Adventures with Iron Dad

Okay y'all just a heads up this chapter and maybe the next chapter will be mostly flashback backs and plans some interesting will happen in the flashbacks but if your not into that stuff then just don't read or wait until after the next chapter to pick this back up 👍🏾

P.S~ I have the story as Tony married pepper after Ironman 2 and the MC calls her mom because she helped raise him since Tony adopted him. Other characters are also married for story purposes and because I think it's interesting.


~10 years later~

In a room with a race car bed in one corner and a desk in another. At the center of the room a boy playing with a hollow screen could be seen looking at images of different battles.

The boy in question was 5' tall with shoulder length golden hair that tapered of into a vibrant crimson color towards the ends. He was Fabian and he was currently look at all the events that have happened so far.

(Mc pov)

I grabbed my head in frustration and felt like screaming. Why one might ask well I'll tell you why I had missed major plot points that's why! I had figured out I was in a MCU and earth 616 mash of marvel; how you might ask well for starters when I was five I had watched the first avengers movie happen irl I even talked to dad before he flew in the wormwhole.


On the Stark industries plane four adults and one young boy who couldn't be older than four or five years old sat watching the T.V screen in the corner. However while the adults stared at the tv in shock and somewhat horror the child's eyes were glued to a phone sitting on the table in front of him.

I didn't dare look away as if my life depended on only focusing on this device. Nothing happened for a long time as they all say in silence watch the event that would changed the worlds view of space. That was until the phone in front of me started to vibrate showing Dads face and name none of the adults noticed as the were so absorbed in the news broadcast, so I immediately grabbed the phone answered and put it on speaker so mom(pepper) would notice.

"Hi dad how are you are you gonna be home for dinner mom says she's making meatloaf."

"Hey buddy I'm fine I'll be home for dinner but if your moms making meatloaf I think we should order a pizza instead.!"

"Tony your on speaker and what's wrong with my meatloaf hmmm!"

"Uhgmm nothings wrong with your cooking dear I was just..uh…kidding!"

I could hear him sweat through the phone but after the little conversation mom took the phone off speaker ;turned around tried talking in a low voice. Out of respect I didn't use my enhanced hearing to listen to their conversation but it ended soon because on screen Dad was shown going in the wormhole and the voice phone cut off.

~flashback end~

After that the rest of the event proceeded as the movie did and mom even had the plane go back to stark tower when we got there the avengers were still at the bar drinking and talking about what to do with the tesseract and Loki. So I got to meet the Avengers which is by far one of my favorite moments especially since that's when I finally got my plans going.

~Flashback #2~

As Mom and I walked in (well to be more accurate she carried me in since she was walking to fast for me to keep up) we were greeted by the sight of shield agents every where one of which noticed us and guided us to the elevator. The agent pushed the top floor button and we rode in silence all the way to the top before we heard a ding and the doors opened.

As the doors opened the group sitting at the bar looked over to see who it was and as dad saw us he smiled and waved us over. Walking over he introduced us to everyone even though Nat or Black widow already knew us she had never met me.

"Pepper, Fabian this is Steve rogers aka captain America, the guy with the bow is Clint aka Hawkeye, the tall blonde with a cape is Thor Odinson, the mass of angry green muscle is Dr.Banner Aka the hulk, and last but not least is the lovely red head Agent Romanoff."

He pointed to to each member of the avengers in turn and most waved except hulk who just grunted as he stared down Loki who had been cuffed and placed in the corner. Mom put me down and went to shake hands with the Avengers and thank them for saving the city/world. I on the other hand started snooping around I started by walking around towards Thor. Dad and Cap noticed me but didn't say anything probably trying to see what I would do.

Mom and Romanoff were talking so they weren't paying attention Hawkeye was talking to Thor about different Norse gods trying to see which ones were real and hulk didn't care. So I casually walked towards the side of Thor where I saw his hammer just sitting there waiting to be touched. By this point dad and Cap had figured out what I was about to do and both were struggling to stifle their laughter.

I crept forward slowly before getting within reach of the hammer then I jumped towards the handle as soon as my hands wrapped around it Thor noticed and looked down to see a five year old trying and failing to desperately move his hammer. Seeing my small frame trying to move the large weapon must have been hilarious because he begun to laugh so loud and hard that I thought the glass on the already damaged windows would shatter.

After getting most of his laughs out he lifted the hammer with me still holding onto the handle and brought me to eye level which at his considerable 6'7 was high for me.

"Little fire haired one what were you trying to do with my hammer?"

He didn't seem upset when he asked if anything he seemed more amused. So I thought I should answer with something a child would say but was also kinda true.

"I saw it fly on tv I wanted to make it fly and ride it."