When each grab the card from Jyn hand, the pressure that surmount them like the Collosal Mountain instantly dissapeared as if it never suppressed them.

They felt light headed with the sudden lifting of the intimidation.

"You guys have done well..."

Jyn smile. Withstanding that amount of bluff, they really are praiseworthy.

"A-are th-the position ac-cording to who take the card first?"

Grill asked, his voice stuttering a bit.. He still need a bit amount of time to adjust his frame of mind.

He was second and felt a bit regretful not being the first person to take the card.

SSS Mecha.

Even the Mechanical race could not produce such. It was also a perfect level of 'body' for him.


The mithioga race smiling expression finally shifted a bit.

"What does that mean? Isn't the first person to grab the card the winner?"

His tone normal, his voice cello deep and mesmerizing.

Such a voice that could impregnate one ear.

Jyn sigh silently...

What a blessed man.

"I never said that. I only say to take the card to get your reward.. Anyway, fret not, the reward you will receive depend upon the card you choose. Lift the cover of the card, each card represent what type of rewards you will get"

Sabnock swallowed his saliva hard "That really depend heavily on one luck"

He clasp his hand together, rubbing excessively to improve his hand luck.

His luck was really average ah~

The mithioga race suddenly smile, making his already stunning face even more dazzling.

"Luck huh~"

His luck have always been good.

When it came down to that, he is confident.

Jyn faintly glance at him. Her lips quirking up in bemused. Luck? She was afraid that this time, that kind of thing will not work.

Its all about predestined fate and not luck.



"How can this be?!!"

The Mithioga person have an incredulous expression.

His expression finally have a colourful expression instead of the usual calmness. It altered between disbelief and shock.

He intently glance at his card as if to bore a hole on it.

Sabnock on the other hand have an expression of stupor.

Someone....Tell him this is all a dream..

But if it is a dream, he never want to wake up from it.

Flame was about to burst out of his eyes looking at the card.

His fiery red hair billowing along the winds, spark started to crack up slowly but in a steadfast pace igniting his hair in magma Fire.

"I-I Th-this....."

Sabnock was speechless...

His card have a picture. Yes! Its right! Its the SSS Mecha.


"No need to be that stimulated, you come to Paramount, I will hand you over the Mecha"

Jyn languidly spoke seeing the speecless burning youth.

Grill got the second place prize while the Mithioga race got the third place prize.

The Mithioga race who come his white hair with his hand in frustration turn stiffly towards Jyn.

"I was the one to first snatch a card"

His word seem to imply something.

Jyn arc her brow, provocatively glancing back at him "And?"

So what if he became the first person to take the card. It all depends on who choose what card.

The Mithioga race open and close his mouth a few times but finally chose to reamain silent.

The provocatove gaze the queen of rhe Zerg directing at him said all what needed to be said 'So what?'

He then quickly pick up his frame of mind even though he was truly unwilling.

Alas, he finally couln't help himself from saying a few word.

"My luck have always been good. I really don't understand how I got the third place card"

The Mithioga race have a suspicious expression. None will be more sure of his heaven-defying luck than himself.

'But the Zerg will not cheat and let that Melora race deliberately win'

He have a rather special innate attribute, he can detect a lie, cheat, anomaly...

In simple word, he can detect negativity.

However, he did not feel any of that at the moment.

Jyn glance at him, giving him a look over from the upper body to the lower body.

This person, he is filled with abundant positive energy.

It was comparable to the enormous negative energy that encompass Ari.

It was as if all the luck and positive energy of the universe have been concentrated on him and Ari the opposite.

Jyn squint her eyes, lost in thought..

Her eyes clouded over.

Seeing the silver hair Mithioga race brooding things over on how his luck failed him, Jyn smile unamusedly and open her mouth.

"What luck or unluck?, I have an ability that could negate energy of extreme. If you are a lucky person, your extreme luck have been balanced out once you are beside me. Of course, there are those intense extreme that I could balance only the minor but not the major"

Jym wave her hand, no longer explaining.

The silver hair Mithioga race eyes flash a strange light hearing her word.

His chaotic thought miraculously stabilize in an instance.

He nodded in acceptance and appreciation.

"So that must be it" Sigh... "You are really amazing My Queen~"

Eccentuating the word 'My Queen', a bright smile hung on his dazzling face.

Jyn just gave him a dead pan expression.

Jyn concluded tha events and announcing the reward ceremony to be held the next day at Paramount.


There are two couple watching intently at the holographic scene.

The wife with great difficulty turn towards her husband, her lips trembling.

"Hu-Husband.. O-Our Son.. The Mecha... First Place"

Her words are incoherent due to excessive shock but the husband understood what she try to express

He finally not able to control himseld bang his trembling hands on the table.

"That stinky brat! He participate without our knowledge and consent hmph! But since he won the first place and earn face for our race and family, I will grudgingly forgive him!"

He said roughly, but only he knew how his heart was filled with terror and fear when his son encounter a near-death experience.

That is his only son ah..

Luckily, his son have always been quick-witted, even tricking his old father on many occasion till he was hopping mad.

His almost bald hair is caused by the countless high blood pressure his mischievious and troublesome son gave him.

Now, How much he fear for his life is how much proud he is.

Just the thought of an SSS mecha make him excited all over.

He never thought much for his son achievement, he at the start even thought that just being at the twentieth place and received the consultation prize will already be a great achievement.

But his son have won him the first prize..


Jyn return back to the control cabin with a new tail behind her.

She will not be able to drive her away so she just let her be.

"God, do you know, Little Emily miss you very much?"

"Every night, I pray to you to meet my God again and it finally been answered"

"God, don't leave Emily anymore okay.."

At every turn, God this and God that.. Those ingariating word that could give people a chagrine expression.

Seriously.... Which bastard start the title 'God Of Maker'?! That title have given her a serious headache ever since it labelled her. If she ever caught the bastard. .... Hmph....

Although Jyn was planning on her little petty revenge, On the other hand, she has a nonchalant expression. It can be seen at a glance that she was long used to the person crazy antics.

At the past world, this Emily was a stickyworm or some sticky thing that stick to her all day long.

She was only scotch free when she was at her apartment.

She firmly held her apartment as a prohibitat area.

When Jyn and her co. enter the cabin, Ari immediately stood up with a drink ready on his hand.


A sweet innocent smile display on his face

Jyn nonchalant and cold expression finally melted a bit.

Look, her Ari is so considerate and cute and lovely!!!!

He hurriedly came and gave her the drink.

Emily finally notice the present of the insignifant person before her.

Her strong intuition have told her that this person is dangerous.

Ari also glance at her.

Their gaze met in midair.

Emily have a warning bell ringing on her head. Not because he is dangerous but because he is dangerous in a way that he was going to snatch her God affection.

As if he is going to rob all of her God attention.

His acting and innocent facade was all in line just to attract her God attention.

Only her God will be dense on how people feel about her.

When it came to outsiders, her EQ is pretty high. But when emotion involve and revolve around her, not only she is dense, she is completely blind.

Even her, who fervently admire and praise her God to high heaven could only silently brood over this simple shortcoming of her God. Even she herself, the faithful worshipper could not deny it.

Emily immediately hug the arm of her God, giving provocative look towards Ari.

She silently mouth 'Mine'.

Ari glance at the arm of Jyn the holy maiden latch onto.

A deep dark abyss whirl inside his eyes but he did not show any of it on his face.

He still have an innocent expression but his bitingly cold gaze was swept towards the Holy maiden.

His gaze held the look of a ferocious beast.

Still, even with such an overwhelming dark and menacing gaze, Emily still hook on tightly around her God.

When it came to her God, she could even kill herself or offend the entire universe.

What does his mere hostility and menacing gaze count as?

Jyn who was in the middle, standing between the two did not know the high tide of sea and volacanic magma challenge brewed between the two.

But still...

Why doed she feel an invisible spark between this two? Is it only her or her imagination?

She raise her hand and habitually pat the head of the girl.

"Be good"

Just two word and her mood shifted immediatly.

Emily snuggle, sighing comfortable.

"I am always good"

Her tone spoiled.

Jyn sigh...

Towards other, she was really mature, why towards her, she act like a spoiled child?

Everytime, Jyn would feel like she was a full time nanny for her.

Ari pursed his lips at their intimate interaction.

He narrowed his eyes dangerously.

Dark thought brewing inside his head.

But when Jyn glance at him, his expression became the most tame and docile. A perfect innocent expression.

Ari saw Jyn gaze softening towards him.

He pursed his lips in a pure smile. He was very happy.

When Jyn gaze focused on him, all his cells and muscle spasm in delight.

If only her gaze could fix only on him.

He need to hide all his claws, ferociousness and darkness so that she will not hate him.

His darkness is too dark. Like a blackhole where even light could not penetrate. He instead swallow the light.

If even his soulmate hate him, he don't know whether his sanity that he hold on will snap.

He preserve his sanity because he was waiting for his soulmate.

It was only solely for her.

At that time, at the ward, when he first thought that his soulmate not liking him and intend of sending him away with a spaceship.

He secrectly thought of destroying the entire universe and cease to exist along with it.

His last shred of sanity he preserve for his soulmate, if even his soulmate didn't want him, what is the used of maintaining it?

Who wouldv'e thought that his soulmate to accept him.

It was the moment where he became the most happiest.

He can never forget that day when he heard her acceptance of him. It was too precious.

But, he perceive that his pure and innocent facade have earn her affection more.

If she like the pure and innocent type, he can act as one. He can be anyone as long as she want and like it.

He was even willing to imitate her past lover if she had one and win her affection.

Conscience, Moral integrity, Bottom line, principle, he have none!..

He laugh in schadenfreude silently in his mind. But the more dark his thought were, the more pure his expression became.

"Ari, this is my disciple, Emily"

Ari glance at her, nodding his head slightly.

This person, he don't like.

'Why can't her affection solely focus on him? If only all the Zerg and that new breed don't exist, maybe he can have all her affection?' As soon as he thought of that, Ari hurriedly suppresed the devil like strong temptation.

Emily frown at the simple introduction.

"No, You are my God and I am your faithful and pious Worshipper, God beloved follower Emily"

Her gaze held the obsession of a devoted and crazy cult believer.

Jyn sigh... Too tired to deal with her craziness.

"Have Alvis prepared all the necessary programme for tomorrow?"

She turn towards Ifrit.

"Yes, My Queen"

"Good, lets also go back"

As usual, as always, like her past life, Emily stick to her like a super glue.



Yu Fukurō:

don't worry though, there will be more and more crazy people... 😂

When characters are a bit crazy, I like them..

Night crawling.

Sky fallin.

Gonna listen when the devils callin.

.                (Night Crawling)

             -Miley Cyrus ft Billy Idol








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I need a boost ah... Energy and motivation...

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