
Marcy wakes up on the couch where she must have waited all night to see if her new friend would return, and never did. She sits up and can smell the coffee from the kitchen and hear her aunt shuffling around in there. So Marcy picks herself up of the couch and with a new found pep walks into the kitch with a smile. In the kitchen she finds Lisa already poring her coffee with out looking up from her phone. "Sorry I was late last night, how did you sleep?" Asks Lisa. "Great actually...since when are there wolves around here?" Asked Marcy as she took the cup from her aunt's hand. Lisa finally looked up from her phone to look at Marcy surprised to find her smiling. Lisa smiled and answered " well they were reported a few years ago I have never seen one though why? Did you"? Marcy nodded her head and smiled as she slipped her coffee she couldn't explain why but looking into the wolfs emerald eyes changed something within her. "Hmm, I always assumed they were just big dogs" Lisa said as she chuckled and grabbed her purse. "I'll be late again tonight, clearly I can't take any time off they have the orders backed up and my whole kitchen is a mess.... I love you" Lisa said as she walked out the door again. And just like that Marcy was alone again.

Marcy decided to go finish her coffee on the back porch we're she could look at the no longer dark woods. She found herself staring where the wolf had been the night before. Marcy jumped almost spilling her coffee as a slam came from the neighboring house. Marcy looked up to find the girl she had seen yesterday morning jogging down the back steps and straight twords her. "Hey, I've never seen you before I'm Max" said the small girl as she reached Marcy on the back porch. Marcy waved and said " I'm Marcy". Max must have taken this as an invitation because next thing Marcy knew Max was sitting next to her on the porch chatting about how she doesn't have many friends and school. Marcy still taken aback by the girls energy asked "how long have you lived there?" Pointing at the neighboring house. Max grinned clearly pleased that Marcy had decided to engage in the conversation, "we have been here for almost 5 years now we moved in right before my sixteenth birthday, and I'm twenty one now" she replied as if she were writing an autobiography. This made Marcy laugh, realizing she was ranting Max laughed as well. "Sorry" max blurted out mid laugh. Marcy shook her head laughing and said "it's fine."

While shaking her head Marcy notices another figure on the back porch one of maxes house. It was clearly a man maybe one of the men that she saw yesterday. He was very clearly watching them. Marcy could feel him fallowing her with his green eyes. He was quite attractive with his shaggy black hair and large build. He looked like he probably played sports or worked out on a very regular basis. "That's just Ian, my brother" said Max. Marcy could feel herself flush at being caught looking for so long. Marcy nodded looking not sure what to say and being embarrassed being caught. "It's fine, I only knew you were out here bc he was looking at you too" she laughed. Almost as if Ian had been caught too he ducked back inside slamming the door behind him.this resulted in Max giggling uncontrollably. Max was definitely unique and her energy could not be matched. She seemed so carefree and open, definitely very honest. Marcy found that refreshing. So the two sat on that back porch talking and giggling like old friends for over and hour.

Maxs phone rang and she quickly pulled it out of her pocket rolled her eyes and silenced the phone while she carried on the conversation. Marcy noticed and decided against saying anything. She was just glad to have a new friend. "Maaaaxx" Ian said from right beside the girls on the other side of the Marcys porch, making them both jump.