The wolf

Marcy grabbed her food from the microwave and headed to the den where she sat in the bay window looking out at the woods. She rembered being young and chasing around the fire flies and camping in the back yard with her aunt. There was always tons of wildlife out there and Marcy used to love it. But tonight the darkness stared back at her feeling cold and empty much like her heart felt now. Marcy finished the lasagna and set it down beside her as she saw something move in to the tree line grabbing Marcy's attention. She looked up but could no longer see anything moving. She focused on the darkness for a while and just as she was ready to give up on her search for whatever was out there she saw it again. This time she saw eyes that appeared to be looking back at her from the trees. This was no deer Marcy knew that for a fact, they eyes were a bright emerald green and appears much to large and far apart. The eyes grew bigger and closer and Marcy was sure now that it was looking right back at her. It felt like those piercing green eyes were looking straight into her soul.

Marcy was sure the creature was now right in the middle of her back yard. Marcy was so drawn into those eyes and was unsure of what she made a connection with. The creature was large for sure, and it again stepped closer. Marcy crossed her legs and placed her head against the window and watched as the creature creeped closer to the light of the full moon. She could practically feel herself holding her breath. Leave it to her to connect to some beast in the back yard of all things when she had shut everyone else out. She could now hear her heart beating in her chest, she wasn't afraid but excited. Before she knew it her hand was on the glass of the window in anticipation of the final step the creature would take before it would show itself to her.

The light shined down on it now she could see exactly what she was looking at. Those emerald green eyes that pierced her soul were in the middle of slick black fur that danced in the moonlight. Ears that stood straight up alert and almost confused. The body was massive, bigger than any animal she had ever seen and even through the fur Marcy could see every muscle on its body. It's tail started to swish back and forth almost in a playful manner as they staired into each other's eyes. Marcy could feel herself smiling and wasn't sure why but she knew that the beast made her heart fill with unexplainable joy. Clearly by size alone Marcy knew this was no dog and due to its sheer size she should have been afraid but she wasn't. It was a wolf, Marcy had spent many of nights camped in that very hard not far from where the wolf stood and had never seen or heard anything like it. Just then her trance was broken by howling, lots of howling there had to be at least five more out there Marcy thought. Marcy's attention brought back to the wolf now as she watched him look back at the woods she could tell he was reluctant to go but he turned back to Marcy and looked into her one last time almost as if he was saying good bye before he ran back into the darkness. Marcy sat in awe unsure of what had actually happened and unable to forget the emerald green eyes. Marcy thinks about all the wolves she heard surely calling him back to the group. They must be a family she thought much like the family she no longer had, this thought made Marcy's heart ache