A Maggot [3]

"That vile woman!" Fulgran seethed, venting his anger by wrecking everything in his room. He overturned his table, sending glass decorations crashing to the floor.

Outside his room, the maids and servants were startled by the commotion, their eyes wide as they listened to the young master's furious outburst. They remained silent, waiting for any instructions.

Shortly after, a middle-aged man with a slightly paunchy build approached, inquiring about the situation from one of the maids who greeted him respectfully.

"What's wrong with the young master? Why is he so furious?" he asked.

"I'm not sure, sir. He returned from the lower district like this. Please forgive me," the maid replied with a bow.

The man nodded, sighing before knocking on Fulgran's door.

'Lower district? Is it about the woman he was obsessing over? Did he finally approach her, only to face rejection and lose control? How pathetic. However, I can turn this to my advantage and gain favor with the young master. He's a special kind of fool, after all.'

"What! I already told you, leave me alone!" Fulgran's voice echoed from behind the closed door.

"Master Fulgran, it's Johnass."

"Johnass? My father's former secretary?"

Indeed, Johnass had once held the position of secretary to Fulgran's father but had since been demoted to head butler. Despite his high-ranking role, Johnass was dissatisfied and saw an opportunity in aligning himself with Fulgran, who was soon to inherit power.

"Yes, Young Master Fulgran. Could you please open the door?" Johnass requested politely.

"No! I refuse to open the door! Just go away!"

Disheartened, Johnass sighed and walked away from the door.

'The young master remains as stubborn as ever. However, I can use this situation to gain favor with the master by offering my assistance. Dealing with some women from the lower district shouldn't be too difficult. If the young master desires revenge, I can help orchestrate it.'

With a sly smile, Johnass headed towards the master's chamber, only to find it empty upon arrival. He sighed once more, considering his options.

'Maybe the mistress could intervene. If not, I'll have to wait for the master's return.'

Johnass was about to step away from the master's door when the current secretary appeared.

"Ah, Senior Johnass, what brings you to the master's door?" The young secretary in his mid-20s, half Johnass's age, wore glasses and sported impeccably groomed hair.

"It's nothing concerning you, sir. I'm here to deliver a report to the master, so please don't interfere with my duties," Johnass replied curtly.

"I understand. You're the head butler now, though your appearance suggests otherwise," the secretary remarked with a hint of mockery.

Johnass clenched his fists in frustration at the secretary's taunt. However, he restrained himself, resisting the urge to confront the younger man physically.

"That's none of your concern," Johnass retorted, his tone tinged with irritation.


Johnass spoke to a man in his 40s, expressing his concern for Fulgran.

"I worry about the young master... Perhaps we should take action to improve his mood," Johnass suggested.

The man sighed and replied, "What do you propose? Should I listen to Fulgran's complaints? Do what you must. I care little for that girl's family, as long as our family's reputation remains untarnished."

Johnass couldn't hide his delight at the master's words. He saw this as an opportunity to gain favor once again. However, he also hoped that this incident would pave the way for further advancement.

"Master, if I succeed, may I make a request?" Johnass inquired.

The master asked, "What is it?"

"I would like to become the young master's secretary, with your permission," Johnass requested.

After a brief pause, the master looked at Johnass from the shadows and smiled. "Certainly, you may. But remember, it's not solely my decision. Prove yourself to Fulgran and earn his approval."

Johnass bowed gratefully, saying, "Thank you, Master, for your renewed trust in me."

The master dismissed Johnass with a click of his tongue and a wave of his hand.

"You may go now," he said curtly.

Johnass bowed once more and exited the room. On his way, he crossed paths with the secretary, exchanging a knowing glance before continuing to Fulgran's chamber. The earlier commotion had subsided, replaced by an eerie quiet.

Sensing an opportune moment, Johnass approached Fulgran's door and knocked.

"Young master, I have a proposal to help ease your frustration. Would you care to hear it?" Johnass called out.

There was a moment of silence before the door creaked open, revealing Fulgran's somber expression.

"What do you have in mind?" Fulgran inquired, his tone wary.

"May I enter to discuss it?" Johnass requested.

"Come in."

As Johnass entered, he observed Fulgran seated on his bed, eyes fixed on him expectantly.

"What is your idea?" Fulgran prompted once more.

Johnass cleared his throat, gathering his thoughts before presenting his plan, aiming to capture Fulgran's attention and approval.

"Do you believe it's wise to let them off the hook? The master has granted me the authority to take action against that woman, and I'm only waiting for your signal."

Fulgran remained quiet, pondering for a moment, prompting Johnass to continue.

"We can inflict suffering upon them. They lack what we possess, and causing her family hardship will make her rue her actions. When she eventually comes pleading to you, you'll have the upper hand."

A sly grin crept onto Fulgran's face, indicating his intrigue with the idea.

"I quite fancy that notion. That woman has crossed a line, and her looks won't shield her from consequences. There are countless others who would appreciate me for what I have," Fulgran remarked thoughtfully.

"Indeed, young master. Don't let that woman's actions trouble you. She'll soon realize the gravity of her choices."