Step one

"For my first wish I want to be reborn as Fabian Cortez but I want to be adopted by Tony Stark."


Nice, I had thought about this for a while and chose this as my first wish as fabian not only had excellent powers that made many desire to get on his good side. He was also born into a very wealthy family making him a good starting point. However I need to modify his back story a little not for any particular reason just to see if I can modify my wishes and I think being Tony's kid would be cool.

Seeing the screen accepted my changes it gave me some leeway when it came to wish specifications. Now I new I could use my next two wishes how I wanted.

"Next I want all the powers knull has related to symbiotes but instead of them being attached to the void I want them to derive from me and my energy/Life essence and I want to be able to make them compatible with any host."


Oh Hell yes now I can make a symbiote squad or army we'll see how it goes after I do a few tests. Now for the last wish this one is a much larger gamble though cause I had a feeling I might have been pushing it with my last wish.

Taking a deep breath and speaking with as much false confidence as I could muster.

"Lastly I want the pure bloodline of the celestials in marvel."


The screen didn't answer immediately like it had with the other two wishes it was like it was buffering or thinking. After what seemed like forever it spoke.

[Request has been modified by the system as unmodified request is impossible with the body subject will have upon rebirth. Subject will have the strongest diluted bloodline possible for body allowing for the enhancements of strength, mental capacities, and physical/metaphysical properties.]

Hmmm I'm ok with this honestly I thought it would be flat out rejected and I'd have to choose something else but I guess the screen found a work around.

"Screen pull up character creation."

On my words the screen changed to reveal white male standing at about 6'5 with shoulder length brown hair and blue eyes his build was athletic but not the most masculine something similar to a healthy gamer who occasionally worked out.

While not bad this was hardly what I wanted to look like in my new life so I started playing with the settings and design of my new body when I realized something.

"Screen does the model I'm editing have the bloodline already mixed in ?"

[No it does not however you can add it when you've finished the design to see the finished product.]

Mentally shrugging I went back to designing my ideal body. I ended up reshaping and changing almost everything and I do mean everything.

I mean come on if you had the chance to edit your mini me wouldn't you give it a boost? Finished with my "enhancements" and other changes I leaned back to admire my handy work.

On the screen in front of me was a 3d model of a white skinned teen who stood at 6'6 with shoulder length blonde hair and gold eyes that went red towards the pupils. His face was sharp with more noble features however instead of dominating or intimidating his face gave the feeling of charming and approachable.

His body looked as it was chiseled from stone by a master craftsmen. With broad shoulders that led to well muscled arms and a chest and abdomen with defined muscles under the skin. He looked like an ancient hero on a quest for the gods.

After I marveled at my work a little longer I told the screen to add in my bloodline and boy was it quite the shock to see.

"Well I'll be damned…"