Preparations [1]

Raymond wrapped up his usual daily activities and returned home, instantly noticing the somber atmosphere clinging to his mother. Sensing her distress, he inquired about the cause, his jaw tensing as he absorbed her words.

"At the market today, no one wanted to sell me their goods. I can't fathom why, but it feels like there's something shady happening behind my back," she confided, her concern evident.

Raymond had a hunch about what was going on, suspecting that Rowena might be aware as well but hesitant to acknowledge it outright.

"Mom, let me handle the shopping today. Since I'm not a regular there, they might not recognize me as your son," Raymond proposed, his tone determined.

His mother hesitated briefly before conceding, her weariness palpable. "Alright. Here's the list. I'm sorry for burdening you with this, Raymond. You've already had a long day."

"It's no trouble, Mom. I'll take care of it," Raymond reassured her before setting off to the marketplace. Fortunately, he encountered no obstacles in acquiring the needed ingredients. Upon his return, he left his mother to prepare dinner.

As Raymond observed the seamless transaction at the market, he couldn't shake the feeling that this was all orchestrated by Fulgran's family. While he didn't know the specifics, his memories hinted at potential maneuvers they might employ.

In his room, Raymond pondered the recent events.

"I anticipated this move. They've tarnished Mother's reputation in the market, ensuring vendors won't sell to her," he mused aloud.

"It's a predictable tactic. They want us to struggle for a few days, to feel the sting of their actions before they escalate. But their strategy is transparent. It's not a swift retaliation; they aim to inflict prolonged suffering."

He leaned back, contemplating their next moves.

"It's not disastrous yet. I can manage the shopping myself. But they're waiting to see if we'll uncover their plot and retaliate. If they realize we're still standing, they'll target another aspect of our livelihood. But what?"

He ran through scenarios in his mind.

"One possibility is they disrupt our fertilizer supply. It won't happen instantly; it's a complex process. They'll dismantle the infrastructure systematically."

"Another likely move is to curtail Father's hunting activities, forcing him into farming. But I'm not ready to reveal my full capabilities to those in power. I need to catch the eye of a specific individual before showing my hand."

Raymond grappled with his main challenge: locating that elusive person. In his recollections, their encounter was serendipitous, occurring after the awakening ceremony. However, with nearly a year until the ceremony and an urgent need for a solution, he couldn't afford to wait.

"The crux of the matter... I lack the means to reach someone from the upper district," Raymond muttered, frustration edging his tone.

Yet, a glimmer of insight emerged. "While I know his name, navigating directly to him eludes me. I must forge my own path."

He realized his only option was gradual exposure of his talents. If he could connect with a benevolent and influential figure, it would be a powerful asset in his struggle.

Despite the stakes for his family, Raymond remained composed. He had strategies to counter their adversaries.

He envisioned elevating his family's status in the village, proving his genius. However, sudden ascent might lead to losing control over his allegiances, a dangerous gamble.

Being from a lower family, rejecting an upper family's offer risked offense, even if the repercussions were uncertain.

"At the upcoming event, timing will be crucial. I'll subtly draw some attention, setting the stage for what's to come."

Recruitment held significance, and the network people suggested would yield mutual benefits. Raymond contemplated a strategy: clandestinely ascending the social hierarchy by aligning with a senior from the hunting group, who could facilitate an introduction to a higher-ranking individual. This plan seemed viable, though external factors might alter the equation.

"Next step... I need to ensure Father's smooth transition back to the farm. As I'm not officially part of the hunting group, I can evade any attempts to curtail my participation in their activities."


The next morning, what Raymond had speculated had already happened. His father was restricted from joining the hunting group, and now Raymond had to practice on his own without his father.

But even still, the flow of his prediction was going smoothly. It wasn't still uncontrollable, and he still had more time to prepare. While those vermin continued to play with their lives, Raymond would slowly create the weapon to defeat them.

"Wow... look at them becoming serious..." Raymond mumbled as he sat on his bench, looking at the practice of some newly awakened teenagers.

Raymond's eyes ventured into the area and searched for a particular person. The person he was looking for was apparently the most liked leader of a group, and he was also familiar with him since he was part of his memory.

He was the hunting practice teacher, Sir Hones.

"There you are..." Raymond muttered as soon as he saw Sir Hones.

Without wasting more time, when they took a break, Raymond started executing his plan to meet this person, but before he could, a senior of his called him for some help.

He was near to calling Sir Hones, but he couldn't decline the senior's request.

"Okay, I will just approach him later..." Raymond decided and helped the senior lift some of the monsters' carcasses.

"Wait... Why was this so heavy!" Raymond complained as he lifted the carcasses and had his balance unstable for a few seconds.

"I am sorry, my junior, but mine is heavy too. Just keep on doing that. I will help you later after this."

Raymond nodded and tried to move with the heavyweight he was lifting, but unexpectedly, someone helped him lift the carcasses.

"Hey, kid, are you okay?"

Raymond hadn't expected it. Just when he decided to let himself off, that would also be the time when he would approach him by himself.

'Sir Hones...'