest, she replaced her sister on my abdomen, wrapping her arms around my back in a front hug, letting out a happy noise followed by a content sigh, that judging from Lai Chan's annoyed response probably meant "thank you" and a disgruntled "whatever."

And so my one woman prison became a girl sandwich with me in the middle, both occasionally shifting to try to snuggle in as much as possible throughout the rest of the night. As I tranced I used all my remaining brain power to prevent my body from realizing how close this was to one of my many "shower time thoughts" lest it react the same way it does during shower time. With the small half-elf pressed up against my front I definitely couldn't afford to slip up and get a boner now.

More hours passed as I laid there, struggling to overcome the temptation surrounding my body. Eventually I assume morning came because one of the sisters started to stir. But it was the wrong one.

I watched as the lump in the sheets known as Veronica began to shuffle around, eventually sitting up, her messy bed head looking sexy as she rubbed her eyes.

"Morning…" she mumbled. Unlike me and Mai Fan, Water genasi don't have darkvision, so she couldn't see my current predicament.

"... Good morning." I mumbled back.

She yawned and stretched. She reached over to space between us and pushed into the bed. "Hey Mai Fan get up… oh she must be up already. Know where she went Michi?"

I hesitated. "No…"

"Whatever. Is Lai Chan still there?"


"Ok. Do you mind if I hit the light?"

"No. Go ahead."

She got up and sauntered over to the light switch. From my limited view I was greeted with the casual swing of her hips in her sweatpants. It was slightly different then I was used to. This was her natural movement, not some air she put on to seduce me. Somehow it was more alluring than when she was trying. Honestly she's overall better when she's being herself. I guess she got used to playing characters so much that she couldn't stop.

She turned on the light and stretched some more before turning around and heading back to the bed. "Alright, time to get you out of there." She gripped the sheets.

"No! I-I'm fine. I'll just wait until she wakes up."

Finally shaking off of her sleepiness, she gave me an inquisitive look, followed by her usual mischievous grin. Oh no.

She let go of the sheets and looked at Lai Chan's snoring face. "Ohhhhh I see what's going on again. You like having my almost naked sister holding you, don't you?" She had me there. "You like feeling her big boobs squished up against you huh?" Got me again.

She groped her own breasts sensually, giving each one a solid squeeze through her shirt. "Well, she's got me beat in the chest department. And I guess we are pretty much even in ass." She feigned a look of sadness as she fake pouted at me. "I'm hurt Michi." She whined. "I know she has an edge on me in physical ability but I can make up for it in other ways."

I stiffened up as she got on all fours on the bed in front of me. She began crawling towards me like a cat approaching a trapped mouse. "I know she's taller and stronger and bigger than me." She stopped close to me and cupped my face, leaning in close to my ear. "But I'm willing. And very eager to please." She planted a kiss on my cheek.

It took everything I had to not get a full erection. I had already started chubbing up but I held on.

"That's nice Veronica but you know I wouldn't do anything to you." She continued to rub my cheek, making it very hard to concentrate. "But what would your mother think? What would Maria?"

She just laughed softly and leaned into my ear again. "They don't have to know." That got me to seventy-five percent mast. I froze as I felt Mai Fan stir. I then realized that I was poking her stomach. I prayed to every god I could think of that this would end soon.

Unfortunately Veronica also felt the movement beneath the covers. Confused, she quickly pulled the covers back, exposing the fact that I had not one but two of her sisters on my person.

She looked up at me with another sly grin. "Well, well, well. You thought you could keep this from me?" She removed the covers completely, then surprised me by once again leaning over my face. "You thought you could sleep with my sisters and not include me?"

And that pushed me over the edge. I was rock hard and definitely digging into Mai Fan's stomach. She stirred some more.

"Mmmmm Michi move your hand." She mumbled in her sleep.

"I- uh- I can't"

After stirring some more she opened her eyes, still clouded with sleep. Turned her head to look up at Veronica. "Morning V."

Veronica smiled and reached down to rub Mai Fan's head affectionately. "Mornin MF. You sleep well?"

"It was fine but Michi won't move his hand."

"You mean the Michi you are currently cuddling with?"

"The... wha?" She turned her head to look up at me from my chest. I watched the sleep leave her eyes and be replaced by panic as she looked down and realized she was holding me. Veronica didn't help and whispered into her ear the final nail in my coffin.

"Oh, and by the way. I don't think that's his hand."

Mai Fan's gaze went further down as she scooched over a bit to see between us. And low and behold she saw the tent I was pitching in my pants that had been digging into her moments before.

Quickly she scrambled away a foot or two on the bed, still keeping her eyes on my erection with a look of shock on her face. Before I could move to get up and explain myself, the sleeping Lai Chan noticed her obstruction was gone and returned to her previous sleeping state of the rear naked choke in record time, trapping me again.

Veronica dug in the knife further. In a sing-song voice she went, "I told you something would happen~ Though I didn't think you would also attack him. Look at you, being so bold!"

"I-I-I-I I didn't mean to, I-I was sleeping and I didnt know what I was doing and-"

Veronica shused the girl giving her a supportive hug. "It's ok. Honestly, I'm proud of you. Being aggressive is the right way to get into a guy's heart."

Mai Fan looked up at her in confusion and horror. "What?"

"I mean you must like Michi right? Isn't that why you cuddled with him all night?"

"I told you that was an accident!"

"Right, an accident. I crawl into bed with guys by accident all the time." Sarcasm dripped from her voice.

"But-" Once again she was interrupted by Veronica.

"And look at that!" she pointed at my dick, causing Mai Fan's eyes to lock back onto it. "You did that." I don't know what the expression on Mai Fans face was, but I knew it wasn't anything good.

I had to say something. I don't think it made the situation better though. "It wasn't you! Or, it wasn't just you… It was all of you. This is why I didn't want to stay the night." I was at my mental and emotional limit. I may have sounded a bit defeated.

Realizing that I was a person and not just a dick on a stick Mai Fan looked at me for the first time since she noticed the dick. At first it was concerning but that quickly gave way to guilt.

"No! It's… it's not your fault. You warned us and we still made you stay. And it's my fault because even after you told me I still… slept with you." Why'd she have to phrase it like that? "I'm sorry for causing this."

Seeing her so downtrodden made guilt rise up in me. "You were sleeping, It's not your fault. I'm sure you thought it was Lai Chan or something. It's my fault for not having enough self control."

"But I'm the one who-" Veronica cut in.

"Yeah this little back and forth is cute and all but let's say it's no one's fault and move on." She pointed at her sister. "You were sleeping when you cuddled with him. Besides, he said it himself, it's a compliment. I think he likes you." That caused Mai Fans' face to become redder. And I couldn't exactly deny it.Then she pointed at me. "And you were being cuddled by two pretty girls and saw a sexy third. Of course you got like that." There was a pause while we all internally accepted what she said. Then she started reaching towards me.

Mai Fan grabbed her arm. "What are you doing!?"

"Relaaaax. I'm just taking a peek." she continued to push her arm towards my shorts.

"Wait stop!" I tried to struggle free but that only made Lai Chan grip harder.

"Why!?" Mai Fan questioned.

Veronica was matter of fact with her response. "Why not? It's there. I've never seen it and I'm fairly certain you haven't." Then she gave her sister another teasing glance. "Or based on how you were holding him, maybe you have?" She wiggled her eyebrows.

Mai Fan got indignant. "Of course not! But what about Michi?"

"What about him? He got to see mine, it's only fair I see his." Mai Fan gasped and looked at me..

"Wait it isn't like that! It was an accident and she was changing and I walked in and already apologized!"

Veronica shrugged and continued reaching despite the protests of her sister. "Fair's fair. Besides, I'm not gonna touch it or anything." She gave me a look that said 'unless you want me too.' "I just wanna see."

"But I don't want to see it!"

Veronica sighed. "Then don't look, dummy." I struggled more but that only made my prison more secure. I also noticed that despite the protests Mai Fan didn't look away.

Her hand reached the waistband of my shorts.

It was then that there was a knock at the door. The smell of fresh bacon, pancakes, and eggs wafted into the room.

"Girls? Michi? I heard about your little sleep over and thought I'd bring you some breakfast." It was their mother, Meng Wei.

I felt freedom as Lai Chan materialized outside of the bed, up and already running for the door. Using my newfound freedom, I quickly pushed Veronica away and gathered the sheets up to cover my shame as Lai Chan opened the door.

"Good morn-" she paused and looked at her daughter who was already reaching for the tray of food. "Sweetie, what are you wearing?"

Through a mouthful of bacon Lai Chan said, "We had a fashion show."

Giving up on her eldest of the three, she peeked into the room and saw me on the bed with her other two daughters. All of us looked away from each other in shame and embarrassment.

"Did all of you sleep in the same bed?" she seemed confused.

"Yep! It was fun!" Lai Chan had moved on to some pancakes with a hearty serving of syrup. At the word "fun" she raised an eyebrow.

She studied the three on the bed, looking at me in particular. I thought I saw a look of recognition in her eyes. "Did something happen?"

"It's no big deal. Michi just had a little mishap." My eyes shot over to the woman while she mouth the words "morning" and "wood" to her mother. Meng Wei's face relaxed and she let out a little laugh.

"Oh! Well if that's all. Try not to bother him too much about it. You know men can't control it."

The rest of the morning went by pretty quickly. Meng Wei made sure Lai Chan didn't eat our portions of the breakfast and we ate in awkward silence. Then I quietly excused myself and went back to my room to get my shower items.

Then I took a long, cold shower. I was late for practice again.