Village of the Cowgirls

Author: luffy316

Desc: An explorer finds a secluded village populated by horny cowgirls all in the mood to breed.

Bill couldn't believe his luck. He was on a fairly mundane research expedition, searching the deep jungles of the Brazilian rainforest for any new plant life. It wasn't the kind of adventure he'd imagined when he signed up for the job, but at least he was seeing exotic locations. He was one of the more athletic people in his research department, so he had been selected as perfect for the task involving a lot of hiking and humidity.

The last thing he expected was to trip down a shallow trench and into an almost invisible tunnel between all the overgrowth and the terrain around it. He'd have never thought to look here, and the further he went, he saw strange signs of life. He had seen hoofprints of various species before, but this was something else entirely. The prints in the widening tunnel were too off-center to be your normal ox or other quadruped. The passage he went through even looked man-made, despite the area supposedly remaining miles and miles from any native territories.

He found his answer soon enough. He went through the short but broad tunnel and reached the village. What he found were not humans, but they were close enough that it made the sight even more shocking and fascinating.

The settlement itself was fairly common for a low-tech village. Large homes were made of wood and leaves, but the clinking of ironwork could be heard from some open-walled smiths. A vast stretch of farmland could be seen with the locals working the fields, appearing to be entirely crops and gardens with no signs of livestock. The women were dressed sparsely, some in animal hides while others were in more complicated or colorful garb. Silks, robes and leathers were common, and even overalls or jeans could be found implying a surprisingly advanced crafting culture.

Those were all finer details that Bill sorted out after he got past the fact that the village was entirely populated by cowgirls. Every woman sported horns and tails of various sizes and collars, and their feet were replaced by hooves with a thin layer of fur grown around their ankles. There were nothing but females to be seen, and they lived up to their bovine nature to be sure. Wide hips and huge breasts, many bigger than Bill's head, were commonplace, and many were taller than him to make them especially prominent and intimidating. While their skin was smooth and hairless, they came in every shade he could imagine. Dark skin like the locals intermingled with surprisingly pale tones. Some even bore spots and smooth patterns like a traditional dairy cow.

"MUA MUA!" a husky woman's voice barked from somewhere behind him.

Bill shook his head, realizing he'd wandered right into view after being stunned by the sight of a new type of human. He looked back to see a tall and muscular woman, her skin like dark coffee and horns high and curled towards the center from their roots in her bushy black and white hair. She wore light leather armor like a loincloth and a few leather bands went around her torso, holding two round plates of metal like huge pasties over her nipples. She raised a spear with what appeared to be an old, carved horn as its tip. She clearly stood guard at the tunnel's mouth, holding her weapon readily but not looking full ready to use it.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to intrude. Hello!" he offered hastily.

He had been to enough countries to know the look of confusion on the scowling guard's face. More of the cowgirls were starting to flock over at the shouting, muttering in some other language.

"Sorry, ah…" Bill recalled what he could from his courses in the local language. He tried again in the regional tongue.

"Hello. How are you? I don't want to trouble you. I got lost."

The guard maintained her wary glare.

"Mamu moo mah," she snapped, shifting her spear aside so she could grab him by the collar. The dark muscle cow easily lifted him off his feet as she stormed off towards the village. The locals muttered in similar guttural and chirping noises, clearly having their own unique language in their village. He might have cracked a smile to realize it all seemed built around the word "moo" if he weren't in such a heated situation.

"Wait! I don't mean to make anyone angry," he said quickly. If they didn't understand him, he figured he may as well stick with English to see if anything stuck with them.

"My name is Bill and I'm not a threat. I promise!"

The dark guard stopped in her tracks at that. Bill's eyes widened as she studied him closer, leaning in and sniffing his face. That, of course, put her close enough that her large udders squashed against his chest, the firm flesh spreading slightly at the resistance.

"Bull," she answered curtly.

This got an excited tittering from the onlookers. The Amazonian cows leaned over and around each other to get a better look at him as the guard grabbed Bill by his belt. She mangled the buckle off with one powerful hand before tearing it open and whipping his pants down in a swift stroke. There was much gasping in excitement. The guard slowly grew a very satisfied grin as her eyes locked on his erection, making him realize he may be a rare or even the only male they had seen.

"Bull!" the guard declared proudly. She suddenly released his shirt, letting Bill drop to the ground. He barely kept his footing and even then, it wouldn't last. The dark-skinned guard drove herself into him, aggressively forcing him to the soft ground and mounting him in the middle of the village.

It would become the first of many times he would be used by the bovinian people. The muscular guard's large muscles and even bigger breasts made for a dense figure, keeping him pinned while slamming into his cock with surprising force. Even the wrapped leather failed to keep the guard's breasts in check, bobbing heavily with each pump of her eager riding.

The rest of the tribal cowgirls gathered around, chattering in their simplistic language while clearly content to let this happen. Bill was too shocked to protest in any language, not that they'd understand it, and he was actually enjoying himself either way.

It seemed clear that the musclebound guard had never been with a male human judging from her confused response to their meeting. It became more clear as he fit inside her, finding that despite the woman's beefy size she was a very tight fit. He gasped as her tight pussy squeezed his cock, ironically allowing the cow to milk him.

The cow print-hair bobbed above her smirking face, trapping the smaller man with her bulk. Her inexperience quickly started to show as her bold expression faltered, dropping into a blank trance. Her eyes fluttered as any suspicion left her face, caught up in the intense new feeling of human intercourse. Despite her unfamiliarity, her powerful legs squatted on either side of him, braced on her hooves to keep her steady despite her faltering expression. Whatever training had left her the cowgirl warrior clearly hadn't prepared her for human dick.

"Me… myoooo~!" the otherwise stern cowgirl cooed. Her weight focused entirely on grinding on his cock with her snug and soaking wet slit. They pumped rapidly with a force Bill would have expected from machinery rather than a human body. The muscles flexed rapidly up and down, bouncing her tits and wild hair with her until the explorer shuddered beneath her. He let out a faint squeak as her hips crashed down into his hard enough to sting just before he found his seed bullied right out of his balls and into her expectant pussy.

The guard emitted a low and guttural groan as she arched her back. Her pussy squeezed tighter around him like a gripping hand, soaking up all his seed that she could. Bill watched wide-eyed as the powerful guard seemed to crumble before his fertile dick. Her muscles tensed and loosened as her body slumped over him, dropping to all fours above him.

A few of the cow's tribeswomen gasped and huddled in closer but the guard gave them a dismissive wave of her hand. Even as she sweated and took deep, shuddering breaths, she seemed to assure them she was alright as Bill finished ejaculating inside her.

The sweaty amazon looked down at the human with a softer cave, her heavy tits already resting on his face. He stared up at her wide-eyed as she cupped one of her massive teats, raising the swollen and erect nipples to his face.

"Miluk?" she prompted, bobbing her dark breast slightly.

Bill was too exhausted and relieved to hear a word he understood to deny. He opened his mouth and latched onto her breast, his twitching dick still stuck inside her. The cow print guard bit her lip and shut her eyes, clearly enjoying it at least as much as he was. He sucked and drank diligently, refreshing himself on the surprisingly flavorful milk. It was unlike any milk he'd had before, and perhaps different from any drink he'd ever had. It was rich and soothing while giving him a mild sense of energy. As if it had some stronger nutrients or even caffeine to it.

Bill felt a trickle of fluid over his face, glancing up to see the guard's mouth gaping in ecstasy. Drool began to run from her mouth as she seemed dumbstruck by the sensation of being milked and fucked at the same time. She went back to humping on his cock, even if it was softened by his orgasm. Her pumps were slower and deeper now, her wet pussy noisily sucking his cock with each thrust. The human reached out to grope her free tit, finding its nipple already wet and leaking before he even stared to pinch and pull.

Working both her tits at once proved as stimulating for her as he'd expected. The guard gasped loudly, arching her back and pulling her slippery tits from his lips and hand. A spray of milk escaped both of her breasts as they leaked all over him, bouncing wildly as she smashed her hip roughly into his lap. He'd be finding bruises around his pelvis for a while but he was too enraptured in the moment to stop her. The thick honey of her orgasm oozed over his cock in pulses of her pussy, her crotch practically slobbering over him like the rest of her was already leaking.

"M-mo… mu caf?" the guard panted, rubbing at her firmly toned stomach. She batted her eyes enticingly down at the winded Bill. Even with the language barrier, it wasn't difficult to see what she was telling him.

"I think so? There's no guarantee, but… you might be pregnant. That is..." he went on as he saw her blank expression.

"You might have a calf coming."

The guard's eyes lit up with delight, her paranoia and intimidation long gone. She gasped and hugged her muscular arms around her chest as the other cowgirls erupted into what sounded like cheers and congratulations.

"Mu caf! Mil-moomo ma caf mo! Co-cow mumooo~!"

Bill felt a second wave of relief (his orgasm being the first) as the ladies seemed delighted by the idea. The guard herself got up to many affectionate pats and hugs from her comrades.

His rest was short-lived as another cowgirl grabbed him by the arm, hoisting him back to his feet. A less muscular but even bustier amazon with bushy black hair hugged him tightly, burying his face into her bosom.

"Me momu~! Calf mu bul!" she cooed excitedly as she snuggled him tightly.

"Ma moo!" another objected. She pulled him from her grasp, allowing Bill to see past the mountains of flesh long enough to see a towering blonde with her big blue eyes fixated on him. She tugged him away from her neighbor's grasp like he was nothing but a pantsless doll, confirming that even the smallest of the women were stronger than he was.

BIll's ears were filled with the bickering of horny cowgirls in their native language until a broad, older woman stepped forward. She was pale but with dark blemishes making more clearly bovine patterns along her skin. She was older than the others, a few faint streaks of white cutting through her light brown hair but looking remarkably healthy for her age, if he could even venture a guess to their actual age at all. Tall horns of intricate shades of chalk white and light brown grew higher than most as a further sign of her maturity. She was still dressed sparsely like the rest of them, low-hanging furs draped over her shoulders to just cover the nipples of her jugs, each barely bigger than Bill's torso.

"Maa muma ood," she ordered quickly. The rowdy women slowly began to calm themselves as she slung Bill over her shoulder. She turned and trotted off towards the village proper, finally moving him beyond its outermost borders. Bill was too drained to consider resisting the mature and powerful woman that held some power over the rest. He just dangled his upper body behind her, watching the assortment of wide asses and flicking tails that were clearly chattering over his arrival.

A few moments later, Bill found himself being set on a bed. It was simplistic but sturdy, likely because it was built for such tall and heavy women. The pale woman folded her hands in front of her chest, and Bill had to wonder if it was because she couldn't fold her arms around such a massive chest.

"Ka-ud mimi bull hoof," she explained, pointing at the overwhelmed man. She frowned as she quickly realized he wasn't getting far and took a deep breath, thinking hard for a moment.

"Bull… stay," she said in the stilted and careful tone of someone speaking another language. Bill had used the same voice when he called upon vocabulary words from old college courses.

"Long… hoo. Mooing… in bull… long past ma. Stay. Eat. Rest and calf and milk. Keep dick ready. Co… will watch."

The cowgirl elder held out her hands in a presenting gesture as she stood back up to leave. There was no sign of question in her voice beyond her doubt towards her own vocabulary in broken English (though the phrase "keep dick ready"" seemed quite confident). She was laying out the facts for him rather than making him an offer, which Bill gradually pieced together from her fragmented words. It wasn't especially hard to figure out from a village made entirely of females who came across a foreign man.

He was to stay here. They would take care of him and protect him. In exchange, he would mate with as many of them as possible and milk them with his smaller and more delicate hands. Bill sat back in the sturdy bed as looked up at the ceiling. His foundation would send a search party eventually… he had no idea how long that would take, and honestly…

He smiled. With an offer like that on the table, he didn't know if he'd want to go back.


The time flew by for Bill. He would occasionally consider tracking time with tallies or scratches in the dirt beneath his hut, but there simply wasn't the time to follow through. Consistency came in other ways as woman after woman came knocking at his door to fuck him senseless or stuff their aching tits into his face and hands. He'd empty his seed into as many women as he could before needing to break for food and sleep.

It was obvious that they had higher expectations than Bill was able to meet at first. They would pace themselves by permitting a few to line up for the day, but on his first day he was drained by the second cowgirl. The tribe at least understood nodding yes and no, and they were more interested in keeping him alive than fucking the life out of him.

Each day was the same thing, but it wasn't without variety. Cowgirls of all shapes and sizes came to visit him, chirping in their bubbly-sounding language as they hurried to strip down. Between the heat and the frequency of horny women coming to visit him, Bill barely bothered to get dressed unless he was eating. He maintained a few discolored bruises from the heavy women riding him, whether from bouncing their fat asses on his lap, squeezing him between muscular thighs, bumping his legs with their hooves or motorboating him in between their wrecking ball udders. He was barley able to budge the breeders, all of them thick with fat or muscle one way or the other.

He was grateful to find that what maintained their hardy endurance did the same for humans. Their cooking often came in the form of a rich stew, packed with milk, ground up vegetables, and meat from some strange breed of goat. It was tasty and filling, helping to heal his body from his lovemaking injuries.

As his lovers and delivery cows came and went, he even pieced together a fraction of their language. He got by on pointing and trying out words, and a leanly muscular farmcow that brought most of his meals was happy to correct his pronunciation. It quickly became obvious that they had somehow built a language off of a few keywords of English that had been butchered and taken apart at various tones to reflect different meanings. Their chieftess' broken English was terrible enough that the burden was clearly on him to learn their language. He had studied enough of them to pick them up faster than the natives would. Soon he could at least fill in the gaps to get their point after an unclear number of weeks went by.


"Hello~!" one of his countless visitors chimed. It was a standard morning for him by now. His light breakfast was done so he was already nude. He had a jogger's build at best before he'd arrived in the bovinian village, but having spent so much time humping and groping the stocky women had added some extra muscle on him. He smiled warmly at the full-figured woman, her thick tail whipping eagerly behind her massive behind. Her milky jugs bobbed in a spotted hide top, wide and dark areolas apparent on her fair skin. Fine freckles were scattered all over her skin like cinnamon. It was clear that part of their cow-like heritage included trending towards such minor skin conditions, some of them even multicolored like cow spots. A bushy mane of red curls grew out from around her head in nearly a circular shape from all its frizz.

"Hello! Did you have a good morning?" Bill asked in his best Bovinian. They didn't have a particular name for their species that he could recognize, so it was the best he'd found to refer to them.

"Nice of you to ask! I farmed early today," she replied as she removed her clothes. She was one of the broader women, husky from the work of a hard laborer rather than one of their warriors or hunters.

"You look too soft and fertile to be working so hard," Bill praised as he reached out and squeezed the soft flesh between her belly and hip.

The ginger cowgirl broke into a shrill giggle, blushing at the flattery he'd picked up on. Some cows prided themselves on their strength but most found motherhood to be about as high a status as one could hope for. Males only showed up once a generation or so, and judging by the utter absence of children or anyone who looked less than their early 20s, some of them had never even seen a "bull" before.

"You're so sweet for a little thing," Kateel giggled. He'd started to recognize words that only popped up with specific faces, matching them as their names.

The freckled cow bent over low and kissed his lips as she wiggled out of her loincloth. She was about to ask if he was ready, like most of the ladies would this entire time. He'd surprised the last few with this trick with great success, so he grabbed Kateel by the horns and held her against his face. She let out a startled yelp, locking up as her eyes went wide. The sturdy handles were solidly rooted and nearly unbreakable, judging by how hard he'd seen a few of them locking horns while getting impatient in line.

Holding Kateel by them got her docile, dropping her mouth open and letting Bill press his tongue more aggressively inside her. Her thick lips and tongue lolled weakly against him, surprised and folding back her ears in a rare sign of submission.

"Oh… oh…" she muttered as he finally pulled back from the kiss. He kept his grip on her horns, making the huge woman bend over to stay level with him sitting on the bed. Her tail was whipping around like a loose firehose, showing her rather canine excitement.

"Oh you're VERY in the mood today!" she gasped, not even picking up on the drool going past her lips.

"Your people have been very kind to me," Bill said with a big warm smile. "I should hold up my end of the bargain as your bull."

"Yes… I mean, thank you. I mean, good!" she rambled as her smile grew wider and giddier. The women weren't used to sex, but they were expected to take charge to some degree. They had to wait in line to shack up with Bill, often several times before they could get pregnant. Seeing him take point was surprising and charming to them, especially coming from the smallest person in the village.

"Good. Give me your udders now," he ordered simply.

Kateel stood back up, squaring her broad shoulders so that her freckled tits bobbed in front of him. They were fat and ready, the nips already hard and leaking at the center of her wide areolas. Bill grabbed one roughly and brought it to his mouth, gulping with loud, possessive slurps. He even bit at the base of her nipple, pinching them open in a trick he'd developed to draw more from them faster. Kateel gawked and moaned as he feasted on her tit, just to go to the other. His rough treatment didn't get so much as a flinch out of her, as even the smaller cowgirls were tough enough that he couldn't hurt them if he'd tried. Even with his newfound muscle, his roughest groping and biting only got them more excited.

Bill moved his mouth to her next teat, still pinching and pulling the first one. He'd learned how to feel for their mammary glands, knowing where to push or squeeze to keep their milk flowing. She drained like a well pump, gushing her rich cream past his fingers as he masterfully drained her jugs. He recognized how puffy and needy they felt at first, showing she was filled to the brim and in need of a deep milking. The bovinians created milk for most of their lives, and getting too built up made them painfully tender. They could extract it themselves, but a partner made the experience much more soothing. Or better yet, a small, smooth-handed human bull.

When her jugs looked a bit less bloated and were marked with faint pink bite marks and scratches, he knew Kateel had gotten enough attention there. Any more than that and they tended to just get sensitive again as their glands worked overtime to replace the lost milk. He had found the sweet spot that left them relaxed and at ease while still horny for more.

Kateel was listlessly starting to shut her eyes in pleasure when Bill grabbed her by the horns again. She gasped, her opened mouth exactly what he was after as he pulled her head straight down. His dick was hard with expectation, having gotten used to drinking his fill before plowing his latest mate. He drove it into her mouth, giving her a surprise taste of his rare male musk. The cowgirl moaned and drooled over it instantly, her tongue lapping and wrapping around it with hungry strokes. Bill groaned in appreciation, even as he pulled on her horns for her face to go deeper into his lap. Kateel didn't know how to process the scent of a male properly, and her nostrils huffed his scent rapidly to get a proper feel for it. Her long tongue stroked his cock and balls, submissively held steady by his grip on her horns even knowing she could break free with the slightest effort.

"Ughhk! Muhh~!" she gurgled around her mouthful of drool and cock. Her wide eyes started at him, her lust-addled brain gazing up like he was the bigger male somehow. Even his basic grasp on bovinian didn't follow her sloppy gibberish.

"Yes you may have my bull cock," he replied, loaded with a playfully false confidence.

Kateel gave an appreciative squeal as he unsheathed himself from her large, wet mouth. He slapped her on the ass cheek, far from the tail that tended to hurt if it was played with too much. Bill suspected it wasn't for balance or aggressive use so much as a kind of natural sensor for when their huge asses were about to bump into something they weren't supposed to in the wild.

"On your…"

Bill paused to count under his breath. Me, mi, mon… mil!

"On your four. It's easier for me to reach in there."

"Yes!" Kateel chirped in surprise. The juicy cowgirl hurried onto the bed, bending on her hands and knees. Her broad ass stuck up for him, her tail raised and huge, freshly relieved jugs resting on the bed. The smell of sex had become a permanent part of his hut, and he could hear her taking curious sniffs at the only location in the village where she could find it.

"Part," he ordered, slapping the inside of one of her thighs. He had tried simply pushing or poking, but the thick hide of a bovinian wouldn't register it half the time. The strike didn't hurt her but surprised and got her attention enough to spread her legs out, lowering her body a big while parting her pussy lips.

"Sorry! Is that better?"

"Very good," Bill praised, reaching between her legs. He rubbed at her pussy, feeling around her sloppy snatch. The large but tight folds were oozing with her sexual juices, thick enough for him to raise to his lips and suck on as a sweet and earthy chaser for her milk.

"Perfect. You're very horny today," he pointed out as he moved in behind her. Her steadied his hands in the familiar position above her ass.

"Yes! I was waiting for this day all week," she said hastily. Apparently they had worked out something for his schedule that kept the women rotating from day to day. He had managed to handle three in the last few days, and he found himself hoping he could bang four more today. Just to see if he could make a new record, since it was all he could really do with himself these days.

"Good girl. I'm happy to hear you say that," he said in his choppy bovinian. He slid himself inside her as he rubbed and scratched at her bushy hair, itching her scalp between her animalistic ears. Kateel let out a high-pitched sigh, her big body quivering as the brawny woman seemed to melt at his affections.

Her soaking wet pussy let him push deep inside with hardly any effort at all. Her horny lubricant made her loose lips easy pushing, enough to get some momentum and really ram into her tighter insides. Her solid body held steady but her thick fat jiggled all over her as his dick slammed as hard and deep inside her as he could.

After all, the large women wanted to get pregnant and he had to reach as far inside them as he could to get his best chance. At least, that's what he figured from his experimenting over the last few weeks.

The surprisingly enthusiastic treatment overwhelmed the big bovinian beauty. Her eyes rolled and her voice trailed off into mindless moans, turning into their inevitable moos. She began drooling over her hefty tits as she panted desperately. Bill kept his hands roaming over her body, making her feel even more sensitive as he stroked her hair and horns or groped the side of her breasts like a greedy farmer. Bracing her jiggling form held her steadier for him to slam his cock inside her, finding just the right angle to thump firmly against her clit. Even the swollen pleasure center was more solid than he could imagine, so aggressively fucking her only got delighted pants and cries from her.

"Yes! So good! Mo… more… moooOO~!"

It was possible the last part meant something he didn't understand, but she seemed to devolve into basic mooing as a shout as he came inside her. His rich seed spilled inside her, pushing deep into her receptive and sloppy pussy. Her girlcum was already leaking over his thighs as her pussy pulsed with pleasure, squeezing and milking at his dick in return. Her face fell to the bed, resting her chin on her big swelling breasts as she continued to drool and wail for him.

"Oh… it's so deep!" Kateel wailed mindlessly. "I can feel it… sticky. Good… such a good bull…"

"And you're a very good mate," Bill praised, running his hands over her horns and slowly caressing down to her scalp. She tensed up at his grip, her pussy instinctively squeezing around his shaft once more before she relaxed again.

"I think you'll have lots of calves from this one."

"Yes! I know I will," she said happily. She ran a hand down her freckled thigh and rubbed her pussy, tracing her sticky fingers up to her lower belly.

"Thank you so much, bull. We were so lucky to find you."

"I think I was the lucky one," he corrected, leaning back to rest on his knees.

Kateel was fucked silly and would need a bit before she could stand upright. Bill was trained enough at this point to only needed a few minutes and a fresh drink to restore his vitality. Then he'd be ready for his next mate waiting to worship and drain his cock.

He had made up his mind by then. He was starting to forget pieces of Spanish and his other secondary languages to make room for bovinian. He wondered if his English would start to fade as well as he kept thinking in the language of the cows. It all felt entirely worth it. There wasn't much left for him back in the modern world, and their hiding spot had been so tucked away that he'd only found it with a precise and fateful accident. If anyone ever found him, he'd still insist on staying. At least until every bovinian he'd been with was pregnant with his calves.

Hell, maybe twice. Three? Maybe he could see to their next generation too. Either way, he was happy to stick with his life of nothing but sex, milk and food among massive and beautiful women. The cowgirls gave him what men in the outside world dreamed of, so why would he go back now?