Vanilla Ice Cream

Author: nitenyx

Description: An author goes to support his adopted daughter in her time of need. They grow closer than ever in the weeks that follow, but just when the new couple thinks they have a happily ever after, in their sights, the mastermind behind her misfortune strikes.

"Very cute," Daniel mumbled to the man sitting beside him on the airplane. He had paid extra to book a window seat, wanting to stare out at the clouds and the great blue expanse of the sky, and the great sea far, far beneath them. Just staring at either had always calmed his nerves, and this trip was already fraying them. He needed peace of mind. He needed an opportunity to sort his thoughts out.

But the father sitting beside him didn't care about that, beaming proudly and enthusiastically. He couldn't, and Daniel wasn't about to tell him. As annoying as Daniel found him, he didn't want to harsh his entirely figurative mellow; the man was on top of the world in his beaming exuberance, and not just because the captain announced they were thirty thousand feet over the ocean.

"Aren't they?" the annoyance asked, smiling like a fool as he flicked his thumb across his phone, showing Daniel another picture of his young children. Twins, not even a year old yet. "I can't wait to get home and see them. My wife sends me pictures and videos every day, but it just isn't the same." Daniel tried to be happy for him. The annoying man was blessed in a way Daniel and his late wife never managed, for all their vigorous attempts in their youth. Seeing other people's children used to be painful for him, always inspiring a sense of jealousy and envy in his heart.

He had long since gotten over it. "I bet," Daniel said, putting on a thin smile. He only gave the latest picture the barest of glances, showing the twins off in matching onesies inspired by farm animals. "You're a lucky man."

"Thanks," the proud father said, still grinning as he finally lowered his phone, putting it in his lap. A sense of guilty relief washed over Daniel, seeing the end of his social bondage at long last. Just as he began to turn towards the window, the father spoke up again, friendly and gregarious. "So! That's enough about me. What about you? Have any youngsters running around? Maybe a grandkid or two?"

"... Yeah," Daniel reluctantly replied. He hesitated, then reached into his blazer's pocket to take out his wallet. What's the harm in humouring him? And besides, it would be nice to think of the way things were years ago, instead of the way things were now. He had pictures of her on his phone, sure, but they didn't show his proudest moment as a father. There was another reason, if Daniel was being honest with himself. Anything more recent would risk the other man recognizing Daniel's daughter from recent new headlines.

"Bit older than yours," Daniel said with a bit more confidence, opening the wallet and flipping open a flap to reveal two pictures tucked side-by-side behind a plastic screen. "That's her mother," he said as he tapped one picture, a beautiful brunette standing at the altar with a far younger Daniel, some twenty years ago. His finger slid over to the other picture -- another brunette, but one a fair bit darker, and not just in hair. "And here's my Jenna." She stood at attention with a beautifully beaming smile, freshly graduated from boot camp. There were a few other women in her class and she stood at their center, towering over the others; Jenna had her father's height but her mother's legs, her mother's beauty.

Daniel's new friend did a double-take of his wife, and then glanced at Daniel, his smile fading with a hint of confusion as his brows furrowed. Almost instantly, Daniel regretted showing him the picture; this sort of thing used to happen all the time, even when the three of them were together. Jenna's mixed racial heritage was clear, her African, French and Italian blood giving her a gorgeous dark caramel complexion with brown hair that bordered on black and hazel, almond-shaped eyes that almost smouldered with passion. In life, Daniel's wife had an intoxicating beauty of her own, but she had been as white as they come, her Irish and Scottish roots evident, barely an inch shorter than Daniel himself.

And Daniel? Well, Jenna had her father's height -- her biological father's height. Daniel was a bit below average height for an asian-american mutt. He didn't know if he had Japanese or Chinese or Korean ancestry, and never cared to find out. Blood didn't matter to him. Growing up, his family had been the people he gathered around himself, not his relatives. He stared at the picture of Jenna for a few more seconds, then glanced at the increasingly awkward looking new father. "Adopted," Daniel finally explained, sparing the poor man the internal question that was surely bouncing around in his head, if Daniel's wife had cheated on him with an NBA player. Adopted, just like Daniel himself was.

"Oh, bless your heart," the man immediately replied, set at ease. "That's so good of you and your wife. She's beautiful! And serving the country, to boot. Thank you for, uh, her service." At ease, but still a mite awkward. Daniel was fine with that. Maybe he'd slow his roll and leave Daniel with his thoughts for a spell.

"I'll tell her you said as much," Daniel replied pointlessly, politely, having no intention of doing any such thing. His eyes dropped back down to the picture of his Jenna. He was proud of her, and everything she had managed to accomplish in the last seven years.

At twenty nine, she was one of the youngest women in the armed services to ever make the rank of Captain. She'd always been athletic and sporty as a child, playing basketball with the neighborhood boys and contemplating a future in the WNBA. Her mother urged her to make sure she finished school first, to get a degree and a fall-back if her dreams fell short. Jenna aimed for a scholarship she didn't get, and the best way forward for her after that seemed like the military putting her through college. She never left.

Daniel smiled faintly, letting his annoyance's words flow in one ear and out the other as he gazed at his daughter's beautiful face. He was looking forward to seeing her again. Really seeing her -- in person, instead of on a computer screen on one of their daily Zoom calls. It had been too long since they were together in the same room. He just wished it was for a better reason, something like her birthday or her wanting to introduce him to a surprise boyfriend. Or hell, surprise girlfriend. He wouldn't care.

After a few minutes, Daniel closed his wallet and let out a soft breath. He felt like he had failed his daughter somehow, and in failing her he felt like he had failed her biological parents -- he and his late wife's best friends, until their tragic passing. It was one of the worst things that ever happened in his life, made bitter by how blessed it made them feel; unable to conceive themselves, Daniel and his wife were all too happy, hell, all too eager to adopt their godchild. They did their best to do right by them, making sure Jenna never felt alone, that she never felt ostracized by children teasing her for her mismatched parents.

Some nights, they quietly wished she had been younger when they took her in, so she wouldn't remember her birth parents. Daniel wondered if she knew that. He hoped she didn't. He hoped, and he did his best to shake the thoughts off. They did their best with Jenna -- and if the allegations were true, well, she was an adult now. She could make mistakes. Not that he believed them, but there was a nagging doubt gnawing at his mind.

He was her father, and he had to be there to support her in her lowest hour, no matter what the truth of the matter proved to be.


The sign was overboard.

Jenna was just over six feet tall and between her beauty and her toned, athletic body, she stood out in any crowd -- especially the crowd in the airport that day, waiting for friends and loved ones to arrive. She had more than just her biological mother's legs -- she had her breasts, too, round and heavy even on her tall frame. They had been the bane of Daniel's existence throughout Jenna's teenage years. One would expect boys to be intimidated by a girl taller than any of them, but Jenna's rack, hips and ass attracted them like flies, much to his consternation.

The sign she held over her head, DANIEL SMITH, was terribly overboard. Even though she was wearing a 'disguise' -- her hair in a ponytail, sunglasses on her face and a baseball cap on her head -- there was no mistaking his daughter's profile, even with her wearing a baggy hoodie from the local university. More than that, Jenna was taller than ever. She was over six feet tall in flip-flops, but she was wearing stiletto-heeled boots over her tight jeans, running all the way up to her thighs, boosting her height by several more inches. Those boots gave him pause, even as she began to grin and dropped the sign to the floor carelessly, heading right for him.

When she lived under his roof, he never let her wear anything like that. But she didn't live under his roof anymore. Daniel didn't let it deter his genuine smile, setting his bag down and moving straight toward her. For the first time in two years, the father and the daughter wrapped their arms around each other. Jenna squeezed him far harder than Daniel squeezed back, her body far more powerful than his in size and tone -- though he was neither fat nor thin and occasionally hit the gym, Daniel's bookish profession kept him from getting too muscular.

Though Daniel would have loved to squeeze her back with equal force, those damn heels made it awkward. Jenna was too happy to see her father that it didn't seem to occur to her that this wasn't like their normal hugs, the ones they were used to, his head practically tucked under her chin. Thanks to those damn heels, her breasts were just about level with his face, and he could feel their firm softness through her sweater. "Hey, dad," she mumbled to him, her relief at having him there abundantly clear.

It was awkward for Daniel, who much would have preferred to disengage from the hug and approach it from a different angle, one that would have looked much less like motorboating lovers to those around him, but he didn't dare rob his adopted daughter of the comfort she gleaned from holding him. For some reason, her breasts -- and those heels, those fucking heels -- made Daniel hyperconscious of where his hands rested on her back, landing square in the middle, low enough that there was no chance of him touching her bra yet high enough he could avoid her hips. "You after getting another growth spurt, Jenny Beanstalk?" he murmured back.

"Oh," Jenna whispered fondly, her childhood nickname making her voice choke up. She grew tall and coltish before the rest of her body began to fill up, and even though her biological mother had been incredibly voluptuous, no one expected Jenna to become a modern day amazon with that wild height. "Shut up, dad."

He didn't. Daniel's kept the dad jokes rolling as they left the airport and as they drove to Jenna's home. He kept them rolling right up until dinner. He would have preferred to cook something himself, like he used to do when they all lived together, but third-party delivery had spoiled Jenna's tastebuds rotten.


At least she had bacon, milk and eggs in the refrigerator, and everything Daniel needed to make pancakes in the pantry. They had breakfast, avoiding the elephant in the room, just letting everything be simple again, simple and clean. The scene was like almost every other Saturday morning they had back in the day, with two stark differences. First and foremost, Daniel didn't stop Jenna from absolutely drenching her food in maple syrup, only leaving her scrambled eggs untouched by the Canadian cavity sauce. Second, well, it was just the two of them.

But they filled the void that Daniel's late wife left with conversation and catching up on things they didn't usually discuss on their Zoom calls. They spent a good thirty minutes talking about the NBA game that Daniel missed on his flight; he had never cared about basketball before Jenna took an interest in it, but her interest drove his and now it was something the pair of them bonded over regularly, ever since she was a teen. Once the dishes were cleaned up, Jenna offered to take Daniel to the gym with her. He declined, still stiff from his flight.

Lucky for him, Jenna had recorded the NBA game and showed him how to use her flicker with far too many buttons before continuing to get ready. That was just like the good old days, too. Daniel wasn't exactly behind the times when it came to technology, but understanding the good old telly tube's operation may as well have been his Moby Dick, with him as Ahab and Jenna his Ishmael. He settled in, glancing over to Jenna as she returned to the living room and sat down in a plush armchair to put on her shoes.

Thankfully, they weren't the thigh-high boots she wore to the airport the other day. Those wouldn't have fit with her outfit, a black racerback tank top that hugged tightly over her toned abs and the sports bra that held her impressive breasts up and kept them supported through thick and thin. Dan smiled ruefully to himself, correcting himself. The sports bras. Jenna's bust was large enough that it had always been hard to get underwear that supported her feminine endowments properly; it was simply easier for her to double-up when it came to sports bras. That had been hell on his wallet.

He didn't question her top nor her yoga pants, a heather gray with sheer panels cut along the outside of her legs. "Are you really going to exercise in, uh, those?" Daniel asked, his smile fading as he glanced at her shoes. The platform pumps were no better than the thigh-high boots, sure to raise his daughter's height about as much, changing how she stood and accentuating the length of her legs while thrusting out her ass, already thick and noticeable enough on its own to steal the show in any room. He stopped himself from pointing out to her that she might distract someone in the gym with her body, that they might hurt themselves because of her.

"Of course not," Jenna laughed at him as she finished putting them on, then rising to her considerable height, making Daniel have to crank his neck back a bit to look at her. "I keep a pair of sneakers in my locker there." She strutted over to him and bent down, her warm and elegant fingers grasping his shoulder to brace her compromised balance as she pressed her glossed lips to his cheek. "We'll talk when I get back." Her fingers squeezed his shoulder. "Love you, dad. Thanks for… everything."

"... Yeah," Daniel said, putting on a smile as he carefully kept his eyes locked with hers. Even in the doubled-up pair of sports bras, Jenna's rack was far too tempting to glance at in that position, and he was her father, for fuck's sake. There was a good reason he never let his teenage daughter wear anything with a heel over an inch tall. It was a good and entirely selfish reason.

Nothing got his dick hard like a woman in heels.

He should have turned his eyes back to the television, but he couldn't take his eyes off her as she walked to the door, her heels changing even her gait, making the lazy swing of her wide hips all the more pronounced. Daniel found himself wishing that her tight yoga pants were a darker color. Deep black, maybe. Something that would hide its lines instead of making them all the more pronounced, practically showcasing the contours of her ass. And with how tight it was, he would have known if his adopted baby girl was wearing a reasonable pair of panties. She definitely had a thong on, a thong or a g-string or whatever skimpy underwear twenty-somethings wore these days, her ass bare but for a strand of fabric running along her crack, not even fully covering her asshole --

And then Jenna shut the door behind herself, startling Daniel and bringing him back to reality. He took a short breath and let it out evenly, closing his eyes and reminding himself he was only human. As a teenager, Jenna showed no interest in fashion or dresses and heels until she went searching for Christmas presents in her mother's closet one day and stumbled across the collection Daniel put together for her. She got in a lot of shit when Daniel found the seventeen year old girl trying on the pair her mother wore the previous night.

If she had been younger, it wouldn't have been an issue. Daniel would have been able to ignore it, but at seventeen, Jenna's figure had just finished filling out. She was impossibly beautiful, and wore the shoes far better than Daniel's wife did. He didn't want her to ever tempt him; there was nothing more uncomfortable for Daniel than getting a hard cock at the sight of his daughter, adopted or not.

They fought over it constantly, until she finally decided on the military and went off to boot camp, where Daniel now suspected she got a taste for boots. After a few minutes of staring at the television without truly watching the basketball game they enthused over that morning, he got up and walked towards the house's entrance, opening the expansive closet that held his daughter's footwear and coats. And while Jenna had a few pairs of sneakers there, she had far more heels, and an equal amount of heeled boots. "Jesus christ," Daniel whispered. Not a single one of them was under an inch.

Maybe he shouldn't have banned her from them. It was short-sighted of him. The more you push a rebellious teen away from something, well, the more they want to try it.


"So how did your fingerprints get on there?" Daniel asked later that afternoon, after Jenna returned and after they had lunch. They were finally broaching the real reason Daniel was visiting her: the investigation that loomed over her head. She was suspected of abusing her high rank to smuggle heroin into the United States and sell it through her officers, her rank and file. More than one Private had testified they were ordered to wheel and deal by their officers, believing their Captain had greenlighted it.

"I don't know," Jenna replied, taking in a deep breath and puffing it out at once. She was out of her sweaty gym clothes, and though she was dry, her skin was practically glowing from her two hour exercising regimen. She didn't dress up for sitting around the living room with the man that had raised her, losing her top for an olive green tank top that showed off her toned arms. Her yoga pants were ditched in favor of dark denim jeans, the tight-fitting bottoms artfully frayed across her thighs and knees. Jenna's dark hair was left up in a messy but practical updo.

Much to Daniel's chagrin, she came back wearing the same damn heels she was wearing when she left. He did his best to ignore them. Briefly, Jenna sank her teeth into the swell of her bottom lip, practically raking them over. "Some of the investigators think I'm being framed. I don't know who would." She released her lip and took in another breath just for the sake of puffing it out, her breasts rising and falling with her chest. Daniel did his best to ignore that, too. It was impossible to ignore that his daughter wasn't wearing a bra. Having lived with Jenna and his wife for nearly twenty years, he knew busty women loved nothing more than letting their tits loose. He couldn't begrudge her that relief, that comfort; he just wished her tank top's fabric was thicker so he wouldn't have to see how her nipples poked against it.

"Well," Daniel cleared his throat, forcing himself to focus on the matter at hand. "You did rise quickly through the ranks, Beanstalk. You must have some enemies. People who were overlooked for promotions in your favor, people who are just jealous of you." People who hate you for being an accomplished woman, he thought to himself sourly, though he didn't voice the unpleasant thought, hoping it wouldn't cross Jenna's mind.

"Maybe," Jenna mumbled, shifting and then sinking towards Daniel on the couch, resting her head against his shoulder and wrapping her arms around his far thinner ones. His baby girl tried hard to be earnest and trusting, to not let the realities of being a woman in the military jade her any more than they had to. Just being in the room with her dismissed the gnawing doubt he had in his head, the distant fear that she was involved in the drug ring, but he still felt terrible; he felt angry. Jenna had never done anything to deserve what was happening to her.

And she didn't deserve a father who was desperately trying to ignore his erection, trying to push it away and ignore how sexy his adopted daughter had become over the years. They never discussed her love life in their Zoom calls, but even just taking a look around the house, Daniel knew she wasn't seeing anyone. Not unless she had meticulously hid every sign of ever having a male or female suitor over, and he knew his daughter better than that. She hated cleaning.

The silence dragged on before Jenna finally broke it, reaching over her dad's lap to grab the remote control. "I don't know. I don't want to think about it. Let's just watch a movie." If she glanced down, she would have seen the tent in Daniel's pants and her hand almost brush against his hardness. She did feel Daniel stiffen, freezing himself, afraid of any accidental contact between her and his cock.

"... You okay, dad?" Jenna asked, shifting her warm weight against Daniel, lifting her gaze to meet his. He made himself smile at her, the way he used to force a smile at her mother, his wife, whenever he had something he wanted to hide. He had gotten good at it over the years, good enough that she could never tell when something was nagging him.

"Yeah," Daniel replied, wrapping his arm over his girl's shoulders and bringing her undeniably beautiful body back down against his. "I'm fine." He wasn't, and now he was flirting with danger, straddling the line between right and wrong. Daniel knew that he should have gotten up, should've done something to give him the space to lose his agitating erection, but… it'd been far too long since he had felt a woman the way he was feeling Jenna, soft and warm against him, vulnerable and in need of his support. It was easier to just stay there and do what he could to make sure she didn't notice what was happening in his pants.


One movie bled into another, and then a documentary, and then a documentary series, one the pair had each meant to watch for the last year. One they hadn't been able to make the time for, and one that probably should have been released ten or twenty years prior: the Last Dance, a ten-parter covering the Chicago Bulls' 1997-1998 run with Michael Jordan. By the time they were on the fourth episode, Jenna and Daniel had their ordered-in dinner.

They had hit her well-stocked bar, too. Well, Jenna had, making an occasional drink for herself and her father, mixing their usuals and always nestling back against his side like a vulnerable younger version of herself. Slowly but surely, one Old Fashioned after another loosened Daniel's self-restraint. Despite her dad's smile, Jenna could tell something was off, that he needed something to take the edge off him. Each time he stiffened up against her, he was a bit less stiff, and each moment passed faster than the last, until he seemed truly relaxed.

She glanced up at him, smiling her pretty little smile, one of the few little things about Jenna. "I love you, dad," Jenna whispered, just as comfortable, setting aside her empty glass and shifting herself against him, her hand coming to rest flat against his chest. Three or four drinks into any given evening, she always got handsy in an affectionate way -- not always in an amorous way, but handsy nonetheless.

Daniel's eyes slipped from the television to her face, his lips parting slightly as he stared at Jenna. "God," he whispered after taking in a short but sharp little breath. "You look… so much like your mother," he told her, his voice growing a bit thick. Unable to help himself, he brought his other hand around and over to her face, cupping her cheek and slowly dragging his thumb along her cheekbone. "So much."

Most kids hear that about their parents, but for an adopted child like Jenna, it was often a platitude. Jenna looked nothing like either of her parents, and her dad knew that; he had never said anything of the like to her. She crooked a lazy smile at Daniel and inched up her eyebrows a bit. They hadn't talked a lot about her mother since she passed. A hint of rebellious mischief worked its way into her, sure she could get an embarrassing story out of her dad in his state; he wasn't the only one with loosened inhibitions, with loosened self-restraint. "Like mom? How do you figure?"

"Your real mother," Daniel said, his voice growing quieter, thicker, making Jenna blink slowly. They hadn't talked a lot about her mother, Daniel's wife, since she passed -- but they almost never talked about Jenna's biological mother. Most of what Jenna knew about her and her biological father came not from her adopters, but from her grandparents. Those conversations were always guarded, and even as a child Jenna knew something was going unsaid during them.

"My real mom?" Jenna probed, suddenly hesitant, part of her afraid of what might come out of this conversation, but far too curious to turn away, not with the alcohol in her belly.

"She was so beautiful, Jenna," Daniel mumbled, his hand slowly sliding down her face now, gently trailing along the graceful column of her neck, then along her arm. His fingers didn't follow the shape of her arm, though, falling from her elbow to her hip and beginning to curve along its shape. "But… fuck," he laughed, squeezing his fingers against her. Jenna didn't pull away, entranced by this new side of her father. "We had to break up. We just couldn't… fuck."

That's how Daniel knew them, how Daniel's wife came to know them. Daniel was dating Jenna's biological mother right up until he met his future wife. They broke up over a difference they just couldn't overcome; Daniel wanted children and she didn't, and yet she was pregnant with another man's child within two months of their separation. They were more best friends than partners, so they stayed close afterwards. There was even a time when Daniel thought he might have been Jenna's father, but then she was born and genetics didn't lie.

"... You just couldn't … fuck?" Jenna asked, the single most inappropriate question she could think to ask in the moment. Astonished, it was the only one she could think to ask in the moment, though she knew what her father meant. Slowly, her hand began to slip down from her father's chest, her eyes blinking all the while as she stared at him, trying to digest the new information.

"No," Daniel muttered, snorting softly, untensing his fingers and continuing to follow the curve of Jenna's body. "We could fuck. We fucked so much," he said. No matter how drunk he got, he wasn't going to elaborate on that. It was knowledge Jenna could live the rest of her life about. He ended up admitting something else to her, though, something worse than that. "That's why I never wanted you to wear heels. You looked so much like her in those," he said, barely aware of Jenna's hand as it slid over his stomach, barely aware of how his hand was now on her thigh, on her skin through the artfully frayed fabric.

"... Oh," Jenna said, her eyes slowly widening. She paused, the silence between the two pregnant, only broken up by their quickened breathing. How long had it been since she was in this situation? Clinging close to a man, having him pour his heart out to her? Too long. Her last few relationships had been with women instead. Considering she lived on the base and most of the men were involved in the military, it made her life far easier -- but she hadn't even been with a woman since receiving her promotion to Captain, about the same time Daniel's wife passed. Well, there was one man, but… she didn't think too much about that.

It had been a long dry spell for them both, and now their minds were on the same moment. "What… what did you think when you saw me in them?" Jenna asked her father after a moment, wetting her lips. Her hand slid down a bit lower. Though he thought he was hiding his bulge, Jenna had picked up on it earlier in the evening. She just ignored it; it wasn't the first stiffy he had popped around her. Hell, she was used to people popping very inappropriately timed erections around her. Her pulse quickening and her nipples hardening, Jenna couldn't keep her mind off it any longer.

"What did I-- think?" Daniel asked, finally becoming cognizant of the fingers sweeping over his thigh, sweeping over his lap and stopping over his cock.

"... Yeah," Jenna whispered, caught in the forbidden thrill that lay before her after doing her best to be a good girl for so long, at least for her daddy's sake. She loved her adopted parents with every ounce of her heart, but there was always something missing in their relationship. Something she had to go to other people for, boys her own age. She did her damn best to never let her parents know what sort of things she got into when they weren't looking. Her ability to act on those impulses faded when she joined the military, almost disappearing altogether as she rose through the ranks.

Deep down, Jenna was an unrepentant slut. She was the first of her friends to lose her virginity; when most of them were making out with their high school sweethearts under the bleachers or giving them handjobs, she was orally celebrating the football team's victory in a closet with the assistant coach. She swallowed long before any of her peers were spitting, and was all too happy to try on a pearl necklace when other girls were still getting grossed out by the texture of cum. Her two best friends hit their first third base and home run on prom night at the afterparty while Jenna was one room over, the basketball team's waterboy deep in her mouth while the hottest guy in school was pounding her from behind.

But she had never looked at Daniel this way, not before tonight.

"... Her," Daniel said, closing his eyes as Jenna's fingers came to feel his hard cock through his jeans. "How she'd-- how she'd balance on her heels and get me off without her hands. Just her tits and her mouth," he whispered, only opening his eyes when he heard Jenna shifting away from him and off the black leather couch altogether. He looked up at her as she rose to her considerable height, made all the taller by those damn heels, though they were now the furthest thing from his mind.

As she rose, Jenna peeled her tank top up and over her head, tossing it aside to reveal her proud and high breasts, still holding strong in their battle against gravity and time. Daniel couldn't help but draw in a short but sharp gasp. He hadn't seen Jenna naked in...

It didn't matter how long it was. She wasn't his little girl anymore. Her body was entirely different now, a fully grown woman, with all the best parts of her mother and father coming together to make a perfect package; her training kept her body toned and in peak condition. It never went overboard. All her toning complemented her femininity and her size, and her nipples were as hard as small diamonds, pointing out prominently in her arousal.

Jenna took a step forward, her heel clicking on the floor, and Daniel forced his eyes up from her ample tits to her face, her smouldering eyes heavy-lidded as she swayed her hips. The movement of her hands brought his attention back to her breasts as she played with them, sinking her fingers into them and showing her dad just how soft and plush they were. He sucked in another sharp breath, his brain shouting for him to put an end of this while his body demanded he keep his ass still and not move a single inch, and fuck if it wasn't easier for him to just sit still.

"Hey, daddy," Jenna asked in a soft, humming purr, bringing her thumb and index fingers up to play and tweak with her nipples, showcasing their state before her fingers began to trail down her body, over the soft ripple of her abs and down to her jeans. "Did she look like this?" Her tongue darted out, but dragged far more slowly over her glossed lips, showing off its length, letting Daniel's imagination do the heavy lifting as her hands meandered. "Did she look… half as good as me?" she pressed, unbuttoning her jeans and beginning to pull at the zipper.

"N-no," Daniel replied without an ounce of hesitation. It was the truth. Jenna had all the best parts of her mother, and they looked so damn similar, but -- she was so much taller than her biological mom and far more exotic with her mixed heritage. "You're far sexier," he told her, one little corner of his mind throwing a temper tantrum over the three-fold betrayal that was beginning to play out its opening act. What would Jenna's mother think about this? His wife? Hell, her real father? Though Daniel wasn't thinking of anything but the moment, there was no doubting just where this evening would go now.

"Yeah," Jenna murmured, slowly pivoting herself to turn her back to Daniel. In a fluid transition, she slowly bent herself at the waist, hooking her thumbs into the sides of her jeans and beginning to pull them down her hips, struggling to drag them over the thick curve of her ass. That mischief came back to her, even though she knew Daniel didn't mean what he said in any literal sense of the word. "I'm sorry you two couldn't fuck, daddy," she told him, putting a subtle emphasis on the word daddy. "But… I owe you so much, so maybe I can make up for that." The jeans finally cleared her ass, thick with fat over the muscle that laid beneath it.

She dragged them down to her knees and glanced over her shoulder at him, biting down with faux-coyness on her bottom lip. Daniel barely noticed her, enraptured by the sight of his adopted daughter's ass in its dangerously thin thong. Jenna rarely wore underwear that did its job appropriately, and what she wore today with her dad in the house was no exception; even though she couldn't slut it up like she used to, she never made the transition to more modest underwear. Its thin string didn't cover her asshole, and the fabric that tried to cover her pussy failed on two counts; her flushed outer lips peeked out, swollen with lust. Even if she wasn't growing increasingly damp by the moment, her pussy was blase in its display. The fabric was sheer.

"Or do you think I'm a bad girl, daddy? That I need you to teach me a lesson?" Jenna asked, her voice dripping not just with sweet promises, but sinful offers.

Daniel hesitated, knowing he had come to the point of no return. Was this really his Jenna? He forced himself to remember that she was a grown woman, capable of making her own decisions. What to wear, who to fuck. And though she would always be his daughter… well, she was adopted. And that was all the rationalization he needed. "No," Daniel said in a lower voice, reaching out and slapping Jenna across her presented ass, relishing its jiggle and the cracking sound the spank made, along with how Jenna gasped and then giggled wantonly. "Not yet. Come here and show me what you've been studying." He paused. "Show me you can make your mother proud."

"Yes, daddy," Jenna purred, wiggling her ass for his eyes as she finished pulling her jeans down her legs and stepped out of them, leaving her practically naked in just her thong and heels. Daniel couldn't help but glance at her pussy as she faced him, not just neatly shaven. It was perfectly smooth. Laser smooth.

"God," Daniel whispered to himself. The world changed far too fast, technology always bounding ahead of itself. It was impossible for him to believe that this was his little girl, and again he reminded himself she wasn't. She was a grown woman.

One sinking to her knees, one that pushed his legs apart using the hands that once clumsily clutched her No. 2 pencil while he helped her do practice exams after school. She unzipped his pants once she nestled between them, meeting his dark eyes with her own and smiling lewdly, her cheeks beginning to pinken with her arousal. Her fingers dipped into his fly and took out his cock, first giggling to herself at the sight of it, her lust spiking. "Did I do this to you, daddy?"

"Yeah," Daniel muttered, slowly sitting up as Jenna withdrew her hands from his proud cock, average as it was.

"Oops. I'd better… kiss it better before I get to doing my homework," Jenna cooed, her hands lowering to her breasts as she leaned forward and bowed her head over his lap, pressing her glossed lips to the head of his cock. She didn't mind that it wasn't a monster. To her, one dick was as good as another, each a unique ride in its own way -- and she was already looking forward to riding this one. Playing with her tits all the while, Jenna never took her mouth off her father's cock, his sharp little inhale making goosebumps sweep up her arms. She kissed the slit of his cock in slow, deliberate fashion, teasing it with her tongue before taking him past her glossed lips properly.

He gasped again, and she closed her eyes in satisfaction, parting her lips and taking the crown of his dick past them, only to seal them just under its ridge. Jenna polished his royal knob with her experienced tongue and years of practice, leaving no part of it dry and lapping up every little bit of precum his cock began to leak for her, a small reward for her diligent work. She took her time, savoring the moment, the sheer wrongness of something that felt so very right to her.

But her daddy wasn't quite that patient. When Jenna felt his fingers thread into her hair, she opened her eyes to lazy slits and glanced up at him. "Do I really need to help you with your homework still?" Daniel asked, dark want flashing in his eyes, almost making Jenna grin around his tasty dick.

"Mmm," she moaned around him, nodding her head minutely, practically urging him on. He took to the encouragement readily, pushing down on his daughter's head. For the first time in his life, he was rough with her instead of gentle. Jenna's moan continued, its reverberations running through his dick, the woman enthusiastic and eager for the treatment. Her throat took him easily, having swallowed far thicker and far longer cocks in its time, one of every single skin color she knew of. Daniel's slutty daughter kept a tight rein on her gag reflex until she had nearly swallowed all of her daddy's dick, letting him have total control over her. She would have held it tighter, but she knew better -- the squeeze and push of her throat around him was half the appeal.

"Fuck," Daniel grunted, his hips giving a minute little jerk, a tiny pump into her mouth. The updo Jenna pulled her hair into earlier was beginning to fall apart, most of it falling free and down past her shoulders when he twisted his fingers and reasserted his grip on her. "That's good, beanstalk," he whispered, beginning to pull her head up and her lips along his shaft, only to soon shove it back down. She groaned around him, her eyes beginning their inevitable glistening while he fucked his cock with her, while Jenna swayed her ass absentmindedly like the wanton whore she was, playing rougher and rougher with her tits.

Jenna was almost disappointed when he finally yanked her off his cock, letting her up and letting her gasp breathlessly for air, strands of thin saliva still connecting her to her daddy's dick. The last remnants of her updo failed altogether when he twisted his fingers a third time in her hair, aligning her face so their eyes met, both of them able to see their love plain on the other's face, closer than most daughters and fathers.

Their love and their unrestrained, alcohol-influenced lust. "I don't think that's going to be on your exam," Daniel growled, and by the way his eyes dipped down from her face, she could tell exactly what he wanted next -- and her honed instinct suggested to her exactly how he wanted it to end.

"You're right, daddy," Jenna whispered breathlessly, flashing him a grin. Though the Last Dance continued in the background, neither of them paid any more mind to the film crew following the Chicago Bulls, fully focused on the only thing that mattered now: family. "I'm sorry. Here," she continued throatily, squeezing up as close to the couch and his legs as she could get. "It's all going to be-- this, isn't it? Daddy?" she asked him, her hands sliding around her breasts, raising them and bringing them around his waiting cock, freshly cleaned and spit-shined by one loving daughter.

Daniel loved his late wife, but her body was a flickering flame when compared to the sheer glory of Jenna's biological mother. He hadn't had a pair of tits wrapped around his cock since the last time he slept with her; as nice as his wife's tits had been, they just didn't have the size to make this worth doing. "Go on," he growled to his little girl -- his grown woman, he reminded himself.

Jenna didn't keep him waiting. She squeezed her heavenly breasts around his hard, damp cock, beginning to work them up and down his length, warm and soft beyond any comparison. Her grin slimmed down to a saucy, minx-like little smile, keeping her eyes locked on his the entire time. "How's this, daddy?" she asked, with no real insecurity -- just a daughter looking to her father for reassurance, getting more and more out of the forbidden fantasy they were playing through. Men loved her tits. He was far from the first man to have their cock disappear between them.

Hell, she wasn't about to admit it, certainly not to her dad, but her tits were what got her the promotion.

"That's good, beanstalk," Daniel mumbled, his voice growing thicker and thicker by the moment, his other hand joining its twin on her head, tugging tight on her hair without any real purpose, keeping them busy -- and spurring Jenna on, who genuinely loved every moment of it. "You want to…" He grunted, cutting off and sucking in a sharp little breath.

"Daddy?" Jenna asked, her grin flashing back, sensing what was about to happen, reading it off his body language. For the first time in a long time, she felt free, felt like she was able to be herself despite all the chains in the military that kept her from fucking whatever man tickled her fancy.

"... You want to go get some ice cream?" Daniel asked, finally growling out the words.

Jenna couldn't help herself. She threw her head back and laughed, only to have Daniel quickly yank on her hair and pull her face back down to face him, grin briefly dashed by her surprise, but quick to return, just as lewd and debauched as before. "More than anything in the world, dad," she whispered to him, and that's when Daniel stopped holding back, almost immediately grunting. Jenna was quick to stop moving her tits, aiming her father's cock with them, finally breaking their eye contact when she closed her eyes. The spray started just a second after, one pent-up rope after another shooting up from his cock and splattering on Jenna's face, her skin, gravity bringing some of it back down on her tits.

All the while, Jenna giggled and moaned, leaving no doubt in her father's mind that she enjoyed every moment of it -- that she was happy to have potential brothers and sisters wasted across her skin, criss-crossing over her skin and clinging to her eyelashes. When it finally ended, she blinked her eyes clear of his cum, then smiled up at him, the lewdness in their expressions softening in the aftermath. Slowly, she licked her lips, the moment becoming tender -- but she was too drunk to appreciate it for what it was. "Oh, daddy," she whispered, mischief driving her once more. "How did you know vanilla was my favourite?"

"... Christ," Daniel groaned. "You've got her sense of humour, too." As her laughter began, his cock slowly softened. There was a time when Daniel could keep going after he popped, staying just hard enough throughout his refractory period, but those days were long behind him.

But five minutes later, they were upstairs and he was hard and more than ready to go again, this time on Jenna's bed.

The morning after that first time, Daniel's nerves were frayed as he made breakfast and waited for Jenna to get up, worn out from their intoxicated mistake. He knew he had fucked up, knew he had ruined their relationship, knew that he wouldn't be able to meet her in the eyes -- knew it with such certainty that he didn't turn to face her when he heard her coming down the stairs and into the kitchen.

Not until he heard the click-click-click of her heels, anyway, finding her naked and ready again, telling him everything he needed to know. She was always wearing her heels, now that she knew what they did to him.

And five days later, almost down to the minute, they were in the same position as that first time again, though the lead-up was far different, with Jenna making the unwise decision to slip into the shower behind her father in her heels, barely able to hold her balance when she squatted down to use her long tongue and soft lips to get his cock as clean as it could be. The second time she almost crashed to her knees, they gave up and transitioned to the bed. Though Daniel had raised her, she didn't hesitate to climb on top of him and mount his cock, their dirty talk only getting crasser and crasser as their affair grew more and more depraved.

"C'mon, daddy," she purred down at him, raking her nails against his chest as she bounced on his dick, "fill my pussy up. C'mon and cum in me." He did, knowing how everyone else in his life would be horrified by what he was doing, but no longer caring. He was doing it for himself, for her, not for them.

One week bled into another as the investigation around Jenna continued. Daniel had come to keep her company, but he became her distraction instead. It wasn't all sex and debauchery between them -- though they could never forget that they were father and daughter, they were also man and woman, each able to fill emotional needs the other had long ignored. Him because of his wife, her because of her career. A genuine romance sparked around them, carnal-fueled as it may have been, and for the first time in a long time, Daniel was happy and Jenna felt sated. It was like he had met her mother all over again.

Two weeks became three, and then a month and a month and a half. The two decided to take the next step in their relationship. Anyone with half a brain cell would have urged against marrying someone they had 'dated' for such a short period of time, but, well. They had known each other for twenty-nine years. Daniel had been wearing his wife's engagement and wedding ring on a necklace since her passing; he gave Jenna the former on their last day together, promising to give her the second in due time.

If not for the fact Daniel had to go back home and get his affairs in order after a long absence, they would have been the happiest they had ever been. They at least knew that he would be back with her before the investigation wrapped up, ready to spend the rest of his life with her, once his darling little girl but soon to be his wife.

He never questioned what she had done or who she had been with before him. Maybe he should have, and maybe he should have given a little more thought towards how she secured her promotion. He had no way of knowing that while she was a good soldier and a passable leader, most of the men beneath her hated her for what she had done. Jenna knew they disrespected her, though she severely underestimated their actual dislike of her.

They would never rat out the man who gave her the promotion, but one of the men passed over in favor of Jenna after she gave their superior a titjob? He wanted nothing more than to make her life miserable, framing her for drug trafficking and pulling others into his plot. When the hidden cameras planted throughout Jenna's house revealed just what she was doing with her father and their plans, he switched tracks, sensing an easier and far more gratifying way to achieve his goals.


Six days later, a troubling email popped up in Daniel's inbox. He ignored it at first glance, barely reading the subject line as he went to mark it as spam. It was porn, porn he certainly didn't need when he had nightly Zoom calls with his daughter. No, his fiancee.

LIVE NOW ON MYPAIDCAMS: Slutty officer gets her comeuppance after fucking her way up the chain of command. Get the Daniel discount! It was sent twenty minutes ago.

.... That has to be datamining, Daniel thought to himself, but he clicked the link anyway, something in his gut urging him to see what it was about, something his brain urged him against. Unfortunately, the site wasn't free to use. He skimmed over the site, then scoffed to himself. It required a subscription to use, and each cammer the user wanted to view could set their channel up to require its own subscription or a one-off payment per view. Sixteen dollars? Ridiculous.

But, a bright and flashing message on the screen declared, new users could get their first month for just a dollar. He almost closed the site, but just a dollar to ease the sudden discomfort in his body? Figuring he was just throwing the money down the drain, he put in his credit card information and went back to the advertised show. It cost four bitcoins to get access to the stream, which certainly sounded pretty cheap -- though the site asked him so many times if he was absolutely sure he wanted to spend them that he began to question how much a single bitcoin was when held up against the United States dollar. Just as he was about to minimize the site to go Google the conversion, a black square on the page lit up with a preview video, drawing his eye and pausing his hand. Must've been buffering, he realized, and then he stopped thinking altogether.

Though the woman in the preview was gorgeous, she had clearly already been put through the sexual ringer. Her tears had ruined her mascara, giving her closed eyes a messy look that matched the black trails running down her cheeks. Those trails were contrasted by the unmistakable splatter and ropes of cum that joined them, a solid hour's worth of it from one man or the work of several men splitting the burden. Her cheeks were flushed from both arousal and abuse, cock slaps leaving a distinct red mark over and over again on her forehead. Daniel couldn't take his eyes off her, or her familiar hair, hanging wild and long. It would have easily cleared her shoulders if not for one thing.

She only wore heels. Heels and a ring.

The man brutally fucking her throat had most of it gathered up in his fist, and the way he was tugging on it looked more painful than pleasurable. As Daniel watched, the facefucking came to its inevitable conclusion, with the man pulling his cock free of her mouth. Jenna slowly opened her tear-filled eyes and gazed up at her fucker, her expression a pitiful mix of misery and undisguised arousal. The preview didn't have any sound, so Daniel couldn't tell if she opened her mouth of her own accord or if the man dominating her ordered it.

Either way, she stuck out her tongue and closed her eyes. She didn't flinch as he dropped rope after rope of his thick cum across her face and on her tongue, further debasing Daniel's little girl -- no, his fiancee. His blood ran cold, eyes wide as he watched the man begin slapping Jenna's face with his dick. She knelt there and she took each, flinching from the blows but not trying to get away from them. It was impossible to ignore that her hands were between her thighs, playing at her pussy.

"What…?" he whispered to himself, shocked and horrified. As if on cue, the man ended his cock assault on Jenna's face, though he hardly let up. Pulling her hair hard, he yanked her down to her hands and knees and forced her over towards the camera, and there the preview abruptly ended. A flashing message popped up on screen, prompting Daniel to complete his payment.

Without another thought, he did, needing to know what was happening. His bank account emptied in an instant, both his chequing account and his life savings all but lost in a few clicks. It took a second for the stream to begin buffering, during which Daniel noticed he was the only person in the chat. In the silence and stillness of the moment, Daniel hoped what he saw happening on the screen before him was just a show, an act put on by a woman who resembled Jenna.

Then the stream kicked off and the sound blared out of his laptop's speakers. "---uuuuck!" Jenna shrieked out, her voice unmistakable to his ears. Whoever the man was, he had moved Jenna in such a way that she couldn't help but look towards the camera, at least when her eyes were open, showcasing how glassy they were and her dilated pupils, clearly under the influence of something. They quickly squeezed shut as Jenna's shriek gave way to a desperate whine and whimper, convulsions and quivers working through her body, wild and unhinged enough to match the sound coming out of her throat.

Daniel couldn't see the man past Jenna's body, but it was clear what he was doing. Even as Jenna was having the hardest orgasm of her life, he kept on pounding her pussy without an ounce of pity, each thrust rough enough that it jolted Jenna's whole body forward, her perfect tits bouncing and swinging in what could only have been a terribly uncomfortable way all the while. Jenna didn't look like she wanted to be there, like she was there against her own will, but at the same time she looked (and certainly sounded) like she was enjoying herself.

Suddenly, Jenna's quivering arms gave out under her and she dropped to her forearms, her face buried by her arms. Daniel's eyes flicked to something on her back briefly brought into frame by her fall -- a brightly colored patch labeled SLUT 'ER UP, beginning to peel off of Jenna's sweaty body. Drugs, Daniel realized, unable to move and staring in utter horror. Each time the man thrusted into the only woman left in Daniel's life, he felt another cold dagger thrust through his heart. Whether or not she wanted what was happening to her, it was undeniable proof he couldn't make her happy. Not like this, so happy that it didn't matter how miserable she was.

The man grabbed a thick hold in Jenna's hair again and wrenched it back, cutting off her moaning with a sharp gasp that quickly bled into another scream. She had only cummed a moment ago, but as she arched her back and clearly pressed back against her fucker, she was having another. "What's better, bitch?" the man growled out over Jenna's wailing, slapping her ass loudly, almost seeming to set off another orgasm with it. "My cock, or your daddy's?" She didn't answer quickly enough for the man's liking; he spanked her again, then raised his voice. "Tell me if my cock is better than your goddamn cuck of a father, or this ends now."

That threat -- an end to the best fuck of Jenna's life -- made her answer without an ounce of hesitation. "Y-yours," she cried out. "Don't fucking-- oh, god, yours, you bastard, fuck-- don't stop," Jenna begged and begged, her body trembling spastically now, overwhelmed by the drug-enhanced pleasure she got out of her rapist's cock, well aware of what was happening to her but unable to fight how her brain reacted to the chemicals.

"Hear that, Mister Smith?" the man fucking Jenna snarled, hardly loud enough for Daniel to hear over Jenna's numerous climaxes. "Your little bitch is mine now. If you behave, I might even let you have a turn or two with her."

"Wha..?" Jenna almost slurred out, right before another scream left her. She doesn't know, Daniel realized, his heart crushed. She doesn't know he's streaming this. That I'm watching it. As she came again on her rapist's cock, he shoved her head forward, low enough that her cum-glazed face and all of its ruined makeup was the only thing in the frame.

The endless clapping of the rapist and Jenna's hips clapping together stopped abruptly, much to Jenna's visible distress. "B-bastard," she groaned, and Daniel couldn't tell if she had realized what she was staring at or if she had simply lost her mind. "You… you said you weren't going to stop--"

"No," he replied, cutting Jenna's words off with another slap to her ass, and now Daniel was sure each spank alone was enough to make his precious daughter & future wife cum. Her eyes closed and her mouth opened wide, groaning out helplessly. "I don't think I did, you bird-brained bimbo, and it doesn't matter if I did. If you want me to keep going, take off your ring and tell your daddy it's over."

Jenna didn't say anything, going still. A bit of light made its way into Daniel' new, dark world. She loved him enough that she was resisting the effects of the drug. He was proud of her, impossibly proud, and knew that he needed to do everything in his power to get back there, to rescue you. He grabbed his phone and rushed to book tickets that would take him back to where Jenna was stationed, able to do it quickly via the airline's app.

It refused to charge his overdrawn account. Daniel blinked in surprise, still unaware of how much money the stream cost him to access. And then… Jenna grunted. He glanced back up at his laptop's screen, and all the light and hope and pride that just comforted him became little more than dust in the wind.

She wasn't resisting. She had been struggling to get the ring off, her whole body continuing to shake and quiver after her repeated orgasms. With that grunt, she managed to get it off herself and lifted it to show to the camera, mumbling the words that broke both their hearts. "I'm sorry, daddy. I love you, but it's over."

Daniel slumped back in his seat, feeling nothing but numbness as Jenna began to cum again, helpless against her rapist's dick.