A Witch's casting...

Author: Blackseed

Description: After a casting/ interview, the witch decides to indulge herself in some orc dicking, without caring what the orc thinks of it. Will her bottomless lust be sated before the famous stamina of an orc ends?

Tags: Femdom, Titfuck, Anal, Blowjob, Impregnation, Huge breasts, Rough fuck, Squeezing, pulling, milking, slapping

"Everyone, please welcome Faym Domina!" The host hollers, joined by the cheers of the crowd.

The studio is small but warmly lit, a selected group of individuals gathered in the audience. Normally, the host would fill his studio with a cheering crowd to the brim, but for tonight's special interview, he opted for a more small and intimate group. Those who will pay top dollars to catch a glimpse of the world-renowned sorceress known as Faym Domina.

"Hello," a sultry woman's voice replied to the host as she sat comfortably on the red couch centered in the middle of the studio. The couch was not fancy in any sense of the word, clearly used and abused throughout the years. Faym sat slowly, a look of disappointment on her face, followed by an airy sigh.

"Welcome to Stories of the Past! I am your host, Gogron, but feel free to call me the host. How are you doing this evening, my lady?" The Orc replied, shifting slightly on his feet. He stood off to the side of the couch where his chair sat, not opting to sit down just yet. While small for orcs, Gogron was still huge compared to other creatures. His green skin paired nicely with his dark blue suit- the top buttons of his shirt open to display his chest.

"I am doing… well, all things considered," came her cryptic reply, smoothing out the crease in her short dress. Gogron couldn't help but let his eyes wander to the milkiness of her thighs, squished together as she put one over the other. Shaking his head, the host cleared his mind from the gutter. There would be time for that later.

"That is fantastic. So- where to begin? You have a history that is large and all-encompassing. Tell me about it. You were an evil sorceress at one point- what are you up to these days?"

"Evil? I would hardly consider myself evil," Came Faym's quick reply, straight and to the point. "... but I did grow tired of the overlord business. Nowadays, I do what I like, when I like. Retirement has been fulfilling, to say the least."

"Retirement? At your age? You look too young to be retired," is the host's quick reply, flirty. "I do look young," Faym confidently replied with a chuckle. "... Young and powerful,"

"Yes, your reputation precedes you," the host responds. "Thank you for agreeing to come onto my show, by the way,"

"Yes, well, I figured they needed my presence to boost your ratings. Everyone wants a piece of me. Enough of that, though; ask me what you want to ask me," Faym's bright red eyes twinkled with mischief as she moved her long dark hair off her shoulder. "... We both know what you want to ask,"

"Ah, you have seen the show," The Host replies, settling in his chair finally.

"I have heard of it," Faym replies, feigning boredom.

"What we want to know- well, what I want to know, is how many sexual encounters has a renowned sorceress such as yourself been in? What were they like? What is the most memorable? What does a sorceress like you find sexually appealing?"

"So many questions, impatient, are we?" Faym replies with a sultry laugh. She eyes the small crowd with a smug and powerful look. Mostly men decorate the studio audience, a few token females among them. Teasingly, Faym runs a finger along her collarbone, tracing a set of tattoos. Eyes follow her movements like a hawk- she delights in the power she wields. "... I'm surprised they let an orc-like you host such an event,"

"Like me?" The host responds, stilling slightly. The move makes Faym grin wider.

"Yes. You are lacking compared to other orcs. I've had many of them as lovers, I would know. How did you manage to weasel your way into a job like this? Interviewing individuals about their sexual preferences? Hardly a job for an ogre-like you,"

"I apologize if you find me lacking, but we are here to talk about you- not me. Feeling camera shy?" The host replies easily, clearly used to being put down.

"I have never been shy," Faym answers instantly, standing. "...Look at me. Do I seem like someone who needs to be shy? Don't be ridiculous. My body is crafted like a god, and the

universe is just fodder for me to do with as I please," she turns to the audience, smug and flirty.

"Raise your hand if you would like me to fuck you," she asks, and the crowd erupts with hands- women and men alike. "... okay, now hush," she demands with a wave of her hand, and the crowd instantly seats themselves again in silence. Faym looks to the host, crossing her arms under her large breasts. "... strip,"

"Excuse me?" The Host replies, laughing awkwardly.

"Strip. I don't like to repeat myself- you want to know my sexual conquests? Then why don't I show you? You should be so grateful- a filthy orc like you,"

"I-" the Orc begins to reply, thrown off balance.

"Don't keep me waiting. It will not end well," the sorceress states, flipping her hair off her bare shoulder. Her shortdress barely covered her breasts. The host can see the outline of her protruding nipples through the fabric.

"Of course, of course," the Orc finally replies, underdressing. He stands much taller than Faym but somehow is the meeker of the two. Her presence is overwhelming. Demanding.

"On your knees, Orc," Faym states firmly, her eyes smoldering with heat and desire. The host obeys, the studio dead silent. Not even a pin dropping. "... We shall start with one of my personal favorites- a warrior who pleaded for his life. He would do anything to live, so I granted him life- all he had to do was control himself."

"Control himself?" The host asks, on his knees- matching height with the sorceress.

"Yes," Faym replied simply, using her heel to shove the Orc onto his back. He landed with a soft thud, and when he propped himself up to kneel again, he found her heel on his chest, pushing him back down. "...On your back, Orc, where you belong,"

The Orc obeyed, laying down. With a smirk, the sorceress undressed slowly, revealing her large milky breasts and plump ass. She kneeled between the Orc's large legs, eyeing his growing erection with a grin.

"So easy to stand at attention. Not used to seeing the body of a goddess?" She teases, grabbing her large breasts and depositing them on either side of his cock. He felt the heaviness on his balls, clenching in need. Her breasts pushed against the side of his cock- enveloping it with a warm, velvety softness. "... all you have to do is never cum. Understand?"


"Hush, Orc. The scene is starting." With that, she moved her large breasts up and down, developing the Orc's entire cock and covering the tip before moving back down. Pre cum immediately poured from the head of the Orc, coating the woman's breasts and making it easier to slide through. Faym grinned in delight, watching how the Orc suffered, trying to hold back already.

"F-fuck," the Orc muttered, hand gripping at his mouth. He watched her press hard against the tip of his cock with her breasts, squeezing him and pumping him at the same time. His body flooded with fiery lust, shooting straight to his balls and ready to burst. He would not last long at this rate- how did the warrior in the story last? "...Did he make it? T-The warrior?" The host managed to get out between loud grunts.

"You will have to wait and see," The Sorceress replied, pumping faster. "... Give me your hands,"

"What?" Answers the dumbfounded Orc.

"Do not question me, Orc. Put your hands on my tits and stroke yourself with them."

"L-like this? Fuck…" The host responded, gripping her large breasts tightly and digging into her milky flesh with his huge hands. His cock jolted between her breasts from the contact- his hips thrusting off the ground grind faster between her tits.

"Ah- Just like that… filthy, isn't it?" She chuckles. She tugs at her nipples hard using her fingers, moaning loud and in rhythm. The Orc's cock twitches from the sound, his eyes glued to her fingers as milky white substance leaks from her nipples. The sorceress tugs on them harshly again, moaning loud and wanton.

"Fuck!" the orc yells, gripping her tits tight and thrusting faster. Faym's grin grows larger as the tip of his cock brushes against her face repeatedly. "... Fuck, god just like that."

"Do not tell me what to do, Orc," Faym replies swiftly, opening her mouth and sucking harshly on the tip of his cock as it slides into her mouth.

"Shit!" The host yells, thrusting faster. He loves the way his cock feels between her breasts, thrusting through the velvety softness before being encased inside the hot wetness of her mouth with each thrust. His mind blurs, forgetting the act he was supposed to be following- only obsessing about continuing at all costs.

He fists handfuls of her black hair as her pink lips close over the head of his cock again. Her expert tongue swipes over his domed tip, teasing him with its softness. Each pass sends pulse after pulse of electric pleasure through his body.

Faym is slowly starting, focusing on building him up. She pays such close attention to every sound he grunts, every animalistic growl that leaves his lungs. His head falls back against the ground. He lets himself go at the moment. Finally enjoying himself instead of focusing on the task of not orgasming.

Faym dips down harshly, deep throating his gigantic cock every few moments to make sure he stays on his toes. She is an expert at building the pace up. He would almost think she loved him if it wasn't for the situation.

Her hands come up to cradle his balls, her head bobbing more quickly.

"That warrior is so fucking lucky…" he groans, his hand tightening in her hair. He lifts his head to watch her take him. Faym makes a show, locking eyes with him and taking him all the way down her throat. She holds the position, grinding his cock's tip against the warm flesh

of her throat. He can not help but grind into her, his mouth agape with shock and satisfaction. Faym smirks in response.

"do not fucking stop," He begs, twitching inside her warm mouth. He never wants to leave. She looks so good, choking on his cock.

A finger moves to press between his balls and his ass, and a flash of heat erupts in his abdomen. Faym bobs her head in time with the strokes, and his willpower crumbles from the need. Her head pops off his cock, teasingly catching the pre-cum that immediately pools against the air with a curl of her tongue.

She descends again, only to encase his bulbous tip and suck harshly. His reaction is instantaneous, eyes rolling to the back of his head as he falls back onto the ground. A loud groan escapes his chest. The vixen continues to tease him until his balls are clenching, and he shouts her name to the heavens. He pushes her head down, begging her to take his cock fully, but she refuses. Faym continuously teases him, pushing against his taint with her finger and destroying his tip with her tongue.

"Please," the host hears himself beg before he can help it. He lifts his head to look at her again. Only when he makes eye contact with her does she finally take him in full again. Her head bobs down to the Orc's curls before she hums around his cock. The vibrations send shock waves through his systems, his toes curling from the pleasure as his orgasm begins to rock through his body. His hands seek purchase on her tits again, gripping tightly in anticipation.

Then she stops.

Slapping his hands away from her breasts and using her hands to shove his hips down to the ground. The Orc cries out, having been on edge. His cock- now dripping from saliva and pre- cum stood at attention in the cold air, twitching helplessly.

"Filthy Orc," Faym laughed, pushing against his hips as he tried to thrust once more. "... Did you think I was going to sit there and let you cum on my face? Disgusting. Like you would deserve such an honor."

"W-what happened?" The Orc breathed out, his hands gripping the ground for dear life. "… W-hat happened to the warrior?"

"He died shortly after exploding all over my wonderful tits," she laughed, bending her head down and licking a long stripe from the base of his cock to the tip of his head. The Orc grunted loudly, watching in a horny haze. "... would you like to start the next story? I'm rather fond of this one as well."

"Fuck yes," the Orc replied instantly, earning a loud laugh from the sorceress. ".. I mean, yes, continue,"

"It was another fun competition… if he won, he would get to cum deep inside this wet pussy of mine. Sounds delightful, doesn't it?"

"Yes," the Orc responded immediately, cock twitching.

"Well," the sorceress replies casually, turning around to give the Orc a magnificent view of her ass in the air. She makes a long stretch, shaking her ass slightly teasingly. "...would you like to know what happened?"

"Fuck, please," the Orc replies in earnest, pumping his aching cock for relief.

"Then fuck me and find out," Faym teases, earning a loud grunt from the Orc. He is on her in the next second, his large body overshadowing hers easily.

Faym's eyes follow over his well-muscled body, particularly on his biceps, as his arms cage around her. She feels his rock-hard cock grind against the plushness of her ass, excitement coursing through her veins. Faym saw how thick he was and knew she was in for a good time.

"You want me to fuck that cute little pussy of yours?" The host asks, his voice dropping to an octave. She didn't even think he could go. It was like her body went on autopilot, and she was here for the best ride of her life.

"I… well, obviously," Faym's confidences fold overs as she blushes slightly. Bringing a hand up, he roughly grabs at her tits. They feel warm and heavy in my hands, and she can tell that her body's senses are heightening. Rubbing his thumbs over her rock-hard nipples, her back arched into his touch, and she moaned quietly.

"Yeah?" He teases her. "... Do you like it rough? Feels good when I force my rough Orc fingertips over your nipple, right?" He pinches and drags both her nipples far out, letting go to watch her breasts bounce. Faym whines loudly like a bitch in heat but refuses to ask for his cock.

That just will not do.

Smacking her tits harshly, he grabs her by the hair and throws her towards the ground. When she turns to look at him over her shoulder, he pushes her down. Her hair halos around in a mess.

"Wait-" she begs, but he lands a swift smack on her milky plush ass.

"Why?" He replies, smacking her ass hard again. "...You want me to fuck you stupid, right?" She moans loudly in response, and he knows she loves every second.

"Right?" he demands again. Testing his limits.

"Yes-" Faym starts, pushing her reddened ass back against his waiting hand. "..... shut up and

fuck me already,"

"oh? It's not my fault you can't make up your fucking mind," he laughs. Looking down at her pussy, it's dripping down her thighs. He grinds his cock between her thighs, slicking himself with her essence.

"Look at you," he starts, pushing a finger slowly past her folds to pinch her clit. "...You got fucked last night, I bet, and you're still starving for cock,"

He teases her slowly, moving his finger back and forth through her lips to pinch her clit and barely press against the opening of her tight hole. Every pass through her wet lips, she shivers and adjusts, moving her hips to try and force his finger more inside of her. When his tongue comes down to lick at her tight ass, curses rush from her mouth.

"Oh, fuck…" Faym begins, her hands tightening into balls. "... Oh god, Gogron,"

The Orc smacks her ass harshly, clawing his nails down it before using the hand to pull her cheek to the side. He drove her crazy, teasing her, licking and pushing slowly through the lips of her pussy. Fondling her clit until he can feel her body shaking, and backs away. He can hear her yelling in frustration, slamming her fists down on the ground.

"God fucking damn-it, Gogron!" She yells, her voice breaking. It's then he decided to destroy her resolve completely.

He pushes a slick finger into her weeping cunt, and at the same time, pushes a long finger into her ass. Her hips rise off the ground along with her head as she lets out a throaty and long moan.

"You fucking love that, don't you?" He replies, just as breathless as she is. What a sight to behold for someone like him. Getting to worship the body of a goddess like her.

"Gogron I-" Faym begins, breathless. But he does not give her a chance. He starts pumping in and out of her harshly. He can hear the wetness with each thrust. Each push forces her whole body to move, rubbing her clit and nipples against the ground to get friction. It takes only a moment for her needy cunt to constrict around his finger. He completely abandons her body right before she climaxes.

"Gogron!!" she screams, slamming her fists down on the ground. He laughs loudly at her, pulling his cock out and aligning it to her slick cunt.

"You know what to do," he teases her, just barely pressing the tip of his cock against her opening.

"Gogron, look," Faym starts, trying to meet him in the middle.

"Nah uh ah," he replies, gripping her hair and yanking her up as much as she can go. He can feel her contract tightly against his cock.

"Beg Faym," he states, his voice leaving no room for argument.

"Please!" she quickly replies.

"Please?... what," is his counter, bracing his other hand on her hip.

"God… just.. please fuck me, Gogron. Just fuck me already," Faym finally gives in, his cock fully sheathed inside her at record speed. He feels an intense pleasure all over his body- taking control. He is drilling into her the next moment, holding nothing back.

"Fuck Gogron, FUCK," Faym screams, reaching for anything to help ground her. "... oh my gOD, Gogron… Your cock is… oh god,"

"Big? Yeah," he grunts. He lets go of her hair to spread her cheeks, loving the way her ass clenches with each thrust. "... It's thick enough to split this pretty pussy in two. You'd love that, wouldn't you?"

"Yes!" Faym moans, laying completely flat against the ground, her back arching as far as it can go...

He feels her already convulsing around his cock, and he drills in deep to hit the spongey wetness of her g-spot. Pulling her flush against him, he reaches around to slap her clit hard. The next moment she is squirting, and he is rubbing her clit as hard as possible to keep her going. Her screams are deafening in his ears, but he feels a sensation pulsing through his entire body as my orgasm hits like a freight train. He slams her onto the ground, mounting her. Plunging his cock inside her wet cunt, he sees stars as he finally falls off the edge.

"do not cum inside," she moans out, even though she is slamming her ass back at him as hard as she can.

"You are going to take every single. Fucking. Drop." he harshly replies, forgetting the scene, smashing her by her hair against the floor. His cum shoots inside her and paints her walls in thick ropes. He can tell she feels it as her eyes widen dramatically and a deep moan rips from her throat.

"Oh FUCK," she screams as another orgasm tears through her. "...oh fuck your cum! Your fucking cum is…" she stutters, eyes rolling back. He continues to grind until every drop is done, and even then, his erection is still hard.

Pulling himself from her warmth, he stares at the solution right in the ass. Literally. he feels his body move on its own as it palms and grips the plush rear in earnest appreciation. The host pushes against the opening of her ass. With his hand still in her hair, he uses his other hand between her shoulder blades to completely dominate her form.

"Wait-" Faym begins, but the host isn't listening.

"No," Smacking her ass enough to leave a vibrant red mark, he positioned himself at the entrance of her rear. He spreads the cheeks apart as he enters in one go, fully settling into her and grinding downwards. He feels her body shake hears her gasps of breath from swollen lips. When he thrusts slowly but hard, she finally breaks under him.

"Fuck!" Faym moans, grinding back her ass against him with a loud smack.

«Shit. You are so tight! » The host grunted as he stilled for a few seconds, not expecting the firmness of her assa round his cock.

«Oh. Fuck… » she panted. Her breasts were now grazing the floor. «I never have… I don't. Fuck » she stuttered as she tried to catch her breath

«Oh, but you will, » The host whispered dangerously

He wasn't sure what she wanted to say, but he did not care for that at the moment as he ground his cock still buried deep inside her, once then twice against her ass.

«Go. Gorgon! Please,» she practically begged.

Her cunt was still dripping and sore, but for some odd otherworldly reason, the feel of him in her ass seemed to turn her on further. She felt like she would combust. His thrusts were slow and long, trying to tease her to madness and lord knows it was working just fine.

«You enjoyed teasing me, didn't you ? » he growled anomalistically against her ear. «With your body and your words, flaunting yourself around and touching me to the point of driving me mad.»

With each word he spoke, he rolled his waist against her surplus ass, driving her nuts as she did him. Then she couldn't take the teasing anymore as she tried to throw her ass back at him.

«Gor… » she started before letting out a gasp as he slapped her ass firmly, pressing her to the ground. «Ugh Fuck! » she groaned.

«You would stay and take it all like the slut you are. This was what you wanted, was it not?. Now you want to run ? » he chuckled darkly

«Please, « she begged.

«I did not get that ? » he teased as he continued his slow strokes

« Please, Gorgon » She was spanting now, beads of sweat lining her brows as she arched her back further «Make me cum » she groaned

« You would need to be more… Articulate… Sorceress, » he teased

« Fuck! Please make me cum! Please let me cum ! » she screamed. « Please ! » she practically screamed it now as she mewled.

« Always at your service, » he mocked as he began thrusting into her rapidly. It was as if he was suddenly possessed again, and she was his divine relief.

Like a man with his least favorite toy. He fucked her as he hated her, regardless of her angle, he was in a haze, and she was the fog clogging his vision.

«Fuck! I will never recover from this, » he muttered to himself as his thrust became harder, his orgasm rushing towards him.

He leaned over, grabbing her voluptuous breasts as he pulled her upwards towards himself. She squeaked. The angle is giving him a much deeper position and access to her breasts. He

slapped them, aiming to hit across her nipple _a move that had her hissing in pleasure as she threw her head back with a loud catlike mewl.

«Cum for me, » he growled into her ear as he dipped two thick fingers right into her weeping pussy, his thumb pressing against her clit with a precession that had her obeying his anomalistically requested command.

Her throat was sore from all the screaming, but that was not what had her mouth in a silent o, and her eyes rolled to the back as she came harder than expected; it was the way he growled against her, his grip on her breasts tight as they both came.

He pulled away, falling backward with a cock that, for some off reason, was still so hard as he panted. He eyed her form, licking hi slips as he thought of another form of taking her. She lay a few inches from him, his cum dripping down her glossy thigh alongside the already dried-up residue from their first go.

He saw her lick her lips, and the memory of his cock in said mouth had his head spinning. He crawled towards her again, like a man with his favorite dose of opium.

«No.., » She groaned once she felt him closing in on her. «No more. What the hell are you on ? » she grumbled as she made to pull back.

«I am on you, and what? What happened to the sexy temptresses that wanted to show us what it is like to have her ? » he teased as he grabbed her leg.

If only he knew how his words would affect her.

Her red eyes flashed to his face, all signs of fatigue vanishing as she appraised him.

«You want to know what else I have done ? » she said.

Her voice was now eerily calm, the panting all but gone. It fascinated and scared Gorgon, yet he found himself mumbling a yes to her question.

«Mhmm ? » he mumbled, all confidence he had been building fading into nothingness at the look in her eyes.

Now, he was the prey.

«Hmm.. let me tell you the one with the historian who sorts me at my habitant, » she purred as she all but crawled all over him.

It was such a sexy move; his cock twitched in appreciation.

«Yes, » he mumbled, captivated by her big breasts that dangled in his face and her fat ass covered in dry sperm thrust up in the air like a proud cat.

«He was just like you, you see. For he had a lot of questions. Just… like… you ! » she said. Enunciating each word with a tap to his nose.

She grinned, her red eyes twinkling with pure mischief.

«And what happened » he gasped

« I ruined him. Just like I am about to ruin you, » she said just as she ducked down on his hard cock.

« Ohhh FUCK.. Faym !! » he gasped.

She had moved so well, and with such precession, he had no idea of her intentions until she was already sitting on his lap with his cock buried deep inside her.

She slapped his face lightly but firmly.

«It is Sorceress to you, » she warned as she rolled her hips

He lost all train of thoughts, unsure what it was she was even speaking of, for he was too far gone in this pleasurable haze she had put him in.

But then she slowed.

« You thought you were in charge, didn't you? The big bad ogre is handling the infamous witch. » she teased as she rolled her waist firmly, grinding against him so good he felt he might pass out.

«Rie… Sorceress ! » he corrected immediately as he made to hold her to himself. She easily slapped his hand away, binding them to his back with a simple word.

« Tut tut. It is my turn, » she tutted at him

« I thought you were retired, » he teased

«Why, of course, I am. But I never said I don't use a bit of binding now and again, » she responded smoothly against his ear as she held on to his shoulders for support to get closer.

« Fuck !... shit! Just like that » he suddenly groaned at her new tactic.

Faym had taken to applying two tactics at once. She would roll her waist then move back and forth. She let the hands holding onto his shoulder slip lower, landing right on his solid chest. This time, her nails scratched down his chest until they reached his dark nipples.

She squeezed lightly.

«Oops!" She called out rather unapologetically as he grunted loudly underneath her "You fucking did that on purpose," he moaned.

"What are you gonna do about it? Huh? You big bad ogre." She taunted as she rode him faster. Rolling her hips back, forth, and around.

It was like torture. But of the best kind.

"I... I will..." he stuttered, unable to get his bearing through the onslaught of pleasure. "FUCK!! Faym!!" He hissed, earning himself a sharp pinch to his nipple.

"What? You wanted to know about the escapade with the historian, did you not?" She teased. "Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Please!" He whined.

He couldn't move his arm, and that frustrated him beyond measure. "Please, what? Huh?. What do you want?" She asked as she rode him.

She placed her hand on his shoulders again, bouncing up and down his cock. The sound of the joining filled the space loudly. Skin slapped on the skin, and she dominated him; she hissed as her orgasm began.

"So fucking tight!!..." he stuttered. "Damn it!! Please let me cum." "Oh, I have something better," she moaned

She was basically on the brink of orgasm as she pulled away from him. Pushed him to the floor and climbed his face.

"Lick," she ordered as she leaned, overtaking his soaked cock between her breasts again.

They went at each other like rabid, grunting and groaning. Yet he still could not move his arm. He flicked his tongue over her clit just as she took him to the back of her throat. She moaned around his cock, The sound reverberating to his core.

His hips jerked once, and he was cumming harder than he had ever done as she squirted all over his face.

"Fuck" he mumbled, and she laughed "Funny those were his last words."