Competition #1 part 2

The next day, the people turn back into a normal appearance.

The city was bustling with people walking and chatting again.

Once the sun shine high up in the sky, another announcement was made.

[Congratulations player for surviving the first night.

The monster on the second night will level up. Their sense will be heightened and a person who does not even have the strength to truss a chicken should hide themselves well.

Night is approaching in two hour.

Players, search a place to hide.

What a fun night, Lets play hide and seek again - Dr Raven]

Like the previous announcement, an italicised word was written at the end in a bloody colour of their own respective race.

The colour gave one the creepy feelings as always.


Night arrived.

The monsters was a bit different from the previous night.

Their strength grow and their sense heightened.

70% of the players was discovered from their hiding spot.

The players who slaughter the monster choose slaughter again.

The monsters although still weak are a bit harder to deal with.

Because weapons are not allowed to be taken in, they fought with the monsters bare-hand.

Still, they were able to defeat it. Until and unless killed, the monsters relentlessly pursued them. The players thought that it was a waste of time running away. The pscyhe for the lowest paticipants is A grade. It was understandable that they are a bit arrogant.

Those players even thought that the more they slaughtered, the more they will gain points. Of course, they will gain points. But just not in a way they want.

Even till now, they still did not understand just what the survival games are.


Sabnock panted breathlessly, there is still four hours till the sunrise.

He need to persevere.

Sabnock kept running from the monsters who chase him. Since the monster sense was heightened, he was discovered.

But, killing them was not on his thought.

The clue of this survival quest.

1. Revenge

He did not understand what the word implies.

2. Will killing them save them in the end?

It does not matter if they were found out because the announcement said 'If they get caught'.

So, the hiding was not the problem. The main problem was the confrontation with the monster. To be killed or get killed.

But, killing them might not save them. Maybe the hint 'revenge' was about the monster coming back for revenge or the monster might also be the judge that will give points to those who kill them and not kill them.

There are many theory and speculation to consider.

He will not take the risk of killing the monster.

Then there is the italicised word by Dr Raven.

Lets play hide and seek.

That is the word he was most confused about.

There are many, almost half of the players who are pondering deeply like Sabnock.

Not everyone take the competition lightly.

There are 55% who think deeply. 35% who don't think much, the remaining are those who don't need to to choose as they are still lucky enough to not be discovered.

Luck is also a kind of strength.


When morning sun rose, Sabnock stop running.

Good thing his psyche was relatively good. As an S grade individual, Sabnock can still cope with ten hours of running.

Its really taxing and frustrating when the enemy was not allowed to be killed.

The monsters reverted back to their normal appearnace. It was as if the monster that chase him throughout the night was not them.

It must be because of the monster resembling his race that he hesitate killing it.

Those who choose slaughter are those who are ruthless or those who believe it was just like a holographic video games.

As Sabnock walk forwards, he inadvertantly saw a black feather before his footstep.

Come to think of it, apart from the 'people' he does not see any animals. He did hear crow caw so Sabnock assume that it must be a crow.

He brought it near his nose and took a sniff.

He stiffen a bit but quickly he resume his normal walking posture.

He put the feather in his pocket.

Its his first survival quest sovenuer. He is one step closer to meeting the Queen of the Zerg in person.

Sabnock eyes sparkle.

He is the number one fan of The Queen.

As a fan, he will work hard to meet his idol.

Ever since he got that white plain T-Shirt, he was captured.

He is Sabnock Sakamon and he is one step closer to meeting his idol.


[Congratulation Players! For surviving the second night. Tonight is the third night and also the last. After the third night. There will be a trial and whoever pass the trial. The first games will be over.

The monsters are fortified with strength again.

Players have one hour to hide themselves before the night came.

My concealment is the best, Lets play the last game of hide and seek again- Dr Raven ]

The italised word are exagarated bloodily.

Some ignore it while others started to ponder deeply.


The third night soon arrived.

That night, only a small portion of players escape the detection of the fortified monsters.

Because the monsters are much stronger, the weaker players have a hard time dealing with it.

Sabnock look around his vicinity with a sharp eyes while running.

He is searching for something, if his speculation was right then...

Sabnock eyes brighten. He took a leap and jump on the branch of the tree. His hand speed was fast as he grab a bird, it was a raven.

'Found you'

Sabnock then quickly leap from tree to tree and jump up the building floor, the monsters like a bug chase him.

But then it stop abruptly.

No longer following Sabnock.

Sabnock breath a sigh of relief.


Because the monster was stronger and faster, many players started to kill one or two monsters while running.


[Chilli powder: Damn, did you see those highlighted people who caught the raven? Who would have thought that catching the raven would stop the pursue of those monsters]

[Marujuana: Who would have thought, I did not have that in mind at all]

[Daffodils in full bloom: Did you guys think of the end note that was italised? Lets play hide and seek - Dr Raven, if I'm not wrong, that must be the raven. If the players are hiding from the monster, then the raven is hiding from the players. If the players figure out the raven part, they will not have to go through the trouble of confronting the monsters, the raven was beside them all the time after all]

[Gemini: the raven part is partly solved then what about the revenge hint?]


The netizens and crowds were speculating endlessly.

The competition was mild with not much up and down. But will it be?


Once night fade, the players sorrounding started to change. They are in a pitch black room.

Jyn holographic figure started to appear.

"Congratulations players for surviving the third night" a grin form on Jyn red lips "The trial have begun"

[Judgement time~~~~~]

A cheerful music rang out singing judgement time repeatedly.

It was annoying.

"Hehe... Dear players, its judgement time"

All the players were in a box of 30m^2.

They saw each other but could not approached each other.

A barrier was between them.

"As the word judgement represent, you all will be judge by the monsters you all met on the city"

A monster appear inside the box of each players.

"How will you be judge? Its simple, you will have to defeat this monsters, the monsters strength depends on the monsters you killed at the city!"

Jyn voice started to grow colder.

The monsters have a panel above their head.

The number of the monsters they slaughtered appeared in number above the monster head.

"The more the number, the more stronger the monster will be" Jyn snicker at the pale face players whose monsters number rose 1000 and above.

"There is an old myth at the city of Balla, because of offending the the great deity, the goddess curse the people of Balla and let them turn into a mindless monster each night. But the goddess took a pity on them again after the Balla city repent and asked for forgiveness for they have been subjected to be hunted as they are monsters. The goddess cannot take back the curse but could only place another curse on them, whoever kill the Balla will be revenged so, as you can see. The revenge is coming. I hope you can defeat the monsters to climb towards the next stage"

Jyn at the end smile sweetly.

Of course she didn't notice the sparkly eyes Sabnock who was fanboying on how cool his idol was.

Nor she notice the woman of the holy race who gaze at her in infatuation neither the two man in a cloak who gaze at her with a strange look.


The monsters number gradually stabilize.

Those 1000+ numbers directly make the monsters an SSS grade monsters.

Those who chose not to kill, their monster was at the weakest D grade psyche.

They were defeated easily.

About forty of the players were caught unprepared when the monster beheaded them.

Their headless body fall to the ground.

Others in fear of being slaughtered suddenly remember the life panel bar. They quickly press the bar.

One life bar was gone while the monster fade away. They managed to save their life barely.

Cold sweat dripping down from their forehead.

Others are not quick enough when the claws descend. They lose their life just like that.

There was a tense atmosphere inside each of the box.

The comment section also quitened down when witnessing the dead in just a matter of seconds. The dead body on the ground, even them will not think that they will lose their life just like that.

Jyn appear again, glancing at 100+ odd dead body.

"Tsk... The life bar was clearly on their wrist. They might have been too slow. Hmm... Not my problem. Well, how was the game? Do you all enjoy it? It was such an easy game. That was after all the warm-up games"

Jyn smile brightly, not affected by the dead at all.

Only now did the people and the players realized that the competition was not a joke. Life and dead was at stake, that word was not just for show.

Looking at the brightly smiling Jyn, they felt a chill in their heart.

The Queen of Zerg was indeed ruthless. Her previous word 'owning up the life of their own' was not for a joke.

They were nearly fooled by her happy and nonchalant appearance.

"I noticed that about 100 of you caught a raven yes?"

Those who caught the raven stiffen up.

Obviosly afraid of some revenge thing

"Relax, thats not some punishment. Its the opposite" Jyn roll her eyes "Those who caught the raven, there will be a raven card in your wristband inventory. The function is written in it. It can conceal your presence. Its a one use item though. So used it wisely"

"The second competition will start the day after tomorrow, rest well and come back with full energy"

Jyn then dissapear while the players were also sucked outside the place where they start.


"Huu... That was some toll of speaking"

Jyn sigh plaintively.

She is not this talkative but its fun, so its fine.

"A'Jyn here, drink some water to moisten the throat"

Jyn turn towards Ari who was smiling shyly at her...


Jyn felt that she was going to have a nosebleed.

This is an overkill...

Too cute.

This moe lord..


"How is my performance?"


Jyn smile brightly.

She raise her hand and touch his horn.

Ari stiffen up but quickly relax.

"Your horn is beautiful"

Ari ears started to heated up.


Ari stop a bit, trying to control himself from leaking out a sigh of pleasure from his horn being touch.

His dragon tail lay droopily, enjoying the electric current flowing throughout his body.

The tip of his tail curling.

His abdomen muscle tighten up.

Jyn was in her seperate room to conduct her hosting with Ari, Eira and Ifrit was outside guarding while Alvis was with Louis and Felix, taking care of the broadcast.

"Umm... But I like this Chrysolis even more"

Jyn with her other hand caress the gold paper like inlaid on Ari forehead and his side face.

She raise her hand again enjoying herself caressing the horn.

This time she does not touch for only about a fracture of a short second.

As Jyn caress longer, Ari eyes narrow, his eye deepen.

Ari concentratedly watch Jyn, engraving her appearance deep in his mind.

An obsession started to swirl inside his deep golden eyes. He greedily gaze at Jyn, inhaling her scent infatuatedly.

When Jyn contently finish her caressing, she smile satisfactorily.

A deep sense of loss flash across Ari eyes when Jyn took off her hand from his horn.

He quickly hid the emotion.

He should not be too greedy. Jyn might find him annoying and thought that he was needy.

Ari suppresed his obsession and desire of full posession.


When one suppressed things too much, one day, the jar might not be able to contain anymore and erupt like a volcanic magma.
