
Marcy opens her eyes and sees the new room she lays in only reminding her how her life has changed. Aside from aunt Lisa Marcy didn't have anyone she was alone. Marcy sat up to the smell of coffee coming from the kitchen, she decided that meant it was time to get up for the day otherwise she would just sit in bed and cry all day. She walks over to the dresser and starts looking through her clothes for something to wear when she sees something out the window. Neighbors, there are new neighbors nextdoor the last time Marcy had been here 6 years ago that house had been empty. There was a house full from the looks of it she could see the backs of at least four different men and a you get woman about her age trying to climb ont to back of one of them. She could hear them laughing even through her window at least a football field away. She wondered if they were always so loud and happy. Watching them made her feel even more alone than she did when she woke up that morning. She knew in her heart she would not have that joy again. Marcy grabbed her clothes and headed for the bathroom.

Lisa could hear Marcy walk into the bathroom down the hall and decided it was a good idea to start some breakfast she had barley eaten in days. She walked over to the fridge and pulled out the eggs and liver mush then she turned on so music. Music always help Lisa get into her groove before work she had hoped it would help Marcy too. She knew Marcy planned to take her transcripts down to the school today since Lisa was heading back to work. As Lisa cooked she could hear the door down the hall open again. She just wanted to make Marcy feel some what normal again. She didn't feel normal herself loosing her sister and brother in-law and taking on a whole human being. She had only ever been a part time aunt other than that she was never responsible for anyone else. She frowned as she realized how alone she had been untill now always putting her work first, but that's what truly made her happy.

Lisa filled two cups of coffee and plated the food just as Marcy walked through the doorway smiling at the scene Lisa was making dancing around the kitchen while she cooked, cleaned and poored the coffee. Marcy watched her knowing she wasn't alone with her beautiful aunt by her side. "Back to work today, right?" Asked Marcy. Lisa nodded her head in response " yeah but I need to make sure they aren't burning the place down without me, and you need to get the transcripts turned in so you aren't stuck here with me for the rest of your life" said Lisa as she slid a set of keys across the table to Marcy. "They dropped off your car this morning so you won't have to worry about how to get around, and I added the house key on there for you too" Marcy smiles at the thought of being able to get around on her own now "thank you" she replied. "What are you cooking it smells good" Marcy asked. Lisa turned and grabbed two plates and sat them on the table "breakfast, you need to eat" she replied as she turned back to the counter to grab the coffees as well. "Thank you, again for everything" said Marcy. Lisa smiled as she sat beside her at the table and they finally ate an actual meal together.

After breakfast Lisa took her keys and kissed Marcy on the head "I love you" she yelled as she ran out the front door. Marcy looked around the house she was alone again. She walked over to the sink and washed the dishes that were left giving herself a pep talk about how she was gonna be fine. When she was done she turned off her aunt's music, she could still hear the neighbors nextdoor laughing together. "Must be nice" she said as she grabbed her keys and transcripts and walked out the door.

Marcy returned home to a dark empty house. Marcy knew that she would be alone most of the time since her aunt Lisa spends most of her time at work try to control everything. "Honey I'm home" Marcy called to the empty house. She even chuckled to herself knowing how rediculus she sounded. She headed to the kitchen sat her keys down as her stomach growled at her for skipping lunch. So she opened the fridge to see what was inside that she could throw together. Marcy was no cook like her aunt she could burn water. Something she got from her mother, not that you could tell looking at her love handles it clearly looked like Marcy never missed a meal a curse she got from her father's side of the family. Marcy grabbed a container with her name on it out of the fridge and opened it to find lasagna. Her aunt must have dropped it off on her lunch break knowing she wouldn't be home for dinner. Marcy popped it in the microwave and pulled out her phone while she waited . Her phone was flooded with pictures of her family and messages from everyone telling her how sorry they were.her eyes started to fill with tears the pain was to much. Marcy put the phone away just in time for the microwave to go off.