A Maid's Love

Author: Cambrian

Description: A live-in maid falls in love with her kind and considerate Master.

Tags: Loving Sex, Maid Play, Dom/Sub

Rosa was well aware that hers was a dying breed. Personal live-in maids were the stuff of old aristocracies and noble houses. These days, no one set out to become a maid… after all, in a world that did it's best to simultaneously put women on the same pedestal as they'd always been put on, while also claiming to give them all the chances in the world, no 'self-respecting' woman would willingly choose such a profession.

Even Rosa had been disinclined by such work back at the start of all of this. It had seemed beneath her, or at least, it had felt like society itself deemed it beneath her. And she was supposed to go along with the flow of society, right? She was supposed to take the incredibly high grades she'd managed in High School and turn that into a scholarship that would allow her to go to college. She was supposed to become a doctor, just like her parents wanted for her.

Except, while Rosa was quite the smart young woman… college was an entirely different beast then high school. It had been all too easy to get good grades in high school. Not so in college, where Rosa had found it even easier to fall in with bad crowds and waste away her time exploring the party scene for the first time in her life.

Eventually, her mistakes had all caught up with her. Between losing her scholarship due to her failing grades and losing her parents' support, the ensuing nervous breakdown the young woman had suffered had turned her hair stark white and left her adrift without much of a future to look for. But as much as Rosa might have preferred to never come out the other side… she had. She was resilient if nothing else, sturdy in a way that she wasn't as driven as society wanted her to be.

She'd recovered and slowly but surely picked up the pieces of her shattered life. Of course, first and foremost, she needed a job. That was when she'd found her Master. Although, phrasing it like that made it sound… weird.

John Abrams was a good man. He was her employer, her boss… and the Master of the 'home' she'd been hired to take care of. A man who worked from home and yet did so successfully enough to make millions yearly, Master Abrams had a very luxurious penthouse that also doubled as his office. Needless to say, working and living in the same place will make a mess of any location… hence the need for a maid.

But Rosa's Master was the paranoid sort. He was also fairly controlling. These were both traits that he'd associated with himself quite willingly when they'd met for the initial interview. He simply couldn't abide by having a cleaning service run through some company going through his penthouse once a week or something, no matter how reputable the company might be.

That was where Rosa came in. Hired as his personal live-in maid, her entire purpose would be to clean and cook for Master Abrams, while also serving as his secretary after a fashion. It promised to be a lot of work, but the pay was out of this world, more than proportionate to the workload… and honestly, it all sounded like something Rosa was capable of doing… or if not yet capable of doing, very capable of learning.

The 'live-in' part of the equation wasn't too much of a hassle either for the young white-haired woman. After all, the apartment that her parents had been paying for was set to evict her in a few weeks anyways, so that nicely took care of that problem.

The only real sticking point for Rosa at first had been that Master Abrams expected her to wear a full-blown old-fashioned maid uniform at all times while on the job… which, save for when she was in her room and resting, was pretty much all the time. Needless to say, Rosa had been leery, and her prospective Master had been understanding, albeit unyielding. In the end, he'd been perfectly willing to look for someone else, if she couldn't accept the stipulation.

And in the end, even if he may not have known it, Rosa was desperate enough to not let a little thing like a uniform stand in between her and financial security. It was too good of an opportunity to pass up, especially for a washed-up college dropout like herself. And it wasn't like she was enslaving herself to him. With the amount of money that he was paying her, Rosa would have been able to quit in a month or two of saving up if need be and could have then coasted off of her paycheck or paychecks for a year or so while living frugally.

In the end though, that hadn't happened. Instead, Rosa… well, Rosa had broken the cardinal rule of being a maid. Or so she figured. Because she was pretty sure maids weren't meant to fall in love with their employers while working under them. In the end though, Rosa couldn't help it.

Call it what you will. Indoctrination, or maybe Stockholm Syndrome. Call her a broken bird starved for affection. In the end, it mattered not. What mattered was his actions and how she'd found herself responding to them. Her new Master was by no means ugly. Even though he worked from home and had more than enough money to gorge himself on all sorts of decadent delights, he actually lived a fairly spartan lifestyle and kept himself both in shape and healthy, which only served to accentuate his already handsome looks.

But no amount of good looks could hide a nasty personality, as Rosa had learned firsthand. That was just it though, her Master was nothing but caring and kind to her, making her feel like for the first time in a long time, she belonged somewhere. He was also smart and funny in a way that always made Rose smile or laugh. For all that they were Master and maid, he was… he was nice. And maybe that was all the white-haired young woman needed after the trials she'd suffered at the hands of an uncaring and callous world.

Regardless, that all led Rosa to today. Her Master had made a request of her the night before, one that she might have balked at six months ago when she'd just started working for him. Instead, she'd taken it a step further. Apparently, her Master was having a one-on-one meeting today in his penthouse and was hoping to impress the man he was meeting with.

As such, he'd asked Rosa to wear a shorter skirt with her maid uniform than usual. Perhaps it was inappropriate, highly so even… but all Rosa could say was yes, blushing at the thought of getting to… well, show off. Even if another man would be present, she was much more interested in having her Master's eyes on her above all else.

Which was why she'd taken things a step further. Her Master had asked her to wear a short skirt… Rosa had gone and worn that short skirt along with nothing underneath it. As she enters her Master's office precisely ten minutes after he and his client have sat down and begun talking, Rosa does her best to keep the blush off of her face, even as she feels the cool air against her lower lips.

Meanwhile, she carries the tea tray over to the desk in silence, drawing the attention of Master Abrams and his guest, though she doesn't make eye contact with either of them.

"Ah, tea, thank you Rosa. Please be a dear and serve us both before leaving."

"Of course, Master Abrams…"

"Hah! What an obedient maid. You're a lucky man John, a very lucky man."

"I'm well aware."

Rosa flushes at the exchange, trying to figure out if she's imagining the genuine warmth in her Master's voice or not. She can practically feel his eyes boring into her body as she pours him his tea. Luckily, she doesn't tremble too badly, it would be highly embarrassing if she spilt even a single drop, especially six months into her employment as a maid.

But no, in the end she manages both cups with ease, before setting the kettle down on the desk at her Master's insistence.

"Will there be anything else, sir?"

"No, Rosa, that will be all. Thank you very much."

Bowing respectfully to both him and his guest, Rosa turns and begins walking away from them, back towards the door of his office. As she goes, she can feel her Master's eyes burning into her ass, or so it feels. Can he see the curve of her derriere under her shorter skirt? Does he realize she's not wearing any panties, j-just for him? Can he-

In the midst of Rosa's internal turmoil, she… misses a step. She's not inherently clumsy, but she is very distracted at the moment, and so she trips over her own feet and falls, landing on her hands and knees with a yelp that draws the attention of both men in the room. It only takes a moment for her to realize that this position has exposed both her bare ass and pussy to both parties.

Scrambling to her feet, Rosa quickly withdraws, her face bright red as she closes the door to the office behind her. But the damage is already done, isn't it? Embarrassed as all hell, Rosa retreats to her room… and awaits her Master's judgment.


He calls for her a couple hours later, and this time when Rosa enters his office, it's just him. His guest is gone, and her Master… her Master looks at her with a cool, unreadable look.


She approaches, not really having anything else to do. He stands as she does so and circles around the desk, so that they're only a few feet apart when she finally stops in front of it.

"Hands on the desk, palm down. Lean forward."

Rosa shivers and does what she's told. She's a smart girl… she knows what he intends. Maybe she could have protested… but she doesn't want to. And so, she's not at all surprised when his palm suddenly comes down on her jutting ass, spanking her lightly and causing her to gasp out.


And then he spanks her again. Breathlessly, having to contain her moans as she pants noisily, Rosa nevertheless counts out the strikes. Though, they can't really be called strikes. Oh certainly, each 'blow' jars her a bit, causing her to jolt… but they're not truly painful, merely… provocative as he impacts her cheeks with his palm again and again.

All of the sudden, out of nowhere, his hand is in her white hair, tugging her around to face him. His lips crash against hers and he pushes her back up against the desk as his tongue hungrily takes her mouth. Rosa… Rosa happily gives in, kissing him back and melting into his embrace, even as he holds her to him, one hand on her hair and the other sliding down to wrap around and grab and squeeze one of her ass cheeks.

She hadn't put on panties, even after her embarrassment earlier. She's still wearing the short skirt as well. As such, when he grabs her by the hips and suddenly lifts her up onto his desk to sit upon it, all Rosa has to do is splay her legs apart to show off her glistening, dripping wet quim. Pulling away from her lips to look down at her trembling, quivering body, her Master lets out a shaky sigh.

"Rosa… my sweet, sweet Rosa. What am I going to do with you?"

Blushing, Rosa is quick to answer, quite and demure even as she stares at him with wide, soulful eyes.

"W-Whatever you want, Master. I am b-but your humble maid… my duty is to serve you… in all things."

He stiffens at that, before letting a lustful growl free of his lips.

"Rosa… do you have any idea what you do to me when you say things like that?"

Blushing and smiling softly, Rosa averts her gaze.

"I imagine it's much the same as what Master does to me whenever he shows me kindness or care beyond what my station deserves…"

He frowns at that, looking like he wants to say something… but Rosa kisses him before he can, and like a hungering beast not even remotely satiated yet, he kisses her right back, roughly and confidently. He's so very domineering, so very controlling… and Rosa easily capitulates before him, allowing him to have his way with her mouth… while her hands work open his belt and pants.

Once he realizes what she's doing of course, he takes control there too. Rosa wouldn't have it any other way. She draws his hard cock out of its confines, places him against her entrance invitingly… but in the end, leaves it up to him to go further. And go further he does. Master Abrams thrusts forward with a low, guttural growl, and Rosa embraces him as he fucks her quite swiftly upon his desk.

It's almost romantic in a way, or so Rosa likes to think, and as they kiss and make love right then and there, she can't help but be happy. Moaning into his mouth, her pussy clenching around his sizable cock, she's glad that she can be this for her Master, that she can… can make love to him like this. It feels right, being a sleeve for his dick, being both his maid and his cock sheath.

Of course, she doesn't say anything like that out loud. Too embarrassing, and a step too far for their first time. Luckily, her Master doesn't expect her to say anything at all, with how he occupies her mouth with his tongue most of the time, fucking her fast and hard and driving her absolutely wild. Rosa cums around his cock at least twice, but then, they're the first orgasms she's had in six months so they're incredible if nothing else then because of that.

But finally, after the second one… her Master cums as well. He fills her with his seed, and Rosa has to admit, she gets a secret thrill out of him not even asking for permission. He just cums inside of her, and Rosa enjoys it more than she can say.

Of course, immediately after, he tries to apologize.

"Sorry, I should have-!"

But Rosa stops him with another kiss of her own, lingering just long enough to shut him up before pulling back and smiling at him rosily.

"M-Master should never apologize for doing what he wants with this humble maid's body. She lives to serve, Master…"

Taking that in, Master Abrams slowly nods, even as he pulls out of her, letting her get down off of the desk and straighten up her uniform. As she does so, he seems to finally find words.

"I-If that is to be this case… you may consider this your new uniform, Rosa. All of it."

Blinking as she takes in the command, Rosa eventually directs a sunny, wide smile towards her Master.

"As you wish, Master. Will you be available to apply the creampie part of the uniform each morning before I begin work, or will that part be more… optional?"

He blushes at that, as she sassily turns it around on him. In the end though, the two of them are both blushing like mad and smiling at each other goofily as he chuckles and nods, conceding the point to her.

"We'll play it by ear…"