Totally Normal Thing

Author: Lesbilover69

Desc: Stacy looks to spice up her sex life with the hot new intern

"Goooooooood morning!" The chipper voice of the 5' 2" Cassie bounced in the air like her tits as she walked into the lobby. Plenty of people responded back, making sure to give her handshakes that jostled her around a little. She didn't mind all the attention as she strutted her way through. Heck, she didn't even mind that plenty of people were snapping pictures of her. Cassie gave them a few poses. After all, she was a personal bikini model. Certainly, it had nothing to do with her top being pushed to the side to completely expose her red lace bra and C-cup cleavage. After all, that was a totally normal thing for her to do. She made her way over to the elevator and took it up to the fifth floor.

Everything was at their usual stations, doing daily tasks and checking up what the night crew had been up to. As soon as Cassie walked in, all eyes fell to her.

"Hey Cassie, how's it going?"

"Doing wonderful as always," she said with a smile, pushing her arms and chest together. After all, that was a totally normal thing for her to do.

Wide grins came across the employees face's. She walked to her desk, hips swinging to the rhythm of some unknown music only she knew. Cassie set her bag down and spun a little in her chair.

"Morning Cassie," said one of her fellow interns. "How's the weather?"

Cassie stood right up and firmly planted a kiss on the intern's lips. "Wonderful as always." The kiss wasn't weird or unprofessional. After all, that was a totally normal thing for her to do. "Anything ol' boss lady got for us today?"

"Oh, usual stuff. Just working on more designs for Clash of Treachery." The intern dropped a folder down on Cassie's desk. "She said that she wants us to finalize the design of the gargoyles from the volcano level by the end of today. And, if we can, to tweak the patterns and stuff from the Orc's Cavern. Said that they were a bit too phallic for the ratings board."

Cassie huffed a little at that last part. She liked the patterns and even had worked with Jim on getting the small details right. It was long and hard, and they had to keep changing positions just to reach any sort of bottom line. They even tried to see how it would look in multiple different angles in the game. Some motions that he made with her gained some traction, but it didn't quite fit right. Still, they had finally come to something, and now Stacy was asking for more?

"Hey Jim, looks like we might be working together more soon," Cassie called out from across the room. A loud cheer came from across the room at Jim's desk. She chuckled and leaned back in her chair. "I won't deny. He's passionate about his game design."

She was about to reach for the folder and start, but her phone buzzed a few times, drawing her attention. It was her followers wondering where she was. Right, she thought, it was about the time that she posted. She was a little delayed getting to work so the thought hadn't crossed her mind. Not that she'd want to disappoint her followers.

She reached into her bag and brushed her long dirty blonde hair and fluffed it a little for the camera. Cassie held up her phone and began to snap selfies of herself, making sure to capture her sparkling blue eyes staring alluringly at the camera. A few duck faces and flirty poses later, she uploaded and set her phone down.

"Okay, let's get to work." Cassie reached into her drawer and pulled out a small CD player and a pair of earbuds. Stacy had been kind enough to give her this to help her focus, and she couldn't deny the results. Whenever she listened to it, it was like she was lost in the moment and purely in the zone. She stuck the earbuds in and hit play.

The music was calming, soothing, and relaxing. It made her feel like she was at the beach, lounging around and just taking in the sights, the smells, the sounds. Everything else, the stress of the world and the demands of daily life just melted away. She was in her own world, vibing to the music. Her hands moved almost on their own as she idly listened. One hand drew and sketched out new designs for the gargoyles.

The other hand reached up and gently caressed her face. Her fingers traced her lips in small circles, gently tugging on her botAlex lip. Slowly, it made its way down her neck and across her collarbone. Cassie was very thankful that she had chosen a nice and comfortable outfit today rather than some stuffy button-up. As the waves crashed in the music, her hand crept down and rubbed itself between her breasts.

A few interns had begun to take photos and videos of her, but Cassie didn't mind. To her, she was just listening to her music, coming up with design after design. After all, this was a totally normal thing for her to do.

Her hand cupped her left breast, squeezing it and gently kneading it between her fingers. It didn't show off her nipple, only lightly teasing her and her onlookers. A few minutes of massages later, her hand dropped down onto her thigh. It slid along her pantyhose and up and down her legs, making sure to give the audience plenty to see. As it moved closer and closer to her crotch, Cassie's vision began to fill with scenes of Stacy at the beach with her. A corporate retreat, relaxing and just being there. Cassie's eyes wandered up and down Stacy's body, focusing on her brown eyes and round ass. A small tingle went down her spine as she watched Stacy's feet bury themselves a little in the sand, kicking up little clouds of sand particles with each toe flick.


Cassie jolted upright out of her seat, her earbuds falling out and clattering to the ground. "Y-Yes, I'm here!"

"My office."

"Yes ma'am." Cassie quickly tidied up her desk and paused her CD. She looked over at the clock, utterly baffled that it had already been a few hours since she had started working. At least she had a bunch of sketches and stuff to show. She picked up her sketches and headed into the office.

Sitting across from Cassie was Stacy, her boss. She was pretty thin and about 5' 6". Shame that she was fairly flat as a board. Stacy kept herself fit with running, her thighs and calves tone from years of marathons. But to Stacy, that was a hobby and something to get her creative juices flowing. Her true passion was art, which is how she landed the job as the art director for this game.

"Do you know why I brought you here?" Stacy asked, leaning back in her chair and crossing her legs.

"Uh, you wanted to see my progress?" Cassie asked as she began to lay out her designs on Stacy's desk, leaning over and giving Stacy a full view down her cleavage. Her bra was still sticking out of the top of her shirt, and Cassie was completely carefree about it.

Stacy bit her lower lip a little and crossed her legs again, fidgeting in her chair slightly. "Yes, I wanted to see how your, uh, progress was doing." She leaned forward a little to get a closer view between Cassie's breasts. "Yes, I think things are progressing quite nicely."

"Really? Oh, I'm so glad that you like the designs," Cassie said, completely ignoring that Stacy was staring right at her tits. After all, that was a totally normal thing to happen. "So, did any of them stand out to you?"

"Huh?" Stacy said, snapping out of Cassie's distracting tits. "Ah, right."

She stood up and scanned over the designs that Cassie had made, picking up a few to look at closer. She really couldn't deny that Cassie was talented. Part of that was Cassie's own skills, which is why she was hired onto the company in the first place. Of course, the other part of it was Stacy's own doing, cultivating Cassie's skills and honing them with the proper focus.

"You've been listening to the meditation CD that I gave you, right?" Stacy asked, eying Cassie up and down from the corner of her eye. Of course it was working. There would be no way that Cassie would be standing in front of her boss with her bra out so casually.

"Absolutely," Cassie said as she picked up a few of the designs that she was proud of. "It's helped keep me really focused and come up with some great designs. I might even say that I've impressed myself." Cassie pointed to some parts of the gargoyles that she really enjoyed and gushed about it a bit to Stacy before catching herself.

"I don't mind," Stacy said, taking a seat and handing the papers back to Cassie. "Go with these ones. Send them over to Bill for coloration and tweaking." Cassie nodded and scooped up all the papers.

"Oh, one more thing, Cassie." Cassie paused and turned, part way into turning the doorknob. "How would you like to have a threesome with me and my husband tonight?" Stacy's eyebrows did a sultry roll as she smiled.

Cassie chuckled a little and twirled her hair. "So, like, I'm flattered and it's, uh, really weird for me to think about. I mean, you're my boss and it would just make things really weird and awkward. You know, I should probably go and get these to Bill." She made her way more towards the door, avoiding eye contact with Stacy.

"Recipe Beef Tomato." Immediately, Cassie's demeanor shifted back to how she was before Stacy asked the question. "One more thing, Cassie. I got something for you." She reached into her desk and pulled out another CD. "You've probably been wearing the one that I got you thin. So, here's a new one to spice things up a bit. Give it a listen while you're working today."

"Ah, thanks so much," Cassie said as she took the CD. She waved goodbye as she left Stacy's office.

Stacy sighed and leaned back in her chair, staring up at the ceiling. "Dammit. She's more resilient than I figured. Thought by now she would have been influenced enough. Hopefully that new disk should get things rolling by tonight." Stacy closed her eyes, her thoughts filled with visions of Cassie going down on her, or Cassie and her kissing and licking all up and down Alex's shaft. One of them working on his balls while the other swirling their tongue around his head. Her hands began to idly roam up and down her body as more vivid visions filled her mind.


Her phone buzzing pulled her out of her daydreams. The name "Alex" appeared on screen as she swiped to answer.

"Hey darling. Happy birthday," Stacy said, twirling her hair a little. "How's work?"

"Hey babe," Alex said with a hearty chuckle. "Busy as usual. They sent me running down to fix some stadium lights before tonight's game, so that's where I've been most of the morning. Just got finished and thought I'd give you a call."

Stacy chuckled as she turned to look at the photo of the two of them on her desk. Compared to her, Alex staggered a bit over her at 6' 1". His light skin and short blond hair contrasting her pale skin and long brown hair. It was a photo the two of them had taken at a romantic getaway at Cabo del Sol. Now those were some nights filled with passion and lust. Stacy felt herself get a little wet just thinking about how Alex took her that night and made each inch of her quiver with delight.

But, like most marriages, the passionate flame had turned to a soft ember. The highs and lows of excitement had turned to a steady plateau of daily life. Stacy still absolutely loved Alex and would never leave him. She just wished that there was a little something to bring that spark back.

And then, Cassie had been hired onto the team. She was just the young and energetic spark that the two of them needed in their marriage. Stacy saw the ways that Cassie and Alex exchanged looks when Alex would come and drop off lunch. Stacy even couldn't help herself but examine Cassie's body, each curve and the twinkles in her sparkling blue eyes. She wasn't someone who would try and steal Alex away from her, nor was that any risk that Alex would leave Stacy for Cassie. After she had been hired on, Stacy began to formulate a plan.

It would just be a simple three-way. Maybe some of Cassie and Stacy going down on each other while Alex watched. Both of them going down on Alex. One of them taking Alex's thick cock while eating the other out. The usual MFF three-way action, but there was one problem. Cassie wasn't really into the idea of sleeping with her boss, much less sleeping with her boss and her husband.

It seemed like all hope for that new spark in Stacy's sex life would be gone. That would be until she discovered the potential of motivational music with subliminal messaging. Slowly, any person listening to it could be converted into whatever way of thinking the programmer wanted. They could be more conservative, more sexy in their actions, more risque or even open to ideas they previously hadn't been. Under the guise of a focusing music CD, which it still functioned as, Stacy had given Cassie it to listen to while she worked.

Slowly, over the course of the last month, Stacy began to notice her work taking effect. Cassie started to dress a bit looser, showing off more and more cleavage and skin until the point of today where Cassie just had her bra completely out of the top of her shirt. A few command triggers here and there, which the office had somewhat picked up on, and Cassie was now a very prominent figure in the art department.

Of course, Stacy had to be sure no one was a prude and reported anything to HR, so she had been playing the music as well across the entire building at a volume that they couldn't quite hear, but was still affected. Now, all those little acts of sexiness was just a totally normal thing in the office. And none of them had any idea except for Stacy.

"You excited for tonight?" Stacy asked, a hint of sultry and mischievousness in her voice. She traced her finger on the calendar on her desk.

"Dinner at Pasi Verde? How could I not be?" Alex replied with a chuckle. "A fine dinner, a fine win, all with a hell of a fine wife? I'd be a fool to pass up such a time."

"And what a time we'll have tonight," Stacy said, slowly walking her fingers across her desk. "I've got a nice little surprise for you." Stacy walked over to her window and took a look through the blinds. Cassie was at her desk, sketching away with one hand cupping her breast. "Well, at least I hope that it'll happen."

"Happen? What are you planning?" Alex asked with a light chuckle.

Stacy responded by giggling back. "Now if I told you, then it wouldn't be a surprise, would it?" She sat back down at her desk and leaned back. "Just know that it will be a night to remember."

"I'm looking forward to it," Alex said. "Oh, they're calling me off to the next thing. I'll pick you up at 7?"

"I'll see you then, stud," Stacy said, hanging up.

She turned her attention back towards where Cassie was, watching her closely. Stacy took a deep sigh. "This new CD had better work quickly. She'll need to be ready for tonight."

Hours passed as work continued on Clash of Treachery. Co-workers shuffling and mulling about, fixing and editing designs. Occasionally, two would excuse themselves to go and have some fun in a closed room, banging out the stresses of daily life with each other. Models were finalized and sent off for the programming team to fix and add to the game.

And then, it was 6:55 PM.

Everyone else in the office had begun to pack up to head home. Files were tucked away and panties were returned to their rightful owners. Stacy packed up her things and walked over to Cassie's desk. Cassie was still wearing the earbuds, focused on her work. She didn't even notice or seem to care that one nipple was poking its way out from her bra. After a bit of staring, Stacy tapped Cassie on the shoulder.

"Hey, it's quitting time," Stacy said.

Cassie jolted a bit in surprise, then turned to the clock. "Sheesh, when did it get so late." She took her earbuds out and stretched her arms above her head. "I'll just put these all into a safe spot and pack up my things." Cassie put the CD player in her drawer before she began to stuff files and papers into folders.

"You've been quite hard at work today, haven't you?" Stacy said, admiring Cassie's drawings.

"Oh, thanks," Cassie said with a chuckle. "That new music disk you gave me really helped me get past some of those mental blocks that I was having."

"Oh really?" Stacy said with an inquisitive look on her face. "Yes, I can quite see that you've improved today. In fact, I'm so impressed with your work that I wanted to offer you something."

"Ah, you don't have to," Cassie said with a smile, still not noticing or caring about her nipslip. "Really, you've already done so much for me."

"I insist," Stacy said, crossing a finger behind her back that this would work. "Well, tonight is my husband's birthday. You remember my husband, Alex, right?"

"Oh yeah, he's the electrician, right?" Cassie asked. As she thought, Stacy noticed that Cassie's nipple got a little hard. "I guess you two have an exciting night planned then! I bet it'll be fun."

"Yes, I have a very fun night planned for us," Stacy said, emphasizing the 'us.' "So, I wanted to ask you, Cassie. How would you like to have a threesome with me and my husband tonight?"

Cassie paused a bit at the question. She chuckled a little and twirled her hair. "So, like, I'm flattered that you chose me. This won't make things really weird and awkward for us working here, will it? I mean, you are my boss and all."

Stacy's lips curled up in a smile. "Cassie, haven't you noticed that your co-workers have been going off to have sex with each other in backrooms?"

"I mean, yeah," Cassie said with a simple shrug. "But, that's a totally normal thing to do. A threeway with the boss and her husband? That's a bit different."

Stacy's smile turned downward again. "So, you don't want to?" She was about to say the code phrase when Cassie interrupted her.

"I didn't say that!" Cassie said, quickly retracting her previous statement. "I'd be happy to do it. Just as long as it won't make anything weird or awkward here in the office."

Stacy grinned. "Don't worry, it won't. Here." She wrote down on the back of a piece of paper her address. "Be there around 9 PM. Wear something nice." She gave Cassie a wink as she headed out of the office to meet with Alex, who was waiting for her in the lobby.

Stacy and Alex were inseparable as they two of them stumbled their way to the front door, arms around their waists and lips firmly glued to each other. Stacy fumbled reaching for her key as she tried to unlock the front door. It finally took Alex prying his hand away from her ass to help guide it into the lock and open the door. They waltz in, shutting the door behind them.

Alex led the way upstairs, picking up Stacy in his arms. She couldn't help but giggle at the whole situation. She hadn't felt this giddiness in her for years and it was all rushing back to her. The few glasses of wine they both had at dinner helped too.

Alex brought Stacy to the bedroom and playfully tossed her onto the bed, her shoes clattering to the ground from the impact. The two of them laughed as Alex took his shoes off too, climbing over Stacy and covering neck and shoulders with kisses. Their eyes met and lips stuck to each other again with magnetic attraction. As the two of them rolled a little on the bed, Stacy's eyes turned to the clock.

8:59 PM.

Stacy got out from under Alex. "Hang on, your surprise should be here soon."

"Oh, don't tell me you bought a stripper or something like that," Alex said. Part of it was a joking matter, the other part was confused about what she would have ordered.

"Nah, not a stripper. Just close your eyes until I get back," Stacy said as she headed to the front door. As if on perfect cue, there was a knock at the door right as the clocks turned to 9 PM.

"Oh, hey Stacy," Cassie said, giving a little bit of a cutesy pose. She had been clearly taking photos of herself before knocking on the door. Cassie was dressed in a two-layer black dress that looked to be a mix of polyester and spandex, with a cutout on the left side. The dress barely came halfway on her thighs. It had a bodice overlay down the side with a boat neck that barely covered up her shoulders. There were little peeks here and there of something blue underneath.

Standing in opposition to her, Stacy was wearing white crop top that laced up in the back, and black stripes running down it. She had debated about wearing a skirt, which wasn't quite her style, but it was a special night tonight. However, Alex had persuaded her to go with some slimming pants by showing her just how much hotter it was putting his fingers under the waistband rather than sticking them awkwardly up a skirt. Personally, she preferred the pants to a skirt since more attention could be drawn from her lacking chest to her curvy legs.

"Perfect timing," Stacy said as she smiled and brought Cassie in by the wrist. "You look positively stunning."

"Oh thanks," Cassie said, twirling her hair with her finger. "My first time in a threeway."

"Really?" Stacy said with an inquisitive look. Truthfully, this was her first time too, but her college life did have her in an orgy once or three times. She was sure that she could figure it out. "Well, it'll be a real fun time." Stacy gave Cassie's ass a little smack, which Cassie happily responded to. "This way to the bedroom."

"Okay Alex, you can open them up now," Stacy said as she brought Cassie to the room and shut the door behind them.

Alex's expression went from excitement to confusion to excitement again. "Cassie? What's she doing here?"

"Tonight, for your special birthday gift, Alex, is a threeway with me and her," Stacy said, a bit of a purr in her voice as she looked over Cassie again.

Alex gulped a little, both in excitement and nervousness. "So, you weren't joking about your talk about that? I'm actually going to have a threeway with you and her?"

Stacy gave Cassie a little pat on the back for encouragement. "Well, what are you waiting for, Alex? Come and play with your gifts. We're yours for the night."

Alex got off the bed and began looking over Stacy and Cassie. He turned over to Stacy once more, just to be sure that this was really happening. Stacy rolled her eyes and, to convince him, grabbed Cassie by the cheeks and kissed her firmly on the lips. Cassie let out a surprised squeak, but it turned to a gentle moan as Stacy's tongue found its way into her mouth. Alex's cock, if it wasn't already hard, became as stiff as a board from watching his wife and the hot new intern making out for him. He reached forward, gripping handfuls of their asses closer to him.

Gently, he began to guide them downward, the two ladies never leaving each other's lips until they were both on their knees. Alex undid his belt and dropped his pants to the ground, his hardened cock at eye level of the ladies. Stacy was the first to act, running her tongue from the back of the shaft to the tip. She reached around and guided Cassie's head closer, pressing her lips against Alex's cock. Stacy swirled her tongue around Alex's head while Cassie pampered Alex's shaft with kisses. Alex pushed Cassie's head lower until her kisses went from shaft to gently massaging his balls with her mouth. Stacy, meanwhile, began to suck on Alex's cock, bobbing up and down on his erect shaft.

Stacy moaned more as Alex held the back of her head, shoving it up and down his dick. She felt Cassie's hand slink its way up her thigh and find comfort in Stacy's crotch. Gently, she grinded against Cassie's hand while she got a firm grip of Cassie's ass. After a little bit, Stacy was out of breath, so she moved aside and let Cassie go ahead. Stacy pushed Alex onto the bed and Cassie got to work sucking on Alex's cock. Stacy slipped out of her pants and panties, then moved around so Alex could take off her top.

While Stacy didn't have the sizable rack that Cassie had, Alex loved her chest all the same. He pulled her on top of him so he could suck and nibble all over Stacy's chest. She moaned with delight as Alex groaned from Cassie's fellatio. Then, Cassie popped her mouth off of Alex's cock. Upon seeing Alex enjoying Stacy's nipples, she decided to pleasure him with her assets. Cassie pulled her dress off, letting her blue lace bra hang free. She stuck Alex's cock under the fabric and rubbed her breasts against his cock.

Alex's head rolled back as he moaned from the stimulation, releasing his grip on Stacy's nipples. Stacy turned her head back, grumbling a little at what Cassie could do for Alex that she never could. Feeling a little jealous, a lot playful, and slightly tipsy, she lifted Cassie off of Alex's cock and pushed her gently back onto the bed. Hungrily, she slipped her thumbs under the waistband of Cassie's dress and took it off, revealing the matching blue lace panties underneath.

Stacy ran her tongue along the sides of Cassie's thighs, feeling each little quiver. She stuck her ass up in the air for Alex, nudging him along. Alex chuckled and slipped a finger down, running it along Stacy's wet slit. He used her juices to lube up his cock before slipping it into her wet hole. Stacy moaned in delight as she slid Cassie's panties to the side. The pulsing heat from Cassie's pussy was intoxicating and Stacy just had to have a bit. She pulled Cassie in close and buried her face into Cassie's crotch.

Cassie's head fell back as she moaned loudly. Stacy licked up and down her slit, swirling her tongue around Cassie's clit, sending wave after wave of stimulation. Stacy's moaning from Alex pounding her pussy only enhanced the pleasure Cassie was feeling.

Stacy was then pulled away from Cassie's crotch and brought on top of her as Alex thrusted hard and harder into her tight pussy. Cassie and Stacy shared a firm kiss as Stacy's hand continued the job that her mouth didn't finish. Their nipples brushed against each other, making both women moan with delight. Using her other hand, Stacy brought Cassie's hand to her crotch and got her going to work on her clit.

Then, Alex pulled out of Stacy, her groans echoing in Cassie's mouth. He rubbed his shaft along Cassie's slit before shoving in, making her gasp in delight. Making sure not to neglect his wife, he gripped her ass firmly, slapping it a few times. Cassie squirmed in delight, feeling a bit of the vibrations through Stacy and the pounding from Alex. From Stacy's previous work to Alex's current work, it didn't take long before Cassie quivered from an orgasm reverberating through her. Her gasps and moans of delight pulled her from Stacy's lips as her body writhing pulled Alex's cock out of her. Not missing a beat, Alex shoved it back into Stacy's needy pussy.

Stacy buried her face into Cassie's neck, panting with lust and desire. It didn't take long for her to follow suit as her husband's cock thrusted into her tight wetness. She felt Alex's grip on her ass harden as he pounded feverishly, increasing intensity with each stroke before he groaned, unleashing his load into Stacy's pussy. His semen mixed together with her juices, both of them slowly dripping down onto Cassie's crotch and mixing with her.

The three of them laid on the bed, panting with delight and a little exhausted. Stacy, however, had a bit more energy than the two of them. She stuck her fingers down and began wiggling them around in Cassie's pussy, making the young girl giggle and moan in pleasure. Stacy brought her lips around Alex's shaft and softly sucked it, gently stroking it with her other hand.

"Hey honey, how would you like to make this more of a regular thing?" she said, looking up at Alex.

"I think that's a great idea," Alex said as he moaned, feeling his second wind beginning to kick in.

"What about you, Cassie?" Stacy said, shifting her attention to the blonde. "Would you like to join me and my husband for more threesomes in the future."

Cassie's response was one of pleasure and delight as she looked at the two of them, lust in her eyes. "Why would I say no? Getting to have sex with my boss and her husband? That's a totally normal thing."