This is more flash back you have been warned!
Thor looked confused at first after I had said that. Then he let out a boisterous laugh and grinned before giving me a warning.
"Be warned little one I have never done this before so hold tight!"
As soon as he said this he threw Mjolnir with what I could tell was a light toss for him but for a normal human would be a full powered through! I flew through the room on Mjolnir with wind rushing threw my hair while I held the handle for dear life. I could faintly hear mom yelling something about death traps.
I was to focus on not letting go to clearly hear what she said. I felt my world shift as Mjolnir made a turn back towards Thor but my arms couldn't withstand the momentum and I was hurled off closing my eyes and bracing for impact. I felt my body slam into something hard and but it didn't fully stop me so I and whatever I hit skidded across the floor.
When I stopped I felt pain in my whole body that was really prominent on my leg. I figured I might have broken it, opening my eyes I immediately noticed what was next to me. It was the tesseract case and it was open; I guessed that's what I slammed into and the impact jarred it open. So right now I was looking directly into the blue box and it was almost like it was calling to me telling me stories of the power it gave and what I could do with it.
Instinctively I reached out and touched it; I'm aware not my smartest decision; but it felt right and when I made contact my blood sang with ecstasy. Originally I didn't have any abilities other than my looks I figured my powers and bloodline would unlock when I hit normal mutant age so around 12-15. However as soon as I touched the tesseract I felt something like a chain or lock around me shatter and I felt truly powerful not only that.
I Felt Like A God.
But it was short lived as cap tackled me in a bear hug it was strange as I felt his "intent" is the best way to describe it. Like I could feel he wasn't gonna hurt me, when he stood up with me in his arms I could see that Nat had closed the brief case and made sure to double lock it. Dad was part way in his suit with mom behind him; Thor had Mjolnir raised ready for anything and Hawkeye just the same with his bow. Meanwhile hulk had Loki raised in the air by his throat; but what's weird was everyone was staring straight at me.
Thor was the first to break the silence speaking in a stupefied and almost reverent tone.
"By Odin's beard he's one of the divine!"
Rushing forward and snatching me out of caps arms he spun me around and laughed before tossing me into the air and catching me. This caused everyone to turn their attention to him as if he had just spoken gibberish that none could decipher. Dad glared at Thor then looked to me and back again as if he could not compute so he asked.
"What does this divine have to do with my son and how could he hold the tesseract and why does he look like that!"
At the last part I looked concerned about my new appearance which was noticed by mom and she thankfully found a mirror behind the bar and showed me my appearance which was interesting to say the least. To start there was a black aura surrounding my body and it caused my hair to float like I was walking through water it also gave me a somewhat unholy dark god look. Then it was the crimson tattoos that seemed to fluctuate like It was sending currents of energy through some lines and receiving it in others; the tattoos also had a fantasy based look with curving jagged lines that seemed to flow towards my chest but I couldn't see what was there with my shirt on. All in all I looked rather demonic and I would have guessed that I was half demon if I didn't know about my celestial bloodline.
The last thing I noticed was my eyes to be honest they looked like a red and gold version of a mangekyo but since I didn't wish for sausukes abilities I doubt that they had the same powers. Seeing my form for the first time was actually really exciting for me as it finally sunk in that I had powers in this world real abilities and I was gonna have fun with them.
Noticing my gaze at the mirror and maybe mistaking it for fear or something mom rushed towards me and hugged me tight even though I was still in Thor's arms she told me that no matter what she and dad still loved me. Dad to my surprise actually came over and waved Thor off then got in on the hug while telling me the same thing mom did. I guess it's harder to disregard mutant life when the life belongs to your child; then again he probably hasn't realized I'm a mutant yet so I guess time will tell.
After the group hug dad and mom turned to Thor and waited for him to answer dad's earlier question.
"Stark your question is complex as you ask what we know little about. Though I will tell you what I do know; the "divine" is generalized term to describe the most ancient and god like races such as angels, death, Yggdrasil, and the celestials. At first glance his aura alone gives him away as partly divine, as a boy my mother had me study the divine as we live so long that what some races consider myth our archives say are fact. With that being said the markings on him are similar to something I remember reading, the passage talked about the children of the celestials having the markings of their parentage what the marks stand for or do we don't know but these are similar to the ones the book described just much darker."
Dad nodded his head like he was following along then proceeded to ask another question.
"Did this book mention anything else like weakness or downsides to being one of these celestial kids?"
Thor thought for a moment before looking at me then back to dad.
"The text didn't mention any weakness however it did mention their strengths being able to move entire worlds and they were described to be ferocious warriors as well as wise and forward thinking generals. Some even raised armies powerful enough to wage war with entire solar systems and galaxies others became powerful enough to fight gods. So I can't wait to see what this little one becomes; so shall we start the training immediately!"