So, Weather's Nice, Right?

Author: TSNoTS

Description: Alanna goes on a blind date not expecting much, least of all expecting to end up with another woman.

When Alanna had gotten up this morning, the last thing she'd expected was to go on a date.

A lifetime of intimidated men cowering in fear whenever she drew close because of her six-feet tall frame and ripped body meant that, by now, she'd expected to remain in isolation till she was old and could afford several cats to keep her company.

Instead, she woke up to a text from a friend telling her that she'd apparently set her up on a blind date.

Alanna rolled back and forth on her bed, venting her frustration.

"Seriously, being sexless isn't the worst thing in the world. If anything, it's everyone else that's just too sex hungry." She muttered as she replied to the text.

Me: What?

That Bitch: I set you up! You'll love him, he's an athlete! ABS FOR DAYS.

Me: Not gonna lie, your seal of approval can be a little sketchy sometimes.

That Bitch: WHAT?

Me: Well, let's see. There was the guy with the clubbed foot, there was the nerdy dude who wouldn't stop sneezing, need I go on?

That Bitch: ... Fair. BUT THIS ONE IS DIFFERENT sjbdhiaaSJBJ

Me: Don't go having a stroke. Fine, I'll go.

That Bitch: YAY, you won't regret it uwu

Me: Save your uwus for the boys, please.

With that last message, Alanna sighed and put her phone down on the bed. She stood and walked into the bathroom to get a good look at the girl that had made it to twenty-three years old and was still a virgin.

Six-feet four inches tall, a veritable eight pack from years of Tae-Kwon-Do training, and strong legs to go with them, packaged in light brown skin and long, straight blonde hair.

She cursed the day her Haitian dad decided to marry a Swedish woman and create this mess of a being.

"Well..." She whispered to herself. "I guess I should try it then. Might be my only shot at, uh, anything in the near future."

And that was how she ended up outside of a random restaurant she'd never been to, with a bad case of "what the fuck am I doing?"

Dressed in black leather pants and a black jacket, she breathed in deep before nodding to herself and walking in. Resisting the ever-building urge to sprint out the same door she'd just come through, she walked up to the front desk.

"Table for two."

"And the other person?"

"Supposed to meet them soon," Alanna explained.

"Oh, very well then. Right this way."

The man took her to a vacant spot to the left of the room and deposited her there, much like an animal being sent to the pound.

"Well, shit." Alanna sighed. "I guess I have to commit at this point."

She pulled her phone out and texted her friend.

Me: So, what's his name?

That Bitch: Jesse, you'll love him! From what I hear, he's got a few surprises lined up for you....... uwu

Alanna glared at her screen and started to look around. Apparently, the boy was some kind of athlete. Considering how well she knew that crowd, she was sure she could identify him quickly.

No such luck. Everyone around was either waiting to have their root canals or probably having nightmares about their office jobs. "Guess I'll wait." Alanna thought and settled back.

Minutes rolled by and no one even remotely athletic appeared in view. She decided to take stock of the others there if anything to make the moment when someone else appeared a little more obvious. There was a middle-aged couple to the right, a businessman type to the back, and one lonely girl, much like her to the left.

Her eyes stayed on the girl for a moment. She looked incredibly out of place. With messy hair that didn't quite reach her shoulders, glasses, a pink hoodie, and an equally pink mini skirt, Alanna thought she was the kind of girl that belonged on TV, not in a dingy restaurant like this.

A waiter walked up to the girl.

"Good afternoon, are you ready to order?" It was so quiet that Alanna could hear the conversation.

"Y-Yeah." The girl's voice was sugary. "Uh, I'll have a martini and the turkey sandwich."

"Alcohol?" Alanna noted, "this early?"

"Alright then." The waiter smiled. "Your name?"


Alanna's eyes snapped up.

"I will return with your drink in a moment."


This had to be a joke. Alanna gawked at her. "Okay, okay. There's no way. It's just a coincidence. No way she's the one..."

"Why did I agree to this?" The girl complained to herself. With wide eyes, Alanna eavesdropped. "Blind dates are so weird."

"You're joking," Alanna said aloud. The girl must have heard her because she looked up and blushed.

"Sorry..." Jesse said louder. "Didn't know I was taking so loud."

Alanna made an executive decision. She stood and walked over to the girl's table, but before then, she broke it down in her mind. There were a few important facts to consider.

1. Her friend liked messing with her.

2. Blind dates were not a common thing, especially not in this day and age.

3. What were the odds that they would both have scheduled dates here at this time?

So, yeah. Her friend had set her up with a girl. The next step was simple. Apologize for the inconvenience, explain the joke, and send several angry faces her friend's way.

"Hey," she started, her voice sounding a little rougher than she'd intended. "Just to confirm, you're Jesse, right?"

"Y-Yeah..." The girl blushed even harder. "And you're..."

Alanna cut her off.

"Yeah." She nodded firmly.

"Oh..." Then, the girl did something Alanna didn't expect. She ran her eyes up and down Alanna's body.

"Oh, wait." She thought. She hadn't considered that maybe, although to her this was a joke, her friend may have pitched this seriously at Jesse. Which was downright cruel. She was going to have a stern talk with her after this.

"So, we're, uh..." Jesse was clearly struggling to put sentences together. Not that Alanna blamed her. "I haven't done this kind of thing before."

"Me neither, and, well, listen..." She started. "I didn't exactly know you'd be... I mean, I'm not..."

"Not what?"

"You know, a..."

The girl's eyes gained some life suddenly. Like she'd just remembered something.

"Oh, don't worry about that."

"What?" Alanna blinked.

"I know you're inexperienced. Which is a little weird considering our roles in all this, but don't worry, I'll help you out!" The girl gave a bubbly smile and Alanna found herself taken back.

"Wait," she thought. Maybe her friend hadn't pitched this as a joke at all.

If that was the case...

Did she actually expect her to go full-on lesbian here!? To be fair, she was 99% certain if her friend had been honest from the start, Alanna would have declined. She hadn't been with a woman before, never even considered it.

Sure, the thought of being with a girl wasn't exactly disgusting to her or anything... But was she really that bad with men that her only option left was to ditch that gender altogether?

That kind of sucked.

"So... You know I, uh, haven't done this before?" Alanna asked.

"Yeah, I know." Then, in an unexpectedly brave move, Jesse reached forwards and placed her hand over Alanna's own. Despite that, she was still blushing as she said: "Don't worry, I'll take care of you."

... What the hell could Alanna even say to that?

Whether by instinct or because she was simply too impressed with Jesse as to not give her a shot, she sat down on the chair opposite hers.

"Where do you study?" Jesse asked as the waiter helpfully arrived with Jesse's drink.

"Uh, I don't study."

"Oh? But... Well, what do you do?"

"I'm a Tae Kwon Do instructor. Well, for kids, but yeah." At that, the girl's eyes popped.

"Holy shit." If Alanna flexed her arms a little, it was pure coincidence. "That's h-, I mean, that's really cool."

"Thanks." Alanna smiled a little. Maybe, even if nothing of the anti-virginity nature would happen today, she could at least end up with +1 friend.

"Seriously, you, uh, you definitely look the part." Jesse grinned shyly at Alanna.

"It's not about just looking the part," Alanna smirked a little. "Wouldn't have gotten the job if I couldn't choke someone out properly."

What she said made Jesse look away. For a moment, Alanna wondered if she'd messed up somehow, but when Jesse brought her eyes back to her, she was looking pretty happy about something.

"Have you ever been in a fight?"

"Yup." Alanna looked down at the table.

"And... How did they go?"

"Kicking ass isn't a weakness of mine let's put it that way," Alanna replied.

"... I'm really glad I went on this date." Jesse said out of nowhere, and now it was Alanna's turn to blush.

Jesse's meal arrived a few minutes later and they spent the better part of thirty minutes getting to know each other. Alanna was starting to echo Jesse's last sentiment. Jesse was legitimately one of the coolest human beings she'd met in the past several months.

Apparently, she was a few years older than her at 27 and was currently studying to become a nurse. Alanna couldn't help but be continuously impressed by this woman. Educated, sensible, and kind on top of it all.

Well, her friend chose well. Even if it wasn't exactly what Alanna had in mind.

"Hey," Jesse was finishing up her sandwich as she started to awkwardly ask, "want to come to my place?"

Alanna smiled a little. You know what? Why not. So far, the girl had been nothing but enchanting. Maybe they could catch a movie or something. Sure, it sucked that Alanna wasn't getting laid tonight, but after twenty-three years of waiting, she could wait a little more.

"Alright. Let's go."

When they came out, they settled on Alanna following her home in her own car. Jesse lived in a fairly nice neighborhood. Pretty much the classic, suburban middle-class lifestyle that being involved at all in medicine would get you.

Her house per se was nice. Pretty big for one person, but nice.

"Well, uh, make yourself at home."

"Don't mind if I do, my shoes are killing me." Alanna left her boots at the entrance, wandering around in black socks. Jesse had gone somewhere else for a little while, leaving Alanna to admire her surroundings. If one thing was clear, Jesse was not lacking in the money department. Carpeted floors, pretty exquisite silverware. Alanna was surprised.

"Hey, uh..." Jesse's voice came out slightly more... Embarrassed than before. "Are you ready?"

"Huh?" Alanna asked with a raised eyebrow, though Jesse couldn't see her. "Uh, sure."

"Okay, come in whenever." Again, Jesse's tone contained a hint of excitement that Alanna couldn't quite understand. When she followed her voice, her jaw dropped.

Jesse had completely stripped naked and was lying face down on a table. Her face, the reddest it's been up to this point, still contained an excited grin. Her hands were grasping onto some handle in front of her, and on the sides of the platform were...

"Oh, shit," Alanna muttered when she saw the lineup of toys that she'd only ever seen before in porn. Dildos ranging in length, strap-ons larger than any real dick she'd seen. "Uh... What the fuck?"

"Oh, right!" Jesse got off the table. "I forgot you're new to this. Heh, it's a little strange having the dom be the one that needs help learning." She basically skipped over to the girl.

When a set of moans hit her ears, she realized something else. They weren't the only ones there. The room, far bigger than she'd initially seen it be, had four other all-female couples in various positions, all of which were obscene as could be.

One girl was lying on an inclined bed, her ass up and her legs completely split as another woman stood next to her, toys in hand ready to do... What exactly?

Alanna couldn't bear to look at the rest.

"Here, let's check this out. So you can learn by example!" Jesse sounded positively ecstatic to be doing this. Alanna was still in shock.

She allowed herself to be pulled over to that couple, where the woman standing by, a little older than everyone else there, smiled as she saw them approaching.

"Jesse! I see you found your new partner?"

"Hey Anne, yeah, this is Kayla!"

The more Alanna saw what was happening around her, the more she began to understand that this was absolutely not what her friend had set her up for.

"Holy shit..." Anne scanned Alanna's body. "I didn't blind dates could even be successful. Props to Jessica for setting you up so nicely."

If it hadn't been clear already, that gave it away. Jessica was not the name of Alanna's friend.

"I know! She's... She's amazing!" Jesse beamed at her and Alanna's knees went weak. There was simply too much to register.

"Hard to believe someone like that hasn't dommed before."

"Uh..." Alanna couldn't speak.

"I know. But, uh, I was hoping you'd show her how..."

"Oh, oh well this will be fun indeed." Anne winked at Alanna. "Here, just sit back and watch. You hear that, Carla?" She stroked the planking girl's back. "We have an audience. And they get to watch you cum for me."

Alanna felt like she was actually watching porn. Not just that, but she felt like she was watching porn in an auditorium, with play-by-play announcers calling every action in the scene.

Her stomach was electric, her skin was shivering as Anne grabbed one of the medium-sized dildos and placed it at the entrance to the girl's pussy.

"Now, look at her," she pointed at Alanna, "and repeat after me. 'I am a huge slut', we have to start easy, of course. Go on, say it."

Alanna's eyes connected with the girl's, and the girl on the table whimpered.

"I am a huge slut." She forced out, growing just as red as Jesse had been. Alanna couldn't tear her eyes away.

"And 'I want to get fucked like the desperate slut I am', easy, right? It's true anyway."

"I want to get... fucked..."

"Like the desperate slut I am." Anne continued. "Go on."

"Like the desperate slut I am!"

"Great job." With that, Anne started slowly pushing her toy in. The girl moaned softly, her eyes half-closed. "Here, Kayla." She addressed Alanna. "I'll let you have a little fun with this one before you get to your course of the day." She nodded slightly towards Jesse, who blushed in return.

"What do I do?" Alanna asked. At this point, she had no idea why she hadn't bolted. Why she was still standing, why she hadn't puked at the sight of all this.

"Here." She literally left the dildo impaled on the girl's body. "Try moving it around a little. You don't have to say anything. Just, get a feel for it."

"Okay..." Alanna nervously paced up to the girl. Anne went in front of her and crouched down, her face just a few inches away from her... Her sub's? Her submissive? Right?

"How does it feel?" Anne started talking to the girl as Alanna looked down. Not that she was some sort of vaginal connoisseur, but the girl's pussy looked pretty. At least, as pretty as pussy can look. "Knowing that a stranger is about to have her way with you. And you're just letting it happen. Holy shit, you're more of a whore than I thought?"

"Wait, is she getting wetter?" Alanna thought. "I guess I should speed up then..."

"Oh, shit..." The girl moaned beneath her.

"No answer. As expected from a strumpet. No, hey, look at me. It's the least you could do when you let a nobody fuck you like this."

"Holy shit..." The girl continued to moan as Alanna sped up further. Well, working out regularly was proving to have some benefits, as her stamina wasn't letting up.

"Oh, are you close already?" Anne stroked the girl's face. "Don't tell me you're enjoying this..."

"I... Of course n-..." Alanna pushed up. "Oh god!"

Alanna raised an eyebrow. "So, she liked it in that spot?" She focused hard. As much as she felt like she should have been... She didn't even know, she couldn't look away.

"Oh well. I guess sluts will be sluts. Go ahead. Cum from another woman's hands. It's fine."

All it took were two more minutes and soon the girl was borderline screaming as her body trembled.

"I just did that to someone," Alanna noted. "Holy shit! This... this feels..." She smiled. There was something strangely satisfying about it.

"Good job!" Anne placed a hand on her shoulder, something that was very much normal, but that Alanna simply couldn't avoid associating with sex now that she was here. "So, how'd it feel?"

"Uh, good. I guess."

"Guessing is all anyone can do." Anne smiled warmly at her. "And between you and me, you weren't the only one that felt good for."

She pointed behind Alanna and the tall girl turned to find that Jesse looked like she was one step away from ripping her own pants off.

All of a sudden, the room felt very warm.

"Actually, how about this..." Anne located the nearest table and slid it over to connect it with the one the girl was on. Then she took Jesse by the hand and guided her over. "Just in case you're still not ready to do this solo, here. We'll do this together."

"What?" Jesse asked. "That's not..."

"Plans change. Besides, I can't possibly resist playing with one of my favorite little kittens, can I?" She turned towards Alanna. "Are you okay with this?"

"Uh... Sure."

Jesse appeared surprised.

"Is that weird?" Alanna asked.

"Doms like us don't tend to share. But, personally, I think that's a custom that could use some changing. Oh, and I'll be taking this." She lightly grabbed the dildo from Alanna's hand. Licking it clean, she grinned. "A dildo is wasted on a body like yours. Oh, what I would do in your shoes. Don't worry though, we'll keep things simple. No gags or anything. Could you strip for me?"

"Yeah, definitely." Alanna slowly removed her black leather, piece by piece till she was standing with nothing to shield her from the room's air conditioning.

"Oh, fuck..." Jesse muttered.

"Jesus." The girl turned her head to see Alanna in all her glory.

"Yeah, definitely wasted on you." Anne smiled and Alanna grinned.

Even in this situation, one thing that hadn't changed was that, although it may have been terrible for getting boys, she was damn proud of her body.

"I'll say," Jesse added. "You could cut diamonds on those abs."

"So what do I use?" Alanna asked.

"Here." Anne placed something in her hands. When she looked down, her eyes bulged out of their sockets. "Something more your style, I think."

"A strap-on?"

"Mhm." Anne basically purred at her. "Here, I'll help you get set up."

And a few seconds later, she had a dick.

"Look at her," Anne whispered in her ear. "Our little kitten is absolutely salivating."

She was not wrong. Jesse was somewhere between making heart-eyes at Alanna and looking like she was going to pass out from embarrassment.

"What do you think is next?" Anne asked.

Alanna had seen enough porn to know what a man would do in this situation.

"Get over here." She commanded. Jesse's eyes widened and she nodded before taking her place next to the other girl Alanna had just done. The two smaller girls grinned at each other.

"Long time no see, Jesse."

"Same, Carla." Alanna's ears went red as their lips touched. They shared a fairly passionate kiss for a few seconds before disconnecting, with one strand of saliva still between them.

"Don't wait for my order," Anne told Alanna. "Go in whenever you want to. Take it nice and steady at first, and then show her what that body of yours can do."

"Got it." Alanna nodded. She walked around the table, positioning herself between Jesse's legs.

"I'm kind of jealous," Carla admitted as she stared at Alanna.

"You're a lucky girl, aren't you Jesse?" Anne asked.


"I didn't catch that," Alanna muttered. Well, she's here, she may as well play the part. "You're what again?"

"A very, very lucky girl."

"Damn straight." Alanna prepared herself. At that moment, she registered something.

"Holy shit." She thought. She was about to fuck someone. She was about to lose her virginity to a girl. Before she could talk herself out of it, she pushed in.

"Oh shit!" Alanna let out. "You're really tight, I can barely move!"

"Hear that, Jesse?" Anne asked as she started absent-mindedly playing with her own girl. "Be a good girl and say thanks."

"Seriously," Alanna interrupted, "you feel really good, and I can't even feel this strap!"

Jesse looked away, flushing as Alanna started to move. Maybe taking that as her go-button, Anne began working on Carla at the same time. Alanna was stunned. Not just by the situation, but as she continued, she began to appreciate the beauty of the picture in front of her. Jesse, her legs spread with Alanna herself on top of her.

"I could get used to this." Alanna thought.

"Hey," Anne spoke up, "feel free to grab what you like."

"Huh?" Alanna asked.

"Your hands." She hadn't realized, but Alanna had kept her hands on the table, besides Jesse's body. "Go ahead. Squeeze, smack, play. She's a big girl, she can handle it."

Alanna nodded and grabbed the girl by the hips, pulling her further onto the strap until their bodies were connected.

"Oh FUCK!"

"Oh, I could definitely get used to this." This time Alanna said that aloud. She started moving back and forth, as fast as she could.

"Look at them, Carla. That could be you if you behave well enough." Anne teased her partner as Alanna concentrated on her task. Starting to sweat, Jesse reached up and let her hands plant themselves on Alanna's core.

"You're, you're so good!" Jesse moaned as Alanna tried even harder.

"Give her a few good slaps," Anne whispered to Alanna.

She didn't even think about it. She lifted up one of the girl's legs and smacked her thigh.

"Fuck!" Jesse's moans grew in intensity. Alanna failed to register what was about to happen, so when Jesse arched her back and wrapped her legs around Alanna, the latter was surprised.

She stopped what she was doing and watched as Jesse lost it. The girl shook once, twice, groaning as she fell back onto the table.

"You, holy shit." Jesse muttered.

"That was fucking awesome!" Alanna let out with a laugh.

Her face was shifted to the side, and suddenly, soft lips were on hers. Anne was kissing her. Having never done this before, she did her best to kiss back, but it was over before it started.

"We're not done yet, dear," Anne stated.


"We haven't had our turn with you yet." Anne gestured between herself and Carla, and suddenly, Alanna was wondering whether her cardio was up to par.

She made the decision then and there. She was going to thank her friend first chance she got for setting up on that date.

After what Alanna could only refer to as a marathon, she was exchanging numbers with several girls, all leaving Jesse's house with wide smiles. Carla basically skipped out, Anne walked up to Alanna and placed another lingering kiss on her lips, and finally, it was just Alanna and Jesse left alone.

"So, I have something I need to say." Alanna started.

"You're not Kayla." Jesse declared and Alanna blinked. "Yeah, I noticed when you took your shirt off. My friend had said Kayla was 'a little flabby'. I don't think that describes you, does it?"

"It doesn't." Alanna laughed a little, Jesse joined in. "Why didn't you say anything?"

"What can I say?" Jesse walked up to her. "You're... You're really cool. It doesn't hurt that you're hot either." Jesse looked away. "Uh, can you tell me something?"


"Was that actually your first time?"

"Yeah... In more ways than one."

"What?" It was Jesse's turn to ask.

"I'm, well, I was a virgin."

"No way!" Jesse gasped.


"Oh, hell no. How about you give me your number and we, uh, make up for all those years, huh?"

Alanna grinned as the sun began retreating behind grey clouds.

"Sure, I'd like that, my name's Alanna by the way."

With that, both girls were left awkwardly standing in front of each other.

"So, the weather's nice, right?" Alanna scratched the back of her neck.

Jesse rolled her eyes with a smile and started walking back to her house.

"I'll see you around, Alanna."