A large audience sat inside the stadium larger and grandeur than the Olympic stadium..

They are the audience who booked a ticket for this day.

This commemoration day.

Aside from this, they bought the ticket to be part of the people who step foot at Paramount.

The feeling when stepping a foot on Paramount was thrilling.


Louis walk up the stage.

This is by far the largest audience he ever have.

The Stock market of Glem also skyrocketed. Their industries firmly held the number one position. They finally have an unshakeable position.

Their competitors have thrown in a flag of defeat.

Louis smile dazzingly.

"Greetings Intergallactical Races, as we all are aware, this is the ceremony of awarding a reward for those who gain a position for the Paramount competition. Are we all excited to witness the exciting prizes!!?? If yes, let me hear some noise"

A defeaning sound deft throughout the stadium.

Once the time arrived, Louis finally have a serious expression.

He put forth a 'hush' gesture on his lips quietening down the audience.

"The time finally arrived. We will start from the eleventh to twentieth position, the ten contestant will received the consultation prize, this is the prize"

An item was broadcasted on the huge board.

It was the SSS grade defensive Umbrella.

"If you watch my interview with the Queen, this umbrella will be well known. Yes, it is the SSS grade defensive umbrella. But, this is slightly different from the previous umbrella, the laser have been upgraded to S level"

A large commotion broke up.

The audience started to murmur among themselves.

An S level laser?! Thats too wicked and amazing!

The 10 players who was standing on the side of the stadium have an excited expression. Their hand itching to obtain the Umbrella as soon as possible.

"This umbrella is called Heaven Shield"

Louis have requested to give a name for this umbrella. He personally gave it.

He was also deeply aware of the bad naming sense of Jyn.

She was fine with a simple 'The Umbrella'. It does not hold justice to its amazing ability and he feel pained in its stead.

Heaven Shield is such a mighty and haughty name ah..

Louis is very satisfied with the name.

When the ten contestant feel the umbrella in their hand, some bawl into tears.

While some dazedly hold it tight to their bosom, another obssessedly feel out the Heaven Shield.

"For the fourth to tenth position, this are their prize"

Some are gaunlet while some are boots and a wings.

"This are a piece of shrunken armour or shrunken mecha part to fit a body that was an SS level"

This time the audience quietened down.

Even an S grade mecha was already amazing enough, an A grade mecha was equivalent to AAA grade psyche.

If it was an S grade mecha, it was equivalent to SSS psyche race.

It was a jump in two strength. While weapons normally was a jump in one strength. Which means an S grade weapon was equivalent to an SS grade psyche person.

This time it was an SS mecha part that could be worn like an armour.

That was equivalent to more than an SSS grade psyche. It will be able to fight off those of the high rank existence of the Mithioga race, the mechanic race and the holy race. It might also be able to fight off the high rank Zerg. The zerg, maybe  Barely.. But it was already a great feat.

"The best part of this armour was that it could convert itself into a bracelet"

This time, there was a defeaning noise that was enough to shook a soul.

Louis have to seal his hearing sense if he don't want his eardrum to get damage.

From the fifth place to the tenth place, their heart was beating like a drum. Tears trickled down their face holding the precious armour.

Some even have make a decision that it will be their family heirloom.

After a long time, the audience quietened down.

"For the second and third position, they will each get an SSS grade mecha part, a gaunlet"

Due to excessive shock, the audience no longer make a noise.

Louis glance around the audience. He took a deep breath.

A rumble spread out.

The underground open up while smoke came out. Light burst out when slowly a tall mecha level up slowly but steadily.

It was shining brightly with metallic luster. Solemn and unyielding with a sharp momentum.

"The moment we have all been waiting for... The legendary SSS mecha that countless researchers and mechanics want to develop but to this date till can't. And now, we are finally witnessing the great SSS Mecha"

The audience watch with halted breath.

Sabnock on his seat have long ago stood up. Not able to sit still.

Mecha are like giant robot.

"The first position, Mr. Sabnock Sakamon, the son of Mr and Mrs Sakamon, please walk up on stage"

Sabnock walk up the stage. His palm sweaty. His heart beating nervously.

But still, he gaze obsessively at the gigantic Mecha as if it was pulling him towards it.

"This prize will be honoured by the Queen herself. Please welcome the great creator of this Mecha, the great Queen of Zerg, her majesty Jyn Monarque"

Jyn with her green silk walk up the stage, her pace elegant.

Her momentum firm.

The audience clap their hand fervently.

All held a deep admiration as well as fear.

She is the creator of the SSS mecha ah~


Jyn glance at the nervous Sabnock.

She raise her brow.

"If your spiritual power is not compatible to the Mecha, you know you will have to give up this mecha right?"

Each Mecha are said to have their own spiritual awareness. Mecha are treated as a robot as well as a spiritual conscience being. They are half living and non living beings.

Sabnock nod his head. This is the reason why he is nervous, he don't want to give up this mecha.

Jyn took out the helmet and let Sabnock wear it.

The audience also intently watch with halted breath. There was a pin drop silence.

A mechanical voice coming out from the Mecha.

"Initializing connection.

Testing the spiritual connection.

Testing the compability.

The Host spiritual connection 30%

The host compatibility 96% "

Their spiritual connection is not deep enough as they only met and connect for the first time.

But the compatibility is truly high.

80% compability is already high enough.

But 96% compability? Among the Mecha controller, it was few and far.

"Not bad"

Jyn shrug her shoulder

"This Mecha is yours"

Then the whole stadium boom with a defeaning noise.

The galactical net broke down as well...


The competition and all its enthusiasm although still present but after a month, the race quietened down a lot.


After a month, Parmaount have an uninvited visitor.

Not exactly a visitor but a spaceship hovering around their planet.

After knowing whose race the spaceship contain, Jyn let them land on her soil.

It was the Holy race.

They came because their holy maiden does not want to return.

Not only the Holy race but the silver hair Mithioga person was there as well.
