The News [2]

"First, I will tell you why I decided to hide my early signs of Talent." Raymond initiated, then continued, "Because I wanted to surprise you with it. However, by the time I was about to tell you about it, the issue had happened with the verminous Fulgran."

Rebecca almost laughed at Raymond's description of Fulgran.

However, it wasn't the bottom line of what Raymond was thinking. Is this right? Should he just tell a lie to his family just to cover the system and his reincarnation?

He has no other idea of what to do. After all, he doesn't know how his family could possibly react to it. It could be one of two things: they'll either accept him or they'll be agitated by his presence. He wasn't sure of the chances of the two of them, which of the two of them would be more dominant in making it happen.

But this could also be the only way to speak to his family. This isn't a heavy lie; he could replace and reflect on it in the future. After all, he had wanted his family to have a good life before he chased his dream of becoming the top of the chain.

"So I decided not to tell you because it wouldn't be very exciting. So I waited. However, an idea came into my mind. What if I use this as a card to get some backers? Fulgran was using his family to trample us, so what can I do to defend our family?"

Raymond continued explaining things to his family until he got to the point where he found a backer. However, he didn't share the process, and who has been his backer since it would be suspicious and he didn't want to give his family any hints. So, he only posed it as a secret.

"And once I had a backer, I promised that once I turned 17, I would work for that person." Raymond finished his explanation, giving them time to ask questions.

"Raymond, aren't you exhausted from doing things for our family? I mean, wasn't it my fault that you had to worry about that?"

It was Rebecca who asked that, and as he was contemplating what she had just said, he had a slight idea of what she was feeling. She might be feeling a little by now because of his feats.

However, even if he wanted to comfort his sister, the time wouldn't be the right time since it would put her in humiliation. Even with words, if her idea is fixated on proving herself instead of causing problems, it will be useless.

"It is okay, Sis. If it is for our family, no matter what the reason behind it, I will help our family." Raymond said. He could be just a responsible member of the family. Not as the bragging second child that is common in some families, but as one of the responsible male siblings.

"Raymond, what would we do now? Do you have any idea what next we should do since we have been overwhelmed with the changes?" Rudy asked.

"Well, father, we could just live like before. Doing our routines but slightly, we don't have to worry about the maintenance of our house and the location since it is already given to us." Raymond uttered, then continued.

"We don't have to worry about our payments since we have an allowance. Also, we won't have to worry about the source of our food since we live in the middle district, where our right to buy anything won't be questioned anymore."

Raymond knew that it was contrary to the orders of the village to lessen some rights of the inhabitants of the middle district. If the people in the lower district have fewer rights, the people in the middle district have complete rights.

So, if Fulgran's family tries to use their power to torment his family, they will have a hard time since they won't be able to control the regulations in the middle district since they don't obey any of the people that live in the higher district.

"Raymond, what I can only say is thank you," Rowena said, emotionally.

"Mom, you don't have to. It is for the family, and you are my family."


The night had come and the crickets had started their nightly song. Raymond was still up, thinking of how to comfort his sister. He truly knows how she feels, and she doesn't want to unintentionally make her feel small.

So, Raymond decided to get out of his room and went outside Rebecca's room. He then knocked on her door and waited for her to open it.

Behind the door, Rebecca was confused, thus making her curious and opening the door.

"Raymond? What are you doing here at this time?" Rebecca naturally asked.

"Can I go inside?" Raymond politely asked.

Rebecca, being curious about what Raymond's purpose was for his visit, let him in. "Sure."

When Raymond entered her room, she could only get her head tilt as she was oblivious to Raymond's purpose. So, when he got himself seated on her bed, she then started asking.

"So, what's bothering you to come here?"

Raymond looked at Rebecca with worried eyes and then let out a sigh. "I noticed your actions earlier. Did my actions perhaps cause you to feel small?"

Raymond asked her in a slightly rushed manner. However, he just didn't know how to start this conversation as he wasn't certain what kind of reaction Rebecca would have. Therefore, rather than dragging the topic, he asked her straightly.

Rebecca was silent. She didn't reply. She was surprised, actually, that she didn't expect Raymond to ask that kind of question. Was it because she thought that Raymond should act like a kid? However, she remembered Raymond did all for their family and stopped acting childish when he was 13.

Did she perhaps forget that, or did she merely ignore it because of her ego and pride as the eldest child? She is already 17 years old, yet she doesn't have any achievements to be proud of.

"Nah... Instead of feeling small, I should be proud of you," she said gently.

Raymond smiled after hearing that. But what he didn't know was it was only a lie. Rebecca didn't say that genuinely, she only said that to make Raymond think of it as nothing. After all, she is the eldest, so if she can't help, she should not bother them.

"You really know it wasn't your fault. It was that verminous fault that we suffered for a few days."

"Why are you always calling him verminous?"

"Well, wasn't he one?" Raymond chuckled gleefully.