Dumb ways to die

The night was like any other I had just gotten off work and began my trek back to my one bed one bath apartment. Crossing the street and heading down the block it seemed to be another quiet night until I heard a loud pop!

At first I paid no mind thinking it could've been some shitty street lamp bulb that popped after all I didn't live in the nicest of neighborhoods. So I kept walking minding my own business, and that's when I heard it the screech of tires.

Looking up I saw a black van racing down the street two cop cars hot on their heels. I like any normal person starting watching the chase as it was interesting and I'm nosy. Or at least I was until I started hearing shots then I quickly changed from nosy civilian to run for my life.

Now don't get me wrong I would very much like to say I ran like an Olympic track star but that's sadly not the case. As soon as I started running away I felt a sudden burning pain in my chest and was reminded of something my parents used to say to try and keep me out of fights.

"If you ever come across two or more parties that you think have guns run before you hear the first shot, because even if they aren't aimed at you bullets don't have names." At first I didn't get it I didn't know what they meant I thought it was just something to say because duh no one names their bullets that's weird.

Now as I lay on the sidewalk pavement with my vision starting to fade I understand what they were trying to tell me. Bullets don't think about what they hit they don't swerve around you because you're not the intended target. A bullets one job is to rip through whatever it hits and this time I'm what was hit.


Dark that's the first thing I see in fact it was all I saw for a long time. Or at least I thought it was a long time it was hard to tell with no sun or moon to tell the day.

The silence within the dark was deafening as I only had my thoughts to keep me company.


That was until I heard a sound it was faint but in the quiet dark it sounded as though a bell tower had rung.

The ding I had been accompanied by a blue game like screen on the screen was a sentence that read.

[ Spin to Win your new life awaits! Y/N]

Reading the screen and not knowing what else to do but answer the question I selected yes. The screen changed to a ring of blinking dots that went around in a circle lighting up one at a time starting with the one at the top.

Immediately after all the dots lit up the screen changed and read.

[ Chosen world: Marvel

Number of wishes: 3

Character creation: selection required

Starting point: New York]

'OH MY Lanta did I just hit the jackpot three wishes and I can go to marvel and it looks like creating my appearance is a freebie score!'

I am or was a huge marvel fan it was always my dream to go into the marvel universe and truly experience all the excitement and powers as well as the ladies it had.

Now it looks like I'm finally getting my dream to come true. But since I am a big fan I also know how dangerous it can be and even though with these wishes and my knowledge I could figure out a way to solo the marvel universe what would be the fun in that.

So instead of immediately using the wishes to pull powers or forces that would immediately make me OP and have everyone I made Friends with think of me as a god. I thought about the best path to give me things that could attract people to my side and still make me damn hard to beat when I had proper training.

I sat there in front of the screen thinking in an almost meditative trance before open my eyes and speaking to the screen.

"For my first wish…"