Adventures with irondad (Finale)

At Thor's suggestion of training me mom nearly went ballistic on him. She wasn't exactly yelling but to me the tone she took was far more terrifying. Like a lioness letting out a low growl before she tears the head off her prey.

"You want me tell let you teach my child to be some warmongering demon who conquers galaxies!"

Thor actually looked taken aback at that guess he didn't think mom would get so upset, then again neither did I but that's mainly cause I was to excited.

"Well no I don't want to turn young Fabian into some warmonger but a great warrior and on top of that he'll need the proper training to control his abilities regardless."

Mom looked like she was about to start a whole tirade about how I was to young or something along those lines but a voice I didn't expect stepped in.

"I agree with Thor."

It was cap he had been sitting back watching the show nodding his head at some points and thinking before he said anything now it looked like he was ready.

"Before you say anything Mrs.Stark please hear me out,

He waited for mom to slowly nod her head before he continued on.

I believe Thor is right when he says that Fabian needs the proper mentorship and training but not only In control of his powers but also in the restraint and moral obligation his powers specifically require. As if Thor's assumptions about your boy's future are correct then I believe he will become far stronger then anyone in this room and personally I'm not so foolish as to believe the current avengers are immortal. I believe that one day young hero's will come forward to take the torch from us and carry it proudly and I believe that your son may become the leader of that future team but only with the proper guidance."

Well hot damn say what you want about Captain America but he gives one hell of a speech I almost feel inspired enough to protect the planet. Mom however was in a serious inner debate right now wether to let her only son train with people who can go toe to toe with an alien armada and possibly end up badly injured or to say no and let me struggle with my powers with little to no restraint. (from her perspective Mc obviously has restraint since this isn't his first life)

Eventually with a little help from dad mom gave in and agreed to let Thor, Cap, and Dad train me. Although she did have a few conditions first of which was that they learn my limits and not push past if they thought I would get hurt. The second was that I couldn't start combat training until I was 10 years old, that was the the biggest road block as she originally said 18 years old but a combination of Dad, Cap, Thor,and surprisingly, Natasha allowed us to talk her down to 10.

Third was that I couldn't use my abilities outside of training or the house and no destructive abilities in the house. The last thing was that this couldn't come between my schooling but since Dad homeschooled me there wouldn't be conflict with my schedule anyway. However just because mom was satisfied with the conditions doesn't mean I was so I decided it was time for me to speak up.

"Hey what about what I want?"

This caused all the adults to look my way and Cap prompted me to continue on.

"I don't want to just train by myself I want special friends!"

Now I know that sounded childish but I said this for two reasons the first being that it made the adults laugh and it made them see me as a child not just some world ending warrior which dropped their guard just that much more. The second reason was that it would also have them think about bringing me other super kids I could convert to my side boom two birds one stone! After a round of laughter at my expense Cap was the one to answer my demand.

"Sure thing little guy your dad and I will work to find you some special friends but you have to work hard until then so you can lead and protect your friends ok?"

Wow he must have really taken what Thor said to heart because he's trying hard to push the leader stick on me. Regardless I nodded my head and smiled like a kid who just got promised a candy store, which in a way I guess I did.

~Flashback end~

(Present day Mc's room)

After I finished reminiscing about my interactions with the avengers and my father I heard a knock on my door. I knew who it was so I just told them to come in after I closed the hologram screens. In walked my mother the ever beautiful pepper pots she walked straight towards me and gave me a big hug why you ask well-

"Happy birthday Fabian your 10 now I guess you know what that means."

I nodded my head ;of course I knew what it meant we both did but mom seemed far less excited than I was. Granted she didn't want me to start actually training until I was 18 but since it would be to late by then and she had to keep her word so today is the day I start my upon my path to power!

We left the room after mom said a few more sentimental words, then she took my hand and started walking out of the front door as I was excitedly bouncing up and down. Looking around I saw nothing but our driveway and was confused at first that was until a quinjet uncloaked in front of me. The back ramp doors lowered revealing a white man with brown hair barely reaching 6' in height he had a slightly fat face that gave his smile a very Friendly and trustworthy vibe that was only complemented by his ice blue eyes.

As soon as I saw him I recognized this man as the famous Phil Coulson. He waved at us then motioned for us to board; when we got in the doors closed and we strapped in I got help from mom in that regard but once we got settled he signaled the pilot and we took off then he turned to us.

"So are you ready kid?"