Finding Religion

Author: Cambrian

Summary: When Levi runs into a cute little nun named Maria, he really has no intentions of taking advantage of her. Honest.

Tags: Nun Sex, Innocent, Cock Worship

Really, it's no one's fault. Or so Levi feels, when he rounds a corner and ends up running into a cute little nun. But admittedly, there is a little bit of guilt to be had when she hits the ground on her petite behind and lets out a tiny 'oof!' while inadvertently flashing her cute white panties at him. After all, while they'd run into each other more than either of them running into the other, she came out the worse for it, given the difference in their sizes.

So, gentleman that he is, Levi immediately reaches out, an apology on his lips.

"Oh! Sorry about that, Sister. Let me help you up."

When she looks up at him and his outstretched hand, there are the cutest little droplets of water beginning to coalesce in the corners of her eyes. But instead of giving in to the urge to cry that she's obviously experiencing, the young nun swallows back her tears and then gives him the most brilliant smile as she accepts his hand and lets him pull her easily to her feet.

She really is a small thing, this nun. But given that there's no one else around and she's wandering about all alone, she can't be too young, right?

"T-Thank you. I apologize, I wasn't looking where I was going. I admit… I've gotten a little turned around."

Levi nods at that, sensing an opportunity to spend a bit more time with the cute young thing and seizing on it as swiftly as he possibly can. But first, greetings are in order.

"No apology needed, Sister! The name's Levi. Short, sweet, and rolls off the tongue."

He's not surprised to see her eyes light up a little bit. That wasn't exactly a pick up line he'd ever used before, and it wasn't one he expected to ever use again, but at least when it came to this cute petite nun standing in front of him, it seemed to work wonders.

"Oh! A pleasure to meet you, Levi! My name is Maria… S-Sister Maria."

The way she tacks on Sister hastily, almost as an afterthought, makes him wonder just how long she's been a nun. Still, he doesn't ask that sort of thing… too personal, too fast.

"Well, Sister Maria… maybe I can help you out. I assume you're trying to reach the local church, yes?"

There's really only one Cathedral in town that he figures she could be here for. Given the way she brightens even more and nods her head energetically, Levi knows he's got her attention. So, he holds his arm out to her, like a gentleman to a lady.

"Well, how about I escort you there, hm?"

"Y-Yes! Thank you Levi! Clearly the Lord sent you to aid me in my time of need!"

Well, he doubted that, if only because the Lord Almighty would probably frown upon the sort of thoughts he was having after that glimpse of the cute little nun's panties. But the likelihood of him getting to do anything with her seemed vanishingly low, so he'd settle for getting to spend some more time in her company before they reached their ultimate destination.

However, they're not even on their way for more than a minute before Maria proves that the initial run-in probably was mostly her fault. The young woman in inherently clumsy, because even with her hands clasped around his crooked arm, she somehow managed to find a way to trip and lose her balance, her grasp too light on him to maintain as she lets out a yelp… and falls face first into a big puddle left behind by the thunderstorm the night before.

Levi's eyes are wide as he makes an abortive attempt to try and catch her, but it's already too late. She's hit the ground, and more importantly the water, with a splash that gets some of it on him too. She's also fell forward in such a way that the accident-prone nun's habit flips up for a moment and flashes her panties AGAIN.

But that's not nearly as important as the fact that she's now soaked, as she pushes herself up onto her knees, arms trembling and lip quivering. Looking down at herself, Maria's eyes are watering again, and this time, even as he helps her to her feet, it's obvious that she's failing to hold back her tears. Letting out cute little hiccups and beginning to sob, the young nun buries her face in her hands. Levi frowns and crouches down to be at her level.

"Hey, hey it's okay… that puddle came out of nowhere. Let's… let's get you the rest of the way to the church and they can get you cleaned up, alright?"

"I-I c-can't… I c-can't show up like THIS! I'm going to g-get in trouble for getting my habit s-so filthy! The Abbess will chastise me, to say n-nothing of the Bishop!"

… It's a mark of how much of a pervert the internet has made him that his mind immediately translates 'chastisement' into corporal punishment, filling his head with images of an older nun and a man in bishop's robes paddling this cutie's behind. That the man in bishop's robes shares Levi's face is just… well.

"Are they expecting you shortly? Maybe we could head over to my place, and I could let you use my washer and dryer to clean your habit for you. That way you won't get in trouble! What do you think?"

As he's been speaking, Maria has slowly lifted her face out of her palms to stare at him. There's hope in her tear-filled eyes now, and her look of despair transforms into one of transcendent gratitude and joy.

"T-Truly? I would be so thankful if you were to do that for me! P-Please…"

Levi chuckles and straightens up, this time being so bold as to slip his hand into the little nun's and lace his fingers with hers. She freezes for a moment, but at seeing his bright smile, relaxes and smiles right back.

"It would be my distinct pleasure, Sister. Come on, let's get you fixed up."


Back at his house, Levi tosses the nun's habit into the wash, even as he tries to smack away the heat rising to his cheeks, a blush growing by the moment. And yet, his embarrassment doesn't stop him from stepping back into the room where Maria is waiting for him once he's started the washer up. Maria, who is currently dressed in nothing but her cute, innocent, white underwear.

He can't help but feast his eyes upon her, even as Maria sits there, hands in her lap, biting her lower lip and wiggling nervously. Nor can he help the erection he quickly finds himself with, staring at this cute blonde nun waiting for her habit to be cleaned.

"O-Oh… oh no, d-did I cause that?"

Levi freezes as Maria points at his boner, the bulge in his pants distinctly noticeable as his blush intensifies a little. Having thoughts is one thing, staring at a nearly naked nun is probably a sin… outright growing aroused in front of her is almost certainly blasphemy of the highest order.

"Please… sit down and allow me to take care of that for you."

Wait, what? Levi is flabbergasted as Maria stands up and comes to him, guiding him over to a chair and having him sit down. And then, to his absolute and utter shock, the half-naked nun drops to her knees before him, beginning to fiddle with his button and zipper determinedly.

"This is my fault, and you've helped me so much already… I need to make things right. After all the trouble I've given you, this is the least I can do…"

She mutters the words, half to him, half to herself, and he's left wondering just who she's trying to convince, to be perfectly honest. And yet, Levi isn't about to argue with the cute little nun, who's turned out to be such a slut. Except, that's not quite right. His cock is in her hands, and as she begins to try and 'take care' of his erection for him, Levi winces and grunts, and ultimately has to grab her by the wrists and stop her.

Maria… is not particularly good at this. Which to be fair, makes perfect sense given the circumstances. But it also means she's not a slut like he momentarily thought. Looking up at him, those little droplets are forming in the corner of her eyes again as her gaze grows watery. Levi hastens to try and keep her from crying once more.

"Hey, if you want to help me out, that's fine… but uh, let me guide you? Since I know my body best?"

That does the trick, and Maria slowly nods. Thus starts a lesson in which Levi finds himself training a cute, innocent, and painfully naïve nun how to pleasure a man with her hands and mouth. Not just a man… but him. Once he's explained how to properly hold and stroke a cock rather than just yanking it up and down like she'd been doing before, Maria's soft, feminine hands feel absolutely amazing around his member.

When he suggests she try using her mouth to kiss and lick and suck at the tip of his penis, he forgets the 'no teeth' rule at first and hisses a bit at some scraping, but Maria quickly adapts to his suggestions and lessons, and soon enough she's fellating him… well, not like a pro, but she's certainly blowing him. And rather cutely to, the way she suckles at the head of his cock as her hands stroke up and down his member, humming all the while with her eyes half-shut like she's in prayer.

In the end, that, combined with how GOOD her little mouth and hands feel on his cock is what does it for him. Of course, Levi isn't so much a jerk that he's not going to warn the girl.

"M-Maria! I'm getting close!"

The young nun's eyes snap open, and she looks between him and his cock, before he begins to cum. To her credit, however, she swallows his seed, gulping it down even as it fills her mouth to the brim, bloating out her cute little cheeks. She swallows and swallows, and swallows some more, until Levi has nothing left to give. By the time she's done, there's a little tendril of cum coming out of the corner of her mouth, and when she pulls back off of his cock, she swipes it away with her thumb, staring at it for a moment before sucking the digit clean.

It's a strange dichotomy between innocent and perverted. She's not a slut, she's a cute, naïve nun that he's undeniably taken advantage of… but damn if there isn't a pervert lurking under all of that religious dogma. After all, what sort of Holy Sister went around deciding that it was her responsibility to handle all of the boners that she caused? Really…

Regardless, he's no longer hard at the very least, so Levi coughs and stands up, tucking himself back into his pants as he moves around the nun who may or may not be having some sort of sexual awakening on the floor of his living room.

"R-Right, I'll j-just go transfer your habit to the dryer…"

"… Okay…"

He barely hears her quiet response as he flees the room, part of him unable to believe what he just did. Meanwhile, another, steadily growing part of him, wants to do it again…


"Oh no…"

Maria's despaired whisper obviously isn't meant to be heard by him, but even if he didn't hear it, he'd be able to read how distraught she was in every fiber of her body… as well as in her face, given he could currently see her features reflected through the floor-length mirror he's provided her. The cute little nun's habit is dry and clean now… but unfortunately, there's a new problem. The habit has shrunk, and considerably at that.

Whereas, Maria is too small and petite for it to be a problem up top (though things were a bit tighter for her around the chest region and down below with her cute little tushie), the problem was with the fact that the bottom of the habit barely reaches below mid-thigh, showing off every last inch of her cute, pale legs.

Feeling kind of responsible, since he hadn't even considered that a nun's habit might need different handling and care then just being thrown into the washer and then the dryer, Levi winces and steps up to her.

"Hey… I'm sorry, I didn't… do you think they'll mind, too much?"

Turning to face him, Maria lowers her gaze to the floor, even as her fingers fiddle with the hem of her shortened habit. She looks… even cuter than before like this, truth be told, and he's struggling not to pop another boner, even as a treacherous voice in the back of his head asks him why not. After all, if he did get erect again, Maria might feel obligated to 'take care' of it~

"O-Oh… well, yes. I can't… I'll get in huge trouble, showing up in such a scandalous outfit at the Cathedral. The Abbess and Bishop will probably chastise me even more for this then they would have for having an accident with the puddle…"

Levi winces, his guilt rising. Maria seems to sense this and offers him up a gentle smile.

"B-But don't blame yourself, Levi! It's not your fault, you were only trying to help. I shouldn't have tried to escape punishment in the first place, this is God's judgment for my s-sins, you see…"

She steps forward then, whether to console him further or what, Levi doesn't know… because once again, Maria's absurd clumsiness rears its ugly head, the cute little nun tripping over her own feet again as she falls forward onto him. This time around, Levi falls back, trying to catch her but sort of failing in the process, though she lands on top of him, so at least there's that.

It's rather silly, like something straight out of one of the anime he watches, except real. He's on his back, and she's on top of him, right on his crotch, giving his cock, which is definitely fully erect again by this point, an accidental hot-dogging as it ends up nestled right between her panty-clad ass cheeks.


Levi flicks his gaze up to Maria's face to see that the innocent blonde is blushing profusely, and even starting to pant as she unconsciously moves her ass back and forth, hot dogging his cock even more and biting her lower lip. It's clear she enjoys it, even though she doesn't know what IT is. And Levi… Levi really can't hold back any longer.

"… Looks like you've got something to take care of, Sister…"

It's not an order, or a command, or anything like that. Just… a suggestion. But Maria takes it in stride, nibbling further at her lower lip as she nods her agreement. Her shrunken habit is already riding up on her hips as she reaches down and pulls it up even further. Her soft, delicate, and altogether small hands go to work, and within moments, his cock is out again and pressing against a moist, wet slit.

Honestly, he'd expected more oral. Had no one ever told this poor innocent nun what she was and wasn't allowed to do when it came to sex?! Somewhere along the way, Maria's education had been distinctly lacking. But Levi is a man, at the end of the day, and he just doesn't have it in him to stop her as she impales herself on his dick, sacrificing her purity and innocence on the altar that is his cock.

Levi's responding groan is only matched by Maria's surprised moan. The nun is panting harder now, and her eyes are wide, while her pupils have shrunk to pinpoints. Falling forward, she plants her hands on his chest to stabilize herself, even as her cute little hips jerk up and down on his cock, almost seemingly by instinct. Up and down, up and down she goes, sliding back and forth at first, but eventually full-on bouncing as louder and louder noises begin to emit from her lips.

She's just too fucking adorable. He can't help but reach out and grab her by her pale, perky little posterior. His fingers dig in, and Maria squeals as she suddenly cums around his cock. Judging by the look on her face, the innocent nun doesn't even know what an orgasm is, though she seemed to be content with handling his release with her mouth earlier. He wouldn't be surprised if the naïve girl had never reached climax before… but now she's getting a crash course in that pleasure, that's for sure.

She really is an innocent little slut, isn't she? So damn cute, so damn naïve… but under all of that religious teaching lies the heart of a true pervert. Maria doesn't ride him like a pro or anything like that, she certainly isn't one at sex yet, but she's got a certain amateur quality to her, an enthusiasm and an eagerness that Levi just can't get enough of.

"S-Sho good… sho GOOOOOD!!!"

Meanwhile, Maria clearly can't get enough of him. As the delectable little Sister bounces up and down on his cock, she begins to slur her words, visibly getting cock- and fuck-drunk on his member as she rides him harder and faster, his hands on her ass groping and squeezing and helping to bounce her up and down on his dick.

And then, all of the sudden, Maria's face is inches from his face. She's just rode out another explosive orgasm, and she's staring at him with wide, manic eyes and a flushed expression as she pants heavily, hot air blasting across his features.

"I-I understand now… I was blind, b-but now I see… this pleasure… only someone t-truly divine could possibly be capable of this. You… you weren't sent to test me… you are my path forward! Fuck me harder! F-Fill me with your grace!"

Wait, had she just declared him divine? Did she think he was a god? Levi opens his mouth, but the denial on the tip of his tongue dies there, never to be said. Maria jams herself down onto his cock, letting out a glorious scream of ecstasy, and her already tight inner walls get even tighter as she orgasms yet again around his dick, this time managing to take him with her as she milks him for every last drop of his seed.

His essence spills forth into the cute little nun's womb, and Levi lets out a loud groan as he digs his fingers into her ass, thrusting up one final time into her from below to get as deep as he can.

And then it's over, and Levi is left scrambling, just a bit. He pulls Maria off of him, sits her down, and stands up, not entirely sure what he just did, or the legality of it. Wasn't there something about nuns signing their lives away to the Church, or something? Or was that just ridiculous rumors? Was he going to get in trouble, for fucking Maria? The last bits of his morals whispered in the back of his mind that he should. He'd taken advantage of the girl, no matter how much of a natural born slut she was under all of that innocence and naivety and religious dogma. It was-

"Your Holiness… please, do not fret. Please… I beg of you, let me remain at your side so I may properly serve you for the rest of my days. Please, I am yours, I pledge myself to your service… I pledge myself to your divine will in all things."

Maria is suddenly in front of him. Kneeling still, of course… habit fully discarded, and underwear gone too. She's stripped naked, down to her birthday suit, down to nothing, and she's kneeling there, her hands on his thighs, slowly creeping towards his cock, staring up at him with hope in her eyes.

His dick does the talking for him, in this instance. Hearing her pledge herself to him like that is more than enough to make Levi fully erect again in no time at all. Seeing his erection inches from her face, Maria smiles and brings her hands up, clasping them in prayer in front of her as she leans forward and swallows his cockhead whole, beginning to orally worship her new deity and his heavenly dick.

Mouth undeniably dry, Levi knows one thing for sure as he lets the cute little nun he's inadvertently mind broken do as she will. Nothing is ever going to be the same again after this.