Tarou's Sake Shipments

Author: Risax

Description: An Oni has been harassing the residents of Kanayama village and only regular offerings of sake, from the local brewery, run by the Ueda brothers, are keeping the peace. But just when the villagers feared they'd be stuck in this predicament forever a priestess arrives with a potential solution...

The village of Kanayama. Few people appeared on the streets, but those that did would send nervous glances towards the mountains surrounding the fertile valley in which their ancestors had settled generations ago. Most of the village was nervously silent, except for the Ueda brewery; where they were hard at work brewing up a batch of their famous sake

For the rest of Kanayama's residents, the tense quiet of the village was disturbed by the unmistakable sounds of shakujo rings jingling, announcing the arrival of a priestess clad in the traditional red and white robes of a shrine maiden. Though unlike your average shrine maiden, this one filled out her robes a lot more generously. Her Kosode forced open down to her bellybutton by the enormous, pale globes of her breasts. Easily bigger than her head, perhaps even larger than the biggest watermelons in the village's fertile farms.

With each step the rings on her shakujō staff jingled in time with the jiggling of her heavy, massive chest. Curious about this strange, new sound, more and more people peeked their heads out of their homes and their businesses. Many would immediately avert their gaze at the sight of the priestess' state of undress, but she could not see their shocked responses as a straw hat cast a shadow over much of her face. The only part of her face that the stunned villagers could see was the woman's full, blushing lips peeking out from under her hat, the corners tugged up into a serene smile.

She walked down the village street, every door and window opened to watch her walk past, yet the brewery was clearly the priestess' goal. She made her way over to the busy brewery's door and tapped the base of her shakujō down on the ground before the entrance, making quite a racket as it shook almost as much as she did. The brewery was quiet at first. The priestess was about to repeat her entrance announcement a second time when rapidly approaching footsteps preceded the doors being hastily thrown open.

A young man called out, bowing his head while he opened the sliding doors. "I'm sorry, Elder! Is it that time already? The promised offering isn't quite done yet!" he pleaded with the maiden.

"My oh my, 'Elder'?" The priestess mused as she looked down at the bowing young man, her tone playful.

The young man's head snapped back up as he glanced down at the buxom priestess standing before him. Tarou Ueda was the youngest brother of the Ueda family and also the largest man in Kanayama. Both in height and in girth as he was a pleasantly round young man with a plump stomach, chubby cheeks, and thick limbs. He wore his long black hair in a topknot; an attempt to look cool and competent. Although whether he was successful in displaying that image was debatable due to his rotund and boyish young face.

"Oh, miss priestess!" Tarou exclaimed as he finally got a good look at her; his chubby cheeks pinkening at the vast amount of pale cleavage that was on display. "My apologies, I believed you to be someone else!"

"You can make it up to me by letting me inside." The priestess replied, continuing to charm the young man with her playful tone of voice..

"Apologies, but we are currently hard at work with preparing the next batch of sake to be offered to…offered to…" Tarou drifted off as he glanced from the priestess to the mountain range and back again.

"...the Oni currently plaguing the mountain pass?" The priestess finished his sentence. "That is why I'm here, but I need your family's aid in this."

Tarou stood stock still in the doorway, unmoving and confused about what he should do in this situation. Until an old gentleman pushed his way past all the villagers that had followed the priestess and were currently gathered before the Ueda Brewery. Yet even as he pushed his way through the crowd, everyone's attention was still focused on both Tarou and the priestess. So he loudly cleared his throat.

"Let her in, Tarou. We have already lost Haruto and Akira to that monster and there is no way to use the pass with that demon blocking it." The Elder of Kanayama ordered the young man. "I will join the pair of you in case your brothers won't listen."

"Yes, Elder." Tarou replied with an awkward little cough as he stepped aside to let both the Elder and the priestess inside.

Inside, Tarou's elder brothers Ichirou and Jirou were adding water, steamed rice and koji to a large wooden vat. It was the fourth day of doing so, it was double of what they had added yesterday and Tarou was quick in helping his brothers with dragging the ingredients towards the vat. The brewing process would likely still take some time, time they weren't sure they had as the Oni was quite impatient for their sake. The three of them worked as hard as they could to brew as much of their family's signature spirit as they could muster.

"Oi, Tarou! What took you so long? You know there's only three of us now! You better get back to work!" Jirou snarled at the youngest brother returning to work. The village Elder and the strange priestess trailed in so after.

"Apologies, brother!" Tarou replied as he poured more water into the mixture that would become Kanayama's famous Ueda Sake. "Miss priestess believes she can help us in getting rid of the Oni, and apparently she needs our help!"

"Ridiculous-" Jirou began, but Ichirou cut him off.

"How, exactly?" He simply asked. The priestess approaching the wooden vat the three brothers had surrounded.

"Simple, by adding Kichijoten's blessing." She stated matter of factly as she pulled open her white kosode.

The eyes of all the men in the brewery, except for the calm, collected Ichirou, threatened to bulge out of their skulls as the priestess of Kichijoten exposed her impressive breasts. The Elder clutched his chest and seemed about ready to keel over, while Tarou nearly dropped the jug of water he had been carrying. Upon her chest were a pair of paper talismans barely managing to hide her nipples from the men…if one didn't count the way in which the thick nubs made the paper bulge outwards in an obvious fashion.

Unconcerned by the mixture of confused and lecherous gazes on her, the priestess hefted her heavy, pale chest over the rim of the wooden vat and bent over. With a pained grunt she removed the talisman covering her pink nipples, which immediately began to leak the priestess' breastmilk into the mixture below. Jirou was the only one who made a sound, an angry exclamation that didn't mean anything in any known languages, while the priestess ignored him and turned her head towards Tarou.

"I fear that my hands are much too small for this task, can I ask for your aid young man?" She asked, unconcerned with her nudity.

"With…with what?" Tarou responded, uncertain, after clearing his throat.

"With extracting Kichijoten's blessing, of course." she coyly replied.

"But, that would mean…" Tarou began, but his mind went blank before he finished his sentence. Instead, a single thought entered his head: "A dream, that's right. This must be a dream."

With that in mind, he put the jug of water he'd been holding down and walked up to the priestess. Hunching his much larger body over her in an awkward fashion as he gently grasped the smaller woman's huge, pale breasts. Even his large hands couldn't fully grasp all of that abundant, soft tit-flesh as he gently squeezed them up and down in a milking motion. With each squirt of the priestess' breastmilk, the mixture in the vat turned cloudier while her moans resounded through the small brewery.

Tarou moved his hands up and down as if in a daze. The feeling of his large fingers sinking into the priestess as he milked the large breasted woman as if she was a cow, combined with her pleasant, almost sweet natural odor made something in Tarou's trousers swell. His member wasn't exceptionally large and was partially covered by his stomach, but he noticed those lips of the priestess quirk up into a knowing smile as she pushed her full hindquarters against his crotch.

"You can stop now, young man. I believe we're done." She teased as the young man had fallen into a trance while milking her.

"Buh? …Oh, pardon me!" Tarou replied as he only now seemed to fully realize what he had been doing and hurriedly stepped away from the priestess.

"It is no problem." The priestess stated matter-of-factly as she raised her nipples to her mouth and licked them clean of any excess breastmilk. "Now, I believe your offering for the Oni is complete?" She mused, while reapplying the talismans to her nipples.

All the men that had been gathered in the brewery managed to tear their eyes away from the priestess long enough to finally see that the vat was now filled with clear, perfectly brewed sake while it was still in the fermentation process only a few moments ago. Jirou, who had been the most incensed about the priestess adding milk to their mixture, had his mouth hanging open in shock while Ichirou simply scooped a cup out of the vat and tasted it.

"Hm…It's good, this will do nicely." He nodded as he looked at the priestess.

The priestess softly laughed, "That is nice to hear," she replied "but don't drink too much. I am not sure what sort of effect Kichijoten's blessing will have on humans, especially one strong enough to weaken an Oni."

Ichirou simply nodded and stepped in to stop Jirou who was just about to sample some of the sake himself. It looked as if he was ready to argue with his older brother, but before anything could come of it the village Elder cleared his throat loud enough to get everybody's attention.

"One more thing, who will be the one to deliver this vat of sake to the Oni?" the Elder asked.

All at once everyone in the brewery slowly turned their head towards Tarou, who was currently looking at his hands with flushed cheeks. As soon as he realized everyone was looking at him, however, he pointed a finger at himself and exclaimed:

"What... me!?"

To be continued...