Reputation [2]

Everyone went to their seats and left Raymond's place as their teacher went in front of the class and introduced himself.

"I am Kian Waymoore. I am your adviser and also your main teacher in any subject. There will be just a few adjustments in the future with the other subjects, but for the whole year, we will be together." Kian stated in a monotonous tone, which made the intensity of his aura that much higher.

Kian proceeded with taking chalk from the table and drawing something on the chalkboard.

"First, what you need to learn is what Talent is. It is the most important thing that an awakened person must know. So listen attentively. Talent is crucial. It is the life of an awakened person."

"Talents have different types. There were some that were already discovered, but there were some that remained a mystery. For starters, E-grade has the highest similarities with others. Some were for lifestyle, some were for combat, some were for healthcare, and other varieties. But what is important in this lesson is that you know what your Talents are. "

"Talents are the blessings accompanied by your profile and status. And Talents, for an awakened person, it is a way of life."

"Take, for example, if you have a Talent in gardening, you can hasten the process in your gardening. Plenty of possibilities are present, but what you must stick in your mind is that Talents are not passive. It is only an indicator of which path you are good at."

Kian continued to take his students' attention. In the front row of the chairs, Raymond was not listening even a little bit. Instead, Raymond was just sleeping tightly, and that almost had Kian's nerve.

Kian stopped talking and had his hands on his waist. He then faced Raymond, intently looking at him with his deep eyes.

"Mister Raymond." He called, but no answer or reaction came from Raymond.

Kian waited for a few seconds, but as Raymond remained unbothered, he just let it pass and then faced the chalkboard again. And after this small scene, some of the students couldn't help but talk about what had just happened.

"Hey, don't you think that Raymond is being a little arrogant? He is not listening."

"Well, I can see that. But maybe he already knew the lesson. He might have studied all night and couldn't help but sleep in the class. There are numerous reasons; do you need to tell me that he is arrogant?"

"Dude, I am just saying what I can see. I am not being dramatic like you."

"Sorry about that. Let's just continue listening to the teacher."

Kian let out a sigh as he looked at his class in the corner of his eyes. He glanced at Raymond, but he still had no reaction. After that, he continued teaching them.

"Talents are not passive, but they can improve our latent skills in the related field. But, to draw the best potential you have with the Talent, you need a Skill."

Kian emphasized the word "Skill" as he drew the symbol of Skill from the profile card.

"We will tackle that another time, but for now, we will have a short recitation. Who would like to go first?"

Kian remained silent, looking at his class with bored eyes. Even though his words contained attentive words, his expression was different from his words. He was bored and uninterested in his class, but deep inside, he was willing to teach them wholeheartedly.

"Those who want to go first will have performance points on their card."

Just after Kian said it, Raymond's ears as if twitched from what he heard. He immediately raised his hand, and eventually lifted his body and opened his eyes.

Everyone also stared at him because he had just raised his hands out of nowhere. And after being lost in his words, Kian nodded and smiled, but on the outside, his lips were twitching as if he had been insulted.

When the students noticed it, they couldn't help but comment on it again. They whispered to their seatmate and talked about it.

"Hey, don't you think the teacher is starting to dislike Raymond? He appeared to be mocking him. He didn't listen; he dared to raise his hands."

"Here you are again with your lack of content observation. Maybe the teacher was just smirking and stopping himself along the way. There are plenty of possibilities, but you sounded like you wanted to damage Raymond's reputation by making his personality trash to others. Is that a product of jealousy?"

"Hey, I am not jealous. I am just being observant. You already know that my Talent is [observation], so, my Talent is just acting up."

"Yeah, yeah... Point taken."

Kian became interested in Raymond because he already had a question in his mind.

"I see... Mister Raymond wants to go first. Are you ready to answer my question? Can you even answer my question?"

"Yes, of course," Raymond said in his toneless voice.

"I see... Can you tell me why a Talent is an awakened person's way of life?"

Raymond didn't answer immediately, and the silence around him grew. With the silence, everyone noticed that Raymond didn't look like he was confident in himself. They were about to comment on his actions, but before they could, he spoke.

"Talents are said to be an awakened person's way of life because it is part of themselves and their life should be centered around it. Neglecting it is just throwing your coins in the river."

Kian became speechless after that answer. He didn't expect that Raymond would be some kind of student that would answer indirectly the question. His answer didn't sound right, but it was correct.

Kian stated, "Talents are awakened people's ways of life because it is to their advantage to be different than normal humans."

'It was the known answer and common sense, but what Raymond had answered wasn't wrong. It is indeed part of life, hence, having it should have your life around it as well. Neglecting that advantage is just wasting money by throwing it onto the river.'

Kian gulped and smiled after it.

"You are right about that as well, Mister Raymond. Now, for the next question, are you willing to answer my question again, or will we have another one?"

Raymond darted spiritless eyes and said, "Is that the official question or are you just casually asking me?"